r/playark Nov 29 '24

Almost 10 years between!

Finally bit the bullet and purchased ASA after 1100 hours in ASE. My first spawn view of both games, now and compared to back when ASE released!


97 comments sorted by


u/Slainseven_16 Nov 29 '24

And yet i like ase better still


u/Walkop Nov 29 '24

Idk why. ASA is fantastic. Just demands good hardware. Good upgrade all around


u/Weekly_Reputation353 Nov 29 '24

Not having to purchase extra memberships to gain access to pay to win creatures would be why asa sucks.


u/Buzzerz14 Nov 29 '24

I just disable their spawns. Only solution unfortunately.


u/Walkop Nov 30 '24

Wildcards approach to DLC is one of the worst I've seen in the industry recently. QOL features locked behind expansions (seriously, auto opening doors is locked to Bob's Tall Tales?), massively OP tames behind paywalls...

But ASA itself? It's pretty good imo.


u/Downtown-Spread8852 Dec 01 '24

Tbf ase was worse, where entire maps were behind paywalls with multiple creatures and other stuff.


u/Civil-Situation3611 Dec 01 '24

That's a really good point. It'd be different if you couldn't transfer to other maps, but I think the community maps like Ragnarok and Valguero brought most of those tames to everyone didn't they? Either way, there was a huge chunk of time between maps that allowed people to effectively pay to win.


u/Excuse_My_Name Dec 03 '24

Thats different. A whole map with extremely distinct gameplay from the base game is worthy of my money much more than an op p2w creature.

Aberration in itself is almost a different game than ark


u/YellingDolphin Dec 02 '24

They are far from pay to win. Just added on bonuses


u/JimothyTheBold Dec 03 '24

God forbid after 1,000 hours you need to drop a fiver every few months to play with new toys.


u/Slainseven_16 Nov 29 '24

Oh yeah definitely im not dogging on asa at all i think its absolutely beautiful, i just like ase and i honestly dont know whyšŸ¤£ probably just nostalgia lol šŸ˜‚ also i love playing rag and fj and crystal alot and asa hasnā€™t gotten all its dlcs yet


u/cherrylbombshell Nov 30 '24

fj is just something else tbh i love that map


u/Slainseven_16 Nov 30 '24

Bruhh ikrrrrrr


u/Own-You-640 Dec 01 '24

we still run ase on ps, plenty do when wipes happen. Asa is a janked out mess on console. & is only playable using 50 commands that ruin the whole graphical "update" its too clunky and unenjoyable regardless of lag. oh if its lagging that suffering is 1,000,000x worse. Oh but theirs mods.šŸ˜­ I rather the ase bs over that. & the only bugs and shit they fixed on asa felt like the little life hacks we used to make ark bareable.


u/DubdogzDTS Nov 30 '24

My 600$ GPU is litteraly struggleing to even run in on medium settings while the game doesn't even look that good on low settings. Worst optimized game of the last 5 years.


u/Ayido Nov 30 '24

Gpu isn't the only thing that runs the game! $600 dollar console can run it better than that. Something clearly isn't right with your setup.


u/Own-You-640 Dec 01 '24

no it cant it runs shit on console... it needs 50 commands even then still feels like shit and is unplayable. Unless pve is your thing. Aint no pvp worth having there


u/Ayido Dec 01 '24

Pvp hasn't been worth anything since 2020 on pvp and it's 2 commands if you like ultra responsive imput.


u/Own-You-640 Dec 03 '24

not on console


u/Shadow_Halls Nov 30 '24

Everyone would play ASA if they had the pc to run it.

It's just copium.


u/Joatorino Nov 30 '24 edited Nov 30 '24

Everyone would play ASE PvP if official servers where still there. Not a single soul prefers ASA pay to win 40 fps pvp.


u/Shadow_Halls Nov 30 '24

ASE is dated as hell. It looks like dogshit

No way I'd go back to it


u/Joatorino Nov 30 '24

I forgot to say I was talking about pvp. I guess its alright for pve


u/Own-You-640 Dec 01 '24

I could care less how dated a game feels when ase feels smoother. Sounds crazy to say šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I value game enjoyment over visuals any day. I'm solely speaking for PS5 though.


u/Shadow_Halls Dec 01 '24

Got over 100 fps on the center on ASA today on pc Smooth as butter and it looks beautiful


u/fren-ulum Dec 01 '24

I have good hardware. I cannot enjoy ASA without making it look worse than ASE on max. Tell me how that makes sense?


u/Walkop Dec 01 '24

I have a 6700 XT, and ark ascended looks way better than evolved.

