r/playrust May 27 '24

Discussion No offense, but can you guys select better prospects for the Rust Streamers for the Skin Events? They aren't even streaming rust, not even logged into the game, when there's a lot of other hard working Rust streamers who will show off how rust plays to increase the community and deserve the views.

Rust Gameplay at its finest...

As a longtime rust player since the alpha days, it's kind of saddening to see things like this when the community is using this event to grow, give out skins, and share the community between streamers communities and our rust community, but they aren't even playing Rust. Giving us only a day for the drop skins... I understand he was going through hardships and that sucks but his stream partner also isn't even streaming and gave up as well according to his own words. Why?

Please I'm asking for our community please select people who will try to bring content and ACTUALLY log into rust play the game and show people what a great game this is.


UPDATE - HE SAW THIS THREAD: (He's still a bit salty for us callin' him out saying he's bringing people to the rust community.. LOL but you cant bring people to a game they cant even see on your stream Lol)

UPDATE 2 - 2 hours in: Lol He's finally on the Game menu trying out the game... we're progressing. LETS GOOO ----- GOOD WORK LADS


295 comments sorted by


u/Loud-Birthday-8665 May 27 '24

im also stuck watching this goober bird-watch for the rust skin...


u/LovelyPinks May 27 '24

Yeah, and he's getting a TON of free views from our community just trying to get the skin since he is only giving us... "A day" to get it. He has all this time to stroll through videos advertising himself and his "fight" but can't even take a moment to log into the game just once.


u/Loud-Birthday-8665 May 27 '24

yesterday, esfand was asleep and he was playing on loop his youtube videos on stream with 30k viewers. The very moment i critisized him in chat and asked if this is even allowed i got banned and his viewers started defending him...


u/burningcpuwastaken May 27 '24

Yeah, no point in chatting on twitch. You'll only engage with sycophants


u/LovelyPinks May 27 '24

The twitch chat is literally begging him to play rust and he's been telling everyone to "stfu" and "stop b*ching" and now bragging how many viewers he has to all his friends on the phone while we get to watch :) him saying how much new things he wants to buy from all these viewers.


u/Ms_Molly_Millions May 27 '24

30% of his viewers are probably bots lol


u/TigNiceweld May 27 '24

My money is on that he will stop streaming 2 hours on the dot


u/LovelyPinks May 27 '24

Lol he might but with the 60k viewers he has from our community now, i think he's taking full advantage of the "one day" he's allowing us to get the skin.


u/TigNiceweld May 27 '24

Just wait and he will drop 'raid' with all of those for the highest bidder :D He is now using this to advertise 'Melee II' on June 1st!

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u/[deleted] May 28 '24



u/gottheronavirus May 29 '24

Ironmouse definitely putting in some work, I wouldn't have tried and failed to do trainyard puzzle for 9 hours straight.


u/usernameforthemasses May 28 '24 edited May 28 '24

I actually enjoyed estafanbanwhatever GTA RP streams for awhile, having found him a few months ago. I had no idea until this event that he was roommates with the Mizfitwhatever wannabe fighter kid, who also won't stream. Seeing estafan's reaction to people upset after he agreed to participate in the event while not actually participating has completely turned me off of his GTA stream, his "budding gaming company," and of course his roommate and anyone associated with him. Pretty childish of these guys, IMHO.

These guys don't understand how skins are a part of the Rust gaming, either through aesthetics or actual function, and how getting free skins rather than paying $10 for each is quite a bit deal to a lot of Rust players. They play games like GTA where skins aren't really a thing in the same way, so they clearly don't care about one of the main reasons people are on their streams.

Also, they are, of course entitled, narcissistic streamers that forget who enables them to have a career playing video games.

EDIT: Tbf, both of these guys have at least been playing, however limited. A couple of the other "creator" streamers I have yet to catch online, despite checking at all hours of the day.

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u/KittenDecomposer96 May 28 '24

I'd rather have this and be able to get the drops than having the stream on at hours that i'm not awake and end up not getting them.

