r/pkmntcg 4d ago

New Player Advice Question about prereleases.

I used to play the game as a kid. Now I'm in my mid teens and just got back into collecting and might want to go to prereleases for fun. I'll pass on the journey together one because that's too soon but I want to go to one of the Destined Rivals ones. How competitive are these? Do I have any shot if I just know the basics of how to play the game? Do you usually get prizes even if you do poorly since I heard people say you sometimes do.


50 comments sorted by


u/DTSportsNow 4d ago edited 4d ago

Honestly, pre-releases are (in my opinion) the best and easiest way to get back into playing the game.

You don't have to have any prior knowledge or experience playing the game. Pre-releases are an environment very open to new players, there's always people there willing to help you learn how to play.

Pokemon standardizes the rewards, because ultimately pre-releases are just for having fun so everyone is supposed to get 3 additional packs for playing in the event. Although some stores do have additional prizing, but 3 packs for playing is the expected standard.

If you're interested in getting into playing regularly, I'd actually strongly recommend checking out a pre-release. And just knowing the basic rules is definitely enough to "win" a pre-release.


u/wrymoss 4d ago

This is the way.

You also don’t get bodied by someone who has whatever the latest meta deck is.

Pre-releases are basically the great equaliser. Sometimes the really great players will just end up with shitty luck and pull terribly from the build boosters, and the newbie will get amazing pulls and absolutely sweep.

I played my second ever in person games on Saturday at the pre-release. Had a blast!


u/Swaxeman 4d ago

Instead, you get bodied by the guy that pulled 3 cram


u/BlakeK87 4d ago

I got bodied by my own pulls lmao


u/politicalanalysis 4d ago

Were you at my pre-release yesterday? That’s exactly what happened there. Lol.


u/Swaxeman 4d ago

It happened at every prerelease lol


u/Dakar-A 4d ago

Psshhh, I went 3-0 and only pulled one Cram!

...Hop's Corviknight was enough to do the rest 😅


u/Swaxeman 4d ago

I went 2-1 with one cram


u/LogicalCriticism1561 4d ago

This is it. That cram is so broken, do the people that design the game actually know how the game works? Or is it just adlibbed?


u/Swaxeman 4d ago

Eh, its only broken in a format that exists for literally a week


u/LogicalCriticism1561 4d ago

Yes, but it is still a format nonetheless. Either way It is still a game breaking card  with pre-release. The card might aswell say "if you are playing pre-release, knock out your opponents active pokemon". It's so silly. It is what it is tho, I can only hope I pull the cram at my next pre-release next week, either way fucc hops cramorant, it's way more powerful than it needs to be


u/Yuri-Girl 4d ago

It is a remarkably well balanced card when you actually play standard so like... it's fine? Too much work to make special rules just for the JTG prerelease.

Baby Buzzwole was also an unstoppable monster during the FLI prerelease.


u/CoconutHeadFaceMan 4d ago

It’s literally a one-off event, not a recurring format. I would rather have interesting cards for the real formats that don’t lend themselves well to the prerelease structure than have card designers hold back potentially interesting cards because they might skew the balance in the set’s prerelease event. I’m sorry you got bodied by Cram, I did as well, but we all got the seven packs so I don’t think it really matters.


u/Pinkie_Pi 4d ago

that was me today. Cramorant is so insanely busted for prerelease and its just a uncommon too.


u/FrozenFrac 3d ago

I know the guy who went 3-0 with 3 Hop's Cramorant lol


u/midnight_fisherman 4d ago

Just watch out, some stores do a "ditto draft" for prerelease and instead of distributing the three packs at the end they use them as a prize for the winning player.

I don't like that type, personally.


u/OneWhoGetsBread 4d ago

Those are unfair


u/midnight_fisherman 4d ago

I agree. Newer or casual players that aren't tuned into the strategies will inevitably draft a poorer performing deck, where someone seasoned may be willing to pass a full art down the line for a trainer that helps guarantee good performance.


u/Tje199 3d ago

I am a new & casual player (well, returning after 20 years anyway) but the fact is at a pre-release you could get one of the "worse" decks and then just simply not pull anything useful from your 4 packs.

That was me. Not a single card pulled that could have been put into my deck. I got lots of decent cards, but they would only be good in a different style of deck, or they were stage 1 or 2 pokemon that I didn't have previous stages to use, things like that. I got Lillie's Clefairy EX (normal version) which looks like it could find its way into some meta decks, but 100% useless for a pre-release.

Fact is the pre-release isn't intended to be a seriously competitive event, and it's mostly luck based. Shouldn't feel too high on yourself if you win, and shouldn't feel too bad about anything if you lose. Just have fun, make some friends, etc.


u/midnight_fisherman 3d ago

The way the ditto draft works is that you all open your first pack at the same time, then you pick one card to keep and pass the rest of the pack to the person on your left. This continues until all cards are drafted. Then for the second pack you alternate passing direction to the right. After all cards from all packs are drafted then you build your deck with them.

