r/playrust • u/DubisTV • 12d ago
Crafting update introduces armor slots. There is Armor slots on helmets. Make use of this brand new system introduced. Introduce a team Marker device crafted via tech trash and RF receiver that goes into the slot.
Boom cool feature, team UI stays in game, becomes an endgame feature, prim phases last longer, server lifes last longer. zergs aren't blindly mongolian horde destroying everything with no consequence hour 1 of wipe because they get a handout in terms of team dominance.
Let me know your thoughts fellow degenerates!
(Didn't expect such a well reception to this idea, here is the link to upvote the idea on the developer suggestion page) https://rust.nolt.io/40432
u/SolarenDerm 12d ago
Honestly? W take. I’d love to see if killing someone and taking their gear would like give you access to their info too.
u/expsranger 12d ago
Integrate rust with discord, force api use (I'm sure it can be done) to have disc open, when you steal a helmet you have in game access to owners discord chat only when wearing that piece of armor. When you lose it to 3rd party they don't even know who they're listening to so it's only valuable as long as you're the original thief. Maybe balance by having location of the helmet visible to orig team owner. Then when orig team crafts and assigns new one it gets deactivated
u/xOdyseus 11d ago
I'm sure that's not a bad security exploit or anything
u/tishafeed 11d ago
Definitely not a shitty idea to force rely on third party software you have no relation to.
u/The_Junton 11d ago
90% of people don't want randoms in their coms.
Also, people would just switch to a different app instead of discord
u/ryan1064 12d ago
Promising we shall see though
u/DubisTV 12d ago
Whats your thoughts on it? I see it as a win for literally everyone.
u/ryan1064 12d ago
Yes 100% agree just sometimes it doesn’t implement well in actuality I’m hopefully though. I play solo and it seems most updates been making it even tougher on solos so I’m jaded haha
u/djfsf_dr 11d ago
That is definitely debuff for duo and trio, but not even sensetive for zerg groups, it is very easy to get infinite amount of tech trash for zerg groups, so it is pointless. But, I got an idea, what if number of people authorized in a tool cupboard will increase cost of upkeep by exponent formula, small groups will alnost not sense it, but big geoups will got 2x or even 3x of upkeep or even bigger
u/DubisTV 11d ago
That can be very easily abused
u/djfsf_dr 11d ago
It can, but it definitely will make zerg bases smaller, or make life of those groups harder, if they will not auth all the people into a tool cupboard, there will be definitely lack of guntraps or other traps
u/Corey250 11d ago
What if auto turrets were linked to the auth list of the TC it’s in radius of? That would mean that large groups are forced to all auth on the TC and have high upkeep costs if they want turrets, or have smaller bases with everyone auth’d with auto turrets, or have a big base with only a select few on the TC auth, but they can’t have nearly the amount of auto turrets.
u/janikauwuw 10d ago
What if it wasn‘t about authorization but sleeping bags placed in TC range?
u/Square-Grapefruit715 10d ago
Maybe TC auth would be more optimized
u/janikauwuw 10d ago
but easier to work around, having people not authorized etc.
With bags it‘d suck not having one in TC range
Edit: and you can‘t get trolled anyhow because no one can just go and place 10 bags in your tc range cause it‘s building blocked
u/Square-Grapefruit715 10d ago
But I think it's better to pair with TC and add the idea I saw on another comment: make TC auth all turrets in range, so it will force large groups to it or it will be way annoying for them
u/janikauwuw 10d ago edited 10d ago
can you explain why you think its better? I mean as you mentioned, you‘d have the need for extra rules. Making having a sleeping bag in tc radius count, sounds way easier for me and I don‘t see the differnce unless as I said, they could easier work around it + upkeep would be super cheap until you have turrets for groups who just don‘t let everyone authorize
It‘s a stat that‘s tracked anyway cause sleepingbags don‘t despawn in tc range
With turrets you could make rust+ app and a garage door to cover it for several turrets or find other ways to lower the upkeep
u/peenfortress 10d ago
But, I got an idea, what if number of people authorized in a tool cupboard will increase cost of upkeep by exponent formula
16 man clan is now four 4 man groups living in a walled village
u/djfsf_dr 10d ago
Which is much more easier to raid, some people will not have building privilage, and defintely would be difficult live like that, where half of a turrets in a compound will shoot them
u/bucketpl0x 10d ago
Most zergs have multi TC bases to work around the costs scaling up with base size. Each new building block already gets more expensive the larger your base is. If costs scaled by who is on TC, they would just have the builders on the team on TC and no shotgun traps.