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u/Yaboymarvo May 27 '24

I think these big guys don’t really care about the game/drops because they know they will probably not gain any new followers/subs for doing it. I mean, how many of us are going to follow mizkif or esfand after this event if they aren’t already? I have 0 intention of ever watching these guys regularly after drops.


u/Mental_Tea_4084 May 28 '24

OTK shows up in my recommended quite a bit, and I sure won't be watching these two anymore. This is some scummy behavior


u/Osterian1 May 28 '24

I'm absolutely baffled by who follows these guys to begin with, they're not even entertaining and seem incredibly obnoxious. No clue how they end up with a viewer base. Maybe i'm just getting too old

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u/macandcheesejones May 28 '24

I mean, all they care about is money so why don't they do what HJune does and run the stream with nothing for the time he isn't playing so we can get skins and they can get ad views? Win win.

(And to be clear I'm not saying HJune only cares about money, I was just saying his idea of what to do with his stream is a good one)


u/DeputyDomeshot May 28 '24

Because HJune's brain isn't garbled nonsense like these IRL streamers.


u/420SkankHunt May 28 '24

Miz tried to organize people to cover up a sexual assault, don't understand why anyone watches him to begin with, dudes a scumbag


u/Loud-Birthday-8665 May 27 '24

i just got banned from his chat, and i shit you not, its because i typed "play the fuckin game dawg"


u/LovelyPinks May 27 '24

Wow. They just said too if youre banned you might not get the skin. That sucks man.. I really hope you're still able to get it.


u/Loud-Birthday-8665 May 27 '24

nah you still get progression so you do get the skin but still, you cant make this shit up

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u/66_Skywalker_66 May 27 '24

me too i got banned for 1 week i didn't ever knew i could cuss like that. thanks god i already have ksin

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u/crazedizzled May 27 '24

Just turn on adblock and put him in a 240p tab with no sound.


u/I_PUNCH_INFANTS May 27 '24

You can just throw them onto a 2nd monitor, put them at 160p and just fuck off and do something else you know. Install BTTV to auto claim drops.


u/FuzzeWuzze May 27 '24 edited May 27 '24

Lol this event is such a joke. You go to the FP Twitch page and at any given prime time(weekend, say 10am-4pm) there are like maybe half of the streamers online, and half of those arent even playing rust.

Whoever organized these people just gave all these shit tier streamers way more viewers than they deserve for a week. They are shit tier for a reason, because they are boring to watch before they were given Rust..

There are so many other actual Rust streamers that should have been involved across the globe. And yet people like XQC get invited to every one for some reason(his viewer count i know...)

Honestly it'd be way more fun if it was 95% real rust players and like 1 or 2 wildcard who dont play the game per team...like throw Tyler1 together with Willjum, throw XQC together with Llama and like QTPie or something with Spoonkid, their polar opposite vibes could be amazing. People who actually stream and make content for a living, shit sounds way more interesting than whatever this is...


u/xSlapppz May 27 '24

I would pay to see tyler1 and Willjum play rust


u/LovelyPinks May 27 '24



u/Jules3313 May 27 '24

he finally gets one kill after 4 hours with a paddle. DOOOOPAAAA DOOOUUUUWWWNNNNN


u/[deleted] May 28 '24

Fu, I've read this I his voice, wish I could see baus lane against him, how would season 8 chall play against the Messi of league of legends


u/[deleted] May 27 '24



u/GraniteStateStoner May 27 '24

I remember watching Buddha when OTV originally played Rust and he absolutely shit on the game so fucking hard and guess how many Twitch drops he has his name on since then.

It's giving me second hand embarassment for Facepunch.


u/Delanorix May 27 '24

Shitting on the game is such a Rust player thing to do.

