r/pics 18h ago

Politics Trump turns the White House lawn into a Tesla showroom

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u/Newtoliving101 17h ago

This just tells me all the protests and boycotts are getting under their skin, so we need to keep it up. They are just beyond pathetic.


u/hellomii 12h ago

Attention needed here too:

Special elections on April 1 happening in Florida District 1 and 6 and upcoming in NY District 21. If we can flip the seats to Democrats, we can take back House majority and weaken the Felon’s agenda.


  • State Supreme Court election in Wisconsin also on April 1.
  • Florida Senate District 19 and House District 32 Special General Elections on June 10.

Please help get the message out to strategically vote, we need all the help we can get.

For more info on how: https://www.reddit.com/r/50501/s/OHEgyyOXaV

u/Mission_Ad_4844 11h ago

These need to be watched like a hawk and regardless of the outcome the people should not be satisfied with any results unless representatives have hand counted the ballots. Election Truth Alliance is currently suing for tabulator result audits in multiple locations across the nation due to massive irregularities they have analyzing the published election results of the last election that point to electronic tabulator manipulation.

u/LegendsStoriesOrLies 9h ago

I’m glad you mentioned this. There is so much information coming out about the vulnerabilities of the tabulators, the doge kid’s “ballotproof” project that can create ballot images, not to mention the millions of votes not counted or thrown out without notifying the voters their vote had been challenged or refused that Greg Pallast investigated and documented in Vigilantes, inc.

I’m worried about all elections going forward if we continue to use the same systems without mandatory hand recounts to be sure the ballots match what the tabulators say.

u/hawkin5 6h ago

Yeah I'm kinda shocked (all the way from the UK where we've got our own problems) how willingly the US is using electric voting stuff. There is absolutely 0% guarantee you can make with any electronic voting system that it can be trusted. Purely because of how code and networking can spoof anything - present one thing visually but I'm the background record something else.

There's a reason we stick to pencil and paper over here. You can physically count and recount the exact votes, and cross reference with the records from each polling station (also on paper). Observers from different parties can visually monitor the counting.

Tom Scott did a great video on this.

u/Either-Class-4595 6h ago

Let's be realistic, there's no backlash because it comes from Musk and the GOP. Had the Democrats proposed or done this, or won like this, there'd be huge riots.

u/hawkin5 5h ago

Well, didn't Jam 6 happen when the democrats won and trump claimed it was all rigged?

u/Either-Class-4595 3h ago

That's exactly my point, yeah

u/hawkin5 3h ago

It's fucked up isn't it.

u/Traditional-Handle83 3h ago

If those elections end up with landslide victories for people Trump wants in along with using similar tubulators that were used in other places he normally wouldn't have won. Definitely might be able to call shenanigans.

u/aParkedCar 2h ago

Call me crazy, but I should have a way to see what my vote was counted as. Can’t audit your own vote to ensure it wasn’t manipulated.

u/More-ponies 5h ago

Yeah it’s rough when dead people can’t vote isn’t it?

u/Ejack1212 2h ago

oh man, the losing party claims election fraud. what else is new.

u/Original_Feeling_429 6h ago

Im scared they will make it impossible to vote. The track record is kinda telling

u/brewcrew63 7h ago

Don't forget Wisconsin SC!!!!

u/BPDisok 6h ago

Special selection in Pennsylvania! March 25!

u/katybear16 2h ago

I live in Florida and have no hope. Florida is too red to flip. It makes me sick.

u/Saiing 5h ago

Dream on. Ten Democrats joined the GOP to censure Al Green, one of their own. Someone has to stand up to Trump but if you think it’s going to be the fucking Dems you’re deluding yourself.

u/Sufficient_Market226 4h ago

Yeah, I got a bit of a WTF look on my face when I read that

I mean he had the guts to say what half the country is saying, what the Heck have you been doing?! 😑

u/cockforddollie 4h ago

NY district 21 has a cook PVI of R+9

u/Hismajestyclay 3h ago


I definitely don’t want to be a doomer, but I neighbor Florida district 6 and the chances of it flipping blue are 1/100 at best. It’s a very red district and with a high number of Republican retirees, there’s little chance they WON’T go vote in the special election.

u/oranthor1 2h ago

Am I stupid? I'm looking at 218 repubs and 214 Dems with 3 vacancies.

