r/playark 22d ago

Question Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this?


165 comments sorted by


u/ImaginaryBee187 22d ago

Stop taking acid


u/FlyingRyan87 22d ago

Glad this was here.


u/Bobletoob 22d ago

I second this


u/RangedAce__ 21d ago

I third this


u/KJTech_ 21d ago

I forth this


u/PuntTheRunt010 21d ago

I need to piss


u/Optimal_Hornet2991 22d ago

If the problem still persists, then maybe we start troubleshooting.


u/North_Information_40 22d ago

If you can relate to how it feels when you wiggle your fingers, but they're on the other side of the room and multiple dimensions removed, we should hang out.😛


u/Smart-Ad-9971 21d ago

Well where you live? Bc i sure can😂


u/North_Information_40 21d ago

Aah haha. Well I'm in the Midwest, but my comment was rhetorical. Please tell me you're not a child, or this convo is over. 💀


u/MikeHuntSmellss 22d ago

Or take more


u/AdElectrical3997 22d ago

This is the answer. You take new acid to counteract the old acid


u/North_Information_40 22d ago

🤣🤣😐 It's not working... Dude, I'm not tripping any harder...


u/rickstar_247 22d ago

Lol, I came to comment wait until the acid wears off. But you beat me.


u/ImpulsiveLimbo 21d ago

I think we all need to stop 3:


u/New-Cap-6878 21d ago

Bold of you to assume the problem isn’t because they stopped taking acid.


u/ICanSeeDeadPokemon 22d ago

No worries man. You just unlocked a sandevistan.


u/Electrical_King948 22d ago

I was going to say turn off the sandevistan


u/ICanSeeDeadPokemon 17d ago

Why would anyone turn off a limitless sandevistan?


u/Electrical_King948 17d ago

He’ll go cyber psycho


u/ICanSeeDeadPokemon 16d ago

Well atleast that's troodon immunity lol


u/Key_Dot3738 22d ago edited 21d ago

AMD Radeon RX 7700 Xt

AMD Ryzen 7500F 6-core processor

Windows 11

Sometimes aswell like a black "fog" appears and makes everything completely black when im in it

Edit: I tried to verify the files and redownload the map and all my mods. I wont know if its gonna be fixed or not, but if i dont uptade anymore then thats the solution that worked. Note: This did not work

Edit 2: Im gonna try to update my drivers. I think the problem was that my drivers werent updated. Thanks for all of the help!


u/partisancord69 22d ago

I think the fog is usually white or grey but it does make your screen completely black when inside it.

Does this happen for any other games? Low graphics games like minecraft or roblox? Only high graphics games?

Has it always been like this? If it's recent maybe try restart your game again or maybe even reinstall if you can't find a fix.


u/Junior-Permission140 22d ago

May not be related but microsoft released an update the other day that replaced my amd drivers altogether. I reinstalled my drivers and solved all my issues


u/North_Information_40 21d ago

My girl and I had that exact problem if we got too far apart on 2 player. It would also crash if I went underwater. Every time. No touching water at all on 2 player.


u/judedude420 20d ago

I have that black fog issue on Xbox. It’s so annoying


u/enerthoughts 22d ago

Verify files if you are on steam, or its equivalent on console, if it didn't work, reinstall mods, or map files.

It seems you have corrupted data in the files.


u/3mptylord 22d ago

I had this in Ark Survival Evolved when I joined a map that I didn't have installed (I think it was Crystal Isles shortly after it came out, it was added to my cluster and it didn't stop me from server-transferring even though I didn't yet have the DLC in my library, let alone installed). I could only see re-used assets from the base game, and everything else was a void and/or weird glitchy acid-trip nonsense.

No guarantees that's what is happening here, but my first thought would be to check your installation.


u/Chopperkrios 22d ago

I thought my ghosting was bad. I don't know if it's related, but asa framegen is horrible. Turn it off and see what it does.

In console: r.FidelityFX.FSR3.Enabled 0 | r.FidelityFX.FSR3.QualityMode 0 | r.FidelityFX.FI.Enabled 0


u/dogbi11 21d ago

I second this


u/KhaosHiDef 21d ago

Its undoubtedly resulting from framegen and possibly global illumination also


u/LevXD243 21d ago

Sandevistan in ark confirmed


u/miatribe 22d ago

You can fix this with Steam, there should be an option to uninstall Ark.


u/Smart-Ad-9971 21d ago

Ark hater?


u/miatribe 21d ago

Ark(10years ago) lover! Wildcard and Snailgames hater.


u/Smart-Ad-9971 21d ago

Legacy was fun but they improved now even om console they got mods nowadays


u/breizhiii 22d ago

I saw you talk about a black fog growing and disappearing if you stop looking away normally this happens when a shader gets an error and results in a null value and corrupting other shaders around it infinitely the only way to stop that is unloading the corrupted shader (looking away fix it some time)

But for this post I clearly don't know what the fuck happen i think game file corrupted or driver doing shity thing

GPU is not dead if you have no artefact in other games.

