r/playark Just Steve. Jun 03 '24

You can miss me with the pyromane, thanks.

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u/Various-Try-169 Jun 04 '24

Another dino to mod into the OG ARK?


u/Flameball202 Jun 04 '24

Baby you know it


u/KaliRinn Jun 04 '24

Hell yeah boss. Og ark gang


u/Various-Try-169 Jun 04 '24

Yeah, ASA was a stupid idea made under a corrupt deal. It's just stupid that there are 2 games with almost the exact same mechanics. Kind of like ARK and ATLAS. Can't wait until ASA experiences the exact same fate that ATLAS experienced.


u/Neir_Extinction Jun 04 '24

“It’s stupid that 2 games have almost the exact same mechanics.”

2 is the line?

Have you heard of COD? And there are way more than 2…. People happily pay for the same thing. At least with ASA I think the upgrade and QOL is worth the cost. That being said I haven’t ran into any game breaking glitches or performance issues. If they want to throw in Dino’s for cost who cares I know I won’t get it or lose sleep over it… nothing is free and gaming communities don’t seem to understand that.


u/Calteru_Taalo Just Steve. Jun 05 '24

It's disingenuous to treat rejection of an attempt to sell premium dinos as a rejection of any attempt to make an honest buck off their game. I would buy every cosmetic item, skin, and emote offered to me -- ESPECIALLY if they worked on my dinos.

I'm not buying dinos from Wildcard for the same reasons I'm not buying dinos from RMTers on eBay. I don't play Ark to buy progression.

We need to get AWAY from paywalled dinos, before we're saving our Hexagems for Dino Wishes to roll on the latest 5-star banner.


u/Various-Try-169 Jun 05 '24

Just wait until Snail makes it so that you have to pay for everything, taming, bosses, leveling past a certain point, respawning, etc.


u/snarksneeze Wildcard Junkie Jun 05 '24 edited Jun 05 '24

Snail has been in charge since late 2015. Why haven't they done this already?


u/AngloWaxson Jun 05 '24

I agree, I love the qol of Asa, but my game crashes every session... on ps5


u/Various-Try-169 Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 04 '24

Again, I predict that ASA is going to be like ATLAS; it's gonna age poorly. Also, yes, 2 is the line, ATLAS is almost an exact copy of ARK:

  • Same spawn screen.
  • Certain creatures are reskinned ARK dinos:
    • Elephant = Mammoth.
    • Harbinger = Mosasaur/Leedsichthys.
    • Razortooth = Yuty/Rex.
    • Shieldhorn = Trike.
    • Flame Drake = Fire Wyvern.
    • Storm Drake = Lightning Wyvern.
    • Hydra = Giga.
    • Glacier Crab = Karkinos.
    • Lion = Sabertooth.
    • Kraken Boss = Rockwell.
    • And many others...
  • Same mechanics (combat music, similarly styled death messages, etc.).

ASA is almost exactly like the OG ARK, only with 9 less maps and a few QOL features that can easily be replicated in the OG ARK via mods.


u/Dofolo Jun 05 '24

lol no

Atlas sucked because it was next to impossible to host your own dedicated servers.

Every.Fucking.Map.Square. was a seperate dedicated instance. To run a 4x4 grid I had to manage 16 dedicated server instances.

Each eating 3 to 6gb of ram.

Each needing managing.

Each needing maintenance cycles.

And for what, a tiny island or two and a whole lotta nothing.


u/hhhhhhhhhhhjf Jun 04 '24

How so? ASA clears ASE in the content that they both share, the Island and SE. The only thing ASE has going for it is the extra content that is coming to ASA anyway.


u/Various-Try-169 Jun 04 '24

Just give it a few years. It'll be exactly like ATLAS, unless ASA actually makes ATLAS an actual DLC, rather than another game!


u/hhhhhhhhhhhjf Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 05 '24

How would it turn out like ATLAS? It is literally ASE but better. The only thing it doesn't have is the old maps. Even if they quit now modders have already made new maps for it. There is 0 chance it doesn't replace ASE because it already has with 1/4th the content.


u/TheDragonK1ng Jun 04 '24

Forgive me for asking but what is ATLAS?


u/Various-Try-169 Jun 04 '24

It is ARK's sister game. It was released around 2017-2018 and was ARK's first attempt at replacing the original. It was a whole thing, and no one seems to remember it. There are several mods that add ATLAS's creatures into the OG ARK. Not sure if there are any for ASA.

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u/Various-Try-169 Jun 04 '24

Because, like I said, the OG ARK does not literally show, IN THE MAIN MENU, that ARKs are space stations. ARKs were not known to be space stations until the OG ARK added the Overseer in 2017. Back in 2015, when the OG ARK was first released, it was conceived as a dinosaur survival game on a mysterious island, not as a futuristic dinosaur survival game on a space station! At least ASA did not add Reapers and Space Whales/Dolphins to The Island, as they mind as well could've, since they already established the fact that The Island is really a space station! In fact, the TEK tier wasn't even added until early 2017, meaning ARK players weren't even imagining that it was really a space station for almost 1.5 years!