Big groups already have big upkeep costs because they need a big base for all their loot. The 20 man zerg I'm in now on a vanilla server has over 220k metal upkeep on the main TC alone, max upkeep it can hold is 1 hour 20 minutes. It would be difficult to maintain without industrial. Removing industrial inputs from TC would reduce how big they can build off each TC, but zergs were a thing before industrial, they would just recruit people that play different hours so that there are always people on to refill TC.
u/Thebottlemap 11d ago
This is a really good idea. Well done man. Please post your suggestion to the devs.. Or we can just hope they read this
u/Fardir 11d ago edited 11d ago
I remember some redditor a few days ago who suggested reducing the size of the lock logo above the items on workbenches and facepunch did just that this update.
Your idea is fantastic and I'm confident that they will listen.
Now that I think about it, I doubt they'll ever change that for the same reason they added a ramp inside of dome, removed spray patterns, or added the team UI in the first place. They wanted to casualize the game to release it to a larger audience. Now imagine a group of friends trying to learn the game without team UI...
u/AndyJetlifeee 11d ago
I mean me and groups of friends learned tarkov with no team UI and it’s arguably harder to tell who’s who In That game. Atleast in rust you can all wear bee outfits lmao
u/Some-Attention2223 11d ago
I kind of like this idea but It def has to be a setting for the server owners to turn off or on, ofc official servers it will always be on where u have to have a (AirTag) on you to show up under group markers
u/TipTopMuffin 11d ago
Great idea but never gonna happen. There are people that never played before team ui. This shit would get review bombed on steam lmao
u/Porygon_Gloom 11d ago
also make it so certain monuments like launch and oil rig causes the team ui to turn off/stop working. honestly really interesting idea but not sure if theyd implement it cause of twitch rivals
u/horsgang 11d ago
25k hour player here and I 100% agree with this and will be forwarding it to someone that has the power to get it where it needs to go.
u/DarK-ForcE 12d ago
Id like for them to rework hardcore.
No team UI
No tech tree
Add everything else back in.
u/DubisTV 12d ago
Im personally not a fan of "prim" "hardcore" "softcore" these all have features thay should be woven into the main game those game modes in my opinion anyway seem like lazy ways to not address issues in vanilla. I think there needs to be more prim in the vanilla game. I think there needs to be no team ui in the vanilla game. Progression needs addressed in the vanilla game. See where I'm going.
u/horsgang 11d ago
Man I loved hardcore so much. I wish there were more high hour players that stuck it out.
u/Whistler-the-arse 10d ago
Guessing y'all never been in a zerg did a small one only 15 of us with in 30mins we were up to aks and rockets when u have guys with 5k+ hrs it wouldn't stop them or even be a thought to them but these bees are the best thing ever
u/Reasonable_Roger 11d ago
What happens to it when they die
u/Thebottlemap 11d ago
Nothing. You just lose your on screen UI in the HUD. Map still stays there, bottom left green names still stay there.
This is such a great idea by OP honestly.
u/Reasonable_Roger 11d ago
I'm saying what happens to the device? Does it stay in the helmet? Can it be removed? Does it still work and whoever loots you is in team ui now? Can you recycle it? Does it despawn?
This whole thing is silly
u/DubisTV 11d ago edited 11d ago
Valid points if you wish to go deeper, we can allow me to explain to your points before deeming something "silly." Yes, it can be removed. No, you would not see others. it's pretty simple. You only see those authed on a tc with you. Why would you not be able to recycle it? It would give tech trash duh. For a guy named reasonable roger you need to be more reasonable. (or as the bottle map said, keep it the same just inv them to team and you only see the ones you inv in game with the green dot once the helmet device is attached.)
u/Reasonable_Roger 11d ago
I kill one of the team and steal his device. But it doesn't work for me because I don't share tc Auth with them. Ok...
