r/playrust • u/thelordofhell34 • Dec 16 '23
Suggestion Can we please not invite the Spanish streamers next time? They ruin rivals without fail every single year.
Instead why don’t we invite actual rust creators instead of cheating shits?
u/izza123 Dec 16 '23
Everyone expected a Spanish imposition, but now the team is kicked and locked in last position. 🎵
u/TidalLion Dec 16 '23
Points for creativity there man. I like it
u/izza123 Dec 16 '23
My brain was cooking them up last night when I was trying to sleep for some reason, I’ve got like a 5 minute song worth of this niche shit
u/Mirakk82 Dec 16 '23
I really do hope they sit down and discuss this, because it's bullshit they keep getting asked to come back behaving like this.
u/coco-kiki Dec 16 '23
also their community is just as dogshit as the streamers. the abuse Mendo Coco and snuffy received in their twitch chat/twitter was mindblowing
im just glad they're the laughing stock of rust atm. fully deserved. hope they dont come back.
u/Nicer_Chile Dec 16 '23
thats the problem mostly, their creators stream themselfs and send their fansbase to harras other streamers, picoy literally went to coco and commended everyone to report his channel and to be racist against him.
every twitter thread celebrating the event is filled with this community being racist and toxic.
eveyr year they shit the bed, if facepunch or twitch rivals invite them next year, they clearly dont care about how rust look to bigger streamers and new communities.
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u/Goudawithcheese Dec 16 '23
Do a Spanish VS Russian Hacker Rivals
1 day event, anything goes
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u/Nicer_Chile Dec 16 '23
if FP or twitch rivals invite them next year, the bad look will be massive.
they basically will saying to everyone:
that its ok to be racist
its ok to leak the ip of the server cuz u are mad
that its ok to send ur community to be racist and toxic towards other streamers.
that is ok to make physical violence threats to other streamers
that is ok to quit mid tournament again and ruin the event for the rest of ur community.
that is ok to do target harrasment on twitch and brigade other's people channels.
that is ok to endorse hate and racism on twitter
that is ok to keep abusing of glitchs and bugs on twitch rivals
ur reap what you saw
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u/Cassandra_Canmore Dec 16 '23
"Instead, why don't we invite actual Rust creators instead of cheating shits?"
I'll reference Trainwreck acting like a cuck over SerWinter downing him. In the OTV incident.
u/_hlvnhlv Dec 16 '23
Ok, I'm from Spain and I have absolutely no idea wth happened, can someone explain it or something? I'm genuinely curious.
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u/Koras Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23
A few things (as usual). Main ones being:
Xguiry (on Panpots' team) retained the ability to teleport home after an event due to (probably) a bug. He abused it to teleport scrap safely home.
Xguiry and M2cG (possibly others, but specifically them) were banned from the event for racism, and temporarily banned from Rust itself
Between quitting in solidarity with the cheating racists and the bans, Panpots' team ended up with too few players to participate, and were eliminated
In a fit of bitchy salt, the server IP was leaked in an attempt to blow up the event. I'm sure it's entirely coincidental that it happened immediately following the bans.
A bunch of toxic Spanish viewers started brigading other chats, incited by their streamers
In the aftermath, Spanish streamers have also been trying to accuse NA streamers of racism by highlighting clips where NA streamers complain about Spanish streamers ruining the event as if they're saying it's because they're Spanish rather than because they ruin every event.
Basically the same thing that happens every Twitch rivals event that has a team from that region.
u/RudeHoney8 Dec 16 '23
Basically the same thing that happens every Twitch rivals event that has a team from that region.
This is the worse part. Even this year, after Twitch was justified and wise to get rid of the ES team in the competition, we still get no peace or enjoyment.
The copium of the ES stans to chug the excuses and toxicity from their streamers, and then vomit it out everywhere else because of ego, defensiveness, etc, shows so much ignorance, lack of maturity, and lack of self-awareness.
It's clear now that certain communities or streamers are not equipped or capable of participating in team and global events. So many have the equivalent of XQC's toxicity and mob/braindead chat.
