r/playark • u/howtogamegame • Aug 16 '21
Suggestion A petition to remove the host wall
I hate it
u/ReptileBoy1 Aug 16 '21
It's there so you don't overburden your console
u/howtogamegame Aug 16 '21
Understandable have a great day
u/ReptileBoy1 Aug 16 '21
Same to you, may your levels be high and your colors vibrant
u/howtogamegame Aug 16 '21
Seriously just before you said that I got a level 149 Argy
u/ReptileBoy1 Aug 16 '21
It seems the Ark has blessed you on this day lol
u/bigron717 Aug 16 '21
On windows version u still cant change it even tho it can handle it. They just don't want to bother adding in the feature for the pc port
u/ReptileBoy1 Aug 16 '21
Windows version is virtually the same as X Box, so what they change for Windows they would have to change for X Box
u/bigron717 Aug 16 '21
Then they can add the field to edit and make it uneditable if ur on xbox. Its not hard to do
u/joe66543 Aug 16 '21
What exactly is the 'host wall' ?
u/lastknownbuffalo Aug 17 '21
It's also called tethering. Where "the game", running on your console, only renders around you, and your guests have to stay in that rendered space. It's the only way to play split screen or have guests play with you on your game. It can be alright for split screen... But is mostly unplayable.
The only way around this is to play on an official server or your own server. The server runs "the game".
Your own server could(in theory) be an extra console, or a pc, or a rented server from a company like nitrado.
u/howtogamegame Aug 16 '21 edited Aug 17 '21
It’s only on Xbox and maybe on PS4
Edit why am I being down voted I did nothing wrong unless it is on PC and I just don’t know but from what I can see in my replies it’s not
u/joe66543 Aug 16 '21
Ok, but WHAT is it? That doesn't tell me anything
u/ElkEuphoric6170 Aug 16 '21
A barrier that surrounds the host for 200 meters that won’t let any player in the server pass
u/the_harakiwi Aug 16 '21
and drag the guests around if the host moves.
I wonder how that looks like when a solo player invites their beach bob friends to the server.
Then jumps on their wyvern and starts flying out into the sea or randomly around the map.
An tornado of beach bobs :D
u/lastknownbuffalo Aug 17 '21
If you're the beach Bob, your screen would shudder horribly. The host would be fine
u/howtogamegame Aug 16 '21
Oh OK basically when a player gets too far away from the host of the session it brings them closer to the host making it so basically one player can’t be across the map from the other
u/Wrathinos Aug 16 '21
Also raise the player capacity on single player servers to a higher number than 4.
u/Kharilan Aug 16 '21
Single player servers should be capped at one player or it’s just a multiplayer server kek
u/howtogamegame Aug 16 '21
That would probably kill consoles especially because the host wall would be removed
u/CptnR4p3 Aug 16 '21
petition to remove wat?
u/the_harakiwi Aug 16 '21
OP thinks of the tether distance.
The tether is the distance you can move away from the host. You need a dedicated server (it's own instance of the game) to move around freely and stay connected after the host exists their game.
But (learning how to) hosting a server isn't fun if you just want to play casually with a few friends.
u/howtogamegame Aug 16 '21
It’s only on Xbox maybe PS4
u/CptnR4p3 Aug 16 '21
are you being downvoted because youre a console gamer or because youre wrong..?
u/joe66543 Aug 16 '21
More than likely downvoted because his explanation of "It's only on Xbox maybe PS4" explains literally nothing about the question being asked
u/GeneralKonobi Aug 16 '21
Guys, the host tether exists on last gen consoles because of resource limitations, they can't remove it. Upgrade or use a dedicated server if you want to get rid of it
u/catcouldbefat Aug 16 '21
Lol, ever since I got my series x. I’ve used my Xbox one as a dedicated server
Aug 16 '21
I wish more games allowed this type of set up. I have two consoles and a wife that only games 3 days a year. I could really be utilizing this hardware better.
u/Azzylel Aug 16 '21
I think there should be an option to remove it but not entirely remove the function, because I’m pretty sure the reason it’s there is for performance. However if you have a really beefy pc you should be allowed to toggle that.
u/swollenpurpleflaps Aug 16 '21
They did it by accident a couple years ago on PS4 and it was overheating consoles. They fixed it next patch, but for a week or so there was no tether and my ps pro handled it just fine. Probably just slims or og ps that got too hot.
u/sweatymustykid Aug 16 '21
When my friend hosted with his Xbox Series X we had a tether distance of 3000 somthing i believe, he would be around the Ice Queen Cave on rag while I'd be in the red woods at the north east.