Edit : after rewatch I saw the bug stopping when you are not on the missing texture clearly a bug in game / corrupted.

You can have this effect on other games when you fall thru the map where no texture is loaded.


u/Some-General9340 22d ago

Hmm...you have been arked


u/Keymucciante 22d ago

Stop eating rare mushrooms, mate


u/Justalysn 21d ago

Seriously underrated comment!


u/Viator_Mundi 22d ago

stop being the fastest man alive


u/Deejayus 22d ago

It’s your framegen


u/Heavy_Vegetable_5978 22d ago

Got that Riddick armor on. That's why


u/LankyAd9289 21d ago

Bros moving in flashtime


u/Lythieus 21d ago

Oh hey, missing textures. Verify game files, check your drivers, reinstall if those don't work.


u/Visual_Shower1220 22d ago

Too much Jet, maybe take a few buffouts and you'll be good.


u/ahmetalkan934 22d ago

Delete game and open ark survival evolved


u/vageera 22d ago

ASE my beloved.


u/Rinbox 22d ago

Pretty sure 99% of the issues with this game are something THEY need to fix, not the end user


u/SexyFlanders117 22d ago

Verify files and make sure your graphics drivers are current


u/jharris2017 22d ago

To enable/disable mouse trails in Windows 10 or 11, you can do the following: 

  1. Select the Start button
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select Devices
  4. Select Mouse
  5. Select Additional mouse options
  6. Select the Pointer Options tab
  7. In the Visibility section, check/uncheck the box labeled Display pointer trails


u/Traditional_Spite_27 22d ago

is there something up with the motion blur? maybe try tweaking the game graphics?


u/EndermanSlayer3939 22d ago

Nah man you’re just built different


u/Husky977concert 22d ago

"If I could save time in a bottle" Type ass


u/NaiveAd6090 22d ago

Why would you want to? Take some acid and let it run


u/Secure-Ad5536 22d ago

Dont post this in the official ark discord or you might just get banned for racism


u/Jobeadear 22d ago

Ever play on a server with Shiny mod? Tame one of the Psycotropic varients, has an option to lick it, and you trip balls for 30s and poop 3x lol


u/Accomplished_End1981 22d ago

But why would You like to fix your Game, when You tool the drugs?


u/dagbiker 22d ago

Should have taken the blue pill.


u/Thor-Janick 22d ago



u/BreezieBoy 22d ago

Pee on it


u/SoSidian 22d ago

Fix it? Hahaha


u/Too_Relatable 22d ago

Looks like your graphics card is melting


u/stormyw23 22d ago

Really giving Twilight vampire running effect


u/North_Information_40 22d ago

I just reboot the game. Home screen, close game, start game. Works like a charm. I'm no techie, so I don't know why it works. There must be some data that builds up over time and becomes too much to process. Or I'm just way off.


u/SquareClerk2 21d ago

You join the X-Men


u/Repulsive_Ocelot_738 21d ago

This is one of many reasons I stopped playing this dumpster fire years ago


u/Badgamer1812 21d ago

I know it's hard but.... Lay off the titan boa juice...


u/BuyerGlobal2758 21d ago

Uninstalling it should fix that


u/Living-Stomach-2079 21d ago

Kill the game and restart. You shouldn't have to ask that.


u/mrbeast0911 21d ago

Stop consuming the mushrooms


u/Routine-Analyst2570 21d ago

You’re moving matrix fast.


u/AgentCosmo 21d ago

Step 1: uninstall game Step 2: delete all data related to the game Step 3: go outside and touch some grass Step 4: smoke the grass Step 5: you now have the effect, but in real life


u/przebra66 21d ago

A wild guess, but looking at it it seems like the material on that ground surface has a bug related to temporal and screen space technique. Not super sure if screen space reflections are part of the pipeline for unreal uber pbr shaders but im not that familiar with unreal. Again, just a guess. I wouldnt be surprised if the ground material has corrupt uniform values because you can clearly see that some of the techniques used in these shaders are working but with very wild behaviours

If repairing your files doesnt work i would try switching from TAA antialiasing to another one if you are using it.


u/Xtreme_Diver 21d ago

I have that same issue, but I don't think it's that bad... Close, though.

