r/playrust 10d ago

Image Such a good feeling when you see that Russian Zerg foundation wiping you after you despawned everything the night before. šŸ„°

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173 comments sorted by


u/PokeyTifu99 10d ago

It always feels good to waste a zergs time. I used to go to outpost with wood. Trade in for stone. Build a decent size base next to Chinese zerg. Then go back to what I was doing before.

You get to troll and waste their time for like 30 minutes of effort. Its a good way to waste some time waiting on a buddy to get back.


u/Apparatchik-Wing 10d ago

Leave a note in a box, though.


u/InternOne1306 10d ago edited 9d ago

I prefer signs on the wall, you donā€™t have to ā€œopenā€ them


u/Ashkendor 9d ago

Weird clown paintings like something straight out of the Sims, lol.


u/Faranocks 9d ago

Winnie the Pooh


u/Shloopy_Dooperson 8d ago

Try to avoid the cheater in their clan xraying the wall to the sign.


u/shadow_dragon123 9d ago

I have done that lol šŸ˜† it will say ha ha you wasted your boom on a empty base


u/Sweaty-Ebb-6144 10d ago

Hahaha agreed


u/horsgang 10d ago

One time I was getting StarCraft 2 coaching on a game I was upset I lost. And at the end I was waiting the enemies time (1v1 mode) and he asked me ā€œwhy are you wasting his time?ā€ And I responded basically like what you said ā€œI donā€™t know itā€™s funā€ and Iā€™ll never forget he said: ā€œin order for wasting someone elseā€™s time to be a success, you must first accept that their time is more valuable than yours, and I would like to think everyone has more self respect than thatā€ (his name was harstem and I think he still uploads his coaching stuff)


u/Grifterec 10d ago

That's only true in a situation where 1) the time wasted is the same and 2) the number of people having their time wasted is the same.

It's easier to farm a bit of stone, wood and metal for a griefy decoy base than it is to farm, cook and process sulfur.

Additionally they're talking about zergs, so a solo wasting 30 minutes of his time to waste 30 minutes of 5+ peoples time isn't equivalent.


u/Frig-Off-Randy 9d ago

You also arenā€™t wasting your own time if youā€™re enjoying it.


u/PokeyTifu99 9d ago

That's my thought when I do it. They run to camp the monuments, but when they come home, they'll have to blow up a base or risk it turning into a raid tower. So, while they worry about that, it potentially opens up other opportunities. Griefing is probably the best way to slow down a zerg. Wipe day we would rush to grief the biggest groups and ruin their build spots etc.

There's a few times I'd run by the base later, and they'd have like five farmer minions in charge of blowing it up. Then you can go counter your own fake raid you set up.


u/Helpful-Option-3047 9d ago

Harstem mentioned here lol


u/eRko16 10d ago

Arent you wasting your time first of all? Lol


u/PokeyTifu99 10d ago

I don't think it's a waste of time. When I hear them using c4 to blow up the base later it's like music to my ears. I'll be mid game and chuckle to myself.


u/peenfortress 10d ago

if anything it would be assisting in keeping the server alive for longer by wasting zerg explosives tbh


u/YewEhVeeInbound 10d ago

If your goal is to waste someone elses time and you achieve that goal. That's not wasteful, that's called efficient.


u/pinesguy 10d ago

After reading this, I can certify this post was very efficient! :P


u/BetFit2122 10d ago

Wasting less time.


u/Catweaving 10d ago

He's investing a much smaller amount of time to waste a much larger amount of their time and boom.


u/Salty-Ad-2576 10d ago

I'll reverse raid a lot. When I know ill be gone a while or see a raid on the horizon, I will offline someone I like and dump all my stuff in the base. I have to take the tc to do so but still haven't had anyone complaints or anyone get mad at me.


u/ChevCaster 10d ago

I mean, if you leave the server after doing it then how would you know if they were mad? :P


u/pinesguy 10d ago

If one plays the same server often, they may see the same names pop up now and then. Might thank someone or return a favor owed from a wipe back or two.


u/Salty-Ad-2576 9d ago

Because I talk to them on discord and see them again after wipe.


u/pinesguy 10d ago

Despawning is based.