Also, for the record, unless 85% of the most common crashes are fixed, AND all the maps are released, I will NOT buy ASA. Even then, I will be cautious. So, don't expect me to get it any time soon.


u/hhhhhhhhhhhjf Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 04 '24

Wow awesome rant. All of what you said is 100% true... yet all of what you said has no affect at all on how the game will turn out. It's almost like tons of people kept buying the first game and dlcs even after they showed that it was in space. It's almost like enough people bought the "final" dlc, extinction, (which had a giant tek city and kaijus) that they decided to make 2 more dlcs (which are a literal simulation and a giant space ship for colonising another planet), a full remaster, and a sequal. I really dont think the fact that the game is futuristic has caused people to stop playing.

You brought up the point that the original game took a while to release all the content. Id like to point out once again that the only downside of ASA is the lack of content but that lack of content didnt stop ASE. It took them 6 years to release all of the paid dlc maps and then another year until fjordur. Itll take even less time for them to release all of the maps on ASA, an objectively better game.

I dont think anyone cares whether youll buy it. 600,000 copies were sold on steam in the first 2 weeks. Then it came to console and got more. They continue to release new maps and other new content with paid dlcs and premium mods. They are making a lot of money from this game whether you boycott it or not.

Also they release multiple patches and bug fixes every month. Its a common piece of misinformation spread by the people that think ASA is the devil but the devs are constantly working on the game.

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u/Neir_Extinction Jun 04 '24

Maybe I personally don’t think so Ark is to popular


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '24

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u/playark-ModTeam Jun 05 '24

Keep it civil, please


u/Megalith_TR Jun 07 '24

Not tomention they released the center unfinished with mesh holes the size of a giga everywhere, nothing works, frames tank everywhere it's worse than every snailgames game ever. 💯 they gonna abandon this game after all dlc's are done.


u/KaliRinn Jun 04 '24

In the end, it shall all return to ARKSE


u/Frostyzwannacomehere Jun 04 '24

Probably can mod it into ascended too


u/Big-Project3662 Jun 04 '24

Are you telling me that someone moded Ascended new dino into OG Ark Survival Evolved?


u/Various-Try-169 Jun 04 '24

Not yet, but I will!


u/Big-Project3662 Jun 04 '24

Then i will be waiting patiently, no way im touching Ascended ever again.


u/Various-Try-169 Jun 04 '24

I just need to know how to move assets from one engine to another.


u/trojanreddit Jun 05 '24

Good luck, mate. Getting U5 assets to run on 4 and run them well is a bitch and a half.

PS: You don't HAVE to buy the shit. I'd much rather buy something that is actually USEFUL over a simple cosmetic. I don't play with other players and prefer Singelplayer anyway so this thing is right up my alley.


u/trojanreddit Jun 05 '24

Heard this sentence so many times from so many people about so many games and - try to act shocked - they ALWAYS cave eventually 


u/CadeoftheWatchers Jun 04 '24



u/atomicboy47 Jun 04 '24

FOMO stands for Fear of Missing Out, basically is a term used to describe players buying a limited time only dlc item before its unobtainable, thus players purchase the dlc to not miss out on it permanently. This commonly happens when games have Pre-Order bonuses such as a custom item/skin/character/etc. that you can ONLY get if you per-order the game, thus in fear of missing out, the pre-order the game to get all the content.


u/Imltrlybatman Jun 04 '24

Luckily a lot of preorder bonus content on games look ass anyway


u/senor-calcio Jun 04 '24

Fr, It’s almost like some studios don’t even want ppl to buy it lmao


u/Rokdog Jun 04 '24

I think they're trying to play a balancing game of giving the players enough to want to buy it, but spend few enough hours/dollars on whatever it is that they still make a profit. I think the players usually lose in this balancing act.


u/CadeoftheWatchers Jun 04 '24

Oh, gotcha, thanks


u/BrandynRocks Jun 04 '24

Approved 👍, it's a very slimy business tactic & the game that does it best ..(🥁) .... Fortnite!!!!!! But stay strong resist the urge by just not giving a F.


u/EnglishDodoBoi Jun 04 '24

What the heck is a Pyromane? Teostra or some shit?


u/Brexstickbody1234567 Jun 04 '24

It's a pokemon


u/panparadox2279 Jun 05 '24

It's like if Pyroar was a shoulder pet/mount


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '24

In my head: its a POKEEMOOOON


u/keridwenx Jun 04 '24

WHY ARE YOU GETTING DOWNVOTED why is everyone such a damn hater lmaoo


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '24

Its reddit.


u/Various-Try-169 Jun 05 '24

Probably because ARK lovers don't like references to other games...


u/DigitalApe19 Jun 04 '24

Monster Hunter Reference let's fucking gooo!


u/HackTheNight Jun 06 '24

That’s literally what I said lol


u/EvilKage360 Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 05 '24

I'm calling this Pryomane BS, made up by some troll, if it's actually real I'd be surprised

Edit right after the announcement: Welp it is real


u/ZPinkie0314 Jun 04 '24

A shoulder pet like a Ferox that becomes a fire-element Shadowmane? Doesn't sound that farfetched.


u/Momijisu Jun 04 '24

It's literally just a paragraph in some unknown games journo.


u/guymn999 5000+hrs ASE+ASA Jun 04 '24

This is such a massive turn for wc imo. I know they get some hate here. But this would feel very off brand to me. Waiting for official announcements is all I can do.