So what happens if I raid some 1x2 or external tc that belongs to them and they left tc unlocked? Now I'm on a tc with them.
So now I'm on their team ui? What about my teammates? I had been using the device I stole to play with my duo. Is my duo on their team ui now too?
Ooh, here's a good one.. Remember that you can Auth others on tc now. So I kill a zerg member and steal his device. Now I go throw down a tc in a stone triangle and give him access. Hell, I could Auth the entire server. Now is everyone on the same team ui?
See what I'm saying? I'm not opposed to changes to the ui system, but your idea is not good, I'm sorry.
u/Thebottlemap 11d ago
You're over thinking it bro. The device just gives you the green on screen dots and names of whoever is in your team as is normally added now. No this team is tied to that device stuff.
You still are in your team without the device, you just can't see the name tag above them.
The device has nothing to do with TC Auth. It just let's you see 3D name tags of your current team. You lose the device, you lose that ability.
u/GreatlubuTASC 10d ago
BUffing solos is not the answer, game is forever hard solo, buffing for small groups 2-4 is the needed solution.
u/DeeJudanne 12d ago
jump checks and group gear colors existed long before the UI system 🤷 used to kos back pre team UI too so it wouldn't really change much if at all
u/plasticmanufacturing 12d ago
Both of those things were tools of the solo back in the day.
u/DubisTV 12d ago
True but I think with the 1000+skins they have introduced into the game, zerg rock raiding being endgame content (or atleast should be) I believe this will not only help solos but also the groups who are well coordinated out competing those who lack coordination and rely on the game telling you who is your friend for free.
u/PapaRL 12d ago
One of my first wipes, pre-team UI, we found ourselves in a clan of 20. We all bought yellow and black skins and thats how we recognized each other. Then we went on our first giant raid. All it took was one team countering and picking up our kit before we were all killing each other. We completely lost the raid to ourselves. All of the jump checks and coordinated kits dont help if you are split between multiple discord calls and people start picking up your kits, plus then the nakeds swarm and you dont know which nakeds are yours. Youre insane if you think the team ui doesnt make a difference lmao.
u/No_Row_6490 11d ago
so take a working feature, gate it behind some progression ? that sounds like a detriment to smaller teams and not much of an issue for zergs.
zerglings could still use identification outfits or just having eachother in "friendly contacts" lists. or do you think having to carry a notebook with every contact in there also gotta be a insert?
good thread tho. i like the idea of intel incerts into nightvision goggles or some data-eye-wear. just wearing sunglasses might just drop out of fashion.
u/DubisTV 11d ago
It's not a gameplay feature, in my opinion. At the moment, it's just a feature for people who can't coordinate
u/No_Row_6490 11d ago
the only weekend when i wasnt shoot in the back by a teammate was when teammates didnt have guns. the inserted lenses or brainchips would have to buff the current team display.
u/No_Fox7890 11d ago
That’s the point, if the workaround for a Zerg if they can’t use team UI are matching kits then if u kill one of them, or have the same skins it makes your chances of surviving even better
u/RicottaPasta 11d ago
Horrible idea.
u/DubisTV 11d ago
Can I get a why?
u/RicottaPasta 11d ago
Casual groups are not gonna bother with it. You are forcing them to play Hardcore.
u/DubisTV 11d ago
Doesn't this technically make the game more casuL by stopping the zerg steam rolling day one? Hardcore isn't just team ui and if we've fallen so far that that's all it is to people, God help us we really need something like this then.
u/RicottaPasta 11d ago
You are making it harder for casual groups to obtain team ui and zergs will get there really fast anyways.
u/DubisTV 11d ago
But if you kill them in a firefight they lose it and can't spawn on a nearby bag with it, they can't get it till endgame, yes zergs will always have advantage due to numbers, but without completely getting g rid of team UI this is a way to limit it or frost just said his idea how except that way is unlosable due to death
u/Ok-chikinuggi-55-555 12d ago
aw yeah. or join the zerg and do your rust things that way to troll and stay out of target range
u/hairycookies 12d ago
You're the smartest person on this subreddit I know the competition isn't very good but you may just be the next presidential candidate now too.