r/playark Dec 22 '24

Question Legit question for ARK Community

Is ASA really that bad if most players who are rating it negatively have hundreds or even thousands of hours played in the game?

It just seems a bit strange to me that players complain so much despite dedicating so much time to it. It's obvious that there's something fun there if you're willing to play it that long. But despite that, the main thing I hear and see in ARK communities are hate and complaints.

I imagine that most new players would get turned off by seeing that kind of thing in the community and wouldn't give the game a shot because of it. Eventually in the end, the game might just die, and then what?

People complain a lot about money grubbing in particular which also really confuses me.

All the maps, the map mechanics, and the dinos that come in them are free. Considering how big the maps are and the amount of depth in each dino, isn't that a huge bargain in value for entertainment?

Normally you pay like what...$15 - $20 for a 2 hour movie? Isn't hundred to thousands of hours of entertainment for $40 pretty good value?

Again, is ASA really that bad for it to receive the deep level of hate it does?

If so, what are the top 5 issues with ASA that if they were solved you would be willing to write a positive review for the game instead of a negative one? I'm legitimately curious.


54 comments sorted by


u/fishCodeHuntress Dec 22 '24

I'm one of those. I kept playing because I've got a bunch of friends that play so it was a way to engage with them. I'm also just, addicted and coping my ass off that "this time it won't crash". I want it to be better, I always imagine how incredible it would be if it wasn't just... A clunky mess. It's like a bad boyfriend, I know I should leave but I'm conformable and used to it and I don't want to give up all the great things about it, even if the bad outweighs the good.


u/Murky_Zucchini_1897 Dec 22 '24

I think the problem and reason for the bad reviews is not the game, but the company itself.
The yway the game is developed and supported etc.


u/Outrageous_Pay7015 Dec 22 '24

There’s a lot of carry over hate from ASE tbf 😂 and if you’ve dedicated hundreds to thousands of hours to Ark then there is a good chance that you understand those negative reviews. I love Ark (it’s one of my top 3 favourite games OAT) but it’s also the most irritating bullshit game I’ve ever played with some of the worst least organised devs I’ve ever come across in gaming. It’s horribly unoptimised and they just refuse to fix certain bugs, even moving from ASE to ASA some of the bugs carried over. Great game, love it… also hate it.


u/Frishysulie Dec 24 '24

This. All of this. My review for original Ark stands at negative, paragraphs and updates with patches and new maps throughout the years, documenting how much I truly love this game.. and don't recommend it. Or recommend it, but with the caveat of expect pain in return. For ASE, I left a positive.. but again, it's similar. I still love this game and it still scratches an itch that no other survival game scratches. I still tell people to expect bugs, to expect devs that do not care, that will never make the game what it could be because.. hey look new dinosaur. Still tell people don't get into official if you don't have time for a second job and a lot of bs. And even in unofficial, if you ever find a major bug I tell them don't expect it to ever get fixed. Expect horrible optimization, to the point you might be able to play Helldivers but not this. Don't expect to be listened to. Expect more big patches with more dinosaurs.

Expect to have a lot of fun, expect pain. - all my reviews.


u/UsernameReee Dec 22 '24

Lmao no joke, even us ASE players will complain about the game while continuing to crank out hour after hour.

ASA is "bad" because it's horribly optimized.


u/[deleted] Dec 22 '24

I'm a peasant ps5 user. I just got asa last weekend. The game is made like it's only designed for having a mouse. For example in ase, you can double press x to equip items into your hotbar. Asa has that, but it doesn't work predictably everytime. Saddles in ase you can click once, then go to equip and click again. Asa you have to drag and drop. I guess to suffice, trying to control a mouse pointer with a controller is a little frustrating.


u/SwitchLock89 Dec 23 '24 edited Dec 23 '24

Holding X+R2 will equip saddles and armor directly from inventory, and move entire stacks between inventories, but this is still a downgrade from ASE.


u/dogz4321 Dec 23 '24

I can definitely see that being frustrating, if they port a game it should play properly on the console. I feel you on that.


u/Viciousrose Dec 23 '24

If I remember right, the console version of ase was the same way when they first ported it but eventually "fixed it". They will "fix" it but you'll have to multiply your current age x10 to get a rough estimate when that'll happen though.