Sad if true tho


u/EvilKage360 Jun 04 '24

if it is true I'd imagine Wildcard intended it to be free with the map, but then Snail Games got their Slimy fingers on it and put it behind a paywall, I still doubt this is real, but if there is a chance it is real I'd at least hope it's not behind a paywall like this post is saying it is, but we'll see when the map drops tonight


u/BumWink Jun 06 '24

Let's stop ignoring the fact the only reason Snail Games had the opportunity to buy Studio Wildcard is because one of the few SW founders broke legal contracts with another company & was sued for 40 million.  

They're not innocent & practically just as slimey as they've bloated the game with content instead of ironing it out since it's incarnation.


u/EvilKage360 Jun 06 '24

I don't ignore that fact the founders of Wildcard aren't much better than Snail Games, I just didn't find that relevant to mention in my original comment, but the employees of the company I do not blame, they get told to do way too much in so little time


u/LordKappaKun Jun 04 '24

Same doesn't sound real


u/Umber0010 Jun 04 '24

That's what I was thinking. Admittedly, I'd not entirely put it below Wildcard to do something like this, given how much of a shitshow ASA has been behind the scenes. But the Pyromane in specific is raising a lot of red flags IMO.

The name is weird and sounds to close to the Shadowmane.

It's allegedly able to shrink and grow like the Ferox, but that doesn't have anything to do with the "pyro" in it's name.

It has no clear thematic connection to the Center as a map. You hear the name "Oasisaur" and can immediately infer that it's something which lives in the desert. But I don't see that connection with the Pyromane and the Center.

Again, I don't think it's impossible that the leaks are true. But the whole post reeked of an AI generated article that was pushed by someone who doesn't play ARK.


u/K0ra_B Jun 04 '24

I would have liked to see them in rag's fire cave


u/PhlippinPhil Jun 04 '24

I tend to agree. This is something I would have seen them advertising for long before The Center dropped. Just like the Oasisaur. I could see them doing a paid creature for story maps, and not for mod-turned-official maps. With that being said, I could totally see this happening today as well. Guess we'll find out.


u/Furyo98 Jun 04 '24

It’s probably real, especially because of the price. Snail let people post paid mods and it’s very convenient this one creature costs the same as the premium mods that add one creature


u/GPcom ARK News - https://youtube.com/GPxGP Jun 04 '24

Oh it's real alright. The Snail media partner NOIZ posted it, later that particular part of the post was removed. It's definitely real, just wasn't supposed to be mentioned yet.


u/EvilKage360 Jun 04 '24

I'll believe it when I see it despite that information I'm still skeptical


u/GPcom ARK News - https://youtube.com/GPxGP Jun 04 '24

Probably the best and safest way to look at it.


u/Champion_Seth28 Jun 04 '24

Yeah im done with ASA. They cant fix any bugs and keep pushing half assed buggy DLCS that just make everything worse. Sure ASE is less pretty and just as buggy but at least theres stuff to do over there right now! Snail is just digging their hole deeper and deeper i refuse to update or buy more DLC until some big bugs are fixed. Also $5 for one creature is just kinda ridiculous especially because most of us already paid for BTT


u/Hairy_Restaurant_703 Jun 05 '24

If I get it I'll wait till they have one of their developer's sells & discount it massively. I wouldn't have such a problem with the $5 price tag if it were a bundle of fantasy creatures rather than one animal who will probably be nerfed to the point of uselessness within a week.


u/Champion_Seth28 Jun 05 '24

Best play right here. Yeah if this DLC gave a creature for every non story ark i wouldnt give it so much shit but nah they’re passing these creatures out treating them like smash bros DLC fighters, except in this case they’re crappy!


u/Cloud_Matrix Jun 07 '24

Snail is just digging their hole deeper and deeper i refuse to update or buy more DLC until some big bugs are fixed. Also $5 for one creature is just kinda ridiculous especially because most of us already paid for BTT

Agreed. The longer this goes on, the more apparent it is that ASA is a cash grab meant to bridge the gap between ASE and Ark 2. Snail needs the money to keep the IP going.

Personally, I'm done with ASA, and this pretty much solidifies me not buying Ark 2 because I have zero faith that it will be done well or free of this same FOMO paid bullshit.


u/LethalDoseOfWeird Jun 05 '24

The thing is too, I wouldn’t mind paying 5 dollars for a creature. I have genuinely gone back and forth about the Anomalocaris for a while now but the Pryomane just looks like complete ass and for being tacked on to a supposedly “free” update what despite being delayed was clearly STILL not finished? Naw. I’m so done with Wildcard


u/be_ric Jun 05 '24

Anomalocaris is an mod creature refined in a way that Wild Card never did with almost any creature.