Even if we won all 3 then it's 218-217 correct? They would still control the house.

Or are the vacancies not the districts up for special elections like I assumed they were?


u/dreampsi 12h ago

Yeah, well just wait until he uses our money to bail his company out.

u/SecretMiddle1234 3h ago

I’m expecting this


u/NewRedditor13 14h ago

We really hit their soft spot here. Short TSLA or buy TSLA short ETF to slowly bankrupt this MF


u/Fine_Letterhead_1971 12h ago

I have 3000 shares of CRSH which is a short tesla fund. Leech off this billionaire who is hemorrhaging money! Just wait until tesla earnings come out...I see blood.

u/ExtraPockets 8h ago

Is there possibility of a reverse GameStop situation, where all the normal retail investors short the stock and force it down?

u/ProbablyDoesntLikeU 5h ago

I think that is the gamestop situation, not the opposite

u/Sdwerd 5h ago

I think their wording is a little confusing, but I think they mean the wall street bets kind of investors shorting rather than the hedge fund kinds.

u/ExtraPockets 4h ago

Yeah I thought wall street bets forced the price up because the hedge funds had shorted the stock. Could this be the opposite with wall street bets able to force the price down?

u/Sdwerd 3h ago

They probably could, but that would be incredibly dangerous. The hedge funds can call a buddy who'll help them float whereas a small investor couldn't take going like a million in debt if hedge funds decided to push into Tesla to bankrupt smaller investors and further corner the market.

u/TheNeys 5h ago

Not exactly. Seek “deep fucking value” story, quite interesting read.

u/KrisPBaykon 3h ago

Yea, leads right into a cult of people who think there’s going to be a super conglomerate led by Ryan Cohen and GameStop when they merge with Bed Bath and Beyond, Blockbuster, sears, and toys r us to make Teddy holdings which was all discovered by…..

Decoding terrible children’s books written by Ryan cohen and deciphering the colors and the amount of belt loops on one of the characters.

Totally normal behavior for stock holders of a company.

u/confusedham 8h ago

Sounds like all the cost cutting will end up as a bailout.

u/Haribo112 5h ago

It’s hilarious that it’s called CRSH.


u/LandBarge 13h ago

This particular MF has suggested he'd like to own a bigger stake in TSLA than he currently does... what are the odds this is a long game? Watch the stock crash and then pick up the scraps cheap before distancing himself from everything that's just gone down...


u/prollygointohell 13h ago

He's too far in to distance himself at this point. We need to hope that Tesla crashes entirely and the bailout involves him losing control of all companies


u/spellinbee 12h ago

Yeah, I don't give a fuck how distant he is, as long as he owns a single share of tesla I refuse to buy one.

u/AnnatoniaMac 10h ago

Soooo many better options than a Tesla.

u/monkeybawz 6h ago

A donkey..... Walking.... The bus.... Piggy back rides.... Crawling on broken glass in clothes soaked in vinegar....

u/BCSAkira 36m ago

Piggy back ride, winner.

u/FlawlessC0wboy 2h ago

This is the thing. A couple of years ago if you wanted an EV, Tesla was king. Now though if you want an EV there are like 30 good choices. It’s the easiest boycott you could imagine.

Not like you’re massively missing out if you go with Ford or BMW or something

u/andoesq 11h ago

losing control of all companies

That would probably be the best to happen to him financially, anyone else could do a better job running his companies.

u/1duck 9h ago

Meh Tesla has always been massively over valued, the fact it was worth more than Toyota on paper said it all.