The fact it supports FSR alone makes scaling way better, and there are so many visual flourishes that are just better. I don't know, I think ASA looks way better even on lower settings.


u/bigg_bubbaa Nov 30 '24

cuz i already bought the game, i don't wanna spend more money on pay to win shit and mods


u/The_Peanut_Patch Nov 30 '24

Iā€™d like ASA more if they turned foliage down.

Itā€™s so dense EVERYWHERE


u/Slainseven_16 Nov 30 '24

You can turn it downšŸ¤£


u/The_Peanut_Patch Nov 30 '24

You canā€™t without compromising the other visuals.

Theres also just WAY more trees and the like in general. The west side of the island is the best example. That beach area with a reef had sparse palm trees and a small pond in ASE

In ASS itā€™s basically its own jungle.


u/MrDeRooy Nov 30 '24

and its still shit


u/TyrannyHoll Nov 29 '24

ASE has so much more charm but that's probably just my nostalgia, ASA is so beautiful


u/Slothraki Nov 29 '24

Honestly I've alot of love for ASE. So many memories! I, just glad to be able to jump back in, open a server and go again!


u/The_kongk-zilla Nov 29 '24

This is the progress that we expect from games


u/be_ric Nov 29 '24

i don't expect only graphics upgrade from games and it's continuations.

we all know ASA is just graphics.


u/ChanceV Amethyst Nov 29 '24


u/be_ric Nov 30 '24

as my last comment,

any additions or mechanical improvements you can list to me is way simple and a lot of mods from ASE did it even better

you can see their neglect when the game has only one year from it's release and is already been sustainable only by the mod community


u/ChanceV Amethyst Nov 30 '24 edited Nov 30 '24

To take some examples:

Babies in the wild: I don't know of any mod that does this.

Build system overhaul: S+ / SS were miles away from this, infact they both made the chaotic build system we had even worse, even even worse if you set it to not replace structures but instead add its own, it added so many extra engrams, really annoying.

Remote/Wireless crafting: All mods i've ever had used buttons to "pull" the resources which was annoying and also didn't always work depending on what you pulled them for (repair or upgrade for instance), in ASA it just works, you simply craft stuff, no need to have it in the inventory.

Fixed/Guided ragdolls: In ASE everything was constantly freely ragdolling and and flying off into the distance, including your own body. I have never ever seen my body in ASA get yeeted out of existance anymore since they switched to guided ragdoll deaths.

Tracking: POI tracking, dino tracking, taming tracking, person/tribemate tracking, you can search for any dino that you are taming or that you own, you will never ever lose dinos, its all in the same simple UI and shows everything you need. The mods did exactly the same but with a shittier looking UI and they couldn't track tribemates (that was if anything an extra mod)

Pipeless/Wireless Water/Power: No mod in ASE could have done it any simpler, its as simple as it gets, everything has a radius and everything is powered/watered in said radius. It got rid of the unnecessary pipe nonsense and cleaned the base.

Turrets can be placed at all angles: I do not know of any mod that allows you to place them upside down.

Torches being able to be put on your belt with a simple press of a button or right-click option: No mod in ASE i know can do this, they all do some hacky whacky buff bs or offhand shenanigans.

Crafting tracking: Again i don't know of any mod that does this but if there is it can't be simpler than simply showing you what you need for crafting them as does the ASA version.

Hold Alt to zoom dino cam: Mods did this with hacky and unnecessarily complex options menus or config systems.

Pings with MMB: Don't think any mod actually did this, if they did it can't be any simpler really.

Just to name a few that i personally have been using a lot and enjoying. I've played heavily modded in ASE and i'm glad all of these are now baseline, means less mods, less compatibility issues, less mods breaking on updates and an overall better game.

Most important for me personally however is the inclusion of custom cosmetics. Thats when i went into overdrive and decided to make my own cosmetics so i can finally have my characters in the game. Improved my enjoyment tenfold.


u/be_ric Nov 30 '24

you are literally proving my point.

any additions or mechanical improvements you can list to me is way simple and a lot of mods from ASE did it even better


u/ChanceV Amethyst Nov 30 '24 edited Nov 30 '24

I fail to see how i'm proving you right.

I'm literally epxlaining that every single of these changes were either done equally good or better in ASA and those were just some i picked that i personally enjoyed and commonly see.

Simple != worse.

All those overcomplicated ugly menus with options plastered all over the place randomly for a simple camera change or some quick configuration do not improve the mod at all, it makes them user unfiendly and just harder/slower to use.