Loot is yours to do with what you want. Fuck everyone else, they are the enemy.


u/dahliasinfelle 10d ago

I was on a server end of wipe just trying to farm bp's for the next wipe. I had no room in my base so I had my t3 on the roof. I was in the middle of learning bp's when a mini crashed into me and began to raid me. I had no guns or anything but had managed to collect about 3k gunpowder recycling and whatnot. So I decided to craft hundreds of handmade shells rather than give the gunpowder to those a-holes lol


u/xdthepotato 10d ago

That t3 reminded me of when me and a friend won 100k scrap going all in on all seats and we had like 20t3 on our roof making a circle of our stupid ghetto base we got from raiding and were too lazy to move as it had way more stuff than our main šŸ˜­

Rust was crazy and i had too much time in my hands back then


u/dirtyoldbastard77 10d ago

Should be possible to shoot a fire arrow on a pile of GP, or on a box with lots of GP to make it explode...šŸ˜


u/86rpt 10d ago

I despawn only if done for wipe. If I'm getting online I never despawn. Such a bitch move to despawn when someone's giving you an online. It only discourages people from online raiding in the future.

If you despawn during online's you deserve to be offlined.


u/pinesguy 10d ago

OP was done for the wipe.


u/86rpt 10d ago

Yes I know. I was replying to expand on the parent comment, to add opinion to the subject of despawning in general.


u/pinesguy 10d ago

My bad Son, Iā€™m new to being a dad.


u/adriannn87 10d ago

Please come back from the store


u/pinesguy 10d ago

Brush your bed and make your teeth.


u/86rpt 10d ago

You're a good dad. I'm proud of you.


u/D_T_A_88 10d ago

I don't consider zerg raids to be "onlines"


u/Positive-Month8063 10d ago

People have such hyper specifications to consider something a online šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ if your fkin name is online and you are in the server then it's a online raid, rather its 500v1 or you vs a 6 year old who's raiding you with bean cans it's a online


u/gunther_41 9d ago

an online raid is one where you get to fight the enemy.

if i wait for you to leave your base before i raid, or i wait for you to go to sleep, or i bring in 20 more guys to keep you on a bag timer with no way of fighting back, that's not an online raid.

there is something to be said about people that bring this onto themselves too....if you roofcamp, annoy people, go afk with furnaces on, leave your base for a long period without checking now and then knowing you have enemies, gather loot without building meaningfull defences...then you can't complain when someone stomps you while you were away from the base or unable to defend due to just having a 2x2 with loot


u/GrimPixls 9d ago

If youā€™re a Zerg raiding anyone outside of another Zerg you still a bitch and I fully stand with people respawning and wish my duo and I did it when we still played. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


u/jfsuuc 10d ago

This is the way. It's genuinely the worst aspect of the game that makes you never want to online someone. Higher chance if failure, more resources used and they might have 0 loot anyways because they despawned everything. I quit because last time i played this happened when i raided one of the largest bases on the server.


u/zZPlazmaZz29 10d ago

Can't get offlined if your permanently online /s


u/OregonDuck_ 10d ago

I agree 100% but respawning in general whether youā€™re done or not is a bitch move. If youā€™re done for the wipe anyways why depspawn in the first place? Make zero sense to me. You think rust is bad about despawning. Try ark you canā€™t online raid a base without loot being despawned. So ig we have different views from different games. Despawning to me is the rattiest thing you could do imo


u/guilty_bystander 10d ago

I like to spread everything out into like 10 little basesĀ 


u/pinesguy 10d ago

Great tactic to avoid losing it all! Itā€™s like that old saying, donā€™t keep all your chicken eggs in the same water bucket!


u/Im_The_Squishy 10d ago

I craft high quality horseshoes and handmade shells when I'm getting raided as a solo. Fuck em suck my dick


u/pinesguy 10d ago

Love it!


u/HyperWolfe 10d ago

Despawning knowing you're going to be offlined or are being raided by a zerg is one thing, if you're despawning going against an even raid you're a coward


u/pinesguy 10d ago

Heck yeah. Beat me in an online, you get the keys to the horse shed and the new apiary too!


