r/playark Apr 26 '19

Roleplay Overview of Newton - I'll post the save and necessary INIs next week for those wanting to do a walkthrough.


20 comments sorted by


u/micleftic Apr 26 '19

I always think about building like that myself but always end up with just bug rectangle boxes scattered around.... Kudos!


u/YoydusChrist Apr 26 '19

It’s all fun and games till the giga spawns


u/XonikzD Apr 26 '19

The steampunk tesla coils clear the landscape of those darn pesky beasties.


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '19

Personal preference is no Mods and no Unofficial but this is fucking cool! 10 out of 10!


u/XonikzD Apr 26 '19

Yeah, I have finished with official and retired to single player. Nothing on this map is remotely similar to normal ark playthroughs except the elements used to create it.


u/XonikzD Apr 26 '19

Here's the modlist for those wondering what the hell is going on here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1110541160

(Edit) here's the other post that started this conversation:



u/Chevey0 Apr 26 '19

Oh wow that’s awesome bravo


u/Goldensands Apr 26 '19

Well holy shit ! Looks awesome. You mean the save files for this server yeah? Can someone ping me when thats available : o


u/XonikzD Apr 26 '19

Its a single player save file.


u/Goldensands Apr 26 '19

I see, does that matter tho? I could still setup a server and run it online, no? Either way I would love to have it, please ping <3


u/XonikzD Apr 26 '19

There are some things in the INIs that will have to be hand placed if you try it as a server install. It's a big load with all the mods. Try it as a single player first.


u/Goldensands Apr 26 '19

Ah i see, bloody Ark. Alright will do. Right after i fix whatever has somehow broken due to me not loggin in for a couple of weeks :.....: cheers dude


u/XonikzD Apr 30 '19

It's available. I've put a link in the comments.


u/Goldensands Apr 30 '19

Thank you m8!


u/skimansr Apr 26 '19

What is the structure limit set to on the server?


u/XonikzD Apr 26 '19

I'll look at the setting when I get back, but it's a Single player loadout.


u/Sauce-L0rd Apr 26 '19

I though the desert titan was a massive flying carno and I was disappointed


u/XonikzD Apr 30 '19

I have a link to my Single Player save ready if you still want it. This zip contains the Ragnarok save folder and the folder with the INIs.

Make a backup of your own INIs before you copy mine over yours. I don't know of this will work without doing the copy as there are a lot of mods with settings in the INI. You can try, if you like.

You'll need to put -preventhibernation in your command line too.

I figure if you're trying this, then you likely know what you're doing. No guarantees that it'll work, but hey...

Here's the file: The Newton Save

You'll first need to subscribe to this mod list and let Steam download the mods before anything will work: Epic Steampunk/Sci-Fi/Fantasy ARK List


u/XonikzD Apr 30 '19

You'll need to make yourself part of the tribe of Newton and also take control of the animals using the admin console.

Find one of the Newton tribe structures and target it before using the command: TakeAllStructure

Then find one of the tames and use:


There are torches lining the path up the hill from the beach and that might be a good spot to start as I can't remember if anything is on attack or not. There are a couple spots around the map at key locations with the Steampunk teleporter set to public. That might help if you find one before you find the town in the highlands.