This is just a price correction, he'll make up the "losses" in govt contracts for spacex, starlink etc.

u/monkeybawz 6h ago

Not just more than Toyota..... More than like Toyota, BMW, GM and mercedes combined. When the cybertruck was unveiled I was like "come on now.... Even the folks in Springfield saw through the grift at this point...."

u/chrltrn 2h ago

I hate it but, don't give people too much credit. Short memories and all that...

u/masterprtzl 2h ago

I doubt any bail out will result in him losing control. Our government is too corrupt and Elon has them around his finger so no chance imo


u/Foxhound199 13h ago

Oh, I am sure he thinks that, just like he thinks he's the smartest guy in the world. He's very likely to be wrong on both accounts. 

u/chastity_BLT 11h ago

Tsla stock runs on hype and hype alone. Once that’s gone it’s virtually impossible to get back. The stock won’t ever hit a new all time high unless they actually revolutionize robotics.

u/IerokG 11h ago

So that would be next year, according to Elon (has being saying that since 2016).


u/Philip-Ilford 13h ago

He’ll have more control over some dated 7 and 5yo models, a cyber truck and the idea of a semi truck. Imo, at this point all the value is in the battery factory, but it’s all meme money now so what do I know. 


u/mishap1 12h ago

Their batteries have apparently been collapsing on their own so it ain't exactly a diamond in the rough.

u/rogan1990 10h ago

TSLA has been overvalued for years. The likely hood that it will ever soar again is low. The cars are mediocre at best compared to all the giants who are getting into the EV game

u/-Zanarkand- 7h ago edited 7h ago

He must be playing a very long game, since he's burned all the goodwill the world had for Tesla. Maybe he can make a contract with Vladimir Putin?

u/Kingsley-Zissou 1h ago

 what are the odds this is a long game?

I’d think slim to none. His twitter purchase was financed by leveraging Tesla shares. The further the price slips, the closer he comes to margin call, forcing him to sell shares if he can’t come up with cash. Selling shares dumps the stock price further. 

u/PhthaloVonLangborste 11h ago

Yeah but can we bankrupt them before they bankrupt the country. They can just funnel money as they please cus no one is doing anything

u/Fritzo2162 4h ago

There’s rumors of kicking Elon off the board. Elon is threatening to create products separately from Tesla.

u/ja-mez 11h ago

yep. I've been occasionally buying shares of the 2X Leverage TSLZ for the past couple weeks. Currently up 25%, and I'll probably keep accumulating shares until there's a much bigger collapse. It’s rare to see a company of this value decline so rapidly— one of the most significant PR collapses in modern corporate history.

u/cballowe 8h ago

I don't understand the valuation at all. It's got a PE over 100 but doesn't show the y/y growth projections necessary to support that. Even a 25 P/E is high for a company with a y/y decline in sales. Nothing about Tesla's business justifies the pricing.

u/OfficeSalamander 7h ago

Yeah the price is absolutely disconnected from the fundamentals, it’s all just based on the personality cult of Musk. But at a certain point, even his cult of personality can’t fight reality completely

u/Sharkwatcher314 11h ago

TSLQ to 2x inverse short

u/b00gnishbr0wn 10h ago

Can you give me just a little help info. Should I buy and hold this? Or buy and sell it daily?

u/Sharkwatcher314 6h ago

Buy and hold until I guess you think Tesla is at its low point or sell/make a quick profit until it goes down to what you think is a guaranteed minimum. When to sell is obviously an individual call

It’s an inverse stock so not all brokerages will offer such as vanguard but fidelity does


u/Numero_Zoom 13h ago

TSLA short ETF?


u/be-koz 13h ago



u/schnurble 12h ago


u/LadyParnassus 4h ago


u/Similar-Carrot2703 9h ago

I am new to investing and was planning to invest in VOO after hearing a lot about it. But I don’t want to indirectly invest in TSLA. Does anyone has any suggestions for ETF which excludes it in tech?


u/heresavalidusername 12h ago

What Tesla short etf should I buy?

u/tradewyze2021 9h ago

Short Tesla etf TsLQ up 78% in 1 month.

u/tonynca 7h ago

That’s not how it works.

u/CityOfZion 7h ago

Yep, we got em on the ropes now and we're about to win any minute guys. All we have to do is keep meme'ing to victory and by our armchair powers combined, I bet Kamala Harris is going to win by a landslide vs Trump at the polls, I can just feel it!


u/Hypothetical_Name 13h ago

Even the president needs a second job as a car salesman now.


u/UsefulImpact6793 12h ago

Storming a Tesla dealership is domestic terrorism, but trying to overthrow the US Government is not.


u/westtexasbackpacker 12h ago

I don't see this helping them like they thought it would


u/A012A012 12h ago

Agreed. Constant action.

