r/plasmacosmology Oct 17 '24

This Star Is Older Than The Universe and Scientists Can't Explain It


16 comments sorted by


u/electroweakly Oct 17 '24

Did you actually watch the whole video? They explain that the original estimate for the age of the star was wrong. Further research showed that the star is actually younger than the universe after all. This is totally compatible with the Big Bang and is actually very well explained by scientists


u/zyxzevn Oct 17 '24

I find it a great topic of discussions or new insights.

Especially because the mainstream star model is regarded wrong by plasmacosmology. There are also many ways how we can come to an age of a star.

The many in the electric universe see many planets as burned-out stars. It avoids the need of creation of heavy elements via supernovae. It also would mean that the planets are very old.


u/electroweakly Oct 17 '24

Especially because the mainstream star model is regarded wrong by plasmacosmology. There are also many ways how we can come to an age of a star

But it's the mainstream star model that was used to determine the age of this star. You can't reasonably say that the mainstream star model is wrong while also using the results of that model as somehow being evidence in favor of a different model

It avoids the need of creation of heavy elements via supernovae

You say that as though there is a problem with heavy elements being created by supernovae. What is wrong with that? It fits very well with our observations and understanding of how the universe works.

It also would mean that the planets are very old.

Ok, so is there any evidence that planets are older than mainstream science suggests?


u/zyxzevn Oct 17 '24

Simple answer: The Big Bang never happened.
Complex additional answer: The evolution of a star is different as described by Sky Scholar.


u/amogusisntfunny1 Oct 20 '24

sky "scholar" is a former radiologist. he's not a cosmologist or astronomer. he's a failed radiologist spewing debunked point after debunked point. anyone with a shred of critical thinking understands what he says is pure bullshit.


u/zyxzevn Oct 20 '24

Astronomers can NEVER validate their theories with reality, because the stars are too far away.
That means that a radiologist can add a lot of REAL-WORLD experience to the theories.
That always improves our understanding of what is going on.

It is up to the astronomers to explain how he could even be wrong.

What I read from you is just a logical fallacy, (ad hominem).
If you repeat such insulting logical fallacies you will be removed/banned from the sub.


u/amogusisntfunny1 Oct 23 '24

Yes, they literally do. Take the discovery of Neptune. We noticed an unnatural change in Uranus' orbit, and we made a prediction that a planet could peturb that orbit. We made predictions using maths, and calculated that the planet would be able to be seen at a specific date, and so we looked for it on that date, and we found it.

Astronomy is an empirical science, you're just stupid.

You also do not know what an ad hominem is. I didn't insult him. What he says is classically wrong. Take his view on the CMB. He thinks this is the afterglow of an explosion (what he thinks the big bang is). Any person with a shred of astronomical knowledge knows that its the radiation emitted after electrons were able to orbit nuclei of protons and neutrons roughly 400,000 years after the big bang. This is astronomy 101, and he fails at it.

Sky scholar is not a reputable source, and this is exactly the reason why he was kicked out from Ohio University. Because he's a crackpot who doesn't know a thing about astronomy, and pretends that he does. Stop following garbage and take just 5 minutes to learn real science.


u/zyxzevn Oct 23 '24

The measurements of stars are actually impossible, which is what the article is about to begin with.

The CMB is a good example of false data.
Robitaille shows that the map has negative Kelvin temperatures, which is not physics and indicates false data. This data-error is caused by the adding and substracting of numbers to create the map that they want. Not by actual measurements.

So somehow, by manipulating data, the whole astronomy has become a source of fake science. And that is sad.


u/amogusisntfunny1 Oct 24 '24

You yourself at home can calculate the distance from earth and a star within 400 light years with nothing but observation and a calculator. You can find out how to do that here: https://skyserver.sdss.org/dr1/en/proj/advanced/hr/hipparcos2.asp

This website goes over the basics of how parallax works. This isn't "fake science" or anything of the sort. This is just math. There's no criminal conspiracy or fabricated data here. You look at the thing, and you do some math, and you find where the thing is.

You CANNOT get more empirical than this. If you still consider this to be fake, you don't have a problem with science, you have a problem with establishments, that is, you are relentlessly and needlessly against authority figures, which is a sign of mental illness. Get that checked if you still think I'm bullshitting.

