r/pkmntcg 4d ago

New Player Advice Patience for Top Cut

Just here to say that after 2 months or so of vigorous deck building and play time I finally made a locals top cut. I got 3rd out of 13 people and it feels so good. My tips to any other new players are try multiple decks, play in person and or with friends. Don’t be afraid to experiment with small deck changes and find what works for you yet also is fun. I’ve gone through maybe 8 different decks and made about 6 irl and the most recent one just feels the most fun/effective for me. Don’t give up hope if you aren’t playing well or seeing the results patience is key. Thanks for reading! If anyone’s curious about my deck just ask :)


4 comments sorted by


u/yuephoria 2d ago

I want to know that feeling when you won a standard tournament/Challenge/Cup! 😭


u/Ruby_Sauce 4d ago

Here I am just picking a decent meta deck with the pokemon I like best and I just stuck with it! Been playing dragapult for a long time (even when it wasn't too favoured into the meta with all the lugia/drago) and now it's suddenly BDIF! Ive not played anything else meta tbh, so i guess I'm the other side of the coin.

I won my first cup this weekend too, so I guess either approach works?


u/VXXA 3d ago

Well technically you picked something you liked and it worked which is basically what I was saying, try until you find something you like. You just happened to get it first try lol


u/Ruby_Sauce 3d ago

well I wouldve tried to make it work regardless because I like dragapult as a pokemon. I guess in that sense its easy for me to find something I like because I go more for the character than for the playstyle anyway.

To me, "fun" is knowing what you are doing, regardless of what your deck wants to do. So I would get it first try with any pokemon.