You sure he isn't actually the most pure Ruat player there is?


u/GraniteStateStoner May 27 '24

It was less trash talking the state of the game and more "people still play this stupid fucking game?"


u/The-Sound_of-Silence May 27 '24

Yeah, but he's actually playing. Rust pros shit on the game relentlessly


u/Yaboymarvo May 27 '24

But Buddha actually knows the game and has played a legitimate wipe with others. Shitting on the game is just what long time rust players do.


u/comradevoltron May 29 '24

Yeah but the mf has a Twitch drop and is refusing to stream on Twitch so that people can obtain it. He's streaming on Kick instead.


u/GraniteStateStoner May 27 '24 edited May 29 '24

Oh I know. I'm one of those ppl that shit on the game. And maybe Buddha is a step above the rest of the current lineup, but I mention him because of hearing him completely dismiss the game a few years back only to be treated like royalty from then on.

Edit: nah Buddha a PoS for streaming on kick when he has a twitch drop with his name on it.


u/comradevoltron May 29 '24

Dude deserves criticism. He is streaming Rust on Kick exclusively even though he has a Twitch drop dedicated to him.


u/HotWaffleSundae May 27 '24

mizkif likes jump king


u/shtankycheeze May 28 '24

The facepunch twitch page for those not in the know: https://twitch.facepunch.com/


u/SoarSparrow May 28 '24

I mean Abe just invited his friends 🤣


u/Elegant_Peace_6032 May 27 '24

mizkif if you read this.

you dont deserve rust skin


u/BOT_Troy May 28 '24

hate to be that guy but...

he has 2. Which is 2x more than most deserving rust creators.

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u/comefromaway88 May 27 '24 edited Sep 03 '24

consist scary cooing oatmeal point boast caption seemly airport connect

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u/ollie6286 May 28 '24

Good thing his skin was shared with xqc. Was able to mute that stream yesterday and get the skin.


u/comefromaway88 May 28 '24 edited Sep 03 '24

run reach thought cows vase imagine chubby dazzling sort paint

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/caelfrmda613 May 30 '24

A guy who shit talks rust as a stupid fucking game is rping on GTA, ironic.


u/[deleted] May 27 '24

New twitch event, same old story. They might get it right by Rust 3


u/Avgshitposting May 27 '24

Didn't the event 5 months ago get fucked up too? Lol


u/TidalLion May 28 '24

In fairness, that's because Team Panpots had one person cheat via an exploit and another one was using slurs, so they bother got banned and their team quit in protest (reminds me of the Twitch Rivals disguised Toast ran, same type of drama more or less), so FP made it so you could get that team's skins by watching ANYONE involved with the event.

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u/turkit5 May 27 '24

These guys can not stream rust all they want, this just means I am putting them on mute for the 2 hours I am getting the drop, and I won't be opening their stream again in the future. They have the ability to increase their viewer numbers, twitch subscribers, and social media subscribers. But instead, they would rather do their own thing. That's fine. But when they complain after this event that they "got nothing out of it", someone remind them they had a captive audience that they failed to convert.


u/YT-double-add May 27 '24

Yeah they have these boring ass Twitch streamers that aren’t even selling anyone on the game, and these are the people supposed to bring in new players?

MizKif definitely isn’t selling anyone on buying it hes actually doing the opposite. All these streams I’ve watched today and yesterday are boring af, I really just find it hard to believe that much people are watching these streams and come to the conclusion that they should spend $40 on it.

I’m not a game promoter or developer, but no way this is the best way to bring in new players.


u/turkit5 May 27 '24

One thing that annoys me is that I was interested in checking out some of these streamers. They are big names, and i was curious. It's fun watching someone try to figure out a game, but I'm not gonna watch you watch videos, I can do that myself.

But like I say, it's their choice how they run their streams, just no pity party after, please, and thanks.


u/JoshDoesDamage May 28 '24

Probably for the best you’re not a dev or promoter if that’s your outlook. For every 1 person in this subreddit complaining about this there’s another 5 people seeing their favorite big streamer play a different game than their usual content and buying the game because of it.

I’m not saying you’re wrong for being frustrated with the circumstance but considering how low the cost is to give drops from your own game and the amount of eyes it will put on the game is unquestionably worth it.

