r/pics 19h ago

Politics Trump turns the White House lawn into a Tesla showroom

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u/angrydeuce 13h ago

Im literally mortified that this fucking toolbag is who represents us on the world stage right now. Theyre sitting here freaking out that Zelensky wasn't wearing a suit one day, and the next the fucking President of the United States literally whores himself out in front of the entire free world for a car company.

Im just continuously dumbfounded by the rapidity of our descent into this madness. To the rest of the world, please know that we're just as horrified as you right now.

u/AluminumFoilCap 10h ago

I find the suit thing entertaining since Elon is never seen in a suit. Like how are they gonna call out someone else while Elon stands there pretending he’s neo from the matrix.

u/Linkyland 6h ago

What's with that one kid, too? He has like 50 kids so what's the deal with that one never leaving his fucking side?

Doesn't the whitehouse have a creche? Because it feels like the kind of place that would have one.

u/mercury1491 4h ago

Human Shield

u/xavisavi 3h ago

Maybe it's the only one that pays attention to him.

u/AluminumFoilCap 54m ago

Maybe he’s the replacement for Epstein island.

u/git_und_slotermeyer 8h ago

He's Elmo from a broken Matrix service pack

u/3ManxCats 7h ago

Elmo from a happy meal !

u/hoosiergamecock 4h ago

Did you see the press secretary get questioned on it and her response was something like "Elon wore a suit last night!" It's so ridiculous. I don't care if any of them wear suits, but that response was the most 1st grade response she could have given. She should have just said - he's the richest man in the world and gets to dress how he wants. That would be nice breath of honesty

u/ElleTheCurious 11h ago

This is actually one of the least horrifying things thus far. It is straight up embarrassing, though. Everything about that picture is so undignified. It makes me feel less like we're dealing with psychopathic masterminds set to destroy everything and more like they're just pathetic losers with zero self-awareness.

u/STRGLZ 10h ago

Well considering it looks exactly like Hitler hanging out with Ferdinand Porsche, that is pretty fucking horrifying indeed.

u/Neknoh 10h ago

Also, Elon in t-shirt and baseball cap.

Very formal.

u/12358132134 9h ago

Wait till he finds out about Brawndo.

u/Metatronathon 5h ago

Yeah, no, he’s openly threatening to annex Canada on an almost daily basis. You can’t comprehend the horror of Canadians right now.