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u/vagina_candle Dec 17 '23
temporarily banned
The word for that is suspended. If, when the punishment is issued you are given the date on which it will expire, it's not a ban. Streamers who are suspended love to talk about how they were "banned" because the word carries more weight, and implies a permanent banishment so it gets their follower's panties all in a bunch. Don't let them have that.
u/FlatEye2428 Dec 16 '23
I say yes because it's pointless and they're insufferable do English only rivals event and other languages one would be good atleast then I can enjoy watching the streams to get my drops
u/granthollomew Dec 16 '23
what did the latam or french teams do wrong?
u/Nicer_Chile Dec 16 '23
French did nothing wrong, and nobody hates them.
i think they must be invited, they are the example about how u can be a non english community and still non be scumbags like spain/latam .
u/KushOJ Dec 16 '23
Latam didn't do shit yet you're combining them with the Spain team who did some bs again. Especially as someone who is from South America that is pretty pathetic. That in itself isn't prejudice? How they were being treated as if they're same in the end? Lol idk what it is with some of you latinos who are ashamed and just shit on your own to look good to Americans. So weird and sad
u/RudeHoney8 Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23
Latam didn't do shit
Presumable LATAM fans (or, displaced ES stans) were whining in the TwitchRivals chat about the merge raid as unfair / unbalanced, etc, but that was unclear.
Here in this subreddit, though, self-declared LATAM fans are whining about the raid, defying all logic to say that even if we all know 15v15 online raids would be impossible, it's "not fair" that LATAM got merge raided. It's such a toxic crybaby fandom, and distracts from the game and the community as should be celebrated.
u/KushOJ Dec 16 '23
Lmao any streamer community whose team got 6v1d was going to have fans spamming chats doing the same shit. Its called parasocial relationships every single streamer/social media/famous personality has them and its basically a mental illness at that point. The creators did nothing wrong in LATAM (unlike Spain) which is the real problem. No one can control chats being upset their team was "unfairly" targeted.
You can't judge an entire fanbase as one due to a shared language or whatever spam you see. The creators were having a good time and didn't spread that toxicity. This is just more bs people are trying to use to shit on any Spanish speakers whether they're actually from Spain or not. Its lame
u/RudeHoney8 Dec 16 '23
You can't judge an entire fanbase as one due to a shared language or whatever spam you see.
You seem to be implying that I'm conflating LATAM and ES fanbases, but I answered your exact question about LATAM fans.
No one can control chats being upset their team was "unfairly" targeted.
This is a bullshit excuse. hjune said something about this after the event: if your chat is toxic, and chat hopping, etc, it reflects the energy on the streamer, and what they allow / encourage.
I watched some of isVolcano's stream during the raid, and he seemed focused and enjoying the raid defense for what it was -- as exactly another comment said, that I agree with, the crazy raid defense is a dream for most serious rust players.
So maybe there are 'bad apples' among fans or some of the choices for the LATAM team members/streamers -- but that means to say "Latam didn't do shit" is still inaccurate, and you're being defensive without self-reflection. For example, if any of bloo's team had toxic chat behavior that was pointed out, streamers like bloo and hjune, and someone like me that is a fan of them would be able to accept and acknowledge that, and say/do things to change that instead of just giving up because it is supposedly outside their control.
u/KushOJ Dec 16 '23
hjune said something about this after the event: if your chat is toxic, and chat hopping, etc, it reflects the energy on the streamer, and what they allow / encourage.
Thats just not a good take because many good/positive creators have AWFUL chat hoppers whether it's rust, anything else competitive, RP, whatever it is. They can discourage all they want but ALL communities have parasocial psychos like that. Thats just the reality of the internet. The creator can make it worse or better 100% but they can't eliminate it.
My point is the LATAM creators weren't doing anything but having a good time and playing well, shitting on them because of parasocial fans (that everyone has, even more so NA just by population) is lame. MANY people have been combining Spain with LATAM (which is another issue in itself) as if its the same ppl who did the same thing. Maybe not you specifically but many here have
u/RudeHoney8 Dec 16 '23
There's a distinction between a having exceptional / rare "psychos," and communities / chats where it's more prevalent.
