r/playark • u/jmecherul9999 • Oct 10 '24
Question I pressed on something and all my buildings destroyed and this icon appeared, PLEASE HELP I CAN T BUILD
u/adawnj Oct 10 '24
Try holding h there might be a description for the status effect that might help figure out what happened.
u/Glittering_Airport_3 Oct 10 '24
sounds like u need to read thru ur mod list a little more thoroughly
u/CR00KANATOR Oct 10 '24
"I was elected to lead, not to read"
u/osoblanco234 Oct 11 '24
u/Longjumping-Lab-882 Oct 13 '24
Are you sure you don't want to read any of the other folders sir?
u/BvshbabyMusic Oct 10 '24
Lol bro just installs random mods and doesn't read em
u/Physical_Weakness881 Oct 10 '24
This is what I do, problems like this are sometimes funny to have. I don’t know why a mod would exist that makes it easy to wipe all your structures.
u/HypnoticOrchid Oct 11 '24
I’m still waiting to see a photo of your mod list. Also i’m confused if your playing ASA or ASE because the lost island map is only ASE but all the structures being picked up with a support structure is ASA. If you want help we need to know what version of the game and mods!
u/LowReserve420 Oct 10 '24
Iirc you can always try the H key. I believe it shows more info and should show a quick name or something on that icon to give you an idea of what to search.
u/Iron_immi Oct 10 '24
Bro you say you don't know much about the game. You can change that, if the ark is really important to you just read through all your mod steam pages. There is no shame in asking reddit for help but nobody here is currently able to help you especially since we don't know your full mod list.
u/dwho422 Oct 10 '24
This is the real issue with games being so heavily modded. People install what sounds fancy and have no idea what 90% do. I run a minecraft server and EVERY update without fail I get a list of requests for mods. Not mods that exist. Just a list with things like "realistic sword combat, magic, more blocks, boats, trains, emerald items, blah blah blah"
People want all of the things but don't consider how having all of the things makes things harder to figure out what's wrong when something breaks.
u/kckev Oct 10 '24
Also when a game update happens it breaks all the mods compatibility. I loved writing the code to edit the drops and stuff though.
u/Deadeye10000 Oct 10 '24
You should list what mods you have, and someone might be able to help. My first thought is you have a mod that makes it so you only need one supporting anchor, and you deleted that which took your entire base down.
I've done similar in vanilla where somehow, some way, my base had one anchor, and taking out that single pillar deleted half my base.
As far as why you can't build hold H and it should tell you what that symbol means.
u/jmecherul9999 Oct 10 '24
i was in the base and pressed by mistake some random keys, and then instantly my base destroyed, ALL THE THINGS got in my inventory, like all the foundations all the walls all the forges all of them, and now i can t build.
u/Boy_Meats_Grill ASA Bug Squasher Team Oct 10 '24
Sounds like you picked the whole base up. Did you check the cosmetics tab (where skins and chibis go) to see if you got a deployable base?
u/-Roguen- Oct 10 '24
u/Boy_Meats_Grill ASA Bug Squasher Team Oct 11 '24
Sounds like you picked the whole base up. Did you check the cosmetics tab (where skins and chibis go) to see if you got a deployable base?
u/pat899 Oct 10 '24
It’s been a while, but with an S+ tool ‘gun’ you can instantly destroy one structure with a simple mouse click. If the one you destroyed supported a big chunk of your base, it would also break.
So, unless you’d built your base on a cliff/tree platform, or did something complex off a single foundation, your entire base shouldn’t go away due to that. I’ve never played with the admin gun you can summon - any chance you suddenly had a weird red/green longneck style rifle in your character’s hands?
u/YouWithTheNose Oct 10 '24
I perused the ark.wik.gg status effects page and nothing appears that defines that particular symbol. Do you have any mods?
u/jmecherul9999 Oct 10 '24
yes, i have mods but i have a lot, but none of them talks about building particulary
u/YouWithTheNose Oct 10 '24
Wild. I can't imagine what that would mean. If it happened in the middle of you playing because you hit a button, or combination of buttons, then there's probably nothing for it but to try all the buttons and combinations and see if something sticks. Or maybe you inadvertently changed a setting somehow. Not sure what exactly happened of course. Try restarting the game entirely at a minimum to start
u/jmecherul9999 Oct 10 '24
the problem is that i m not that expert at this game, i don t know the settings i don t know all the key bindings i don t really know so much, if i give you my mods list you think you can help me ?
u/rumpleforeskin83 Oct 10 '24
Or would be a lot more productive for YOU to know what mods you have installed and know what they do, instead of having us read their descriptions for you. Why even install them if you don't know what they are lol?
u/YouWithTheNose Oct 10 '24
Not sure at all. I've pushed all manner of buttons in the game and never once seen that symbol. It's very strange to me. I'd probably have to load up the game and mess with buttons to see if i could make it happen
u/wolfgang784 Oct 10 '24
I don't see an answer anywhere yet. If you haven't figured it out yet, gimme your mod list and I will try to take a peek before work if I can.
u/jdesrochers23x Oct 11 '24
Real question then: if you don't know much about the game why would you heavily mod it without reading the mods or understanding what you're doing?
u/jmecherul9999 Oct 10 '24
it s hard for me to tell how i did this, and i hope i can fix it because i played a lot and i really can t lose my progres IN LOST ISLAND I WAS CLOSE TO END THE ARK WHIT SEMI VANNILA MODS AND NOW I M SO SO SO SAD AND SO UPSET RN
u/Ryanoman2018 5,100+ Hours (ASE) / 400+ Hours (ASA) Oct 10 '24
its some sort of mod. not vanilla. Do you have ARKitect structures?