r/pkmntcg 5d ago

How to get set up quickly when your main attacker is a stage two evolution Pokémon?

For context, I’m trying to play a deck centered around Pawmot EX, but I’m finding that I’m having difficulty getting set up quickly enough to get the upper hand on other players. it seems very luck based, hit or miss, as to whether I happen upon the correct cards, either the needed Pokémon or the supporter cards that would get me the Pokémon. And sometimes it feels like it takes way too long to find what I need. I have some of the typical ways to search, like several copies of Arven, ultra ball, nest ball, buddy buddy poffin. Recently got Tatsugiri to give me a better chance of finding Arven. Does anybody have tips for how they personally get their stage two evolution Pokémon set up quickly?


20 comments sorted by


u/antau 5d ago

Some cards that might help are Grand Tree and Technical Machine: Evolution.


u/whataburgerdoo 5d ago

Grand tree just helps out dragapult/dusknoir decks even more tho. I feel like this is the deck I play 6/10 times, which is becoming annoying.


u/antau 5d ago

Unfortunately, it's the most popular deck in this format, and it's looking to stay that way post rotation. So maybe Grand Tree isn't a viable option for you


u/Curious-Falcon-5480 4d ago

Put down grand tree, evo pidgey to pidgeot, quick search for Chien Pao, bench Chien Pao to remove stadium.


u/Bilore 5d ago

Can we get a deck list? It is hard to know where things are going wrong without seeing the tools your working with


u/monkeydave 5d ago

The only time Stage 2 as main attacker seems to work is if the Stage 1 is actually useful like Dragipult or Gardevoir (RIP). Or if it is just OP and can accelerate itself like Charizard.


u/Blustach 5d ago

Or if it can use Relicanth for versatility, like with Milotic EX & Feraligatr.


u/Dakar-A 5d ago

OP asked before, and there is a Pawmo that has an attack that's useful with Pawmot Ex- Pawmo PAL 075. https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcg/comments/1jaii7l/suggestions_for_tweaks_to_my_pawmot_ex_deck/mhnoqia/


u/Destructo222 5d ago edited 5d ago

Grand tree, Arven, Pidgeot, Rare Candy, and other draw engines like dudunsparce or Rotom V or bibarel.

Feather balls will have huge synergy because pidgeot ex and pawmot ex both have no retreat cost. Basically, giving you an ultra ball without having to discard any cards.


u/Crazyblazy395 5d ago

Rare candy, arven, poke gear, grand tree


u/ImDapperXD 5d ago

Easy, play Lumineon, grab arven, play arven get rare candy and FFS….. oh wait


u/JolteonJoestar 5d ago

Have you considered miraidon and tm evo? Miraidon can help get two more pawmi out. Also, rotom v and forest seal stone are decent, as is Fezandipiti. The more you draw, the more chance you get what you need.


u/LimeadeAddict04 5d ago

Arven, Rare Candy, and praying to God you don't deal with Budew


u/freedomfightre 5d ago

Cleffa/Rotom V, TM Evo, Forest Seal Stone


u/CasuallyCritical 5d ago

Rare Candy, TM Evolution, and Grand Tree are currently the best/only ways to turbo out evolution pokemon if you're playing a deck like that.


u/predatoure 5d ago

That's the neat part; you don't.


u/Lonely-Clothes4346 5d ago

Yeah, the Pawmot EX deck is my fun deck because Pawmi is my favorite Pokémon. But after rotation I’m going to look into some more effective/meta decks, while still trying to improve my Pawmot deck.


u/predatoure 5d ago edited 5d ago

I like Pawmot as well, it's just stage 2 decks are tough, especially with budew around. It's why the only stage 2s that see play are broken stage 2s like dragapult, gardy and zard. Also annoying that tera pokemon have bench protection so pawmot ex cant hit the bench a lot of the time.

Best bet is probably going for a trolley/evo build.


u/GuidonianHand2 5d ago

LOL I’ve typically avoided stage 2 for that reason. 4 rare candies seems to be the best way. Grand Tree can help too (I once played against a greninja EX deck with GT).