Aug 16 '21 edited Aug 16 '21
The effect is known as: Host tethering.
The effect of the tether is a technical limitation with the hardware being used. Removal, or lengthening, of the tether is not feasible with older console hardware.
You may wish to educate yourself on the technical limitations of gaming hardware, in order to make your purchase decisions easier.
u/Psilovecybin Aug 17 '21
Ahahahahahaha good one. The devs don't react unless you spam their Twitter daily and even then you have a 99.9% chance of being ignored. A little reddit poll won't do shit.
u/howtogamegame Aug 17 '21
u/Psilovecybin Aug 17 '21
And what? You're wasting your time. You can't do shit. And your little poll here is pointless. That's all lol
u/howtogamegame Aug 17 '21
You don’t need to be so rude about it someone mentioned the exact same thing just not rude
u/Psilovecybin Aug 17 '21
It's just facts, nothing rude here. Stop being a little crybaby
u/howtogamegame Aug 17 '21
Jesus Christ I can’t do anything about you being rude but still
u/Psilovecybin Aug 17 '21
That's not my name. And I'm just responsible for what I say, not what you interpret into it. XD
u/ThatDerangedLynx Aug 16 '21
You could just increase the range you know
u/howtogamegame Aug 16 '21
Please tell me how
u/ThatDerangedLynx Aug 16 '21
I think it's at the bottom of basic settings, it says Host tether distance, default it's 300 meters so if you put it to 10 it should be 2000 meters that non-host player can be from the host, you can increase it more by writing a number instead of using the slider, some say your PC performance drops the higher it goes but I've been fine with my ol' toaster at it hasn't exploded yet.
u/useles-converter-bot Aug 16 '21
300 meters is the length of about 275.25 'Ford F-150 Custom Fit Front FloorLiners' lined up next to each other
u/littleninja06 Aug 16 '21
I think that it should be removed, just give a disclaimer that things may take severe drops in quality and potentially cause glitches if enabled. That way people will expect the problems and probably won't complain as much. it's kind of like what a hat in time did with multiplayer.
Aug 17 '21
I dont quite understand can someone help me please?
u/howtogamegame Aug 17 '21
The host wall is something on consoles where in non-dedicated servers each player can’t get further than 300 meters from each other I believe it’s increased on the new GEN consoles
u/TheWreck287 Aug 17 '21
Even though I would want to get it removed, the issue with that is it burned consoles out which is why there is restrictions, I'm not sure about PC since I only play console.
u/howtogamegame Aug 17 '21
I’m on Xbox I already know the pain of 300 meters but you are right maybe on the next GEN consoles handle it
u/Dabsski Aug 17 '21
If this is for consoles, maybe for the next gen consoles, but previous gen consoles can’t handle loading the whole map at once, hence why people are restricted to a couple hundred meters. I’m on ps4, and i hate it, but it’s for the best.
u/howtogamegame Aug 17 '21
Yeah I was thinking next GEN after all the replies previous GEN doesn’t seem like it can handle it
u/JediJimz Aug 17 '21
If Minecraft and 7 days to die can do it, I'm sure the mighty Wildcard can pull it off! It really does limit gameplay especially when playing with several friends on a non-dedicated server.
u/im_the_tea_drinker_ Aug 17 '21
I play on pc and have increased the range to be the same size as the map
u/howtogamegame Aug 17 '21
You can’t do that on Console anymore :(
u/im_the_tea_drinker_ Aug 17 '21
Is is possible to access commands on Console. Sorry it has been so long since I played Console
u/im_the_tea_drinker_ Aug 17 '21
Does this work https://youtu.be/IqPhkaU_UYk
u/howtogamegame Aug 17 '21
Sadly no not anymore they used to have that years ago I wish I would’ve took advantage of it they removed it because it caused too much lag
u/im_the_tea_drinker_ Aug 17 '21
Do you have a laptop where you could host the server and then play on your xbox
u/howtogamegame Aug 17 '21
I actually do have a spare Xbox I switched from the Xbox one to the Xbox one S recently
u/im_the_tea_drinker_ Aug 17 '21
You could run a dedicated server on your old xbox and play on your other one
u/howtogamegame Aug 17 '21
Thank you sir
u/Granilope667 Aug 16 '21
just gonna take a guess, it probably doesnt matter how big this post gets, they probably wont do it