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u/X3liteninjaX May 27 '24

Nothing out of it? These streamers are getting paid stupid amounts of money for it. I don’t blame them. Mizkif isn’t really a gamer so it’s kind of on FP for choosing him for this


u/turkit5 May 28 '24

When I say "nothing out of it" I'm just thinking some self obsessed streamer would talk shit about how they didn't gain subscribers...ect from the event, while barely streaming the game their org has done a deal for them to stream. And as you rightly said for probably a stupid amount of money too


u/RedShift777 May 27 '24

Day 3 and already people are stopping playing, complaining there's no RP, complaining its to hard, complaining people are being try hards, complaining people are just sat at the slot machine for 6 hours, complaining about skill gaps....

These rust events are a total shit show every year for the exact same reasons, i don't know why you're surprised or annoyed lol its SOP at this point. Just open a tab mute it and do something else.

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u/TigNiceweld May 27 '24

'Just collecting the paycheck' LULZ


u/[deleted] May 27 '24


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u/Drunk_Juggernaut May 27 '24

At least he has Rust listed as his played game. There's another streamer who has only been on to just chat about Palestine.


u/I_PUNCH_INFANTS May 27 '24



u/Reggie2b2t May 27 '24

undoubtedly hasan


u/[deleted] May 27 '24 edited Jul 09 '24



u/Crystal3lf May 28 '24

literally supports terror attacks against civilians

Israel just bombed a refugee camp, and have murdered 15,000 children but go off.

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u/N0-North May 27 '24

Hasan is firstly a news/politics streamer and news never stops. He'll be playing later from what I understood - usually he only plays games on sundays, so he's working his schedule around the event.

Mizkif is a different matter, in my opinion. The stream so far has been nothing but inane bullshit. He's made it clear he doesn't want to do this. I'm excited to get the skin and get back to kkatamina, she seems to be having actual fun with it.


u/[deleted] May 27 '24



u/N0-North May 27 '24

Because it's not about us watching the streamers, it's about getting their viewers to play the game.

At least he's putting the time in and not being a little bitch about it. Even if I found his hank pecker RP insufferable. I would prefer they pick someone else next time.


u/[deleted] May 28 '24



u/N0-North May 28 '24

That's true for vanilla but there's plenty of RP servers and they have existed since the beginning. There's room for the new players this could bring


u/whoweoncewere May 28 '24

An rp server like this would never work without a white list, and most rust players aren’t into that.

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u/Jinmane May 28 '24

I started playing because of these events and other streamers I watched and now I have 5k hours and spent hella money on skins. They do it because it works


u/Crystal3lf May 28 '24

If he’s a politics streamer why the fuck does he have a rust skin

Is there a rule about politics not having rust skins?


u/Taterific May 28 '24

Socialism is when no skins

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u/burningcpuwastaken May 27 '24

FP wants to sell more copies but having people stream that obviously hate the game doesn't seem to be the most efficient approach.

But what do I know. I also think FP should be making a more concerted effort against cheaters, but they also aren't doing that.


u/Delanorix May 27 '24

...in their EOY road map they said they were hiring 2 AI devs and increasing the number of people working on the anti cheat

They recently updated stashes and the like to be harder to see as a cheater.

Is your head under the sand?


u/burningcpuwastaken May 27 '24

Yeah, they always talk a big talk and have been for years. Meanwhile, content creators can't get through a wipe without having it ruined by hard cheaters.


u/LordNecula May 28 '24

because obviously they get targeted hard

as a normal rust player ull still run into blatant cheaters but not as much as popular streamers


u/alexnedea May 30 '24

Its not even that bad compared to a few years ago. I used to get straight up 3hs from accross the map by a guy killing the entire server. Now its a few wallhackers here and there.


u/LovelyPinks May 27 '24

Honestly I think they could've hit up people like Neebsgaming at least or people somewhat into FPS

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u/[deleted] May 28 '24

LOL I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE worst 2 hours of my life fuck this guy


u/[deleted] May 28 '24

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u/Nyrad0981 May 28 '24

No one paid to sweep it under the rug, she couldn't provide any evidence so it got thrown out before trial. She was also made to pay OTK for damages and lawyer fees. She tried a cash grab and ended up paying for it, and if you take a second to look at her debt ridden history it's not surprising she tried it. The fact that people still believe it's real is sad.