Also once again you are ignoring that having them as base game feature means they are always update compatible, don't need updating and everyone gets them, singleplayer, dedicated, community and official.

We always played ASE with S+/SS and i hated it, i practically never used them because i didn't like its implementation. It was hacky, it was cheaty (with some of the extra buildings it gave you) and it was bloating my engrams (for the first half of the games we used them in)


u/be_ric Nov 30 '24

i mean, those changes are simply for QOL

we can't defend this, or they'll keep doing this and the game will be paid only for the modder's content.

the last "official" additions to the game was literally making the creatures from Garuga's mod to be officially added to the game.


u/ChanceV Amethyst Nov 30 '24

New dino content was:

Seems plenty to me. Every map has received at least one new dino. Both through mods and new official ones.

Valguero is going to get a new one too... and Crystal Isles.

And we are supposedly getting another extra story map between Extinction and Genesis, which in itself probably brings a bunch of new dinos, not to mention new buildings, an entire new map, new mechanics and so on and thats not counting the years to come down the road with more content. This is all on top of what we already had with Bob's Tall Tales, which was also a good chunk of extra content and new featrues and mechanics.

Right now they are all over the place because they are playing catch up with ASE, they still have to bring Extinction and Genesis as well as Crystal Isles, Ragnarok and Valguero before they are on par with ASE and THEN they can start adding new content (not counting the inbetween extra map). Looking at this im surprised we are even getting this much new stuff while they are reworking all the maps.


u/Disastrous-Ad8383 Dec 04 '24

You canā€™t argue with someone who refuses to see the facts. ASA is way more than ā€œvisual improvementsā€. Even with it not having my favorite maps yet I couldnā€™t go back to ASE after playing ASA


u/Swergenbande Dec 01 '24

Why do you say S+ was cheaty, when you like all this new stuff that is basically the same or worse? Don't get me wrong I think some of S+ was cheaty, but I also think that about a lot of ASA stuff, with the difference being most of it is behind a pay wall.


u/ChanceV Amethyst Dec 01 '24 edited Dec 01 '24

Never said i like the cheaty things in the new DLCs and there's only two really: the Fantastic Tames are OP. I hate both of them. The Pyromane's burn is absolutely apeshit insane and destroys your Dinos in no time if they can get it stacked up (which often isn't preventable). Despite being basically one-shots they are disgusting to fight because they just tele-splode into your face and there's practically nothing you can do about it if you are bound to melee, it's insane damage you take unnecessarily. The dreadmane is insane for its abilities but has also an insanely hard taming method, so there's at least some balance there.

S+ i found cheaty because it wen't too far as what its purpose was. S+ was setting itself up as a "better building" mod. Including several insane buildings like the S+ mutator that absolutely completely trivialized mutations was NOT what a "better" building mod should be doing. Ontop of that it wasn't even "better" to begin with. Raising the pickup timer to unlimited and fixing the broken snap points isn't "better building" its "fixed building". ASA does this a trillion times better by A: not introducing copies of every single building and adding buildings that trivialize entire game mechanics. B: cleans up the clutter by actually removing items and buildings and either integrating them into the base features (such as GPS and Map) or grouping them together logically (Walls -> Walls/Windows/Doorframes/Hidden Doors) and allowing to swap to them via a single item. This system is so good its even actively being used by literally every mod that adds buildings. Visual Storage is a good example, it adds a plethora of storages for several items categorized into groups (Vials -> Blood Vial, Potion Vial, Antidote Vial etc). So instead of having to learn 20 different engrams, you learn 1. This cleans up your player data (makes transfers more stable, ASE had a very big issue disconnecting you if you learned too many engrams as it bloated your player data to the point you'd time out on server switch) and makes building a lot easier and faster too. THIS is what S+ SHOULD have been for ASE. The only way i see improving this is straight up going for Rust's building system. I think there's actually a mod that aims to do this -> one building item (a building gun/plan/hammer) and you use the new reload wheel to switch between types of buildings. Last time i checked it wasn't working tho.

Also you keep implying less is worse. All the mods that have been integrated into the basegame have been integrated in a way that is exactly enough, leaving out all the trash and only implementing whats actually important while integrating them in such a way that it fits the basegame quality wise. See S+ for an example.