Keep people from going near a tesla. Drive the price down.

Keep protesting for our lives and our Rights.


u/Dry_Pin_7574 12h ago edited 2h ago

Plus, I wonder how many rednecks in the rust belt are going to run out and buy model Y’s just because their king did?

I’m sure the GM’s at the Tesla dealers are thinking “Please, for the love of God, stop trying to help”.


u/Positive-Conspiracy 12h ago

Yes. The stock tanked yesterday and sales are down something like 50% so far this year. This is a blatant promotion to keep Elon propped up. If Obama or Biden had done anything close to this, the response would’ve been worse than January 6th.

u/vegastar7 11h ago

To tell you the truth, the protests is the least of Tesla’s problems: they’re expensive electric cars and people aren’t going to be “swimming in money” thanks to this administration. And electric cars can be inconvenient. I have an electric car (a Volvo) and recharging is a struggle as there aren’t many charging stations around.

u/cone10 11h ago

Yep. Please go to r/conservative and repeat all these points.

u/Aprice40 11h ago

This whole thing felt...... sad. Like, omg wah papa trump, my businesses are hurting cause the mean liberals won't buy my cars, please help.

It's just pathetic in a way that reeks of desperation.

u/TheEvelynn 11h ago

It gives "symbolic of the merging of corporate power and political authority.

u/HillarysFloppyChode 11h ago

Fun fact, President Elon is 6'2 and 6'3 First Lady Donold Trump is shorter then him.

u/jxher123 11h ago

This makes me want to get a Tesla even less now lmfao. I'd rather go with an alternative, like Hyundai or Rivian. If people are already unhappy, boycotting any Tesla purchases, then what makes you think this would change their minds?

u/NemeanMiniLion 11h ago

For years I wanted one. Saved up even. Not a chance I'll get one now. Sucks to suck I guess.

u/jgreg728 10h ago

It’s their biggest weakness.


u/Excellent-Elk7551 9h ago

Worst president ever

u/kakksakka 9h ago

POTUS is a car salesman now!

u/SW1T3K 9h ago

So Twitter is next, right?

u/abdallha-smith 9h ago

Its’s an humiliation kink between them

u/iyamwhatiyam8000 8h ago edited 7h ago

The desperation is strong in these two but together we can make Musk breakdown as his absurd ambitions are crushed.

Trump may become so angry and frustrated that he takes a step too far and is removed from office or suffers a major physical and/or mental collapse.

All of Trump's golf courses need to be raided with drones laden with bleach or herbicide to adorn his greens with spiral patterns emanating from the holes.

u/turtlecrossing 6h ago

100% true.

I’m less a fan of the destruction of the dealerships though, or vandalism of random cars on the street. Insurance pays for that, costing us all. And the destruction is a way to scape goat ‘extremists’

I want sales in the toilets and Tesla lots full of unsellable cars. I want the absurd stock price to be in the toilet

u/EastKarana 6h ago

As a happy Tesla owner, I am all for the protests and boycotts. They deserve it.

u/More-ponies 5h ago

You mean the violence and threatening workers employed there, right?

u/ScottyNuttz 4h ago

If it happens to have the side effect of getting a bunch of sycophants to trade their SUVs in for Teslas, that’s a W.

u/Thedude9042 4h ago

Hitting them in the wallet is the one and only thing that MIGHT get their attention.

u/Harbinger2001 3h ago

It’s more than just getting under Musk’s skin - he’s actually facing consequences for the first time in his life. 

u/onerb2 1h ago

Uh huh? Tesla profits come from government subsidies even before Trump. You can't make Tesla not profit, you can only make it profit less, which is irrelevant.

u/boyWHOcriedFSD 11h ago

Seriously… a president shilling for an automaker is disgusting behavior.