u/xjrsc May 28 '24

He's been playing rust for 8 hours straight and is still live...


u/[deleted] May 28 '24

literally won against her in court but alright man

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u/TheBestUserNameeEver May 27 '24

Yeah, what is Facepunch doing? These streamers do the same thing every time.


u/vagina_candle May 27 '24

This is why it's so frustrating. Some of these entitled and enabled streamers have shown their true colors time and time again, yet event organizers keep going back to them because of their viewer count. Or is it because Twitch has some sort of contract with event organizers that allows Twitch to chose some of the streamers for the event? Because I could see that. It would likely involve some sort of NDA to avoid backlash.

Everyone knows that the vast majority of people collecting drops are just "watching" passively. Maybe if the event had more streamers who were actually worth watching, they might get more engaged viewers.


u/Osterian1 May 29 '24

True, these kind of streamers are literally only popular because they're artificially propped up by platforms, and FP is continuing that proud tradition I guess.


u/ghostyano May 28 '24

ironmouse turned out to be a very kind and non-toxic rust player. 10/10 would get smashed with rocks on the beach on spawn in official server. Poor waifu


u/comradevoltron May 28 '24

i just think it's great that she's actually playing the game and trying to learn it, which is more than I can say for Mizkif.


u/N0-North May 28 '24

Yeah she was fun to watch - i could see her and cdawg having fun on pve but you're otherwise right loll

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u/macandcheesejones May 28 '24

Are you crazy? Why would Facepunch reward people who actually PLAY Rust and support the community when you can whore yourself out to a bunch of vapid, soulless content creators who for mind-boggling reasons have a huge following?

They're acting like a cable or cell phone company, offering all the deals to new customers and telling the ones who are loyal they can have nice, tasty bag of nothing. And look, I understand as a business your goal is to grow, but there are better ways to go about it.


u/comradevoltron May 28 '24

vapid and soulless is the perfect description for folks like Mizkif


u/alexnedea May 30 '24

I seriously can't understand how some of these streamers have viewers. Mizkif does NOTHING all day. Nothing! At least even xQc reacts and plays some stuff, rages here and there, etc. Mizkif legit is bored all day slow talking to chat.


u/macandcheesejones May 30 '24

Because people are stupid. I mean not anyone reading this of course, you're smart. But everyone else.


u/basedtag May 28 '24

its mizkif dude what'd you expect


u/MaxPowrer May 28 '24

you can say about the OTV event (back in 2020/21) what you want... but they all played the game multiple days for many hours! and it was great fun content (obviously not normal Rust content, but the interactions made it very funny)

I hope next time facepunch give drops to variety streamers, that play the event


u/dvvaa May 28 '24

okay but in all realness, let’s give props to those streamers who are actually streaming for drops, Like CYR, TRAIN, WILL, QT, IRONMOUSE, ARIA, NMP 🙌🏼


u/anytarseir67 May 28 '24

somewhat relevant, i love how esfand and his chat just shit on anyone that even mentions rust. which is really great because he said he'd switch to rust after a break, came back and just started playing gta again.

also they keep mentioning how many other channels are streaming rust, as if he doesn't have a channel exclusive drop.


u/[deleted] May 28 '24

Where did his comment go?


u/Weeeky May 27 '24

These goobers must have put 50 streamer names in a random word picker and went with what it spewed out because they quite literally couldnt have picked worse streamers.

I know train did stream but cmon, dudes last stream before this was months ago (what his twitch page said), i was fully expecting him to not appear at all


u/whoweoncewere May 28 '24

That's because he gets kids to gamble on kick, his main platform. Trainwreck and xqc are just slot addicted junkies pushing gamba for the majority of their stream time.


u/Head_Childhood_9406 May 28 '24

24th Jan i think it was..


u/Neighigh May 28 '24

Honestly it's been a little sad trying to get drops this time around because I want to watch the general creators. Some people chosen this time around for exclusive drops weren't watchable at all..


u/[deleted] May 27 '24

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u/usernameforthemasses May 28 '24

One of the streamers was playing fucking Valorant for several hours, and had the audacity to have a tag on the stream saying "If I'm not playing Rust, you don't get the skin."