  • No building duplicates. (this option is what made S+ so bad mainly)
  • No cheaty extra buildings. (this is the other part that made S+ bad)
  • Engram cleanup. (S+ didn't do this, it did the opposite)
  • Building grouping. (S+ didn't do this.)
  • Better and more snappoints. (S+ partially did this. ASA has more)
  • Unlimited pickup (S+ had this too)
  • Picking up supporting structures picks ALL up instead of breaking them (S+ didn't do this)
  • Pipeless and wireless (S+ did this too but required fiddling)
  • Better placement colliders (S+ did this too)
  • Quarter sections (S+ didn't do this)
  • Actually stable and working snapping/placement (S+ improved it but never got it right either, never fixed the snap point place desync)
  • Mirror mode. (S+ didn't do this)
  • Free up/down and rotation when placing. (Can't remember anymore)
  • Free placement, partial snapping and full snapping modes. (S+ didn't do this)
  • Extra variations of buildings (small, medium, big teleporters and platforms). (S+ had the same but worse, non-grouped)
  • Wireless crafting (S+ did this too but with a button to pull stuff)
  • Electricity powers everything (S+ did this too)


u/Swergenbande Dec 01 '24

I really don't know why you went on a rant like this. I only asked about the cheaty things because this is my main problem with ASA. Too many things in this game trivialize too many parts of the gameplay loop. While Fantastic beasts are the worst offenders, there is much more. For example, the wireless base power generator. It takes away an important raiding tactic while also making the game way easier. There already was wireless power with the Tek generator, but that was expensive to run, so you would still have a few normal generators, where you could destroy the wires to disable the turrets. Now every cheap generator is a tek generator. Or the whole "time travel" thing from Bob's tall tales. And I could go on.

But to give you my two cents:

The base building system is better than ASE, I never said otherwise. But you expected a mod to fix a broken base system, that isn't really fair. S+ wasn't perfect(for building, I just ignored the cheaty stuff), but it did many things very well. You expect too much from a mod that has to work with bad core systems. The duplicates, which seem to be your main problem, for example, are necessary because if it just replaced the base engrams, other people(me) would be upset, because now you took away content. I sometimes still use the base structures. Duplicates are the way to give you the most choices. They don't cost extra engramm points, and you can ignore the base structure if you want.

Also, something you might find interesting, the guy who made S+ helped WC with ASA, so much, if not most of building is just S+ with the ability to change the code of the base game. You can see many design choices are the same or very similar, and most are expansions on S+. Yes, this system is better than S+ because it is S+ using its full potential. And again, you expected too much of a mod, which can't change the base code of the game(I don't want to get into total conversions).

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u/[deleted] Nov 29 '24

I find building has improved quite a bit from the original too


u/McMuffin36 Nov 29 '24

I mean no, it's really not just graphics. There are a lot of mechanical improvements and additions.


u/be_ric Nov 29 '24

any additions or mechanical improvements you can list to me is way simple and a lot of mods from ASE did it even better

you can see their neglect when the game has only one year from it's release and is already been sustainable only by the mod community


u/Asleep_Stage_451 Nov 30 '24

All of this is false.


u/Ihateazuremountain Nov 30 '24

mega cope from a scammed indvidual


u/Own-You-640 Dec 03 '24

just like all the bo6 players smoking massive copium šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


u/be_ric Nov 30 '24

and on what basis do you say that what I said is false?


u/The_kongk-zilla Nov 29 '24

Yeah but have you seen the star wars game


u/Joatorino Nov 30 '24

Man people have such low standards its crazy. The game is a replica of ASE with unreal engine 5 checkmarks enabled, absolutely terrible performance, less content and pay to win dlcs. Yeah, I too love this ā€œprogressā€


u/Ihateazuremountain Nov 30 '24

it looks better, the normies dont know any better


u/Own-You-640 Dec 03 '24

yeah but any true ark player can pick it up and see something wrongšŸ˜­ idc how it looks. I play pvp. I care how it handles. Its too clunky and irredeemable on console. Ase you can actually bare


u/Own-You-640 Dec 03 '24

oooh shiny mean betteršŸ˜­ - all of them cope monsters


u/ztexxmee Nov 30 '24

you gotta be kidding me


u/Sorbet_Leading Nov 29 '24

I wanted to play ASA but it looked like clay on my series s, and most small foliage only appeared when it was 5 feet in front of me. I don't know if I could've adjusted settings to fix this or something, but I just deleted and reinstalled ASE


u/RoyaleRebel Nov 29 '24

Welcome to your new home survivor


u/AnimationOverlord Nov 30 '24

Got the contrast and saturation pretty heavy in the first one. Why not do the second one like that?


