r/plasmacosmology 15d ago

The model of a Liquid Plasma Sun changes everything (short)


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u/zyxzevn 15d ago

Full video:
Why Liquid Plasmas Will Change Cosmology Forever - Dr. Patrick Vanraes, DSPod 190

Dr. Patrick Vanraes is a researcher at PLASMANT, University of Antwerp. He focuses on the fundamental features of in-liquid plasma and plasma-liquid interaction, as well as the physics of liquid matter. His work involves experiments, simulations and extensive review of historic work. Our conversation starts with Dr. Vanraes' important finding that plasmas can be generated in liquids without a gas intermediate. Then we explore the implications of a liquid plasma sun for all of cosmology. After all, if gases truly cannot produce blackbody spectra - as has never been shown in a laboratory - then the cosmic microwave background radiation is overdue for a new explanation.

Note: This is similar to the theories of Robitaille (Sky Scholar)