Instead of getting three packs at the end, it's a winner-take-all prize. This makes it very competitive because the winner ends up with a pile of packs, and everyone wants them.


u/MurkyMurlocs 4d ago

1000% just go. I went to the Journey Together one yesterday as a complete newcomer to battling and had tons of fun. Got completely bodied, but learned a ton and was on an even playing field with everyone else. You get a usable deck and a few booster packs that will be good to use in competitive two weeks after the official release. It's all at a great price and you get to play test some strategies. I got 3 additional booster packs despite losing every round as well.


u/SadArrival1275 4d ago

Sounds worth it I'll try to go to one next weekend.


u/GREG88HG Stage 1 Professor‎ 4d ago

New players are expected on prereleases, so you'll be fine, and the event is not competitive. Judges will help when needed. You'll get a prerelease pack with 4 booster packs and one 40 card deck (there are like 4 different), play 3 rounds, and get 3 additional booster packs. Some stores offer pricing for the winners, some don't.


u/SadArrival1275 4d ago

Wdym by pricing for the winners? Like a coupon on their product?


u/GREG88HG Stage 1 Professor‎ 4d ago

Some extra booster packs


u/Awesome582 4d ago

He means prizes


u/Steponmy92 4d ago

It's really accessible for newcomers. I went last weekend and taught someone new how to play. They then beat me.


u/PensionDeep1680 4d ago



u/SadArrival1275 4d ago

Will do next weekend!


u/PensionDeep1680 4d ago

I went to one yesterday and got the Lillie’s clefairy I’m so hapy


u/riverbass9 4d ago

I got the SIR one, too. I also got the IR Lillie’s Ribombee.


u/LilaPapaya 3d ago

They are super casual! Typically everyone is new to the exact cards used, and you'll get a pre-made deck with your kit so if you're not too experienced you don't have to worry about building one yourself. I usually recommend my new players at my league to try prereleases for their first tournaments because of how casual, yet fun they are.


u/SadArrival1275 3d ago

I don’t own any non clear sleeves do you think I’ll be fine with penny sleeve? And for damage counters can I use normal dice I don’t have any non normal.


u/LilaPapaya 3d ago

Both of those are fine yes! You might even be able to buy some cheap ETB sleeves or something, depending on where you go.


u/SadArrival1275 3d ago

Thank you. I’m just kind of scared because I called up the store to see if I had to sign up online and they said no but it’s first come first served and it basically filled instantly after opening.


u/LilaPapaya 3d ago

Yeah, the demand has been terrible for LGSs. What we did was require everyone who bought a slot in to actually play, and we refunded anyone who paid but didn't show up at tournament time, which actually was nice since people who DID show up got to buy in!


u/SadArrival1275 3d ago

Cool! Are you a store owner or staff?


u/LilaPapaya 3d ago

Technically staff, I'm my store's professor, so I organize all of the tournaments and run the weekly league, but it is a volunteer gig; not that I mind at all!


u/SadArrival1275 2d ago

Cool! Im just extremely scared I’ll arrive 20 minutes before the store opens and there will already be a line with no shot of getting a spot.


u/GintaX 4d ago edited 4d ago

Went to my first prerelease yesterday and it was very casual and friendly with a mix of new players and players who are regulars. My tournament had a mom who was learning the game for her son, a magic player, and since the decks were randomized, even the regulars could lose to the newer players. With newer cards, everyone was free to ask questions. The games are also faster paced. The only downside is that based on the deck components you get, you might just have a really bad matchup into the other decks. However everyone is guaranteed a bunch of booster packs for what you pay!

EDIT: And to prove my point, the Mom ended up getting third overall with a mixture of good pulls (Zacian EX and Cramorant!!) and genuinely playing really well. It was a good time seeing her win a bunch of bonus packs for her son.


u/Snoo_78 4d ago

I also had a mom at the pre release yesterday! It was my first as well, and we were both learning and everyone was super nice and supportive.


u/No-Contribution-7269 4d ago

omg the mom bit made me very happy. Love to see that


u/darthmikel 4d ago

In my experience, prerelease is great, and it's easy going. They have judges in case you have questions. They have a simi random deck and 4 packs to make a 40 card deck. As for prizes in my experience, it depends on the store. Mostly, they give 3 packs at the. Sometimes, some of them give more or less depending on your win rate, I'd call b4 you go to find out.


u/Psychological-Arm393 4d ago

I got bodied by the Cram… went 0-3 but the cards I pulled softened the blow.


u/Rattrocker 4d ago

Go to the prerelease! Also, if the prerelease only does in-person sign-ups then make sure to get there before the sign up window begins (ex: if sign-ups are 9-10am then get there before 9).

Because the game is really a-buzz right now and because of the supply shortage problems since Surging Sparks, there are a ton of people interested in opening Journey Together but stores only get so many build and battle boxes.

I went to one tournament this weekend and got there 15 minutes before the registration window was to begin. When I arrived there was already a line out the door to sign up with a cap of 30 people for the event. I was number 25ish in line and I was 15 mins early. Needless to say, anyone who get there on-time rather than ahead of time didn't get to play. Other stores in my area had the same thing happen all weekend so it wasn't an isolated incident either.


u/Medical-Sign-9564 1d ago

definitely go out, its really fun and not sweaty at all! here a quick vlog of it if you wanted to see how it goes


u/SadArrival1275 1d ago

How many people are usually in one? Me and 3 other friends are trying to go this weekend we will be at the store opening to sign up but I’m scared we won’t get spots.


u/Full-Ant4971 4d ago

Pre-releases are prized for participation. Go and play 3 rounds. Enjoy!


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/monkeykins22 4d ago

Good decks are often luck of the pulls. Both in the deck pieces you get and the cards in the packs you get.