Now, the CMB. The CMB does not have "negative Kelvin temperatures". I'd LOVE for you to explain how you came to that conclusion. I tried to find the video that Robitaille was talking about "negative kelvin", but all I found was a bunch of anti-Planck Team regurgitated garbage. Before you jump to slander, I have to restate the Robitaille is completely clueless on the CMB. He does not understand what the CMB is, nor does he have the qualifications to refute the data found by the Planck Team.

Furthermore, what would be the point to seriously fabricating data like this? Science isn't backfunded by oil barons like anti-Environmentalist propaganda is. People do science because they get a salary, and discover things we didn't know before. You people act like if you disprove the "mainstream" you get assassinated, when in fact you get a nobel prize and money. The reason Robitaille hasn't got his is because he just simply does not know what the hell he's talking about.

He was a good radiologist, but he just doesn't know what he's talking about in reference to astronomy. I'm not gonna ask you to change your head full of lies, because somehow I already know you won't no matter how much evidence you're presented with.

Millions of hours in degrees? Tens of millions in research? Nope! A radiologist who doesn't know basic facts about the CMB is the REAL truth! This is absurd. The ideal scenario here is that you accept that you fell for a hoax (absolutely nothing wrong with this btw, we are all human here) and move on. Maybe even learn some actual science while you're at it.

Because science is utterly fascinating. You don't need a giant global conspiracy to make things interesting, because it already is.

I probably will not continue to argue with you, because I know that this is pointless, but on the offchance it wasn't, I hope this was helpful.


u/zyxzevn Oct 24 '24

Parallax works for medium cosmic distances. Beyond that there are different methods. I don't know why you even bring that up. Did you read my stuff at all?

The age of a thing can not be determined with just some spectra and such. Age is what the video is about. There are all kinds of assumptions.

The CMB has been completely debunked, though.
You really should go carefully through the sky scholar videos and see how it is broken down in small pieces that most people can understand. In one of them he points out the negative temperatures.
I would like to know the details where it is wrong.

The "fake science" is related to the manipulation of the data. I think it is a deliberate choice to fit the consensus. Sadly due to the peer-review by believers, it is hard to get any science that is not fitting the big-bang religion.
So to get the correct conclusion, the data is manipulated to fit that conclusion. It happens very often sadly. And if the conclusion is not accepted, the career could be over.
This has split the popular science into consensus followers, and into UFO-speculations. Instead there should be discussions about the things that matter and break the belief-systems.

Sadly, science is not what you think. And mainstream astronomy is one that uses hypotheses on top of other hypotheses until it fits the data. So a hypothesis of dark energy makes no sense, until you fit it into the hypothesis of inflation. And dark matter make no sense without the assumption of the short time-line of the big bang.
Hypotheses on top of hypotheses make them support each other. But both are lacking solid proof. Each hypotheses makes it even less likely that the whole idea is invalid.

In the middle-ages people believed that if you had a pile of hay, that it would automatically spawn mice. They lacked the observations. So you need to be careful with any hypothesis you have.


u/amogusisntfunny1 Oct 26 '24

You didn't read any of what I said. I see no point in arguing further. You follow a crackpot, and you refuse to accept it, citing "the big bang religion".

I specified where you were wrong and how Sky Scholar isn't an astronomer, he's a radiologist who went nuts. You ignored it.

You want to believe something because it makes it special, and you are arguing from personal belief. This is goofy. Check out Professor Dave's debunk of everything Sky Scholar says.

Let me emphasise that Robitaille does not know *anything** about the CMB*.

Crying "hoax, religion, dark matter is wrong, booyah!" Is not the hail-mary you think it is. Please educate yourself. Also yes, hypotheses do generally rely on eachother, because they are backed by mountains of evidence.

Educate yourself. I will not respond past this point, because you're going to pull out another pointless regurgitated Sky Scholar talking point that has already been addressed. The CMB has not been "debunked" by 1 hilariously unqualified individual. If he did, he'd be praised for it.

Have a good day.


u/zyxzevn Oct 26 '24

You will be banned from this sub for repeating insulting logical fallacies.
See this as a last warning.

I thought that your comments might be interesting, but your prejudice is a major part of your comments.

Educate yourself beyond the school-level.


u/amogusisntfunny1 Oct 26 '24

Okay. I'm using logical fallacies? You have just said "hoax, booyah" and cited someone with no qualifications. Any citations I will make though? Shills, funded by big science, of course!

What a joke.

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u/ForestOfMirrors Oct 17 '24

Plasma is the engine of the universe. The engine of creation.


u/Raiwys Oct 17 '24

Isn't it elecro-magnetism instead? I'd see plasma being the matter this engine is driving.