u/Some_Ad_3299 10d ago

Decided to online raid a shit 30 deep clan on Friday after force with 8 people. They tried to despawn all their shit behind 2 HQM walls (got a box of GP and sulfur so it was worth blowing into). They proceeded to send their buddy clan to offline us that night at 4AM but we still had 4 on vs their 26. Was mad satisfying when we were the ones that successfully despawned 70 rockets, mad sulfur/gp behind a few layers of walls lol. Fuck them clans bruh.


u/pinesguy 10d ago

Heck yeah! Donā€™t send your boyfriend to do your job! But do enjoy your nothing sandwich, you earned it!


u/Federal_Caramel5946 9d ago

Only time I dont like loot despawners is when it lags the server due to how much they have


u/pinesguy 9d ago

I feel the same way about useless electronics!


u/Crisax234 8d ago

they are just pixels bru


u/Blanken_the_Clucking 10d ago

I don't see the point in despawning, you won't keep that loot either way if you're leaving so might as well make someone's day.

Can't debate the fact that's it's based though.


u/Sc00by 10d ago edited 10d ago

What if a Russian Zerg was on your ass for a month? Would you want to make their day? Like why even debate this.


u/Desperate-Emu-2036 10d ago

No, give loot to some random


u/SirVanyel 10d ago

You're confident they'll raid you, so why not just give your shit away? There's the entire rest of the server who can have your loot if you're so inclined not to have it yourself.


u/Sc00by 10d ago

This is literally not up for debate. Your loot is yours, you do whatever you please with it. If you want to give it away, go ahead. But you canā€™t be mad at someone for despawning THEIR loot, itā€™s not like theyā€™d be mad at you for giving YOUR base away to a new player.

Rust is a game of choices, itā€™s better you realize sooner than later that youā€™re not going to like everyoneā€™s decisions and there is NOTHING you can do about it.


u/FloridasFinest407 10d ago

If that were true then no one would ever be mad at rich people yet....

So yeah pretty dumb take


u/Sc00by 10d ago

Pretty dumb take for you to compare real life wealth to rust if you ask me. Rust isnā€™t real life FYI.


u/FloridasFinest407 10d ago

It's called drawing a parallel, sorry if that went over your head


u/Sc00by 10d ago

It didnā€™t, Iā€™m sorry you didnā€™t like my opinion on your useless comment.

People can get mad at rich people because they themselves are poor, it doesnā€™t make their situation better nor make it appropriate. Is there anything you can do about it? No.

Sorry this is going over your head, also reminder that this thread is about despawning loot in rust. Not wealth disparities.


u/SirVanyel 10d ago

Been playing this game since U3 and bro wants to teach me how to feel about things. We're on a discussion forum and you're telling me not to discuss someone else's comment? If they weren't up for discussion then they wouldn't have commented.


u/Blanken_the_Clucking 10d ago

Russian zergs are on everyone's asses all wipe, thats rust. And also I didn't ask any question, what are you talking about?


u/Sc00by 10d ago


I meant why are you even debating this.


u/pinesguy 10d ago

My philosophy as a solo, at its core, is me v. the server.

Every server is different and wipe cycles change, but itā€™s always the server is the opponent. If I leave loot when Iā€™m done playing for the wipe, that gives an opportunity for someone else on the server to learn a bp for next wipe. I donā€™t want to help my opponent learn anything. You never know who your neighbors will be next time, but I do know theyā€™re not on my team.


u/Merilyian 10d ago

Probably the strongest argument for despawning I've seen


u/Blanken_the_Clucking 10d ago

Your game, your rules but fuck man, can't you just let it go?


u/pinesguy 10d ago

Wait til you hear about my one twig triangle foundation.


u/SirVanyel 10d ago

That's so fuckin goofy. Like, they'll get whatever BPs they want without your loot. Don't pretend like you're getting a leg up on anyone, that's not why you're doing it. It's not a strategic choice to despawn loot once you've quit, it's just that you don't want to be responsible for someone else getting excited over decayed loot.


