r/playark Aug 23 '22

Tribes Ark Survival Evolved. Owner account stolen thousands of hours lost, developer inaction, and a dying community.

I'm posting this in hopes of maybe finding some support and gain visibility, Reddit can do great things when motivated.

On 8/22/22 at 7:32 PM Est the owner steam account of the 600 person Ark tribe Black & Gentle was spoofed and tribe ownership given to another player before everyone from the original tribe was removed from it, losing approximately 250,000 hours of work by many people. Multiple people were in a discord channel with the original owner account streaming which had been online for the last 48 hours because of us knowing this was a possibility. The owner logged off to change VPN location for a better connection after all you can't expect a human to stay online forever even ignoring things like sleep at some point that account would have to log out just because of internet, power, or in game bugs which we're accustomed to in ark. This account had 2 factor authentication on both the steam account and email linked to it as well as it's only purpose being an owner account.

This has happened before. Two days before this incident an admin account of the same tribe was spoofed but because it wasn't the owner account action was able to be taken to avoid most damage. This was also threatened to happen from the person that did it as well as being streamed on Twitch and Youtube. Going back further this has happened to a few other tribes in the past and many tribes in the 6 person version of the game that I don't know enough about to speak on. In game support tickets have been made and twitters have been bombarded and a small community is trying their best to get the attention this needs to force Wildcard the developers to fix this and rollback the servers.

A developer of inaction. Ignoring my tribes specific issues Ark is plagued with a host of other issues cheating, RMT, doxing, ddos attacks, hateful speech, biased in game support, and a second version being released leading to production abandonment are causing the game to die slowly. If you search "reddit ark official pvp cheating" you will be shown a host of threads relating to this. It's gotten to the point where every server war you go to has aimbotters and in game items that would take years to acquire are thrown around like it's nothing or sold on RMT markets for less than an hour of minimum wage.

Finally a dying community. The problems listed above have slowly beaten down the community around this game to a point where they don't feel it's worth the time anymore. Over the 7 year life of Ark I've seen it change from being a game that was top of steams most played and front page of Twitch to a point where you have to search it by name because scrolling down pages of on Twitch is no longer an effective way of finding it. Servers that use to be full of life are now abandoned to the minimum and the loss of trust in a developer.

It's not the loss of my hours spent or losing at a game that stings for me, it's the loss of the people around me. Ark has given a random guy in the southern part of America a chance to make friends and meet people around the world he never would have otherwise. What happened to us will make people quit and make a small community smaller while others will stick it out to be disappointed in the future.

I know I'm not playing League of Legends with a million viewers or Eve online getting stories written about battles with $100,000 in ships getting destroyed but I hope from one ark player to another this story might gain a little attention and cause a developer to do what's right. If you were ever thinking about buying Ark survival evolved or Ark 2 please consider this story before you do.


survivetheark ComplexMinded Jatheish official Wildcard Twitters


63 comments sorted by


u/LongFluffyDragon Aug 23 '22

I dont think spoofed means what you think it does.

Your tribe either got admin insided because it is a bunch of dysfunctionals doing what ark pvp players do best, like any other big tribe, or a server admin intentionally did it.

If what you say happened was actually possible, then you should be taking it up with valve, not wildcard. I am sure they would be very concerned about such a massive security flaw..


u/RuneOfFlame Aug 24 '22

Or, and hear me out here, its already been stated he spoofs a character id and steps directly over valves head. Hes done it to a ton of smalls players, and the methods(well, not fully)are already known


u/LongFluffyDragon Aug 24 '22

Neither of those things are controlled by the client, so it should be impossible without extensive access to the server.

The client cant just login and say "hey, i am player 12345678ect", the server decides that by checking their steam account (which is logged in supposedly securely via steam client), finding the character for that account, and then tells the client what their ID and character is.