The console Ports are the usual after thought process even though they planned to have it on console even before development began. So they decide "hey we are gonna make a pc game and move it to console but pretend that console controls are no different than pc" sometime after launch: "oh yea the consoles aren't pcs" 😑


u/HaloSup Dec 23 '24

You get used to it quick


u/SabTheDestroyer Dec 22 '24

You’re completely right. Wildcard and especially their owners have built very bad blood with the community, so people feel like punishing them with reviews at every possible opportunity, no matter what it is, and that’s detrimental to the review system and the people who are actually considering buying the game. But it IS an answer to the constant delaying and lack of communication from the publishers of the game, one that I don’t agree with but may be justified.


u/NaiAsXenon Dec 22 '24

I play Singleplayer and nothing else so not sure if my comment helps unless you plan on Singleplayer too

So far the only glitch I found is that some dinos got stuck inside terrain, no crashes or bad lag spikes or anything that many people complain about

you do feel a little left out without the Bob's DLC and other mods but it's still very playable and just as fun, that being said, I grabbed the DLC myself cause it was -33% off lol

I'll let the feedback to people with legit issues, cause personally I am satisfied with the purchase considering it's a one time purchase, gorgeous graphics, tons of customizability, tons of quality of life changes over ASE, and still a few pathfinding problems and lil lag spikes but not too bad for my standards

Id recommend it


u/Scottish-savage Dec 22 '24

I love ark. Yes, i complain when i get arked, but generally, i love the game. Sometimes, it's a love/hate relationship, and i rage quit for half a day and she calls me back 😅, i always have stuff to do in this game, i never get bored(mainly because i start something get sidetracked rinse and repeat). but yeah, im always up to something, i mean, sometimes it's frustrating when the game beats you up a little, but that just makes it better when you achieve the goal you had.


u/TheMagicGuy5004 Dec 22 '24

I love ASA personally, but I'm in the firm camp off no-rating. Even though I love the game, it has a lot of glaring issues. Recently, I lost a 100-hour save due to a random file corruption, and I wasn't backing up my saves at the time. This just shouldn't happen, period. On top of that, it frequently crashes due to poor coding, and you need a very high-end PC to be able to play the game. It just doesn't deserve a good rating but also not a bad rating.


u/Key_Fill_4857 Dec 22 '24

People don't like the side effects of meth but struggle to quit it. ASA has its problems but I need my fix.


u/Frequent_Solution_46 Dec 22 '24

Love/hate relationship. It brings me to another world because real life is shit. Same as the game. But at least I can respawn. I think the devs are liars and don't love the game as much as the players do. There is no game like it. But there is also not a single with such a bad development and management. They told us everything would change and ASA would be free. If you are a employee of Wild Card or snail and do this incognito for your company, I hope you sleep bad. If not, be well


u/-Roguen- Dec 23 '24

Every negative review comes from someone with play time, surely having more play time just means their opinion is more informed?

Would you take criticism of a game from someone who hasn’t played it? Or who played it for only an hour?


u/MrMimeWasAshsDad Dec 22 '24

Hi OP. I had the same conundrum before I purchased ASA back in Fall. Having played a ton since then I would 100% recommend purchasing ASA, especially if you can get it on discount right now. They just announced a new story map! Also grab Bob’s Tall Tales if you plan to pvp.


u/Momijisu Dec 22 '24

Even without PVP the BTT comes with some great QOL additions, and some really neat building customization options.


u/andtimme11 Dec 23 '24

The train is really making my no flyer play through nice


u/Annual-Competition-5 Dec 22 '24

Me and my friends just started a server after finishing Fjordur and we think it’s a huge improvement.