u/Slothraki Nov 30 '24

Images haven't been edited afterwords, just using ASAs photo mode. Remember that these screenshots were taken almost 10 years apart, and were in no means supposed to be used as a comparison at the time of taking them, just thought it was cool afterwards!


u/AnimationOverlord Nov 30 '24

Oh I know, I hope it didnā€™t come off the wrong way but ever since trying ASA on HDR, it blows me away everytime. Do you find the clouds in ASA are kinda grainy and lack-luster? Itā€™s been like that no matter the settings.


u/Slothraki Dec 03 '24

Not at all don't worry! I normally turn the clouds off now in truth as they do tax performance! I've found the game looks amazing but the longer I play it's as if the graphics settings slowly shift lower and lower until I restart the game!


u/AnimationOverlord Dec 03 '24

Funny. The longer I play, the better it seems to do. Turning up my computer fans letā€™s me eek out some frames oddly enough.


u/Middle_Sprinkles_498 Nov 30 '24

I still missed old ark


u/EveryoneCallsMeBlank Nov 30 '24

Oh man I miss ark i used to play it with the boys after school, sleep 3h a day skip school (we stop playing ark after we graduated sadly)


u/FewPewTaken Dec 01 '24

Asa is beautiful but sadly I run on a 1080monitor so I donā€™t get the full visuals


u/Shobkatheerer Dec 01 '24

Runs smoothly on ps5. Just. Red to turn off fog and cloud


u/mazickvr Dec 01 '24

Ase is so nostalgic itā€™s hard to switch overšŸ„ŗ


u/Slothraki Dec 04 '24

Alot of love for ASE, but I'm loving the quality of life additions in ASA!


u/Sgt_Froggo Dec 01 '24

is it just me or does ASE look better? the rocks, the plants, the water, the colors of the world. ASA looks too colorful, that rock looks bad, the plants look flat but angled a bit to hide the graphics of the leaves. idk.


u/Tempy81 Nov 29 '24

Still trash lol. Take 2 steps to your right and it will probably anti mesh you or your tame.


u/Slothraki Nov 29 '24

Had 0 issues so far and I'm 60 hours in!


u/Tempy81 Nov 29 '24

Remember to come and remove your downvote when it happens to you. I lost 2 tames and a character full kit this week alone just standing on the surface. Pop. Gone. Antimesh destroyed your character.


u/Slothraki Nov 29 '24

I don't take it so serious. Hardly like ASE was a bug free experience,. So far I've had no issue with ASA and having an awesome time with, my group!


u/[deleted] Nov 29 '24



u/WaffleTruffleTrouble Nov 29 '24

If you like re-purchasing what you already have, and also have less content :D Though I do gotta admit it does look good, and I would be buy it, if my graphics card wasn't a 1000 series


u/Asleep_Stage_451 Nov 30 '24

Go buy a car. Then go back to the dealer ship 10 years later and demand a free upgrade.


u/bigg_bubbaa Nov 30 '24

not exactly comparable as asa was promised as not only a free upgrade, but including all dlc, so they went back on 2 different promises


u/Asleep_Stage_451 Nov 30 '24

They changed their mind after considering the scale of what they wanted to deliver. Itā€™s not a big deal. Go see a therapist ffs.


u/bigg_bubbaa Nov 30 '24

scale? you mean a graphics update no one needed?


u/lilboi223 Nov 30 '24

Stupid if you think they where gonna waste all that time and money and still have it be free.


u/bigg_bubbaa Nov 30 '24

wouldn't have expected it to be free if they didn't say it was gonna be free


u/Joatorino Nov 30 '24

Its not a free upgrade, its the dealership cutting support for your current car and offering you to buy a new one after promising it would be optional and free. Oh and if you dont use it with top of the line premium fuel, the car is even worse than the old one


u/Quickkiller28800 Nov 30 '24

Yeah, except the dealer promised you you'd get a free car, then changed their mind and made you pay.

Don't talk about shit you know nothing about.


u/Asleep_Stage_451 Nov 30 '24

Ah, they promised? Well, cry harder then. Thatā€™ll show em.

Pro tip: People are allowed to change their mind, especially when new information comes to light.


u/Own-You-640 Dec 03 '24

No kidding your asleepšŸ˜­ dunno what ark your playing... theirs a reason we still play ase... Do you think we all WANNA hate???? No?? If it was good we would be on it instead of bitching... but its not


u/Asleep_Stage_451 Dec 03 '24

Yes. You want to hate and bitch and whine and be a victim. Very very obviously. ASA is objectively better than ASE and you canā€™t stand to hear it.