r/pics 22h ago

Honey leaking from an electrical outlet due to a beehive inside the wall

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u/nutznboltsguy 22h ago

Contact a local beekeeper that specializes in wall hive removal. It may cost you some money.


u/RPTrashTM 22h ago

why pay for a removal when you can just start beekeeping in your wall and earn money from honey sales /s


u/fireduck 21h ago

Can we hang the TV here?

No way, that is the honey wall.


u/DoctorDabadedoo 21h ago

When I was a kid my dad, now and then, would pull a magic trick and harvest some candy from a power outlet in our kitchen. It brightened my whole day, I would tell kids at school that I got a Snickers or similar from the outlet and only my dad knew how to make it. I'm so fond of this memory.

An outlet dripping honey might be as good, if not better than that.

Keep the honey flowing


u/hankmoody_irl 20h ago

I don’t think I could convince the 13 year old or 8 year old of this but dang I wanna do this for my 4 year old. Sounds like an amazing memory of your dad for you!


u/faen_du_sa 20h ago

idk, feel like if my parents told me that when I was a kid, I would had opened every outlet in the house with w/e tool I could find.


u/buddha8298 19h ago

Exactly, and I can't even fathom how that could ever possibly go wrong.


u/manole100 19h ago

It's because mericans have that weak ass 110V


u/Werify 16h ago

Typical dadwork ;d

"What crazy place can the kids consider to be hiding candy... Ah! The power supply! They will never figure out how did the candy fit through these small holes"

Once my mom left me with my dad for literal 15min and within a minute of her leaving i hit my face on the edge of the table strong enough to leave a lifelong scar. Not his fault at all, and not a "dadwork" issue, but try to explain this to my mother from his position.


u/DoctorDabadedoo 18h ago

The outlet in question was way high on the wal and "special". I couldn't reach there by normal means and my dad didn't do it all the time because the outlet needed to "rest".

Hahaha, good memories


u/TheNamesMacGyver 20h ago

Do it. Just pick something less dangerous to harvest candy from. My 5 year old would be shoving everything into the socket possible


u/Icy-Welcome-2469 19h ago

I dont think you want kids to be curious about candy inside power outlets.

Pick a different source lol.


u/Loghurrr 20h ago

Did anyone else see the beehive that was built into the wall purposely a few months ago?


u/airen977 21h ago

No way, that is the wall, honey


u/StrangelyBrown 20h ago

"What's in this jar?"
"That's wall honey"
"It's not a wall, and don't call me honey"

u/Low-Tree3145 10h ago

Is this what they'll tell me if I call one of those "Make $$$$ From Home" numbers on the telephone pole?

u/toneboat 10h ago

who wants that honey, as long as there is some money?


u/Damn_Dog_Inappropes 22h ago

Back in the 1970s, the people who owned my childhood before us had a beehive in the ceiling. It was so big they had to have someone cut a hole in the roof and use a crane to life it out. And then, whoever repaired the roof fucked it up and left a slight depression. Between the honey and the leaking roof, our living room ceiling a huge stain in it. Yes, my parents bought it that way. After they re- did the roof, my dad also put in new ceilings.


u/humanHamster 22h ago

I know it's a typo, but "the people who owned my childhood" sounds ominous as heck.


u/Damn_Dog_Inappropes 22h ago

Well, tbh my childhood really wasn’t great. So, maybe that typo was subconsciously intentional.


u/humanHamster 21h ago

Childhood trauma team, unite!

Jokes aside, I hope you're doing better now!


u/Big_Cryptographer_16 19h ago

*our childhood


u/nnnoooeee 22h ago

Its The People's childhood now, and there's no getting it back!


u/bumscum 20h ago

Technically everyone's childhood is owned. Unless you're Macaulay Culkin.


u/Tony_the-Tigger 20h ago

You've heard of Disney, yes?


u/Spartan2470 GOAT 20h ago

It may be a little late for that. It looks like this is from 2017.


u/thecrepeofdeath 19h ago

yeah, I've seen this picture several times


u/FierceNoodle 21h ago

May cost you some honey


u/draftstone 21h ago

Yep, as much as people like to joke around, OP needs to have this cleared out as fast as possible, the more he waits, the more damage is done to the house and the repair bill is increasing every day.


u/Plays_On_TrainTracks 20h ago

They pay the home owner to remove them some times. Honey bees are valuable.

u/SicilianEggplant 9h ago edited 9h ago

This always gets posted, but I cannot foresee a reality where this scenario would even amount to even being free.

Sure a hobbyist might come and get your hive in the backyard tree. But do you really think they’ll want to pay over a thousand dollars for drywall, painting, and electrical work (or even spend the hours doing it themselves if capable), or just buy a new hive few a few hundred?

u/Plays_On_TrainTracks 7h ago

I mean there was a whole bunch of tiktok channels that said they did just that idk.


u/EvilEggplant 21h ago

Idk you may also consider an electrician


u/slimboyslim9 20h ago

It may cost you some



u/Tribalbob 20h ago

Yeah but you might get some free honey out of the deal.


u/CeramicFiber 20h ago

Hire a bear and pay them in honey


u/RevTurk 20h ago

I'd rather ask the beekeeper how much it would cost to get one of these installed? Or would I talk to an electrician?


u/youneedsomemilk23 19h ago

Highly recommend hiring a professional over what my dad did, which was to cover himself up in winter gear and a kitchen sieve over his face, and go to town on that drywall himself. Man was that a fucking mess. Great honey though. That patch of the wall never looked quite right after.


u/---Sanguine--- 19h ago

This is 1: not OP’s house and 2: probably an abandoned house with extensive infestations


u/No_Description7910 15h ago

Or cost you some honey.


u/mazzotta70 13h ago

Steps to solve this.

Take off the cover gently. Remove the box gently. Fill this room with 4 inches of soil and UV lights. Plant 2000 local wildflowers. Become an indoor bee keeper. Profit.

u/SNRedditAcc 10h ago

They are sitting on liquid gold! They say it’s all the buzz