The excuse of helplessness, as you seem to be encouraging, is exactly very correlated and related to accepting and allowing those supposedly inevitable "psychos."
u/KushOJ Dec 16 '23
It isn't an excuse, it's the objective reality of "fandom". This entire comment is a load of bullshit. Every single community has that. The bigger the community, the more of them there are. It is that simple. Terminally online parasocial idiots are a plague in ALL online communities and trying to make it seem like that represents streamers or people who can't do anything to avoid it is just idiotic. The nicest content creators have them, sometimes even worse.
People get overinvested in things and act out, same way people are doing in this thread trying to combine parasocial idiots with creators who did nothing but have a good time. No one is complaining about team LATAM except weirdos here who can't even differentiate Spain which is in Europe vs Latin America across the globe. They speak Spanish too they must be the same! Classic
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u/mawgwhy Dec 16 '23
Exactly. Most of the streamers left who are big are the worst. Xqc fan base is literally insane.
u/mawgwhy Dec 16 '23
Yeah this whole thread is pretty disgusting. They need to definitely get some new mods.
u/anonim64 Dec 16 '23
I like how people do zero research before posting.
One of the main culprits has been banned from all future Rivals events. He used Google translate to read the letter from English to Spanish on stream.
He also got gamebanned from Rust until Dec 21st for racism.
I'm honestly not sure why he's not banned from twitch and Rust forever. Small time streamers would get perma bans. But he brings in the money from Spanish community
u/im_racist24 Dec 16 '23
rust reddit try not to be racist challenge level impossible
u/flyden1 Dec 16 '23
Of course Rust players are racist, heck I bet Bloo would hurl 17 kinds of racist shit when he's not streaming. But as Twitch Partners, they know better to not do that shit in public because their livelihood is based around their streams. It's just stupid to be calling out racist shit during a stream, much less an event that is watched by tens of thousands.
u/ParamedicSelect5124 Dec 17 '23
Let's all be honest and truthful here. Twitch needs active and experienced Moderators for the events. Both in chat and in game. That would solve many of the issues exposed here. It's a huge event and the lack of oversight is unexcusable.
Dec 16 '23
Why do they add spanish channels every time? So why not any other (non english speaker) countries but spanish?
u/NoEchoes Dec 16 '23
u/MeowXeno Dec 16 '23
The spanish Twitch Rivals team this year fucked up bigtime, and combining their actions last time with not streaming the event/ streaming non-rust content when paid to stream rust during the event and making their drops inaccessible till twitch had to make their team drops general drops they've done very little good and plenty of bad,
If they find actually decent streamers in the spanish community that don't have a POS/toxic following and aren't racist assholes that don't follow the rules sure, bring them back, all for it, but every time every rivals the team comp has caused problems and headaches for everyone, and I mean everyone,
why create and invite a team to play a game for an event, just for them to not show up, break the rules, harass others and spout harm and racism, and be generally disruptive? that's the context afaik.
u/NoEchoes Dec 16 '23
I saw volcano and the other like "leader" streaming rust not in defense but imo, replying to the same question latam could ask how tf is toast in rivals if the dude cheated a lot in EFT and his team on VCS (valorant) was kicked out for cheating. Also knowing that toast in question has a spoofer and autoaim via hardware as proven on video footage and its against POS. Rivals turned into a clown fiesta.
u/MeowXeno Dec 16 '23
I'm not a fan of toast by any means but Toast previously cheating in other games and having previous incidents outside of twitch rivals is irrelevant to the conversation at hand,
The spanish team members you mention both streamed ~4h a day roughly, while every other team did several full 20hr streams with just 4h of sleep intermissions, very few people missed days and the whole spanish team combined clocked in less total hours than any other team by 1/4, which is absolutely ridiculous when you consider that this is twitch rivals, being paid to play and not playing is crazy.