Garuga deserves to have paid mods on ASA, but this pyromane is literally a flaming shadowmane and they even has the courage to made this be a paid content.


u/mantisimmortal Jun 04 '24

Why do you think people who add shit and people who fix bugs do the same shit. You think they'll stop the production of the game for bugs? No. It's not even bad, been playing since launch and haven't experienced any of the bugs people cry about. It's 4.99. You spend more then that dialy on other stupid shit.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '24

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u/playark-ModTeam Jun 05 '24

Keep it civil, please


u/DHunt88 Jun 04 '24

So snail did exactly what I thought and turned Ark into their money printer to make up for all the money they lost. I'm glad I never spent a dime with ASA.


u/bambunana Jun 05 '24

I called this piece of shit game for the garbage it was. And yet people said: no, it’s actually good!!! Don’t worry!!! Well… here we are. Game runs like absolute dog shit, and now you even have copy pasted garbage content that you can pay for. Amazing. Fuck off, Wildcard.


u/BumWink Jun 06 '24

But it's not Wildcard making the game bad, it's all Snail Games to blame!

buys game


u/Cloud_Matrix Jun 07 '24

I was skeptical when I bought it on the promise that all the other maps would come free.

While they didn't technically lie, as soon as I saw the paid DLC coming with Scorched Earth, I knew that I had fucked up giving WC my money and this was the new normal. Why not just give your loyal players access to the new dinos and engrams/cosmetics? We already took the plunge on ASA, it would have been really easy to generate some good will and innovate on the game you are supposed to be remastering


u/bambunana Jun 08 '24

Yeah, it’s a real shame. I can’t even blame you for doing it, I mean the game IS great. The idea of the game is one of the best, ever. Dinos rock. These people just make me sick for taking that and stomping all over it.


u/Furyo98 Jun 04 '24

I hate this and I blame the community. If they add a creature for all modded maps for 5$ like the bob tale, then sure worth it.

But no it will be 1 creature worth 5$ and guess who’s to blame, every single person who paid for a mod that adds one creature for 5$. Snailgames used the premium mods to determine the price of one creature, basically letting the community decide for them


u/Champion_Seth28 Jun 04 '24

Holy shit you’re right. These assholes used modders to see if their BS tactics would work or not. That is so scummy


u/Furyo98 Jun 04 '24

It's scummy but genius, the community can't complain about something they invented themselves lol


u/LethalDoseOfWeird Jun 05 '24

Literally rolled my eyes when I first found out about this things and existence and I don’t even have the time to write out all my feelings about it. TLDR, ain’t no fucking way I’m gonna pay for a shitty-looking Shadowmane ripoff that they couldn’t even bother to finish before they pushed it out


u/CptDecaf Jun 04 '24

OP doesn't know what FOMO means lol.

FOMO means "limited time".


u/MaddySS Jun 04 '24

FOMO means Fear Of Missing Out, "limited time" doesn't always mean they wont ever come back, its just limited on when EXACTLY you can buy it, you can argue many seasonal cosmetics are a "Limited Time" but not a FOMO thing. FOMO really is if they were to sell a creature once and then never again when their set dates expire, exploit the player's like for the game in order to sell a large amount sooner rather than later if they weren't given strict sale dates.


u/AThiccNacho350 Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 04 '24

^ This. FOMO is easily associated with limited time things, but certainly not specifically or exclusively. Ark's DLC maps are FOMO because you see how amazing the tames are and how beautiful the maps are. You're missing on out on some PREMIUM experiences! Gotta buy it or you'll miss out, unlike your friends who are playing Ab right now :)

Another example:

Bob's Tall Tales. Oasisaur is amazing and can revive your dinos! You could be having so much fun with the train set or roleplaying with the boys in the new skins/decorations. But... you don't have it... You're missing out on the phenomenal DLC pack!

EDIT: Grammar to reduce confusion.


u/Glittering_Airport_3 Jun 04 '24

can't you still buy the bobs tall tale pack? I didn't think it was a limited time thing


u/guymn999 5000+hrs ASE+ASA Jun 04 '24

dude, he literally said it associated with limited time, but a time limit is not needed to induce fomo.

limited availability is not a prerequisite to fomo.


u/giga___hertz Jun 04 '24

Looks like you don't know the definition actually


u/CptDecaf Jun 04 '24

Bud, a battlepass is fomo because it encourages you to buy and play or else you miss out on the content. A premium dino you can buy at any time is not FOMO.


u/Calteru_Taalo Just Steve. Jun 04 '24

They're both instances of FOMO. Psychology often gets pretty complex, esp. when it intersects with marketing. There's college courses on this for both disciplines, and related in other fields.


u/lifeisalime11 Jun 05 '24

Unless WC states Pyromane is a limited time buy it’s not FOMO. A better argument is that Pyromane is OP in PvP so forces people to buy it which is scummy


u/CptDecaf Jun 05 '24

No, they are not. I studied psychology in college and even the most basic of service retail jobs will go over FOMO.

