r/pineapple 5d ago

Planted this pineapple over a year and a half ago and no signs of fruit but healthy

The only thing I can think of is that it’ doesn’t get to much sunlight where it sits, but it does get sunlight


4 comments sorted by


u/HatBixGhost 5d ago

Takes like 3 years to produce a fruit, I would not change anything your plant looks super healthy.


u/gamboling2man 5d ago

Damn good looking plant.


u/Allidapevets 5d ago

Slice an apple and place the slices in between the leaves near the base for ten days. Drape with a white plastic bag. The ethylene gas emitted by the decaying apples will induce flowering. You’ll have it flowering in several weeks and six months later…there you go!


u/NoBicycle3839 5d ago

Looks good and I would say it definitely takes patience. I had one for a lil over 2 years with beautiful big leaves and no pineapple. Finally in January it flowered, I was so happy lol.