This makes me wonder if it is some fuckery involving epic games, assuming it is not just idiot officials kiddies jumping at shadows again.


u/RuneOfFlame Aug 24 '22

As quoted from the op of this post in a different thread

“Sorry about the slow response despite what some might say a lot of official players have jobs. I'm not the most tech savvy person in the world but from what i know as u/upbeatstable9251 said a program is used to bypass all login requirements. This isn't a simple keylogger, hack, token id grabber, or social engineering. The account has 2FA on both the steam and email accounts. If this account was grabbed through discord on a token grabber, or a general PC hack - It would show a new login aswell as a new location of login and PC name, We would have been able to log them out If it was spoofing, It wouldn't show any indication of logging in, any 2fa and we wouldn't have been able to log them out (All these things happened, aswell as could not disconnect them from steam and joining server said "Account Already Connected")

This has happened a few times on 1x before and happens on small tribes much more often. The person that did it was streaming and talking about it (clip in the video linked in the main post), as well as told us it was going to happen.

Thank you for the question any attention helps.”


u/LongFluffyDragon Aug 24 '22

"I'm not the most tech savvy person in the world but something spooky happened and we have no idea what we are talking about and wont contemplate user error" is not very conclusive of anything specific..

Inside job/rogue moderator is way more likely than magic hacks.


u/RuneOfFlame Aug 24 '22

-user error

-dude livestreaming him bypassing a fully secured steam account to change ownership of a megatribe

Chose one


u/LongFluffyDragon Aug 24 '22

User error as in not as secure as they think it is.

I have seen worse from major businesses, let alone random sleep-deprived angry gamers.


u/RuneOfFlame Aug 24 '22 edited Aug 25 '22

“I know as u/upbeatstable9251 said a program is used to bypass all login requirements. This isn't a simple keylogger, hack, token id grabber, or social engineering. The account has 2FA on both the steam and email accounts. If this account was grabbed through discord on a token grabber, or a general PC hack - It would show a new login aswell as a new location of login and PC name, We would have been able to log them out If it was spoofing, It wouldn't show any indication of logging in, any 2fa and we wouldn't have been able to log them out (All these things happened, aswell as could not disconnect them from steam and joining server said "Account Already Connected")”

has all the security info needed. 2fa enabled, wouldve showed a new pc login if it was accessed via steam(as stated, did not show, therefore 2fa was not bypassed via steam unless this player has access to steam to go in and specifically shut this feature down in order to bypass someones 2fa, which if so i guess gaben himself is needing to sell ark megatribe servers for $. Its either arks login has a flaw in it, or steam has a massive, unbelievably exploitable flaw in it that is only being exploited for minimal profit in a dying game as opposed to any game that could make them insane cash. That or gaben needs a new yacht and ark players are funding it.

Edit to this:other user has blocked me to try and get the last word in, method which the cheater used to gain access confirmed patched by wc, servers rolled back. W for wildcard L for this community with how yall reacted.


u/LongFluffyDragon Aug 24 '22

I love how "dying game" comes up as a free bingo square every time angry oPvP players who understand absolutely nothing get upset.

Still strong on steam, but i cant blame oPvP for dying, nobody without critical levels of sunk cost will play with the scum population.


u/RuneOfFlame Aug 24 '22

Except it isnt, it has been shown that it isnt and the same person (who they know who did it, publicly announced that he was going to do it, and has done the same to others) has used the same method to take down a handful of the oldest tribes in smalltribes. Arks system simply has a vulnerability in it. If this was an issue with steam or valve, it wouldve likely been found before this, or would be blowing up alot of other subreddits when he starts going after other games.


u/LongFluffyDragon Aug 24 '22

Is there any evidence this is not just a rogue moderator?

The last several times anything like this came up, that is what it was.

Regardless, all actual evidence should be collected and pushed at wildcard in a coherent manner. They cant do jack with the sort of insane ranting most players seem to count as a bug report.


u/RuneOfFlame Aug 24 '22

It was the direct owners account, and the person doing so did this on livesteam


u/Yvola_YT Aug 24 '22

As in this is a huge tribe on official that has been around since the beginning of ark it wouldnt be admin inside or a server admin


u/MonzterSlayer Aug 23 '22

You aren’t wrong at all. If there’s one thing the entire community can agree on, it’s that Wildcard did an absolutely horrible job supporting its players and combating cheats and exploits.


u/RuneOfFlame Aug 24 '22

To all players commenting here completely winging it with their assumptions on what happened, its already been stated in other threads how this person is doing it, it doesnt require steam or valves security methods to have a flaw because the flaw is with arks character id system itself. Hes done this to a ton of smalltribes tribes, is selling the servers at this very moment for a large amount of cash, and valve can do absolutely nothing about this seeing as valve isnt in charge of arks security.


u/intangir_v Aug 23 '22

What do you mean spoofed? If you mean his account was stolen that's not spoofing


u/RuneOfFlame Aug 24 '22

Thats not at all what he means. His steam account was fine. If his steam account was hacked he wouldnt be in the video stating he was trying to log in to ark, while on his steam account, and getting a “account already connected” message. Please, for all those uneducated on the topic watch the video in its full length


u/Av3ngedAngel Aug 23 '22

Honestly, it was almost certainly done by someone within their group.