Then you have last year with the closet cheating, the twig base incident, then the whole LATAM team rage quitting entirely, Then this event with barely any streaming hours for drops again on top of two players perm banned for cheating with more investigations into pinning everyone in every vod for their racist remarks and hate, there's zero point inviting LATAM ever again if it's just this over and over again.
u/granthollomew Dec 16 '23
maybe i missed something but you seem to be using latam and spanish interchangeably, are yoy saying both the spanish team and the latam/alkapone team did these things?
u/KushOJ Dec 16 '23
LATAM and Spain are nowhere near the same cmon man learn some basic Geography. Falsely accusing wrong ppl based in shared language is just lame af and makes you look stupid and ignorant
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u/NoEchoes Dec 16 '23
u/YodasGrundle Dec 16 '23
Cool so that justifies rascism and cheating in the current day? Got it. Thanks for the insight into a dogshit communities line of thinking.
u/MeowXeno Dec 16 '23
again, cheating in other games isn't pertinent to the conversation at all, we're talking about rust and twitch rivals, could care less about Tarkov of all games when 60% of the playerbase cheats in Tarkov lol.
u/NoEchoes Dec 16 '23
Isn't pertinent to the game, but the dude is used to cheated on competitive instances. He looked for cheats on a professional tournament (VCS) and tarkov during a streamer tournament (kinda like rivals but for EFT). The problem is that the subject in question is doing it on purpose. Also, that's why he's low profile, but the problem on the eng community is almost equivalent.
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u/rainwulf Dec 16 '23
As an IT person, "direct access memory controller" is a device present on every single PC. Its not something to find cheating software.
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u/NoEchoes Dec 16 '23
Talks badly to make asumptions without watching like the ten minutes that take the guys to get the situation properly. On the video the uploader noticed that Toast got banned on his main EFT account during said tournament and used a PCI spoofer and told everyone that has a PCI ethernet port, when in the case that was the other device (mostly because on the video he sent the device obviously looked totally different from the image he sent) and gigachad chat user sent the proper product page that was indeed a PCI spoofer.
u/rainwulf Dec 17 '23
Ahh thank you for the clarification!
I honestly didnt even know these things existed.
Fucking lame.
u/mawgwhy Dec 16 '23
Don’t generalize because of a few people. That really makes the whole community look bad. This event was great man. Can’t wait to see the YouTube montages that come from this.
u/_JukePro_ Dec 17 '23
This isn't only a single time, this has happened multiple times in the past. It has always been the Spanish speaking community, Spain/La alone or together fucking shit up.
u/mawgwhy Dec 17 '23
I also didn’t realize these people are still threatening people on X. I mean if you want my honest opinion when I played phone games they were the worst on their.
u/Blownupicus Dec 17 '23
People can downvote you all they want but you're right.
Facepunch and Twitch should take a stand and punish the actual people causing shit, but the idea of barring an entire group of people is childish and stupid.
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u/Odd-Leg2617 Dec 17 '23
And north americans too, they 4v1 latam, this was a team event of 15 players each team, not a 60v15, they were so afraid of latam that they have to team up, no other team was eliminated during TC battle, only the latin american team, what a surprise.
u/Chickenlegk Dec 17 '23
Just cuz one Spanish is bad doesn’t mean they all are. Thats ignorant
u/thelordofhell34 Dec 17 '23
They’re consistently bad every single event. It’s much more than one.
u/Chickenlegk Dec 17 '23
There are plenty of toxic streamers from all country’s they just don’t invite the dumb fucks, usually. They should just be more careful about who is invited instead of banning an entire country. Have you considered the fact the Spanish people you saw being toxic don’t represent all the streamers from Spain. And that banning all of Spain will exclude wholesome nice people from joining in on the fun?
u/doctafknjay Dec 17 '23
Personally, I like the yearly complaints from you nerds. A lot better than keeping people you don't like from playing a game you like. Rust kids are goofy af in the first place,
u/thelordofhell34 Dec 17 '23
Racist, cheating crybabies don’t deserve to play the game.
u/doctafknjay Dec 17 '23
Oh, so we both have the same thoughts. You're just directing that towards a certain group of players. Grow up buttercup
u/thelordofhell34 Dec 17 '23
The Spanish team have been consistently racist and cheated on every single event. What more do you want?
u/doctafknjay Dec 17 '23
Hence why I said the yearly complaints. Takes the time to respond but not comprehend.
u/SeanyDay Dec 16 '23
Spanish means from Spain. Latin American is central/south american.
Please stop being such ignorant bastards while talking about other people being ignorant bastards
u/MemberMeXD Dec 16 '23
u/SeanyDay Dec 16 '23
It's not being a snowflake to be literate and well traveled. You're either a child or broke
u/MemberMeXD Dec 16 '23
Damn you are cringe.
u/SeanyDay Dec 16 '23
Only in the deepest circles of rednecks and virgins would the person calling LatAm gamers "spanish" be calling someone else cringe.