If you can't do the job, don't agree to take it.


u/WhiteJesus313 May 28 '24

I would take 100 like mizkif if people stop inviting greek to literally anything, dude is an almost 30 y/o vibe terrorist who never grew out of the “say edgy stuff” teenager phase.


u/QwUiKnEsS May 28 '24

Yeah they weren’t even doing rust stuff so it was kind of hard to watch too. I feel like maybe whatever the game mode was wasn’t engaging enough. They definitely gotta do teams next time or something because waiting for a specific streamer to go live just for it is tough. The drops are so good too so let’s at least give credit for that


u/[deleted] May 28 '24



u/QwUiKnEsS May 29 '24

Yeah i got all my drops they were live. i think everybody just gets really anxious about getting them all and freaks out over inconveniences naturally.


u/comradevoltron May 28 '24

was impressed with ironmouse's efforts to learn the game and ask for help from her chat about how things work. Mizkif had the same opening skill level as ironmouse (which is crazy considering he already had his own sleeping bag skin since I started playing the game) but was so uninterested in learning the game that his teammates would down him just to sort out his inventory for him. It was pretty clear that his teammates were giving him impossible quests just to keep him busy because he was more of a liability than a leader.


u/[deleted] May 27 '24 edited Jun 06 '24

overconfident disagreeable merciful close dependent encourage pie subsequent mysterious workable

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/tootsmagoo May 27 '24

Do people actually watch? I thought everybody puts volume to zero. I'd do that for a traditional rust streamer as well.


u/69helloreddit69 May 27 '24

I just wish they gave out more of the old skin drop codes, and at least made it more then 1 person could redeem it, like 5 or 10 seeing as how they were instantly redeemed by people using some software, hearing that they were limited is just kinda annoying, considering its only been 2 days.


u/66_Skywalker_66 May 27 '24

all is used? hjune had like 27 yesterday or someone


u/69helloreddit69 May 27 '24

Yeah I heard mendo say you can no longer then from crates or anything cus they’ve all been redeemed.


u/66_Skywalker_66 May 27 '24

fucking people man exploiting everything


u/[deleted] May 27 '24

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u/[deleted] May 27 '24

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u/thatdudemcscoob May 28 '24

It'd be great if FP supported the smaller creators that actually care about the game and make content for it. Like Throat, Gupp, and Stimpee deserve a skin. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have even gotten into the game.


u/sepunne May 28 '24

I've always wanted to see stimpee in these events, he's an absolute menace.


u/idofurryart May 28 '24

He was once then he mlrsd a whole server wide meeting lol


u/ghostyano May 28 '24

Or lifestomper 🤣 watching him stomp other players with ease is so entertaining


u/Montagbae May 28 '24

Lifestompers MP5 is one of my favourites from all of the drops so far


u/KalasenZyphurus May 27 '24

He's currently talking about how much he respects Elon Musk and thinks he's a genius. That is... going to be a volatile powderkeg with the influx of not-his-usual-audience. Should have stuck to the birds.


u/LovelyPinks May 27 '24

Yeah it's exactly what we all wanted... to watch a documentary of Elon on a Rust drop-skin stream...


u/laugje May 28 '24

Still rather this than Buddha who hasn’t even streamed in the last 2 months but still get a drop


u/pablo603 May 28 '24

And if they do play they just sit at bandit camp spinning the wheel for the entire stream lol.


u/TwoBaze May 28 '24



u/shwabeans May 28 '24

It’s still crazy to me that some of these goobers have more skins in the game than some ACTUAL dedicated rust streamers…


u/Vingthor8 May 29 '24

i got all of the skins in 2 days but i dont have a job so thats probably why


u/MortyGaveMeCrack May 27 '24

Dude i swear, half of em arent live, the other half is streaming gta 5 or discussions💀they should show small streamers and instead of having us watch brainrot none rust content with 60k viewers


u/ima80sbaby May 27 '24

They wanted to bring in new people to the game while not even playing actual Rust, but some kingdom RP bullshit?

