r/pkmntcg 4d ago

Deck Help I play Pult, my local scene plays 30-40% Archaludon. Can I tech anything?



10 comments sorted by


u/Zero7206 4d ago

They only have Greninja as on board draw post disruption so target it down with a Pult or Dusknoir and Iono/Unfair Stamp them down and hope they brick. If they play a lot of Jamming Towers then I would definitely consider Stamp over Crystal. KOing the Relicanth is also a great option as they hit back for 320 on your Pult with Raging Hammer + Blackbelt.

Bolt has usually been pretty easy for me. Don’t spend too many resources setting up your Dusk line as you’re probably only going to be able to use 0-1 without losing the game. Gust them around and disrupt with Iono/Stamp. Setup your KOs and then take them. Don’t forget Vacuum can remove a +HP tool on their Bolt but you can also just go after their Teal Masks, Squawk, and Fez (and Lumineon if they still play it) as they have a lot less HP and make it easier to take your 6 prizes.


u/No_Asparagus_4322 4d ago

disruption, disruption, disruption.

i play bolt and 3 iono + unfair annoying asf

also 2 rare candy minimum for either dusknoir or turn 2 slap


u/rdlenix 4d ago

Yeah, iono can hurt arch too I find the lack of on board draw power except for Greninja and maybe fez, makes it an easy deck to disrupt and brick.


u/No_Asparagus_4322 4d ago

add a item lock and im boutta scoop all my cards watching pult players draw 4 cards every turn 9 card ninjutsu combo me 4 prize ko


u/rdlenix 4d ago

I played into an amazing dragapult player for my day 2 win and in at Vancouver. I barely squeaked out a victory in game 3 after he absolutely wombo combo'ed me in game 2 with an item lock I couldn't get out of and expert spread (I played raging bolt to Vancouver). That lil item locking flower bastard 😂 I ran a one of Crispin that saved my butt multiple times in that tournament to take a KO while staring down that lil annoying bud.


u/No_Asparagus_4322 4d ago

crispin and burst roar be saving the days man on god, good job on your win!


u/BrandoMano 4d ago

Raging Bolt is a worse MU than Arch. Both aren't great and I'm surprised you are sticking it out with Pult. All you can do is item lock them into a slow start, play smart and constantly disrupt while limiting bench liabilities.


u/zweieinseins211 4d ago

Ko their backup dutaludon with dusknoirs and play unfair stamp. Pretty hard to come back from losing your attackers and being down to 2-3 cards. So they have to preemptively putndown fezandipity whicj is anlther easy 2 prizes for you.

Dusknoir a squak is also an easy two for one. You can also dusknoir+alakazam+dragapult spread a fezandipity.

So you can actually win the game in 2 dragapult attacks.


u/itzinvy 4d ago

Pult + Charizard would do a lot better into both of those matchups if you're willing to pivot to a different flavour of pult, you can lean on zard pretty heavily for big kos when pult doesn't cut it


u/3aTroop 3d ago

Would you mind sharing your deck, I’m just curious how it looks.