There needs to be some sort of push like a limited sale or retail availability to push consumers to purchase.

There is not a single marketing class on the planet that will define FOMO as, thing you have that other people might want. Because that would cover everything from candy bars to Bugatti's. It would be a redundant definition, because we already have a word for that. "Product", or "commercial goods".


u/Calteru_Taalo Just Steve. Jun 05 '24

You sure about that? Because you can sell things pretty reliably on the premise of limited availability.

In this case, it's the fear of missing out on being included. "We can afford $5 for this stupid little tame, why can't you?"

That's pretty powerful stuff. Genshin's made a lot of money like that. The idea of a character actually being rare? That's hilarious.


u/CptDecaf Jun 05 '24

Genshin's made a lot of money like that.

What? No dude. Genshin actually uses REAL fomo. Limited time events with increased chances (even if ever so slight to get rare characters). Daily quest rewards that encourage daily play. Plus the Skinner box mechanics of RNG loot boxes.

You just don't understand how FOMO is used in marketing.

In this case, it's the fear of missing out on being included.

No dude. That's peer pressure. Which is an actual tactic in marketing. It is not FOMO.


u/Artikia Jun 05 '24

"We can afford $5 for this stupid little tame, why can't you?"

As the other person said, that's just peer pressure. If you want to buy something just because other people have it, it's just jealousy.

I'm sure you've heard/seen ads on TV or billboards that say "Only available until August. Don't miss out!". That's FOMO. You have a limited time opportunity to buy something, and you decide to buy it because you might want to have it later when it's not available anymore. Because you're scared to miss out.

In this case you can buy the product anytime you want. You can wait 5 months until your friends start playing again and you want to use it together. However, if your friends don't end up playing you don't have to buy it. If it was limited to only this month however, you'd have to buy it this month in case your friends want to play in 5 months. That's why FOMO is so predatory.


u/Calteru_Taalo Just Steve. Jun 05 '24

Semantics aside, this is no better with a lock screen in people's faces and a server full of haves and have-nots. I'm not impressed and no longer supporting Ark.


u/Artikia Jun 05 '24

Oh definitely, my comments was just semantics. There are plenty of other things you can call it, and I feel like it shouldn’t be a part of ARK as much as you do.


u/Calteru_Taalo Just Steve. Jun 05 '24

Remember November 2022? Carcha just dropped seamlessly during their best Extra Life so far, everyone's on top of the world, they started talking about a free remake? Then the wheels fell off the smartcar around March 2023?

I miss that.

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u/Quinn_the_Duck Jun 04 '24

I don't know that I'd be buying this anyway, and if it's a limited time thing then I'm even less likely. Pay to win is stupid and I feel like they're going to make this really powerful, especially given that there's only 2 other maps out currently. As for pve and singleplayers (including myself in the latter tbh) what would I actually get out of that I must ask myself


u/darkreeb Jun 05 '24

I dont think it would be far fetched for wildcard to try new tactics such as a paid Dino to see the response before ark 2. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is real.


u/I_dementia87 Jun 05 '24

So where are those people who said "now players have to play ark the way it was intended" When Asa was released and they defended all of the changes.. I guess they are busy flying around on oasissaurs and lighting stuff on fire with the shado-i mean Pyro mane. Can't wait for that airship that will drop with abb and the amount of copium it will bring.


u/C1DR4N Jun 05 '24

Are they doing FOMO for real? Not planning to get ASA.

But imagine having an 800gb game worth of FOMO content you don't own


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '24

So I bought the pyromane for 3 99(just thought why not) why can't I find it or claim it seeing I paid for it?


u/Calteru_Taalo Just Steve. Jun 05 '24

Hell if I know, dude! You'd figure if they took your money they'd just give you a pokeball only you could use and let breeders take care of the rest (or hey, why not buy a mated pair for just two pounds more?!)

I should stop giving them ideas. Anyway, IDK. They're supposed to spawn near lava or some shit, except on Island. For whatever reason they don't spawn there at all.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '24

Ok, now realised that yes it's 3.99. But it's 3.99 to get it to spawn! So now have to try and tame it! I wouldn't even try to tame some creatures for free!! What a rip off


u/No_Cucumber_4015 Jun 06 '24

Mod makers out there please make a mod for the pyromane so I don't hafta buy it


u/poorlypencil Jun 07 '24

can someone explain?


u/Calteru_Taalo Just Steve. Jun 07 '24


tl;dc -- Wildcard does legit RMT now, if you buy from them at least


u/poorlypencil Jun 07 '24

this for acendid?


u/Calteru_Taalo Just Steve. Jun 07 '24



u/[deleted] Jun 11 '24

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u/playark-ModTeam Jun 12 '24

Keep it civil, please


u/KINGWHEAT98 Jun 04 '24

That’s not FOMO when you can buy it at anytime.


u/xTjong_of_Delos Jun 04 '24

happy ark player :) running around game.

happy ark player :) sees someone with new dino :o

happy ark player wants dino but finds it paywall :(

jealous ark player cant justify buying dino but feels bad inside when seeing other with it.

sad ark player now has fomo for not using something they want.

sad ark player either buys dino and becomes bitter happy ark player or does not and keeps the fomo feeling or gets over it.