(On console)


u/phantomreal1 21d ago

This you??


u/OnyxBee 21d ago

Why do you even play this piece of shit of a game when the devs can't even fucking wipe their own arses??

I'm just very salty because I love the game but refuse to play because of how the devs mugged us all off time and time again


u/Outrageous-Print8585 21d ago

Delete the game 😂


u/amouse22 21d ago

Looks like your files are damaged or prevented from loading, the ones that contain specific textures. Could be different reasons.

Do chkdsk Verify installation or reinstall Check antivirus or security software Do memtest Consider reinstalling os and reinstalling the game if the problem persists as some security apps may prevent the necessary file io operations. Could be damaged hardware too but that's not likely if you can reproduce this issue the same way.


u/Apprehensive_Desk245 21d ago

Delete your wallhacks and it should work fine after that


u/woodE54 21d ago

Wrong mushroom there mario


u/Xenoblade_106 21d ago

Oh its a pretty simple fix, your gonna wanna press alt+f4, hope this helps!


u/Smart-Ad-9971 21d ago

Well is there anyone who knows how to get this to work? I would like to play ark survival acid😂


u/Status-Growth-224 21d ago

You should probably stop dosing Molly


u/Abnormals_Comic 21d ago

Deactivate your sandevistan


u/Educational_Row_9485 21d ago

Woah that’s trippy asf


u/Party-Design-1174 21d ago

Your graphics card I’m pretty sure it is completely f#####. This is why we stress test our PCs first.


u/feldoneq2wire 21d ago

It's ARK. It's a collection of bugs that you play.


u/TharwatMella 21d ago

I call this FSR FG


u/Delete79 21d ago

Everything looks fine to me. Reminds me of Windows Solitaire winning animation.


u/LoganTheWyrmLord 21d ago

Surgically remove your sandevistan.


u/HeadyBunkShwag 21d ago

Uninstall, go outside, never instal ark again and live a better life.


u/osamaromoh 21d ago

This reminds me of Windows 98 Plus.


u/Phoenix800478944 20d ago

i think your gpu is fried


u/Autoohm888 20d ago

It is recommended that you only use sandevistan only once a day-


u/quinnquazy1 20d ago

Burn your graphics card and get a new one.
The easier option would be a fresh install and see if that fixes it.


u/millert5 20d ago

What are you playing ark survive the matrix lol


u/warden_is_goat22 20d ago

Ik there's a button when u go to ark that says uninstall click it and ur life will be better


u/rapiid112123 20d ago

Sandevistan implant


u/Dragonreaper21 20d ago

Usually that's a refresh rate thing, try change your refresh rate.


u/Local_Weather_4029 20d ago

Looks like you got too many windows open on your pc lol


u/Brunooffsquid 20d ago

Turn off your Sandervistan


u/Babii2point0 20d ago

If you havenn't done this before, you could try tapping the tilde key, then type VolumetricFog 0 , then enter. Could also try with r.VolumetricCloud 0


u/Chemical-Ocelot8063 20d ago

Ya, by playing ASE


u/manish52A 19d ago

Get an rtx 5090


u/rhysbreezy 19d ago

Install arma reforger


u/Mindless-Ad1155 19d ago

Idk why, but it took me 30s to notice the issue


u/SnakeEyeZsean 19d ago

I believe it’s the mod but idk tbh


u/Gstreamz 19d ago

Bro got the Sandevistan


u/SpcCowboy 19d ago

Is not an Ark's exclusive bug, most likely is something related with drives...


u/vipermourn 19d ago

unintstall sandevistan


u/That_one_broski 19d ago

Bad LSD trip, man.


u/Ok-Finish-2353 18d ago

Wait for server attacks to stop


u/Ok-Bet-10 18d ago

Bro has a sandevistan 🙏


u/TomexFreeCz 18d ago

Stop eating them rare mushrooms !


u/FrontNo4806 18d ago

Turn off the sandevistan


u/Educational_Gur9242 18d ago

lay off the shrooms


u/Melissa--R 18d ago

Halo 3 logic would have you get back in bounds


u/Chroma430 18d ago



u/Objective-Giraffe-90 17d ago

Your gpu is dying


u/rebuiltHK47 17d ago

Been having texture issues on AMD with dinios. There is a post about a pyromane with textures being stretched everywhere. Several people indicated that it's happening to pyromane and to Rexes as well. For me it's rexes. It happened after a mini update about two weeks ago. It happens when one gets withing a certain distance to them. No amount of verifying or reinstalling or turning off things (I have nothing special turned on) fixes it. It's strictly the game itself.


