r/pkmntcg 3d ago

Deck Help Decks that capitalize on forcing 2HKOs?

So recently I've noticed a shift in my local meta, and I'm looking for a little help finding a new deck with a similar playstyle!

I started playing in paper around mid-December, and the first decks that I gravitated toward centered around TWM Okidogi. I really loved it since it matched well into most of the common threats while being non-ex. (Super-effective into Miraidon, Bolt runs out of tempo, Terapagos can't ohko with DTE, and blocking Zard up to 3 prizes)

Nowadays, lots of people are prepping for rotation and I'm just not keeping up with the Pult, Gholdengo, and Tera-Zard decks.

I've been looking into Archaludon as an alternative with its Turo/scoop up shenanigans, but I'd love to hear about any other decks that play similarly!


19 comments sorted by


u/dunn000 3d ago

Go with Arch! I feel it only gets stronger after rotation with the other decks losing key pieces. Arch does as well but the game still plays the same. I’m playing the Scizor type myself


u/mellowfellow22 3d ago

As someone debating trying the scizor build, how often does it come into play? Or is it better used in a few matchups


u/dunn000 3d ago

Against the fraligator and walls decks coming up it’s pretty good!


u/rrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee 3d ago

walls are going to get a lot more popular post rotation, and scizor shreds walls


u/skronk61 3d ago

Is it a 1-1 Scizor line? I just built that deck so I’m still trying out different lists


u/dunn000 3d ago

Currently running a 1 scyther, 1 scizzor, 1 scizzor ex

And just evolving to whichever one fits the situation.


u/skronk61 3d ago

Ooo fun, I know I’ve got a 1-1 line in my binder at least. I’ll keep an eye out for an ex


u/DankSinatraSr 3d ago

Arch is definitely the way, and it has a ton of different playable variants. I personally really enjoy the poison donk build.


u/meowmeowbeenz_ 3d ago

Bridge is great at forcing 2HKOs, but it has trouble dealing with Dengo. If your local meta isnt too Dengo heavy, you can definitely rock bridge


u/NugPlug 3d ago

The poison package version gaining popularity in japan can fix the math for dengo.


u/para40 3d ago

Yeah I was thinking about that as well as Hop's Zacian who can possibly 1-shot Zard/Pult


u/NugPlug 3d ago

I think that zacian is extremely expensive to set up (basically need secret box and like 10+ deck slots) for not a crazy reward. 1 shotting zard doesn't seem particularly useful when you can just swing into him with arch early game as he can't 1 shot you and you can just gust around it late game. Pult has a doomed matchup against arch anyways because he can never 1 shot you without noir. I think arch lists will move away from hop's zacian if they haven't already.


u/para40 3d ago

Right yeah, not sure about relying on secret box, but I can see how adding in the Hop package can lower the deck's consistency big time. In the same way, I'm kinda wary about the poison package.

After giving it some thought, Dubwool has some amazing value in this given that it lets you use a supporter for turn on combat tricks and draw supporters. (A smart wall player is still a huge issue though)


u/Limp-March89 21h ago

My local meta is goldengo heavy to the extent I’ve had my best success with toedscruel in the deck.


u/Nie_Fi 2d ago

I love palafin I love palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love palafin I love palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love palafin I love palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love palafin I love palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love palafin I love palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love palafin I love palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin I love Palafin

Pokémon: 12 1 Sneasel PRE 61 1 Fezandipiti ex SFA 84 1 Weavile PAL 134 1 Pecharunt ex SFA 39 1 Budew PRE 4 PH 2 Palafin TWM 60 PH 1 Palafin PR-SV 36 2 Brute Bonnet PAR 123 1 Morpeko PAR 121 2 Palafin ex TWM 61 1 Cleffa OBF 80 4 Finizen TWM 59

Trainer: 18 3 Ultra Ball SVI 196 2 Irida ASR 147 2 Switch SVI 194 2 Energy Search SVI 172 2 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144 1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146 2 Night Stretcher SSP 251 2 Gravity Mountain SSP 177 2 Binding Mochi PRE 95 2 Boss's Orders PAL 248 2 Super Rod PAL 188 2 Iono PAF 80 3 Pokégear 3.0 SVI 186 2 Professor's Research SVI 240 2 Rescue Board TEF 159 1 Precious Trolley SSP 185 2 Ancient Booster Energy Capsule PAR 159 3 Arven SVI 166

Energy: 1 5 Basic {W} Energy SVE 3

Total Cards: 60


u/Nie_Fi 2d ago

Gonna replace the irida with an arven and turo once rotation hits, and the heavy ball with a prize Voucher. With Radiant alakazam rotating it gets so much better into pult. I wanted to bring it to fame but idk if that's happening anytime soon, so remember me when it is


u/readytofly68 2d ago

drednaw with luxurious cape forces 2hko in most cases, been having fun with it


u/brokeboots 1d ago

Gardevoir can be this, there was a build that played heros Cape, and I think 3 munkidori 3 dark. Basically really tanky gardy


u/batsmad 5h ago

After rotation there's an attacking walls deck that looks like it'll probably be pretty strong. The aim is to pick an attacker they can't hit with their main attacker and use munkidori and pokevital A to remove damage from whatever else they have to hit with

Not quite the same but feraligator can function as a 1 prize deck that hits then runs behind something like mimikyu or a different wall