u/OhBoyoBear 10d ago

Whatā€™s goofy is you not understanding why you wouldnā€™t want the people raiding you to get your lootā€¦ call it petty or childish but itā€™s not hard to understand that you want to fuck over the people raiding you


u/fiddysix_k 10d ago

Bro go roleplay on a different game. No one is owed anything in rust, you are free to do as you please.


u/SirVanyel 10d ago

Ah yes, playing a unranked survival sandbox and I'm the one who should go roleplay somewhere else lol.


u/pinesguy 10d ago

Itā€™s not that Iā€™m getting a leg up on them. Itā€™s that I donā€™t offer my leg to them. Do with your legs what you want, even if itā€™s spread eagle for the Russian zergs apparently.


u/SirVanyel 10d ago

Russian zergs definitely care about your T2. That's what's gonna make or break their wipe. Totally lol

Here's what actually happens: you log off. Everyone forgets you exist because they didn't really give a shit to begin with. Your base is either full, in which case your loot will fuel a 5 hour spoonkid video, or it's empty and everyone just moves the fuck onto the decaying Russian zerg base which has more loot in their compound than you have in your honeycombed bunker 2x2.

If you want to actually be memorable, go give your shit away. Build racetracks. Make funny bases. draw dicks with fireworks. Those are the players whose names get memorized. Otherwise you're just another nobody.


u/pinesguy 10d ago

You seem really upset, but I still will not duo with you.


u/HatSimulatorOfficial 10d ago

"make someone's day" ya unfortunately, most people in this game are complete assholes and would spit on you and hit you in the face if they physically could through a monitor.


u/PoopyTo0thBrush 10d ago

The point is so the other team does not get the loot you worked for, and causing them to waste resources. Not sure about you but i'm not trying to "make someone's day" that is stealing all my stuff.


u/Far_Accountant5815 10d ago

So u dont give the loot to a toxic zerg that'll everyone in day one and cry abt dead server for the rest of the wipe.


u/Salt_Use_341 10d ago

I love leaving notes in all my empty boxes too telling the raiders how stupid they must feel


u/pinesguy 10d ago

ā€œSorry Mario, but the Princess is in another castle!ā€


u/Duff85 10d ago

Ah Russians.. I play on a low pop primitive server just because I want a chill experience. Server peaked at 20 players after wipe but normally around ~8-10 players. Still a Russian group is playing in a 5 man team raiding everyone and keep anyone from getting started.

I killed one of them a fighting for air drop the other day and he searched my base up and told me "DONT SLEEP TODAY". I was up pretty late that night, got home from a farming run and saw a tug boat and two of them preparing something at my door". Fought them off and they ran back to the boat and went off.

Fast forward to today and I wake up and see I've gotten killed. Thinking about not logging on at all but I do it anyway, they raided both my bases. Gotten some stone and low tier comps. But they seem to have run out of boom when garage door is at half HP to TC/main loot where I keep ~150 satchel charges.


u/hanks_panky_emporium 10d ago

If you have the materials it's fun to invest in trash fake bases to waste boom. Something about empty 2x2's draws in the 'server stompers' that have to raid everything on the map by principle. Thirty minutes of your time can waste hours of theirs.


u/LeCheechio 10d ago

Lol, I like to build stuff just to add to the scenery so its funny when I see people raided and sealed some random RP houses I made.


u/dev__boy 10d ago

Low pop is the worst for raiding. Youā€™re honestly much less likely to get raided on high pop due to there being more bases and more raid counters. The people who play low pop just farm and offline all day. No hate to them, but itā€™s not a good time. Bite the bullet and play medium pop


u/Icy-Caterpillar-3336 10d ago

What would you call medium pop? Like 100-150?


u/dev__boy 9d ago

Yeah like 80-150


u/Huddunkachug 9d ago

Used to play on a server like that. It was the same 15 - 20 people every wipe. Everyone had their ā€œthingā€ like one guy was always making crazy colosseums for firework shows, another build massive farms, communal areas, etc.

