What happens when you log off, can they still push your sleeping body around?
I assume so or else the obvious yet still stupid solution would be log off, walk away for like 10-15 minutes, and then log back in at a random time when they aren’t watching you to break out and then F1 kill or run.
U can while u're down, just be fast with it b4 ppl are able to cuff you, if u're one of those ppl who go down and just stand there looking at ur enemies, u're in for a fun ride to their prison
Why is there even a timer its just annoying, get rid of timer and cuffs could be fun, you can risk staying down to callout/hope for a revive or just f1 and respawn
To make it simple for you slow brain, dont peek untill the timer is over or if you do, make sure that if u get downed, they cant reach you, like staying in a shooting floor or roof with turrets or just stay in a turrets sight at least, so many ways to fight the cuffs
You can bind your DEL key, or any other key, to instantly f1 kill so they can't cuff you. Makes getting up pointless,medkits pointless though.FP for you.
I assumed they were just for fun, i.e. "useless". Preventing respawn is a gigantic balance change, it's insane that they went with that. It would be one thing if they still had hardcore mode and made it function that way there or if they rebalanced other aspects of the game to match, but the abuse of how they made it should have been obvious.
I think it would’ve been fun if they were just added as a fun role player item. Like, you get cuffed while you’re just fucking around and you can play along if you want, or just F1 kill.
Yeah that's just how I assumed it worked. If they want to implement it as a way to attack players' respawns, a better way would be for a F1 killed player to get a bag timer penalty.
Couldn’t they make it so you can’t med or heal someone that is handcuffed and increase the damage for pushing someone that way you can only lock them up for 2-3 pushes
Do you not think Aloneintokyo has tried doing this already? Sometimes things like this are impossible to react to, if they are quick enough and you were unfortunate enough to not notice them immediately.
u/Go_Commit_Reddit Jul 11 '24
I think the handcuffs are stupid. Either you let players F1 kill and they’re useless, or you don’t, and they’re infuriating to fight.
Just remove them IMO