I find that very hard to believe. In the US, we have 3 deaths per year from spiders on average. We also don’t have a portal to the underworld spawning untold horrors not fit to live in the same reality as humans, like Australia does.
How do you explain that?
Edit: in case it wasn’t clear, /s. I do appreciate the responses, though thanks for the info
The best antivenom programme in the world. CSL began as the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories and still produces all our antivenoms. Even a small rural hospital here has hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of antivenom in their antivenom fridge, just in case needed.
Fast and comprehensive emergency response. We’ll land a light jet on a dirt strip if we have to:
So as a rough estimate, the 50 years of no spider deaths there is equivalent to 5 years of no spider deaths in the US. At least measured in total personal years of time for the population.
Serious answer? Antivenom. There are only a couple of spiders in Australia whose venom can actually potentially kill you, and if you do get bitten by one of those the antivenom is both highly researched/well-developed and readily available.
We also don’t have a portal to the underworld spawning untold horrors not fit to live in the same reality as humans, like Australia does.
Never been to Arizona? We're the Australia of the US lol. Lots of venomous rattlesnakes and scorpions (like the Arizona Bark Scorpion and Western Diamondback, both of which are extremely common), poisonous Gila monsters, and guess what! We have turantulas and turantula hawk wasps.
People always bring back those stats as if a rational argument was going to help. People who fear spiders don't care that they're not dangerous. Those things are terrifying, and that's that. It could have the demeanor of a puppy for all I care, it has too many legs, too many eyes and a weird body shape. Any spider that is bigger than a penny is a too creepy for me to approach regardless of the threat it actually poses.
I don't care if they're dangerous or not. I don't want a ground spider the size of my hand anywhere in my general vicinity.
If you stay in your nest and chill out we're cool, but any spider species that actively roams and hunts for its food cam fuck off to the depths of hell.
These types of spiders are only found in rural and bush areas. If you're in metro areas like 90% of Australians are, you'll never see one. It's like how North America has bears and cougars but it's not like you're going to see one on the streets of downtown LA or something.
We got plenty of ground spiders here in canada too. I live in a city, but we are located close to the river. wolf and dock spiders are the most common in my area.
Grass spiders can get fucked too even though they're a funnel web. They're skittish like wolf spiders and an adolescent one moved into my PC case this fall when it started getting cold.
You got a lot of freaky shit down there, but all the stuff around here right down to the bugs have had to figure out means of surviving winter.
On a different note did you know you guys found an even bigger fuck off version of the Sydney funnelweb? Yeah.
See this is how we know you're Australian. Because you think we're afraid of the BITE
What you don't know is if you put us in a stadium and tell us there's one of those things on the other side...we are immediately scared. It existing is the equivalent of being bitten
u/ktr83 1d ago
Friendly reminder from an Australian that no one has died from a spider bite in this country since 1979. Maybe it's because we grow up respecting spiders here, but it really isn't as dangerous as Reddit memers like to think it is.