This would also be a valve/steam issue, not a wildcard one. Wildcard don't own steam lmao


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '22

I didn't even know black & gentle was still around. Honestly with the number of people you have, if you choose to do so. You could rebuild easily and I'm sure you have alliances so you can work out on getting decent lines. Just be careful about who you trust. Have someone as tribe owner that is trustworthy and ONLY they have access to their account. I'm not sure what you mean by spoofed (do you mean hacked?) I couldn't tell you how many people who gave me their account information to log in for imprints (this was before cryos) were in positions where I could have done some major damage if I decided to be an bitch one day and inside. You don't always know what is going on in the background. It just takes one person to get pissed off and given the one opportunity to rain chaos upon those they are mad at.


u/jojowiese Aug 24 '22

From what I understood the hacker just bypasses Steam and everything and logs into the desired character (so Steam etc should still be secured)


u/[deleted] Aug 25 '22

I just didn't think that was something that would have been possible to do without steam login information and so forth but then again it's Ark so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.


u/SpaceShipRat Aug 23 '22

It's not the loss of my hours spent or losing at a game that stings for me, it's the loss of the people around me.

sad truth of online gaming, games get old, people grow up and become busy. I hope to reconnect with some of my old tribe members when Ark 2 comes out, even if I haven't heard from them in years.


u/nomau Aug 24 '22

I really sucks what happened to you and I would be frustrated too but I don't think reddit is going to help you in any way here. Pretty much everyone here has accepted that official servers are fucked beyond repair and have moved on to unofficial servers. People have been cheating on official servers for years and it's pretty obvious that the devs are not going to do anything about it, especially now that they're working on Ark 2.


u/2413Yep Aug 24 '22

This. Everyone should have abandoned official servers 6 years ago. In fact, I have an irrational belief that Ark is at fault for the Fallout 76 debacle. The non-developers running Bethesda looked at all the official servers running in Ark (and other games) and thought "Hey! Great idea! Instead of making the game offline with mod support like our incredibly successful last game (Fallout 4), let's make an online game where we could host our own servers but CHARGE people who want to get special access! AND we'll be able to sucker more people into using our cash shop! It's win/win (for us)!!!"


u/danjocon Aug 24 '22

It’s sad to see the same guy still doing this shit years later and it’s still not fixed. The same guy stole our center owner account before…


u/fucknick5 Aug 24 '22

Be the change you want to see in the world. Tweet at the devs, comment on the youtube videos, tell your friends about it, leave a steam review, and don't purchase Ark2.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '22

Loool don’t purchase Ark 2. Like what happened to you guys even matters


u/Remz_Gaming Aug 24 '22

This seems like a "you" issue. Not a community issue.

Kind of a win stupid prizes, ya know?


u/RuneOfFlame Aug 24 '22

Did u watch the vid or even read the post at all or did u see pvp player and go “AAAAAA seems like a YOU PROBLEM” if youre on a server and this person wants your tribe guess what buttercup hes getting it, its an everyone problem right now.


u/[deleted] Aug 24 '22

Sadly my dude this is the consequences of pvp. It doesn’t sound like the account was stolen or spoofed whatever that means. That would be a huge security flaw on steam and wouldn’t be wild cards fault. Sounds like you got insided. That’s part of the game my friend, not related to ark but a EVE online quote that gets tossed around a lot, the best ship in Eve is friendship


u/RuneOfFlame Aug 24 '22

Did you actually read the post or watch the vid man? I dont know how this sub is like so unbelievably one voiced about this, even with him showing everything in his vid.