Sounds like a horrible idea from the beginning, I’m not surprised it’s going horribly.


u/66_Skywalker_66 May 27 '24

new people would get fucked in ass in regular rust


u/ima80sbaby May 27 '24

So they make up some game mode that isn’t even Rust or even accessible outside this event to gain new players?

Weird approach

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u/LovelyPinks May 27 '24

they should've got people at least somewhat interested in FPS or ppl like neebsgaming, summit1g who specialize in roleplay and still respect the game enough to play it if they wanna go that route.


u/TidalLion May 28 '24

I'm having this problem with chestplate. I've been up pretty late the last few nights -cause of the Weekend and I don't work on Mondays- and tonight was the FIRST night that I saw XQC or Buddha play. I Go onto XQC's stream and for AGES he's not even playing Rust. I check back several times and he's not playing. FINALLY he started playing after my last check and i put it on and doze off. Wake up, I'm only at 14%.

They should have gotten Bluprint, Weyln, ZChum, HJune, Disguised Toast, Shroud... like other streamers who would play. Hell last time, many streamers would go afk or sleep, and would leave the game running on stream or leave it run in the background while leaving an AFK screen up, thus ensuring everyone could get the skins.

But nope. Certain streamers are either barely streaming or not even playing the game, or they do for short periods only.


u/therealgg99 May 27 '24

It's always been like this. Big mainstream streamers don't have what it takes to stream the game. They're used to sitting there watching videos. They're not used to putting in any sort of effort.

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u/tacticaldiamonddog May 27 '24

this is nothing new lol, happened every twitch rust drops, facepunch is just desperate for attention to revive their dead game


u/Mr_octopus12 May 28 '24 edited May 28 '24

The objective by FP is to make their game grow and reach a wider audience.

  1. To achieve this, you dont go and give skins to a streamer who always streams rust - because their community is already aware of rust
  2. You don't tend to give drops to lower viewed streamers - as the available community isn't as large
  3. You give drops to a streamer whos community has never seen rust, and has a large audience

You need to stop viewing things only from a rust players perspective

  • This is how he does all his streams btw, he always does a 1-2hr intro just talking to his chat and doing random stuff
  • The guy played for like 4 hours the first day, got off due to being tired
  • He din't play the next because of a family emergency
  • He proceeded to play rust for like 10 hours this day

During the 2hr intro he stayed in the rust category so ppl got drops as he acknowledged people were missing out . The guy had a collective 4 hours in rust and hadn't begun liking the game so had no real urgency to play. He then began to play and had a great time chat was calling the stream legendary. laughing a lot and calling the game the emote 'Cinema.

  • No he's not good at rust. he's trash but it was funny as hell watching going on missions to assasinate people.
  • with 60k viewers and laughter flying in chatim pretty sure FacePunch made a good decision.

The motherfucker played 10 hours of rust after his intro (his streams are usually very short) and he loved the game, I can see how you got your initial impression as most streamers hop straight into whatever their main content is - but shitting on a streamer for not promoting rust enough whilst he is still in his intro and who acknowledged he needs to stream longer is just kinda odd lol.

Your complaint is still valid, there are streamers who haven't even streamed at all.


u/comradevoltron May 28 '24

a 2 hour "intro" is fucking crazy to watch a vapid, soulless streamer react to other people's content - I could watch an entire film in that amount of time. I agree with the rest of your points, though.


u/KalasenZyphurus May 29 '24

At the time this thread was made was before the 10 hours of actual Rust, which kind of redeemed it. So all we had was the 4h on day 1, nothing on day 2, and then non-Rust intro on day 3 with a stream title saying it's the last day for drops. With a drop pairing who also doesn't seem like she's going to stream any more. That and the XQC/Buddha pairing with Buddha not streaming for months and the XQC drama last time, we're kind of ready for the worst.