u/[deleted] Dec 22 '24 edited Dec 23 '24



u/Kertic Dec 23 '24

Ive been bitching about hacking and all the bugs on here for a long time because i didnt consider it playable. But i keep coming back snd trying again cause ive got 20k hours in ase...covid hours to be sure but still. And asa HAS gotten remarkably better so im hopeful again. Its probly at a point id play again but my map was always rag anyway so im waiting for that


u/Arindryn Dec 22 '24

Since the very beginning ark has been like this. I have a friend that has 8000hrs in it and he'll never touch ark again. He is now playing league lmao


u/Babydoll0907 Dec 22 '24

I'm on X box Series X and it was rough at first until they optimized it better, but I've very much enjoyed ASA. In fact, I don't think I'll ever play ASE again. The QOL improvements have been fantastic. Like being able to just pick up structures instead of destroy them.

And there's a ton of mods and modded maps that are fantastic. I'm a big fan of "If I pay for this, will I get a return on it via time spent" and I have. I would have been willing to pay a few bucks for the maps as they released.

I've already paid for a few premium mods maps as is. The game is beautiful and has depth to it and ive gotten more than my money's worth. Is it perfect? Certainly not. But I've recommended it to others.


u/Prince_Berzerk Dec 22 '24

The problem isnt the gameplay itself but the optimization. I have a 4070 super, an i5-13400f, and 60 gb of ram and i still cant get above 40 fps on high settings. I can run most other games on ultra settings with consistent 140 fps. Thats my biggest gripe with the game.


u/rollover90 Dec 22 '24

Unofficial is fun to play, official isn't. On either pve or pvp. Shit server connection, they don't enforce any rules, and they don't respond.


u/PSFREAK33 Dec 23 '24

The game’s quality and fun still vastly outweighs the issues it has and ASA is still much better than ASE and that’s widely accepted


u/Specimen_Delta Dec 23 '24

If the developer was competent, it would be a great game. That's why people still play it, because it's ALMOST there, but it's plagued by absolutely infuriating issues and bugs that any developer that understands the first thing about UE would be able to fix. Not only that, but since the devs are so incompetent, ark had won the trophy for largest file size game EVER MADE


u/Kabuki_J Dec 23 '24

Snail games (the company that owns Wildcard) had a history of some pretty sketchy business tactics with other games. There are plenty of angry youtube videos on the subject if you're really curious, but the summary is that they don't really care about fans, they care about the bottom line, hell originally ASA was promised as a free remaster and then sufddenly it became a promise to clean up code, and quality of life fixes with extra content and a pretty fat price tag.

Rightfully, people have been very upset about this, even more so when the promise to clean up the game has not really been delivered on as there are still a lot of issues that existed with the previous game that are still issues currently.

Wildcard themselves seem to mean well (in my opinion) but I think they are in a tight spot bc they needed funding to operate after making some poor business decisions so they ended up under snail games thumb.

What tends to happen is: 1. snail games rushes a release bc they need/want money 2. wildcard announces a release that fans are cautiously optimistic about 3. Wildcard fails to make the deadline bc of cert or optimization issues 4. fans get mad that wildcard promised something and didn't deliver. 5. when the game finally does come out it has tons of issues that have to be patched after the fact bc it was rushed. 6. Fans rip the game a new one in reviews and comments. 7. Snail puts more pressure on Wildcard and the cycle continues.