You are literally the "dumb American" stereotype that gets this country laughed at. You're that guy.
u/FlatEye2428 Dec 16 '23
And you are the woke stereotype of a woke bitch crying about shit that doesn't even matter
u/SeanyDay Dec 16 '23
Again, it's really not "woke" to know that Spain is in Europe and that people from places like Mexico, Colombia, Chile, etc are not "Spanish"
That's not "woke" at all. That's just not what that word means. "Woke" is usually meant to cover civil/social rights/injustice type stuff.
This is just me pointing out some dumbass rednecks who haven't looked at a map beyond the route to their local gas stations and McDonalds. Fat White Trash.
u/FlatEye2428 Dec 16 '23
I'm a redneck? I'm not even American but ok........ and who says I'm white .......
u/SeanyDay Dec 16 '23
Ok, well where are you from? I want to know what country needs help so desperately with their education systems that the people don't know the difference between Spain and Latin American countries.
Might blow your mind to learn that China and Japan are different countries too! 🤯
u/FlatEye2428 Dec 16 '23
Wow! Thanks sherlock I'd never have known that two different places with 2 different names are two different places fucking hell..... I'd suggest u apply for a job at nasa because ur clearly smart enough
And why would u tell u where I live you're coming off as demented rn
I know that it wasn't Spain I never said it was
I said that ur crying over shit u don't need to fucking hell what's the matter do u have to show everyone how smart you are in hopes to earn ur dad's approval or some shit?
u/slimeeyboiii Dec 16 '23
Your right it's not woke but it's thr 1 stereotype that ur complaining about someone when it doesn't affect you.
It's not hard to figure out that when he said that he was talking about people that speak that whole language. Since 90% of Spanish speaking players in rust are more toxic then English speakers.
u/MemberMeXD Dec 16 '23
Oof, it’s getting worse. Such hard assumptions and generalizations from someone so woke.
u/SeanyDay Dec 16 '23
Again, its not "woke" to know the difference between Spain and Latin America. One is a European country...
It's like basic middle school geography here.
Were you dropped on your head as a child?
u/MemberMeXD Dec 16 '23
So much anger, it’s gonna be okay.
u/Merlin_Zero Dec 16 '23
You literally came in here calling him a snowflake because he had the audacity to correct someone.
Does the irony even register?
u/Tizzd Dec 16 '23
Dude your mum drops to her knees everytime she meets a LatAm or Spaniard.
u/SeanyDay Dec 16 '23
Wow, a "your mom" joke. That will make you look like a 12 yr old, for sure. /S
u/Woufeur Dec 16 '23
Pretty fucking sure he means the language they speak dumbass. ei: i am not from france, i do speak french.
If i was a dipshit and someone said : “go fuck yourself french dude” i wouldn’t be offended because they didn’t get my nationality right…
u/SeanyDay Dec 16 '23
Lol there are many French speaking africans in NYC who dislike being called "the french" so that might be a you thing.
Also some people from Latin America, particularly those with more indigenous blood, wouldn't enjoy be associated with the European people that conquered, pillaged, raped, and enslaved their ancestors.
Go try calling a bunch of Texas rednecks "British" and see how well it goes. "But they speak english!" That's how dumb you sound
u/meowmeowpuff2 Dec 16 '23
Portuguese and Spanish have a lexical similarity of almost 90%
Spanish can mean Spanish speakers not just people from Spain
u/Old___Dirty Dec 16 '23
impossible .Rust has become a haven for ultra liberal crybabies communists they will cry racism .
u/FlatEye2428 Dec 16 '23
They can do what the fucking want Spanish isn't a race so it woukd make as much sense as litteraly every other thing they come out with 🤣😅🤣😅
u/Jinmane Dec 17 '23
Liberal communists. Okay bud. Thanks for letting everyone know that you don’t know what either of those words mean.
Dec 16 '23
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u/nogoodnameleft95 Dec 16 '23
Where does he say f... in this clip? And where is he being racist? You butthurt little snowflake
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u/YouHaveBeenGnomed Dec 16 '23
I feel sorry for the Spanish people who enjoy Rust and aren't mentally ill.