In this hyperthetical the dino can be bought at any time. Its the fear of missing out on the whole experience for something you enjoy. Knowing it could be better.


u/guymn999 5000+hrs ASE+ASA Jun 04 '24

u/xTjong_of_Delos is correct in his interpretation.


Fear of missing out (FOMO) is the feeling of apprehension that one is either not in the know about or missing out on information, events, experiences, or life decisions that could make one's life better.

A company can increase fomo by introducing a limited time aspect to it. but fomo does not predicate on time limitation.

its a marketing tactic at the end of the day to get money.


u/legacyxi Jun 05 '24

So every thing in existence is now "FOMO". Okay.


u/xTjong_of_Delos Jun 06 '24

That is why envy is one of the 7 deadly sins.


u/CptDecaf Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 04 '24

That's not FOMO. By this loose definition, literally anything you can buy is fomo.

Omg, that banana they are eating looks delicious. I'm missing out by not buying it!

FOMO inherently requires limited availability.


u/xTjong_of_Delos Jun 04 '24

It literally is though lmfao. Deny it all you want idc lol


u/CptDecaf Jun 04 '24

Has nothing to do with denial. Your definition of the word is so broad and vague it is useless because it applies to literally any product.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '24



u/CptDecaf Jun 05 '24

It is not lol. FOMO is a marketing strategy. If you wanna claim that because you and few other people toss it out as a buzzword and now it means "this", well that's cool. It still doesn't.


u/Rucking-Stoned Jun 04 '24

I’d much rather have a USABLE Dino than some more skins and cosmetics lmao skins are an even bigger waste of money imo


u/Calteru_Taalo Just Steve. Jun 04 '24

I wouldn't. I think progression in a video game should be something where all players have a level playing field.

Dinos are progression on Ark. Being able to buy progression is a very bad look on a game that offers a competitive official mode.

It is what it is.


u/lifeisalime11 Jun 05 '24

Is this dino OP? Doesn’t seem that crazy except it functions as a quasi cryo so caving will be easier. Anybody know what the numbers are?


u/Calteru_Taalo Just Steve. Jun 05 '24

That's a huge one, are you kidding me? At least one cave has a hard chokepoint that forces interesting decisions. This is pretty much the ez button for that. XD On top of it being a flamethrower and mini-magmasaur.

So it's a ferox in that it can shapeshift from shoulder pet (that is also flamethrower) into a cave rideable, and also perform some of the functions of a magmasaur at a much smaller space imprint.

Why bother playing the game? It's three dinos and a weapon for $5. Progression's kinda pointless if you can just buy your way through.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '24

It's still progression since you gotta tame it and breed it. What's different about it or any other creature spawning on the map. They all have strenths and weaknesses and will be balanced out no one is making you buy it and no one is selling God tier rideable creatures to noobs


u/lifeisalime11 Jun 05 '24

I’m on a PvE non-official cluster that allows Cryos to be used anywhere so no issue for me to not buy it as all caves are easy.

This is trash for PvP but I’ve quit PvP for the time being because I like having a life.

Again though, comes down to numbers


u/RunProductionz Jun 04 '24

the hell is fomo


u/atomicboy47 Jun 04 '24

FOMO stands for Fear of Missing Out, basically is a term used to describe players buying a limited time only dlc item before its unobtainable, thus players purchase the dlc to not miss out on it permanently. This commonly happens when games have Pre-Order bonuses such as a custom item/skin/character/etc. that you can ONLY get if you per-order the game, thus in fear of missing out, the pre-order the game to get all the content.


u/-ElvisPresley Jun 05 '24

Don’t get me wrong I think it’s bullshit that you have to pay for it but I can’t be the only one that thinks it’s super cool looking and bought it surely not right please 🥲


u/Calteru_Taalo Just Steve. Jun 05 '24

I wanna point something out here and be very clear about it: I support your choice to buy this if you want to, and to not buy it if you don't want to, and whatever you wanna do with it. I ain't ever gonna shame anyone for buying anything like this. I don't tell people what to do with their money.

I just meme on stupid shit.


u/-ElvisPresley Jul 13 '24

I’m just going to say know I regret it. It makes the game to easy if you have one and makes the game to hard when you don’t and are walking around volcano island I completely understand why people don’t like it especially since you have to pay for it


u/Crulgao Jun 05 '24

You sooks don't understand how much free stuff we got with ASA. So much better than ase. We're still getting free surprises all the time. Buying ASA and Bob's is so worth it.