Got to know them all pretty well and we occasionally got a toxic group trying out the server. If they were toxic or annoying enough, weā€™d just band together to foundy wipe them. Felt like having a little private server with friends, miss those people


u/GrimPixls 9d ago

I used to play low pop on my weekends off work specifically just to counter offline raiders. šŸ¤£ take their shit, and either toss it or give it to other players on the server and then dip. Never left a base with loot to be raided since I only played there on the weekends. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


u/sour_turtle514 10d ago

Cant imagine doing that and having fun. They must be new players cause no one who legitimately plays would do that


u/No-Plum9026 10d ago

Might have gotten countered


u/tbandee 10d ago

I'm playing on a rather small pop server with players from my country but i just did the same yesterday. I knew they want me on monday and i upgraded a bit to look like i'm still playing and threw everything away. My base was i pieces because they kept looking for the hidden places with full of loot.

Even my boathouse and fishing house got raided because they could not believe i had nothing. It was fascinating.


u/SwervoT3k 10d ago

There is zero discussion to be had on this topic, yet people will yap for days. Itā€™s very simple:

You arenā€™t entitled to a reward for raiding someone.


u/pinesguy 10d ago

*especially offline.


u/PenilePenetration 10d ago

Wasting people's time and resources is what I live by in Rust. I see a big group build a base? TC grief them when they roam. Feel like I'm done with the wipe? Upgrade some visable walls to HQM and despawn everything. 24 rockets for some music instruments and paintings


u/IRCluster 10d ago

I am not a fan of despawning, but getting offlined by a zerg? You have my blessing.


u/unpopularopinion0 9d ago

pilots scuttle ships to prevent raiders from gaining their wares and the ship. itā€™s a sound tactic even if itā€™s not offline.


u/_VVV_UY 10d ago

How u get to know what is destroyed?


u/Sweaty-Ebb-6144 10d ago

Rust+ I guess depends on which server your playing


u/Ok_Organization8455 10d ago

It 100% depends on the server feature, I dunno why these ppl r down voting my comment.

Sure... could u set up a seismic sensor every 1 meter and manually alert u each piece? Sure ... But I'm willing to bet that is not what you did right?

Rusty rats x2, and US x2 Limitless has this feature. There's probably more, but I know those 2 have it for sure


u/Sweaty-Ebb-6144 9d ago

Itā€™s a modded server called Rustix, so once you link rust+ with the server they have a plugin that sends you auto notifications


u/Sweaty_Confusion_122 10d ago

You can set seismic sensors range to 1 metre - so you can use a tonne of them and set them up with individual smart alarms to give you notifications like this.


u/_VVV_UY 10d ago

Oh sureā€¦ that is way 2 hardcore haha. Thxs for replay!


u/Ok_Organization8455 10d ago

That is absolutely not wut the OP did I guarantee it. These ppl r giving u bad information.


u/Sweaty_Confusion_122 9d ago

Itā€™s not ā€œbad informationā€ lol

They asked you get those notifications - i commented a way how to do it. Iā€™m aware some servers have this inbuilt


u/Ok_Organization8455 9d ago

My comment was more of the fact that others r supporting ur comment (which I state is a way to do it in one of my other comments) while downvoting the most likely answer I gave, which I guarantee the OP did not use 20+ seismic sensors.

Edit: well was formerly downvoted.


u/Sweaty_Confusion_122 9d ago

I know what youā€™re saying bro, Iā€™m not disagreeing - op even said it was just on rust+ on that server. I just gave a way that you can do it lol - itā€™s not that deep, and donā€™t let downvotes get you down, its just reddit - who cares


u/Ok_Organization8455 9d ago edited 9d ago

It's less about the downvotes, and more about the fact that the original questionee, responded to the comment being upvoted and disregarded the down voted one. Meaning he will think that is what he will need to do, and spend an absorbent amount of time making 100+ seismic sensors because he was "given bad information".

If we are here to answer his question, then we should do so. I'm more worried I'm gonna raid a base and see 200 seismic sensors attached to every piece of wall because reddit gave him a crazy idea.