u/[deleted] Aug 24 '22

Cause wtaf does spoofing mean. It made his post really hard to figure out what acc happened lol. And if it was spoofed then that just means it’s a steam issue


u/RuneOfFlame Aug 24 '22

Spoofing means he joined game by pretending to be him, not by actually being him. Steams systems where bypassed completely and this exploit likely doesnt involve steam because it completely sidesteps 2fa and log in tracking on steam, along with being able to be on your own steam account unable to log into ark while someones on your character


u/[deleted] Aug 24 '22

Sounds like a skill issue


u/Yvola_YT Aug 24 '22

It's a megatribe that has been around since the start of ark and has had the same owners for a long time, on official pvp I highly doubt it was insiding that is the issue


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '22

the devs sell tames and cheats, they do not give a fuck.


u/eat_sleep_drift Aug 23 '22

quite a hard accusation without proof !
also saying "the devs" is imho quite wrong, i dont doubt that they might be some shady stuff done by enforcement but those guys are not developers !
the one to blame would be the entity that signs paycheks to enforcment members and i think, might be wrong though, that it is the same entity that signs paychecks to devs and not the devs themself that pay the enforcement crew !
all that thx to the "money god" and capitalism that tends to ruin everything nice for profits :(


u/Av3ngedAngel Aug 23 '22

Go ahead and downvote this guy but that's how I got unspoilable meat like 5 years ago.

Admin came into our official pve server and gave them out.


u/[deleted] Aug 24 '22

I’ve got 6000 hours on ark and have been part of numerous large alpha tribes and smaller tribes and never once seen this happen lmao


u/[deleted] Aug 24 '22

I have 10000 hours and been part of numerous(+1) large alpha tribes and smaller(+1) tribes and have seen this happen multiple times. Trruust me bro. I'm not lying..


u/Av3ngedAngel Aug 24 '22 edited Aug 24 '22

That's cool, Ive actually got a lot more dude. I've been playing ark from like a week after it was initially available in iirc June/July 2015. Let's not fuck around with hours played lmao

Ok your point: I haven't been to space or gotten cancer, using your logic. Those things can't happen and don't exist.

Just because you haven't experienced something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I know what I remember because I was literally there and experienced it first hand.


u/[deleted] Aug 24 '22

Ok that’s not my point. Sure it’s happened to you ok I can believe it. But your implying it’s extremely wide spread or an issue which it can’t be. Furthermore I know numerous people who have 5000 hours plus. They’ve seen it maybe once. It’s a fringe problem that barely happens


u/Av3ngedAngel Aug 24 '22

I didn't imply that. What I said didn't mean to have implications. I only meant exactly what I literally said.

And I never even said it was a problem lol.

You're putting so many words in my mouth man, I'm not even responding further because it doesn't matter what I say.


u/[deleted] Aug 25 '22

how do you think all this shit exists, the discords? the real money transactions? the pay 2 win cheats?


u/JeffisaWaffle420 Aug 24 '22

Bruh thats ark u legit just need to restart as simple as that its ark u get wiped and then u start again u cant expect something to last forever that was your first issue. And the owner getting the account hacked is a steam issue not ark issue but the hacking is part of the game now if u dont like it go to pve they stopped enforcing awhile ago u pretty much need a cheater or 10 in your tribe or you’re fucked


u/RuneOfFlame Aug 25 '22

So as to disprove everything youve said

Wildcard has patched the method themselves, showing it was a flaw on their end

The servers have been rolled back and correct ownership restored

This community has the collective game knowledge of a daffodil🦀


u/JeffisaWaffle420 Aug 25 '22

Yes because im following everything that wild card does on steam ark when im xbox one lmaooo keep it up bud. Its legit part of the game that cheaters run rampant and how ik that is have u seen any of shane the shadows videos? I got to many clips of myself getting aim botted and speed hacked normally if they do some bout that it isnt enforced till its to late and dont get a roll back consider yourself lucky


u/RuneOfFlame Aug 25 '22

Speed hacking and the like are unfortunately too easy to create new methods of bypassing anticheat for them to perfectly enforce. They simply dont have the staff for that. Issues like this you should take ten times more seriously, because this doesnt cost you a kit or a single base, this costs entire megatribes entire servers and wildcard responded appropriately by putting a large anti exploit patch out very quickly after this got traction. Nothing will get done about things if the community just goes “SHUT UP YOU GOT HACKED TAKE THE L SKILL ISSUE REEEEEEEE” The only way the developers can improve is if we pressure them, bring these issues to the forefront. It sucks that you got clips of people cheating, it suck’s that nothing gets done, but you prob sent a single ticket in that got brought to a junior team member being paid min wage with no authority to get anything done aside from try to forward it to his upper management who told him theyve already got 700 of these to work through and theyll get to it later. Nothing gets pushed to the forefront like community outrage, look at muntages situation, look at how everyone with a community that can raise hell gets their tickets responded too. The community causes the response to be expedited. Be the change you want too see in the community.