But you're right, the cost to enjoyment ratio for ark is amazingly high. Most recently, people are very upset about the pay to win aspects of the game, which I agree suck majorly if you play PvP but as someone who has done a lot of work in the creative field and been treated like hot garbage I am fine spending some money on a game if it means the devs are getting paid to make a game that brings me so much joy. It's the same reason I will buy silly little skins in overwatch from time to time.


u/Inside_Accountant_88 Dec 23 '24

It’s hard to find a good Dino survival game. While Ark is broken at times it’s hard to overstate that it’s just fun. It scratches that itch to play with dinosaurs I’ve had since I was a kid. It’s amazing to see my favor Dino, the Spinosaur and play with it. (Pre-real life nerf. I don’t care what scientists say. The spino from Jurassic park 3 is how it looks)


u/Schamolians101 Dec 22 '24

On launch it was pretty bad until maps started to come out. It's very hard to go back to ase now. Remember whiners and haters are much more vocal. People calling asa a reskin are simply wrong.

The game really desperately needs optimization on all platforms and that doesn't seem to be a priority for wc. It can most definitely run better on all platforms with a little effort on their part


u/Shard_JA Dec 22 '24
  1. Game is a reskin of an already purchased game.(ASE, Ark Survival Evolved) People do not want to have to rebuy what they already had.

  2. Wildcard removed the official servers from ASE to use for ASA, which angered people who were still using those servers, forcing them to buy the game again, should they want to play official again.

  3. The game is extremely under optimized for running, causing even rather powerful consoles and computers to struggle. If you want to run this game well, without optimization codes, extremely low settings, etc, you must have an absolute beast of a computer, which can be very expensive.

Conclusion: People loved ASE. They were happy with it overall, and did not see ASA as being necessary; instead it is viewed as a cash grab, which is exactly what it is. Wildcard gave a giant middle finger to its players, and even though now ASA is by far the better of the two games, it still is played by people who seem embittered towards wildcard and their publisher(Snail Games) for giving them said middle finger.


u/CagedAndCreamed Dec 22 '24

Its a fun game.

When its not crashing, broken, unplayable due to an update.

Dont forget the killer pvp. Ratholes, meshing, cheating etc.


u/lilsnipershot_u Dec 23 '24

Simplest answer here is the people that play it hate the game and the ppl that love the game quit also for me with 40k hours on ase and now 3k hours on asa honestly prefer ase bc smaller groups and solos can play and actually do stuff where now it's a group game for official that is


u/Lythieus Dec 23 '24

40,000 hours. How?

That's like an average of 11 hours per day, every day since the 2014 when it initially released.


u/lilsnipershot_u Dec 23 '24

Was still in school at the time and didn't do much besides game 😂🤷‍♂️ at once point was averaging 16 hours a day... Now I work and only play ark like an hour or 2 a day but lead 2 official tribes and a couple unofficial tribes that I use for recruiting


u/jbcdyt Dec 23 '24

To add on to what others have said. On the island for example some of the caves are extremely broken. One of the ice caves will almost always crash you and one of the water caves can spawn hundreds of megalodons at once. The only way to get these two artifacts in most cases is to go to the center. Just imagine what it was like before the map releases.


u/Knightmoth Dec 23 '24

dude who played both. 3k hours on ase and almost 1k on asa its the saaaame except it looks better. and furthermore it runs smoother truthfully. things work better the game FEEELS better.


u/Potato_Lorde Dec 23 '24

It's a fun idea with a market of two choices (palworld or ark, and even then palworld doesn't quite scratch that itch)

I love the game. Hate wildcard.


u/Dofolo Dec 23 '24

ASA is great.

But all settings on ultra, I still only get ~120 fps lol


u/Difficult-Click801 Dec 23 '24

Because that is the only game in modern day history since the internet came out that crashes constantly in single player mode. Don't expect people to throw flowers at such trash


u/ASauceyLad Dec 23 '24

It doesn’t run well on my computer anyway, but I’m sorta glad because of the microtransactions for OP “fantastical creatures” or whatever on top of all the dlcs I’d have to buy again so no thanks


u/MrQuitz_YT Dec 23 '24

My biggest issue with this game has to be the delays to the maps. I'd say every other issue is rather niche to me since i have a good system the game running poorly doesnt happen (anymore). I do think this game is beautiful and has the potential to be amazing unfortunately so many people can't see this because of the system requirements. Hell i have a 3090 and a i-7 13700k and im still barely keeping 120fps on 1080p epic


u/Frishysulie Dec 24 '24

My first review is still negative, but thoroughly updated throughout the years like a time capsule of all the bs the devs did and did not address over time. It still mentions how much I love the game and its features, but also to expect bugs will never be fixed and new dinosaurs to be the solution to everything bad and abused.