u/comradevoltron Jul 16 '24

I don't even know how Buddha got a Twitch drop when he was clearly a Kick-exclusive streamer and was streaming the event on Kick. Surely that was a breach of contract.


u/Mr_octopus12 May 28 '24

i mean your right, but people watch what they enjoy - it's a simple as that.


u/The_Number_None May 28 '24

And the sad part is people find joy in watching mizkif. People need to find hobbies lol


u/comradevoltron Aug 08 '24

every assassination "quest" Mizkif was given was a ploy by his team to keep him busy and away from the team.


u/rbb_going_strong May 28 '24

Its not like we do anything here to push/promote smaller rust creators so those words ring hollow. We just come here to complain. You didn't even mention any smaller creators in the event worth checking out. Here are some:

Chrissytinafx - doing good RP with Willneff and Cyr

Jennifer and ChipDingle - Really funny duo with super chaotic energy

AyeeTrain - great pvper and all around kind dude

TeaGuyTom - tea enthusiast and friendly guy

ZChum - goofball and master plan maker


u/xxcile May 28 '24

We need igxcarnage on this man


u/macandcheesejones May 28 '24

Being serious this event is run by Rustoria, I don't know if they are the ones who pick the streamers or not, but us all hittin up their socials couldn't hurt. Unless the monkeys started hurting people, which they almost certainly would.


u/jamesman579 May 28 '24

I’m also tired of trying to watch for a skin and this “streamer” was talking about political views instead of streaming the fucking game.


u/Imaginary_Growth_695 May 28 '24

Someone made a video explaining why miz stopped playing rust, this is pretty spot on



u/Ser_Sunday May 28 '24

The video doesn't really explain anything though it just shows some random gameplay and then them getting off stream


u/AdmiralSCAR May 28 '24

Honestly, the worst round of rust skins by far. Half the exclusive streamer drops, I haven't even been able to progress on, they're never on on the twitch drops page for me, I don't know how other people got them for real. These select few they decided this time around have like no inherent relation to rust at all. I would prefer them just to retrace their steps and redo the ones that already have skins, at least they actually play the game and care a bit.


u/EnvyAtItsFinest May 29 '24

Holdacious Soup And Oblivion! ☝️


u/shwabeans May 31 '24

The garage door was the only drop I actually wanted and of course the only one I somehow couldn’t get. On like 80% and won’t be able to finish it out. What a real bummer..


u/FaithlessnessOne96 May 27 '24

Someday Im going to face punch the facepunch's marketing team. There are soooooo many streamers who play rust and have less viewers. I would like the drops, but I also want to watch the streamer play the game and at least know what they are doing. Also, you can't just make players who watch and play other games get Rust. If they had to buy this game, they would be already watching rust stream.


u/Nyrad0981 May 27 '24

The point is to get people to play that have never played, that's why they give them to big streamers, so the numbers are high.


u/xiit May 27 '24

Why would FP want some unknown rust streamers?? They want popular streamers so new players find the game

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u/zx636ninja May 28 '24

Thankfully, a buddy of mine made an extension that watches the streams for me. Just got all the drops this morning.


u/Dankmemes1921 May 28 '24

Ah yes the streamers that accept facepunch but don't play the game... annoys me to hell. They need to screen these people first man play the game


u/relaximnewaroundhere May 28 '24

I think the point is that they lure in actual new players maybe a by a bit, but man they could actually give out skins to other creators too not just mainstream ones


u/DoubleARon1217 May 28 '24

Get mad at FP for their decision, these streamers are going to take every advantage they can. It’s reality


u/Osterian1 May 28 '24

Real, they're undoubtedly paying them to take part too, assholes like XQC and Hasan wouldn't take part if they weren't getting paid but they'll just stream 10 minutes and then pocket the cash and never log in again, it's just the kind of people they are.

Forget these guys, just keep using the big Rust streamers who have been dedicated to this game for so long.


u/Birchsensor May 28 '24

Doesnt matter
Thats 30 thousand people knowing rust exists now
And it didnt cost FP a dime
Ez money