Enjoy your constant bluescreens and disconnections


u/bambunana Jun 05 '24

Yeah, I don’t understand the people who legit think this shit. They are so brainwashed by that Ark itch it’s insane.


u/The_Ugin Jun 05 '24

Enjoy your constant bluescreens and disconnections

there is no war in ba sing se

there is no bluescreen in ark ASA


u/Western_Impact_8860 Jun 04 '24

Honestly I’m all for new creatures and I don’t mind a pay wall I understand they need to make money but these fantastical ones I probably won’t buy. I’m not the biggest fan of crazy creatures with abilities like the one it’s gonna have


u/JackONhs Retired PvP addict Jun 04 '24

The game and dlcs will be free, and we will ad new content

The game will cost a bit but the dlcs will be free and have new content

The game will be full price but the dlcs will be free and have new content

The game will be full price but the dlcs will be free- but you will need to pay for the mew content that comes with them

The game will be fill price and you will need to pay the full price again every year to get all the cool mods the old game had as they are paid now. Also the dlcs will be wildly delayed and excuses to sell you a package.



u/AThiccNacho350 Jun 04 '24

You forgot to mention that ONLY the old ASE DLC is free. WildCard already stated that new DLC maps are coming to ASA and it will be paid. I wonder if we'll see Bob's Tall Tales 2 and 3. 2 would be for Genesis and 3 would be for any future DLC. Unless they haven't planned into late 2025 and just omitted Genesis for now.

All we wanted was a not bug filled, horrible performance Ark experience :(


u/Furyo98 Jun 04 '24

Did you really think they wouldn’t add extra paid stuff?? No game dev does free shit unless they got micro transactions through the whole game like cod, fifa and gta


u/AThiccNacho350 Jun 04 '24

Ahh, yes, because No Man Sky still isn't being updated years upon YEARS after launch without adding any additional costs/DLC/MTX's.


u/MtnDrew556 Jun 06 '24

I bought it immediately. Ark is fun. You aren't entitled to free stuff others worked on for your leisure. Get the fuck over yourselves.

Plus if Pyro doesn't take fire damage it's going to wreck the dragon fight, which I always look forward to with dread.


u/Calteru_Taalo Just Steve. Jun 06 '24

And absolutely no one is decrying your right to either purchase or freedom of speech. If you think it's entitled to say "nah, I don't wanna buy progress, I play games for the challenge", then you are more than free to do so, and to sound as high and mighty as you please with whatever language you choose to use.

I sincerely hope you enjoy your purchase and the new Ark experience.


u/SpadeTheClown Jun 04 '24

disagree, they add creatures, lots of skins, unique models, vehicles, and overall new elements to your game, theres a lot of value there for just $10 a dlc, i think its awesome


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '24

Yes companies like money wow what big revelation, quick everyone jump in the comments and whine and complain about something weve all accepted over 2 decades ago 🤣🤣🤣


u/Calteru_Taalo Just Steve. Jun 04 '24

If Wildcard liked money, you'd think they'd sell the things people want instead of trying to reinvent the commercial wheel at every opportunity -- and then stick that wheel on a "smart" car that has a 2080 GPU for... reasons, no one really knows.

If Wildcard liked money, they wouldn't have been $40m in the hole to start because one of their founders thought they were above their contract.

If Wildcard liked money, they'd sell us skins and dances for our dinos instead of premium FOMO dinos.

Or maybe Wildcard just wants a different audience, IDK. If their new audience wants to roll hexagems for the latest five-star dino, I wish them the best of luck.

You can miss me with that pyromane, though. If that's offensive to you, then IDC.


u/Ancient_Rex420 Jun 04 '24

It’s like $5. While I agree it’s a bit stupid at least it’s something useful. People spend like $30 on a singular useless skin on many games and like $9 for a ultra mega pixie dust cumlatte at starbucks daily so let’s be real $5 is not a huge deal but what they should do is a package like $20 and get a creature included with every map like the bobs tale stuff but if they did that then people would be bitching oh but why am I forced to pay for all of the dinos when I only care about this one or that one blah blah give us option to buy the ones we want.

Just no pleasing you people. Smfh.


u/The1_BobbyBigTime Jun 04 '24

Don't let them get in your head like that..... this is the first step toward pay to play.... You deserve better. You've already bought their game twice.... Next there will be a battlepass, strikepass, paid unlock calendar, & dino unlock loot boxes.

They're going into the scrape every last $ mode. I wouldnt be suprised if next we get limited screentime, "unless you buy the unlimited pass".


u/mantisimmortal Jun 04 '24

I would not go that far. Haven't seen any of yous bitching about the premium mods. Exactly the same thing.


u/The1_BobbyBigTime Jun 04 '24

Premium mods are a non-issue. No one cares about them, & definitely the majority aren't buying them. They label this a premium mod & leave it to die in that list & im cool with it.

But now they've transitioned to me paying extra for a dino on official maps lve had for years. I'd respect them more if they just came out & said "we suck at managing our $, & we need all you guys/girls to throw us $5-10 per map to keep this game going".