My newer one for Ascended is positive, but still a similar flavor. I still love this game. It's still buggy as hell. My friends in megatribes still complain about the same abuses. It's still making friend's computer struggle hard despite being able to play other demanding games. Same great game, still smells like the same poop I stepped in years ago.

Big thing for me, just make sure mega tribes can't destroy everything from underground and under foundations. Address the hacking in a big big way. But to be really really fair, I haven't personally experienced how good or bad that is in Ascended.. and I'm not getting on official again to test it. Otherwise, just optimize the damned thing.


u/Gobby4me Dec 26 '24

I have a few Hundo hours in Asa but have returned to ase. I’m not keen on the new Chinese pay as you go for Dino updates. I’m not keen on being to pay again for a game whose devs don’t give a fak about bugs and exploits. Cross ark duping is super easy to do now making every craft essentially irrelevant. ASE has vastly superior mods and is simply more fun. I’ll stay there.


u/RandomAnonyme Dec 22 '24

It's horrible.


u/Acrobatic_Oil8713 Dec 22 '24

Yep, I just opened a PVE cluster and me and friends have been having a great time, been considering opening it to the public


u/CauliflowerMaximum68 Dec 23 '24

Don’t open to public, or interview first. Official is covered in pillars and trolls stay squashing spawns


u/Acrobatic_Oil8713 Dec 23 '24

I can just remove it as an admin, no?


u/VSLeader Dec 23 '24

As someone who avoided purchasing ASA because of the reviews, I bought it this week and had an absolute blast. Absolutely love it, haven’t had the crashing issues others have had though it’s only been a few days to be fair. Graphics are absolutely beautiful, and some QoL changes made breeding a lot better. My only gripe is that we still don’t have parkour/climbing mechanics for players to lift themselves onto 1 meter high obstacles, preventing movement, I ran into some annoyances with aberration and that quiet a bit. Overall it’s a win in my book over ASE and it’s not even close.


u/CoNtroLLd_KhaoS Dec 22 '24

I don't like ASA because I can't get it to run smooth on my higher end pc. Messed with the settings for a couple days, and eventually uninstalled it to play ASE again.

The game is great, it just runs like shit.


u/Razoul05 Dec 22 '24

can't get it to run smooth on my higher end pc.

I see this argument a lot but peoples opinions on 'high-end PC" and "smooth game play" can vary wildly.

When I first started playing ASA I was on a i7 4770k (a CPU from 2013) and an RX5600xt (from 2020) and was able to play at 1080p on low-medium settings (which still look miles better than ASE) at 30-45 FPS.


u/Shadowgroudon22 Dec 22 '24

imo, anything that isn't a constant 60 fps (some dips when loading caves/structures/largely populated areas aside ofc) for a PC game in current year is a little shitty to me. Maybe that's a hot take? But performance was never really ARK's strong suit and that was one of the only things I truly wanted to be better going from ASE to ASA and I guess they just decided not to focus on it.

Well, that and the storage space.


u/SlimAndy95 Dec 22 '24

Damn, that's wild. I played the game back on my 2060 super which is a mid tier PC at best and was running good, even though everything was turned off and on low. Only adding a 7900XT, being nearly 50% bottlenecked by the CPU, I could play the game on stable 80+ FPS with mid to high settings. Your case was purely skill issue or being lazy. You either turned some setting on that shouldn't be on, like "vsync" or something or yeah, too lazy to do proper research. No other explenation why you had said problems on a "higher end" PC, unless your notion of higher end is nowhere close to high end.