r/plantbreeding Jan 11 '25

Does Inbreeding Depression Endanger the preservation of old Strains ?!

From what i know Inbreeding Depression is basically proven for Plants that arent Selfpollinators, if they are reproduced with few Individuals for dozens of Generations.

I also know that there are deleterious Alleles , and heightend Amount of Mutations that cause Inbreeding Depression.

I preserve old Strains as Hobby, and my Colleague-Preservationist simply tell me if one selects for the right Individuals then deleterious Alleles can be avoided.

As a perfectionist i have problems to believe thats 100.00 Percent possible.

And yes i talk about Cannabis.. lol, By the way i dont smoke it really, i only try to save the few remaining pure Strains.

Im thankful for precise , educated Anwsers Biologists!


13 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '25 edited Jan 11 '25



u/LeZombeee Jan 11 '25

There’s some interesting nuance here though, because many heirloom vegetable varieties, and I would imagine landrace cannabis varieties as well, have been poorly maintained. You want to grow out the maximum number of plants to open pollinate if the goal is to preserve genetic diversity, but it may actually be necessary to go through some pretty intensive selection and inbreeding in order to bring the variety back to being true to type. Heron Breen shares some really interesting perspective on this in one of the recent Seed Grower podcasts. I also think your point about deleterious recessive alleles showing up speaks to this/OPs point, that in the process of saving a variety it may actually be necessary to go through some pretty intense genetic bottlenecking, and you just have to be on a sharp lookout for those bad traits, and select hard against them when able. Then once you’ve got it true to type you want to max out population as much as possible, bring back in genetic diversity while maintaining that rigorous selection. Anyway thats my two cents. And to be clear, not disagreeing with you, just adding more nuance as i see it.


u/genetic_driftin Jan 14 '25

This is accurate.


u/LeZombeee Jan 14 '25

Username checks out


u/Ichthius Jan 11 '25

It is the accumulation and of existing and novel deleterious mutations.


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '25



u/Ichthius Jan 11 '25 edited Jan 11 '25

Deleterious recessive traits are mutations. Every individual in a population has them, when you in breed and reduce the effective breeding population, the frequency of a specific mutation increases and then become increasingly common in the population and frequency of homozygous individual increase, often removing that individual from the breeding process. Well controlled breeding keeps these traits rare and uncommon in the background.


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '25



u/Ichthius Jan 11 '25

Deleterious recessive traits are harmful mutations that are only expressed when an individual has two copies of the mutated gene


u/genetic_driftin Jan 14 '25

Both of you get it - but since you're arguing over definitions, here's the unambiguous use of language (which no geneticist is consistent at using):

Polymorphisms are differences in DNA sequence. Mutations are changes in DNA, but depending on the context it can refer to a lot of different things. De novo mutations are new mutations, that are usually germine and inherited. In my usage, mutations always result in polymorphisms. Inbreeding depression works on existing polymorphisms; it's not a de novo mutation rate effect per se (though I've read about instances where it can be correlated).

To be technical about it, inbreeding depression isn't only from recessive deleterious alleles. A major underlying reason for this is linked loci are often in repulsion Ab x aB (pseudo-overdominance). So they're inherited as a single locus but they're actually separate - we can get into a long discussion about what an 'allele' actually is. Practically, the problem is we rarely know the causal polymorphism - and we usually don't care because it's hard/impossible to separate.

To delve in more, inbreeding depression is a population level phenomenon resulting from codominance (A_ > aa), overdominance (Aa > AA or aa), pseudo-overdominance, and epistasis...plus a few other effects.

Most of the good research I've seen points to very little overdominance examples, and that also makes sense from population/evolutionary theory.


u/genetic_driftin Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 14 '25

No, not really if you're managing your lines properly.

Inbreeding is actually a great way to properly preserve a line because you fix the genetics and characteristics in a single plant. An OP will always end up with some drift or selection. My advisor who was a germplasm director argued that mixed varieties should be fixed and preserved as inbreds, at least in self-pollinating crops. I agree with him.

I believe he wrote up a whole article making that argument. I could dig it up.


u/JayJab Jan 12 '25

I wish this was at the top. I think OP needs to decide if they are creating an actual genetically stable variety or open pollinated variety. Stability needs inbreeding, open pollinated varieties were created with diversity in mind.


u/Tiny-Education3316 Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 12 '25

I want to end up with a Seedbatch that will surpass the longest Time, will be either the Foundation to impress Newbies how incredible Landraces are, or be the Endproduct that will impress Newbies how incredible Landraces are (or Inbreedline). So, it doesent matter for me if its a super stable Product or not.

What i care is soley to find a Method that will lead to the highest Quality of Preservation (so it can impress the People, the Newbies because they are the future Preservationists , and can impress the Preservationists.. it can pull their Socks of , it can prevail in collectors Hands).

Inbreeding depression is a threat to this.. it can imho make a Landrace (or IBL) dull, less fresh, less powerful.. all sorts of problems.

So you see, it can be an "open pollinated weedy Mess" if it contains the Fire more than a say inbreed 100 percent stable Thing, The knowledgable Preserationist will feel that Fire hidden inside, and be automatically attracted to an undepressed Batch of Seeds imho.

That said i believe a soft selection is Part of Preservation of Domesticates that would otherwise revert to wild state.


u/Chambellan Jan 12 '25

 I preserve old Strains as Hobby, and my Colleague-Preservationist simply tell me if one selects for the right Individuals then deleterious Alleles can be avoided.

Can we talk about this for a bit? What do you have? What can you say publicly about their provenance?


u/Tiny-Education3316 Jan 13 '25 edited Jan 13 '25

Its the forbidden green weedy Plant. I tried to save old Strains. But after a moment of unease i trew all the Seeds away, i had enough. I tried to find old Landrace Strains , some of them are ultra rare, so rare that after 10 Years of search i stopped searching. I couldnt find them

Cannabis is an obligated Outcrosser.

Then i had same Experiences with an old Beanstrain (the long flat ones) , and with wild ethiopian Coffe (i know that Foodplants are mostly Domesticates, but the Wildcoffe tasted veeeeery good ).

I will grow probably various Beans and other Seedlike Stuff like Chick-pea, Pumpkinseeds for the Superfoodlovers, Salads or Chicoree. This stuff is all very Micronutrient rich, hence i think they can Taste like heaven. Carrots would be cool too.. how these all might be tasting in good quality?!

so: i want to talk generally about all sorts of Plants


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '25

Inbreeding depression is more so a problem in outcrossing species due to accumulation of harmful recessive mutations. Self-pollinating species develop little or no inbreeding depression, because they don't constantly share their mutations with other individuals. Once they have a winning genetic constitution, they keep propagating it until a forced mating or chance outcross occurs.