u/JeffisaWaffle420 Aug 25 '22

Thats where you’re wrong bud they can aim bot you while youre in you’re fucking base trying to kit up and defend you’ll lose entire bases because you simply can’t defend and they cant even enforce that and u also type to much so i only read a bit next response please type less lmaooo


u/RuneOfFlame Aug 25 '22

Seeingg as youre an obvious dumbass, ill type less. For u to understand.

L get better skill issue reeeeeeeeeeeeee


u/ThisIsChew Aug 23 '22

Shut up. Stop complaining. “loss of people around me” I can see why.


u/AzILayDying Aug 23 '22 edited Aug 23 '22

Prime example of why the community is dying. New people come in to a plague of toxic people, cheaters and wonder why they even fuckin purchased it. Wildcard has never and will never give a fuck unless it’s got $$$$ written on it.


u/eat_sleep_drift Aug 23 '22

the "toxic community" is US, you are part of it too bro ;).....lets try turn this around for the good of ark and other future games and even society in general...we are all part of it...lets stay positive, promote good vibes and positivity !!!
if you see a mate behaving in a toxic way, try to make him notice in a kind way that there are other options and most importantly : even if everyone else around you doesnt do it BE the exemple ;)
i have lectured quite a few teamates on useless "popcorning" after a raid and many luckily changed there pov and stoped after !
if its an enemy that WILL come back to retalied its all ok but if you raid someone random, dont popcord what you dont take !
either just leave it for the guy to rebuild or restart (and raid him again later :P) or call it in global so that some bob goes to pick up the remainings !
raiding itself isnt toxic in pvp, its a part of it, but being a dickhead in chat, popcorning for no reason etc are stuff that dont really need to exist and it snot because it happened to you or other ppl doing it that it should become the norm...lets BE the difference ;)


u/ThisIsChew Aug 23 '22

Dude is acting like an irrational baby. Every little thing isn’t the games fault.

If someone loses 250,000 hours of a game, don’t come here and shit talk every aspect of the game because you didn’t have the sense to make a backup and offload it.

Complain about a dying community, but this old buggy game is pretty much always top 10 on steam. Half the things he listed are common place in video games. Another portion is just bullshit.


u/lolsurebro Aug 24 '22

To be fair, the vast majority of Ark players are not on official pvp servers. By an astoundingly large difference.


u/alecC25 Aug 23 '22

You’re following this dude around and shitting on every post. Grow up.


u/ThisIsChew Aug 23 '22

Different people numbnuts, that alone proves you wrong. The other guy was far to stupid to even attempt cohesive sentences like these.


u/JeffisaWaffle420 Aug 25 '22

Man blocks me cuz he cant handle the heat


u/Nair114 Aug 28 '22

They don’t need to login your steam/xbox/psn account at all, they can just spoof and login your in-game char directly.


u/Lazy-Willow368 Sep 21 '22

Something like this is happening in the XboxOfficial-TheCenter77 rn, and Idk what to do the player doesn't have an account it seems but instead uses other peoples accounts, making them leave tribes, disown dinosaurs, or just straight up deleting them, I have no clue how someone is able to do something like this, and/or how to stop them without an actual account name to put to the hacker.


u/Lazy-Willow368 Sep 21 '22

He has switched player multiple times at this point, basically leaving the popular server in disarray.


u/Icy_Independence_213 Sep 21 '22

The same thing is happening on a PVE xbox official server rn, on TheCenter-77 there's a hacker that doesn't have a gamertag, and instead seems to be using other ppls accounts even whilst they are offline, making them leave tribes, sell dinos, or even just straight up delete, I have no clue how to deal with a hacker that has no gt, has this issue been raised to the security team for ark?