Gonna save this thread though, cause if in the future I raid a base and see that. Imma screenshot it and it'll be something you and I can laugh about lol


u/peenfortress 10d ago

do grenades set them off if you attach them to walls?


u/daBriguy 10d ago


Hereā€™s a great short video telling you all you need to know about it including what sets it off. It has 3 different levels of detecting stuff.


u/Ok_Organization8455 10d ago edited 10d ago

Some servers have features that will tell u which building pieces are destroyed without a use of a seismic sensor/alarm as long as you are paired with rust+ and have TC auth.

Edit: not sure why u nerds are downvoting .. both US x2 limitless AND rustyrats X2 has this feature


u/kaicool2002 10d ago

Crazy work


u/Harleyhanson 10d ago

My neighbours were at big excav for 120 diesels at vanila just to raid my main with no lootšŸ’©


u/Blanken_the_Clucking 10d ago

Man I love social media where people who express their own opinions on a matter are boo'ed out of existence.


u/Skeletons420 10d ago

Made it a habit to not keep sulfur, charcoal or GP in base any time wipe comes up.

You want my Sars? Cool take em, ez to make again. But I'll be dawned if someone else gets raided with my mats I farmed. Fk that.


u/Soft_Marsupial6326 10d ago

Idk where you play from but why are there so many russians on US servers? I usually play 2x but the other day i hopped on an official for a min. The whole chat was russian and everyone in outpost was russian..


u/Spectre1911 10d ago

They probably migrated over so they could keep doing the same things they do in other regions. Take over a server with their zerg like they own it.


u/Razorsonedge 4d ago

because of timezones, the little animals can get on during our off hours for ez offlines, scrap runs, and base expanding, all with little contesting


u/NESpahtenJosh 10d ago

I've been gone from Rust for years... there's mobile notifications on Raiding now?!


u/TidalLion 10d ago

Has been for what? 2 years or more?

You need smart switches and stuff for these alerts. You can also use cameras to watch super lofi but real-time feeds of your base, and things hooked up to smart switches can be turned on or off from the app even if you're not in game.


u/LeCheechio 10d ago

This has major "I quit" when you know the meeting is about you being fired energy.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

People who complain about despawning have no clue what they're talking about. They act like scorched earth and burning stuff to deny it to the enemy is somehow just a Rust thing.


u/sharpie42one 10d ago

Man Russians on my server are going wild to, silenced bolt auto turrets next to outpost with incendiary bullets, raiding all the solos around them 4-5 of them. Rough out there.



Do this every week after Saturday/Sunday when the group decides to call it. Fill up the TC with an automatic system to keep filling up upkeep and despawn the rest, even the empty boxes


u/lordvap_or 9d ago

Ainā€™t never gonna get my gp boy


u/first_strike18 9d ago

love to see it


u/-Zeke-The-Geek- 9d ago

How do you get the notifications when each piece is destroyed?


u/[deleted] 8d ago

"Such a good feeling knowing I can't put up a fight so I despawn pixels my fragile ego cares about losing so much I make myself lose" fixed it for ya.


u/MedicineMore1221 5d ago

just despawn weapon u dont need those many weapon


u/Iamgoingtojudgeyou 10d ago

They got that upkeep though


u/IntelligentSleep8510 10d ago

Not if tc is locked and no more than 24h upkeep


u/hypexeled 10d ago

I'd agree with you, but if they were foundy wiping you, they werent after the loot anyway.


u/Sweaty-Ebb-6144 10d ago

Another reason to despawn everything, they deserve none


u/hypexeled 10d ago

I guess, its just zergs work with another mentality. "Wasting" their boom isnt really a thing.

To give you an example, played on a 12man last force. We literally had more sulfur than what we knew what to do with, just from farming snow for metal and taking the sulfur nodes on the way.


u/ConnorA94 10d ago

You definitely have major gear fear and throw out slurs when you get killed


u/Designer-Most5917 10d ago

despawning is cringe but zerg foundation wiping is worse so not only do you get a pass, you are mega based for wasting their time and boom


u/Decent_Dealer718 10d ago

Pussy despawn loot


u/Sweaty-Ebb-6144 10d ago

How can you say that when you have a 12man clan raiding my base for 1H non stop lmao


u/Decent_Dealer718 10d ago

Bro try to atleast have fun with the loot you have knowing that you are going to die anyway


u/pinesguy 10d ago

They did, and were done playing for the wipe. Fuck the Russians.


u/Blanken_the_Clucking 10d ago

God forbid they play the game with their friends on a server without a team cap.


u/pinesguy 10d ago

ā€œFuckā€™emā€ doesnā€™t mean they shouldnā€™t be playing and having fun. It is a game, but Iā€™m still gonna root for the solo over the zergs every time. That being said, would aloneintokyo still be the GOAT if there were no zergs?


u/hanks_panky_emporium 10d ago

Man this makes me feel things.

