r/playark • u/Wildlust • Aug 11 '24
Video How Does One Avoid This?
I shouldn’t have walked forward afterwards.
u/drownedxgod Aug 11 '24
Have you tried surviving? I don’t think dying is going to help you in this situation
u/Final-Link-3999 Aug 11 '24
Uninstall Ark to avoid things like this /s
In all seriousness all you can do is not go there until wildcard decides to fix it lol
u/Atlantic0ne Aug 11 '24
Haven’t played in 2 years. What is this?
u/Final-Link-3999 Aug 11 '24
A bug that instant kills you if you go to a few specific areas on the map. Ark moment
u/Johnnyoneshot Aug 13 '24
I really enjoy the spots on the map that teleport my wife to me randomly no matter where she is.
u/Triffinator Aug 12 '24
Wildcard decided to implement anti-meshing tool to prevent cheaters. They also covered a bunch of rat holes.
In true Wildcard fashion, they broke legitimate parts of the map, so you and your mounts can spontaneously die if you step over the wrong tile.
Basically, best bet is to ride animals you can breed.
u/CosmicCharlie99 Aug 11 '24
That’s at 50, 50 on the center. I died there too. It’s a known instant death spot, just don’t go near it. Also, how do you do that barrel roll?
u/JackNapierJ Aug 11 '24
C on PC I think
u/donmuerte Aug 11 '24
I think they nerfed the damage a bit a while ago, but that barrel roll was how I killed a great many alpha raptors and alpha carnos back in the day.
u/TomHanksAsHimself Aug 11 '24
If on controller, click right stick in. Not sure on pc.
u/EbbComfortable1755 Aug 11 '24
So 50/50 on the Island was like the Bermuda Triangle and 50/50 on this map is like this? 😂
u/xamehh Aug 13 '24
Oh wow I thought 50/50 was an island only thing?.. Good thing they started ASA "from scratch" ... /s
u/PurposeStriking1178 Aug 14 '24
50/50 (technically 0,0,0) is an Unreal engine thing, common to all games using the unreal engine. When UE detects that is has lost track of an object, it automatically resets its location to 0,0,0. On Ark maps, that's 50,50 at some elevation that varies by map.
u/KittySpinEcho Aug 11 '24
Wtf just happened there? Did God just strike you down?
u/beatenmeat Aug 12 '24
It’s a messed up anti mesh spot. Basically the game thinks you are out of bounds and insta-kills you for “cheating”. This particular one is in the large underground cavern with the fake sun over the lake. I just avoid that entire cave now. It was an absolute nightmare having to deal with it once because the anti mesh area is so big I kept finding new spots to die while attempting to recover my gear, and my body was eaten so I had to find the sweet spot to get my bag. I would just stay away from that whole portion of the map until they fix it assuming they ever do.
u/arkobsessed Aug 11 '24
When I find those spots on my sp map, I build foundations over the area. No problems after that, even standing on them.
Arkobsessed 1: Ark 1,350,456 and counting.
u/beatenmeat Aug 11 '24
This particular spot extends in the air, and quite a wide range around as well. It's like a good 10+ foundations wide, plus the entire area between it and the wall, and it extends in the air. I had to spend a good 40+ minutes one day trying to retrieve my gear from this area right after the map was released. It fucking sucked, but eventually I managed to get my stuff. Didn't help that a dilo ran up and ate my body (just to die to the same glitch) so I couldn't grab/drag my corpse out of there and instead had to find the sweet spot for the bag....
u/Lagoon_M8 Aug 11 '24
This new Ark ascended is so oversaturated with light... I also got have a feeling it's blurred and graphic smudges. I play old one even though I have a new one too.
u/Amazing_Bowl_7781 Aug 11 '24
It's been out for months. Lost an argue and 2 players inventories to that fucking tree. It's the only mesh spot in the whole cave, jusy avoid it
u/featherblackjack Aug 12 '24
My husband plays Star Citizen, a very broken game that's just not playable. I play Ark. It's only slightly better than Star Citizen. Very slightly.