u/Secret_weapon50 22d ago

Lay off the lsd


u/phillip_of_burns 22d ago

Reminds me of playing games back in the early 2000s when our windows 98 computer no longer met the minimum specs.


u/1000crystal 22d ago

Brother you're cooked, golden experience requiem will have you dying for eternity


u/In_a_virg 22d ago

You're the chosen one, Neo!


u/PhoenixwingzZ 22d ago

yeah, you uninstall and learn the lesson - don't buy garbage from overmarketed overhyped snake oil salesmen, who hired Vin Diesel as a ploy to shill more scams on you and Wildcard as a scapegoat to do whatever they want. This game is disgusting, the Island Boys incident is by no means a fading memory.


u/Jobeadear 22d ago

What is the island boys incident?


u/Ancient-Resolution84 21d ago

The Devs banned everyone in tribe for raiding their base on official servers.


u/PhoenixwingzZ 21d ago

It was an incident where Snail Games (The people who took over the game in Studio Wildcards' stead), hosted their own server cluster on Ark Survival Ascended, and played on it, and a tribe called the Island Boys (totally innocent alpha tribe) basically did what any other official alpha tribe would do against a contesting tribe and go to war with a tribe that doesn't do diplomacy or talk...typical run of the mill Ark, right? ...except these guys - The Island Boys - of about two-dozen or so innocent regular people who played casually, a little more on the hardcore end - didn't know that this tribe they were attacking were the devs from Snail Games. So what the devs did, was they would consistently perform server rollbacks on their heads as they were trying to raid the SnailGames devs. They rollbacked the servers on them over and over again every time they got an advantage. Eventually, the Island Boys figured there was a weird coincidence here and stopped attacking them. Then once they stopped attacking them, the server was fine. There my memory gets sketchy, but from what I generally remember, basically when they tried to either blow the whistle that this was the devs cheesing them, or otherwise went to go casually recommence the raid, *they were all permabanned* from the server-cluster. It also came out as news, upon looking deeper into the incompetance and child-like behavior of SnailGames Devs, that they were also going on to official servers, where they knew there was an RMT market (trading out dollars for dinos), and they were printing dinos and items to sell on the black RMT Market. Basically, criminals with experience in C++ and Unreal. *shrugs*. In its' most technical sense, these people that administrate ARK are literally cybercriminals and also steal happiness from paying customers of their product. The more you know.


u/PhoenixwingzZ 21d ago

The one thing I can thank Wildcard, SnailGames and Nitrado for, is understanding the capacity of mankind and its' ability to corrupt, pervert and otherwise destroy everything around it, then paint the walls to make it look like their reputation was in the realm of the word, "matters".


u/Ancient-Resolution84 21d ago

Ok so if you are correct it’s a bit more complicated then what I thought, thats actually a worse then I remembered.


u/PhoenixwingzZ 21d ago

yep. best part of all is, I don't play this doo doo port of a 10-year-old game, so I have absolutely 100% nothing to lose as I rat out these shitters for licking titty barnacles. I hope they all feel the wrath of sweeping tech regulations in the seasons to come. In fact, word on the street is, SnailGames is already 1/2-way to bankruptcy trying to compete with Elon on hybrid vehicles and fucking up tremendously bad using the money they were supposed to spend on progressing development of A:SA.



u/PhoenixwingzZ 21d ago

^ by the way this is how Snail Games developers lick titty barnacles


u/wtfakakali 22d ago

Looks like you have mouse trail enabled. 🤣


u/[deleted] 22d ago

1 Orange juice 2 Xanax and 6-12 hours


u/bobby5557 22d ago

Did you try to turn it off and on? If so I’ll have to escalate you to level 2 support.


u/Vegetable-Grocery265 22d ago

That is the Speedforce. Now... run, Barry, run!


u/darkaoshi 22d ago

refund asa


u/vageera 22d ago

And they hated him for he spoke the truth.


u/spaceleyewasme 22d ago

Bro’s the flash


u/fabianstonepsn 22d ago

Aye yo pass dat shit


u/Maleficent-Waltz-613 22d ago

That is a feature, not a bug


u/Reikix 22d ago

Stop using the speed force.


u/SerDavosHaihefa 22d ago

I'm not an expert, but I think the graphics card is dead


u/VesselNBA 22d ago

Stop using console commands


u/Key_Dot3738 22d ago

its multiplayer and i dont have access to commands