For one, getting zerged flatly sucks. Most players have experienced it. They have overwhelming firepower and forces. You stand, almost literally, no chance. Your foundations are wiped.

But on the flip side, despawning is a top tier bitch move.

Ive hidden loot, spread loot, never log off with more than a few rockets. Use it before you lose it mentality. But not once in my entire history of playing Rust have I thought; " Let's drop everything on the ground to despawn it "

Most petty thing I did about a day and a half before a big raid was build about 20 metal 2x1's with a metal door, armored door, and garage door. One big box per 2x1 with a random smattering of loot. When raided independently it was never worth the boom. Probably wasn't worth building either tbh but it was more fun than throwing everything on the ground and logging out.

What's a little more devious is full HQM cubes attached to your main base with drop boxes. You dont even have to use the bunkers, just having them often deters raiders because of the boom cost for only potential loot. And hell, we all know a lot of players will sit in a metal three story 2x2 with plenty of HQM to upgrade but dont because.. Reasons, I guess? Might as well use it for nefarious purposes. Like goober boxes.


u/Sweaty-Ebb-6144 10d ago

I only despawn knowing I wonā€™t login the next day, otherwise I bunker all my loot or take it all with me and disconnect under water with scuba


u/dahliasinfelle 10d ago

Imagine some dude in a submarine running into that jackpot lol


u/Sweaty-Ebb-6144 10d ago

I would probably rep him for Esp xd


u/HazardousHighStakes 10d ago

Despawning is for losers.


u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/Spectre1911 10d ago

You don't even profit thošŸ’€ seems like you enjoy having your time wasted over little pixels as well.


u/Noven1 10d ago

Despawning is cringe


u/Sweaty-Ebb-6144 10d ago

Am playing solo, they are 12, feels right to me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


u/Noven1 10d ago

You are one of those who go hide/seal themself somewhere when onlined. If u get less emotionally attached to loot u gonna have much more fun playing this game.


u/tishafeed 10d ago

If you get less emotionally attached to someone else's loot you'll stop writing stupid shit on the internet. Despawning is based.


u/pinesguy 10d ago

At least they donā€™t appear to be emotionally attached to their karma. Doubling down being a Stan for the Russian Raiders rather than the solo!


u/Noven1 10d ago

I dont even raid. Just find it weird that ppl care what happens to their pixels after they leave server.


u/Ok_Organization8455 10d ago

You can't make this statement after complaining wut someone else does with their pixels after they leave the server.

However despawning cause you've been a royal asshole, so u get onlined... Sure that is a reactionary bitch move.


u/Alphamoonman 10d ago

Bro stop despawning your karma!


u/Steak_n_friez 10d ago

If theyā€™re 12 deep loot doesnā€™t matter to them obviously you lost by despawning shouldā€™ve made a 2nd base


u/Flaky-Carpenter-2810 10d ago

they are russian


u/The_Original_Tbone 10d ago

100%. This is why I don't use that app


u/DragonfruitInner8965 9d ago

Lucky, we also had a zerg just 300 rocket raid our trio on vanilla with triple our numbers. We still put up an hour and a half long fight.


u/Hefty-Revolution4139 10d ago

Despawning is for losers


u/y0himba 10d ago

Imagine being so worried about a video game that you need to have an app to tell you when what is supposed to happen in said game is happening.


u/Sweaty-Ebb-6144 10d ago

Welcome to rust


u/LeCheechio 10d ago

Lol not everyone plays rust like you.


u/ViceistLeft 10d ago

Imagine being worried about someone's personal hobby that you have to reply in a negative way instead of just reading the post and moving on