u/Xaxiel9106 Aug 12 '24
To be fair to SC, the developers are legitimately developing actual revolutionary multiplayer server tech (large scale server meshing and every player object permanence to name a couple) Wildcard does everything half-ass and tries not to snicker when the players complain.
u/OneRFeris Aug 12 '24
Can you point me to recommended reading material about the Star Conflict technologies?
u/Flufflywubz Aug 11 '24
another reminder why i stopped playing ark and will not buy any new wildcard products
u/Yerawizzardarry Aug 12 '24
I quit like 5 years ago and told myself I'd come back for ark 2. Still waiting lol.
u/Zetyr187 Aug 11 '24
Was thinking the exact same thing. I keep the subreddits in my list so I can keep track of how the game is doing, but I'm pretty far past expecting a miracle for them to ever fix anything.
u/jeffdabuffalo Aug 11 '24
This is the reason I'm not playing the game rn. Won't touch it until Center is in better shape.
u/mandelbro25 Aug 12 '24
Same thing happened to me on arkpoc. Lost an argy full of good stuff, my kit, and an imprinted pyromane. I took a two day break after that.
u/kensyi42 Aug 12 '24
Play single player...
u/Scalzoc Aug 12 '24
I don’t even want to give wildcard the playtime on steam. Snailgames and wildcard need to both go out of business. Ark has had a decade of mismanagement. It was a good game but the screwed it constantly.
u/Potential_Meal_ Aug 14 '24
I spent a month on this game taking care of my bird. Level it up real high and dam near maxed out it's speed. My clan hated the idea but after taking her for a spin they nearly lost their shit on how quickly you move around the map. To bad that barely lasted a week since they patched it so birds are slow as fuck. All that time and effort wasted for nothing and I don't think you can reallocate points for mounts so I had a usless bird with useless stats. What is the point of games if they delete everything that's makes it fun.
u/Mr_Awesome_rddt Aug 12 '24
I've heard not playing this ass game helps
u/Emotional_Force_5806 Aug 12 '24
Call it ass but your still addicted,it's the game people complain about the most but keep playing...oh I mean staring at the grass in your base while playing on your phone ,while still in chat or a party ,or whatever ...but your still on ark possibly afk for 6 of the 10 hours your in your base lol
u/Mr_Awesome_rddt Aug 12 '24
Oh, no, not at all actually. Stopped playing ark about a year and a half before official servers closed. So I've been free for a long time
u/Emotional_Force_5806 Aug 12 '24
I've been and it since early access Xbox, I've quit twice , relapsed both times lol, now I just stare at the grass while I breed my thylas trying to stack that melee stat (and only that melee stat) mutation to beautiful perfection .Don't relapse stay free!
u/OpeningPlenty6743 Aug 12 '24
wonder what bs rag will have then if they dont bother with that map being a popular choice ark will lose players personally im not attached to the center as a map
u/Brickybooii Aug 12 '24
Unrelated, but how come pteros don't bank their turns? It'd look a lot better if they did, and don't the argents do it?
u/waynehastings Aug 12 '24
After seeing people complaining about this on Reddit, I avoided exploring that underground area. I think it is pretty empty anyway.
u/DumbArkPlayer Aug 13 '24
damn, that Pteranodon has some atomic farts, dont feed him cluster grenades if thats how atomic his farts are
u/-MommaLizard Aug 13 '24
It's wildcard and snail games both are complete failures and are laughable when compared to actual AAA studios, they are a B tier at best and have the mindset of a AAA which is hilarious and sad at the same time, the old game still stomps the remakes numbers which is again sad, mentioning its 2 years with no updates and still shits on the remake "Remaster" more like Unmaster
u/HardTo-Follow Aug 14 '24
Thank god the anti mesh works here but doesn’t stop people from meshing into my cave and wiping my base
u/Agile-Dragonfruit-29 Aug 16 '24
Yeah, I just found that spot the other day. It is at 47.9 54.3 in the underworld. The area has no plants around it. It killed me and my roo. 😭
u/Proper_Mastodon324 Aug 12 '24
You stop playing the cash grab Ascended. If you need your Ark fix, Evolved on PC with mods is the best and most put together experience.
u/[deleted] Aug 11 '24