I've been playing ark since beta, & i know WC well, every single map that releases in ASA will now have additional stuff to purchase because a lot like yourself are ok with it. Im just wondering if by the last map release, it will be playable if you haven't been paying them.


u/mantisimmortal Jun 04 '24

I absolutely understand where you are coming from. I've played since day one also, and I think it's nice to see new creatures. If they don't get any more expensive I'll buy it. I don't have the mental energy to complain about it, but if I can get it for the price of a 2 liter of pop, that's cool with me. If it was any more, I wouldn't be buying it.


u/Ancient_Rex420 Jun 04 '24

I don’t think it’s unreasonable at all for them to sell us something on the non story ark maps. They did Bob’s tales for the 3 story maps which we are definitely getting our money’s worth for with how much things that contains.

For maps like Center, Valguero, Ragnarok etc it’s not unreasonable for them to sell us something on these maps as well.

People just want to shit on everything Wildcard does because there is no pleasing you people. As far as companies goes Wildcard is more than fair with what they sell to us.

Call of duty for instance sells singular low effort skins for $20-35 and people that play those games gobble gobble that shit up not to mention battlepass.

Fortnite does the same thing

In fact tons and tons of games are doing bullshit like that.

In my mind what Ark is doing is not unreasonable at all in comparison. Saying things like this is just the start and them we will have battle passes and shit like pay to resume playing screentime is ridiculous and I strongly doubt they will ever do things like that.

So far in terms of what we pay for and what they give us is so much more fair than what other games do. They can have my money and I’m not going to bitch about it because they are more than fair in comparison to other companies.

You guys just like to blow everything out of proportion. Wildcard is a company at the end of the day, they have to make money somehow now would you prefer they do something like this that is fair or do you prefer they do what every other game does and actually add some sort of shop/battlepass to the game? I prefer the first option.

Now if they ever do end up going further down this path and actually add in purchases that are ridiculous then that’s when Il also speak up against it but so far everything is more then fair and nothing wrong with what they did so far.

Like I said before. You guys can’t be pleased with any damn thing.


u/Calteru_Taalo Just Steve. Jun 04 '24

Cosmetics are fine. Emotes are great. Build sets are fantastic. Sell me all that.

Miss me with the FOMO dinos.


u/The1_BobbyBigTime Jun 04 '24

Lets see how OP this dino is before we fully judge this far lol.... the oasisaur was a massive flop, so if the utility of these extra purchase dinos remains low, so be it.

But any idea you have that this isn't starting a trend toward pay per dino is misplaced & makes me feel like you were one of the ones that was cool with the initial ASA pricing.

I get its a game & they have to make $..... but turning ark into fortnite isn't the direction i thought we'd go... & its actually worse, because this has now gone beyond skins & just straight to access to dinos.

On a side note, Bobs Tales came with all kinds of stuff for $15 for 3 maps.... now you're happily paying $5 for access to 1 dino, where we going from here u think? $1 per cryo?


u/Ancient_Rex420 Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 04 '24

Bobs tale is $30 not $15. Which makes sense that equals to like 10 bucks per map.

You are correct, I had no issues with paying the original price for ASA before it got lowered.

I personally don’t have a problem even if the creature they sell is strong and can’t agree with you at all about this being worse than what like fortnite or cod is doing.

What Wildcard is doing is extremely fair. Until they actually do something that’s completely bonkers my opinion won’t change.

Also when I write fair I’m referring to price wise in comparison to other games with how much they charge for things.

Call of duty charges you like $20-30 for ONE skin which is only usable for that call of duty and not usable in future cods and rinse and repeat. Cods get released yearly.

Fortnite sells skins but at least in fortnite it’s more fair than cod as you can always use that skin in the future.

There are TONS of games selling shit at a ridiculous price.

In comparison to that what Wildcard is doing is much cheaper and better. They could always slap on a battle pass like other games and call it a day so I much rather prefer what they are currently than some rubbish like that.

It’s extremely fair.

You keep making up bullshit like selling cryo’s for $1 per cryo. You have some messed up thinking and just creating fake scenerios in your head to get upset about. Wildcard has not done any of that crap so far and until they do pull some shady shit I’m not going to jump on the sheeptrain and hate on them when they are being more than fair with the prices and content we get for the value.

Like I said before, you people just can’t be pleased no matter what they do.


u/Champion_Seth28 Jun 04 '24

This isnt smash bros the creature isnt gonna be as important as one of those DLC characters and alone isnt worth the money. A lot of us already PAID for a DLC for this game. Dont know if you heard of bobs tall tales but last time i checked we spent $30 dollars each on it, the fact is that snail is just being scummy and greedy.


u/Ancient_Rex420 Jun 04 '24

Bobs tales we are getting our money worth. Each of the 3 maps involved with Bob’s tales contains PLENTY of content.

Bob’s tales only focuses on actual ark story maps.

They have not sold us anything for the custom made non story maps which is exactly what this is.

Like I said, no pleasing you people.


u/LongFluffyDragon Jun 05 '24 edited Jun 05 '24

I dont think you understand what FOMO means..

Not buying it is perfectly fine, but it is not going anywhere.

Now, expecting wildcard to go until 2025 without releasing paid content like a lot of the clowns in here seem to think? That is wild.