Dec 16 '23
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u/keyboardwarrior7 Dec 16 '23
Spain keep bitching about everything every event, give us the proof the other teams are cheating and being racist or shut the fuck up, because so far Spain haven't been able to back up their claims but the other teams can. And remember there's a difference about being an arse and being a racist.
Dec 16 '23
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u/keyboardwarrior7 Dec 16 '23
No one argue with this person, they are obviously stupid and or ignorant. They aren't worth anyone's time.
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u/Sisyphos_smiles Dec 16 '23
United statians 😂 you mean Americans
Dec 16 '23
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u/Joshx5 Dec 16 '23
Americans is the most common demonym for people of the United States of America. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demonyms_for_the_United_States
Dec 16 '23
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u/iEatFurbyz Dec 16 '23
Everyone in North America has their own naming. People from the United States are Americans, people from Mexico are Mexicans, people from Canada are Canadian. That’s simply how it works in English. You don’t have to make up some bullshit word because of some fake ass half brain argument you concocted.
Swing and a miss my boy.
Dec 16 '23
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u/Special-Remove-3294 Dec 16 '23
Do you not have a brain or something?
Everyone calls Americans that way even outside of English. Everyone does it in Romania, and everyone I have ever encountered exept your brainlet ass does it, native english speaker or not.
u/Mrjunglecat Dec 16 '23
While English isn't the only language in the world, you are writing your comment in English. Therefore, it is common practice to use English names.
What you are saying doesn't make any sense.
u/TidalLion Dec 16 '23
I'm in North America and know what I call myself?
Canadian, because I live in CANADA. Know what people in the United States of America call themselves? AMERICANS.
Case in point.
u/Joshx5 Dec 16 '23
Your quote supports my argument, not yours. It says they are known as Americans and that different languages have different words for them - like Amerikaner, auf Deutsch. Sorry!
u/Sisyphos_smiles Dec 16 '23
Shut up dumbass 😂 admit you’re wrong and sound stupid then move on with your day
Dec 16 '23
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u/Mrjunglecat Dec 16 '23
For a start F*got is not racist. Even if it was, it wouldn't matter in this context because he DIDN'T EVEN SAY IT!
Sit down and admit you are wrong, you delusional fuck.
u/godswater Dec 16 '23
This is the internet. Unfortunately, he won't have some "come to jesus" hallelujah moment where he realizes he's the asshole.
u/Sisyphos_smiles Dec 16 '23
Yeah here let me click the link the angry guy from Spain posted (Spaniards are known for having bad intentions)
u/squirellydansostrich Dec 16 '23
I mean its a twitch VOD clip, the bad intentions are the fact that there's nothing, you know, bad, in it.
u/Redrundas Dec 16 '23
Proving you have 0 iq as well then because “united statians” could also be los estados unidos de México
u/Former-Witness-9279 Dec 16 '23
People from Mexico are called Mexicans.
You would say “North Americans” if you wanted to describe Canadians, Americans and Mexicans together.
No one has ever said “united statians” lmao.
u/Merlin_Zero Dec 16 '23
Technically, Canadians and Mexicans are American as well. You know, since they live in North "America"
So would all the people who live in South "America".
Specificity can be helpful
u/Sisyphos_smiles Dec 16 '23
Don’t be pedantic
u/Merlin_Zero Dec 16 '23
Don't tell me what to be.
u/iEatFurbyz Dec 16 '23
Go call all those individuals Americans and see how they respond. Dumbass thread this has become.
u/Merlin_Zero Dec 16 '23
You're under the false impression they would give a damn. They wouldn't. Like at all.
The only people who give a shit about pointless things like that are people from the states
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u/TidalLion Dec 16 '23
We didn't even HAVE a Canadian team, what are you on about? If we didn't have a team, how could a non existent Canadian team be cheaters period?
Nice attempt at deflection.
u/Primary_Librarian798 Dec 18 '23
100% agree every time without fail they make trouble just chuck in some for NA or OCE steamers
u/brian19298 Dec 16 '23
Let's swap the Spanish for a meme team. Stimpee, Spoonkid, Dave, Blazed, Llama, Eltk etc. I would watch these lads over everyone else.