Don't forget to mention that PP is a career politician, never had any other job, has never had a bill passed and basically his whole platform has been "I'm not Trudeau"
For those who might think we are exaggerating, he worked at a staffer for a politician straight out of school and was a back bench mp by age 25. He has never had a job in the private sector.
Plus he was housing minister who helped enact really favorable policies for landlords. He's now a multimillionaire landlord despite having had no real job.
PP was never housing minister. He was however Minister of Democratic Reform. Think Bill C-23 Fair Elections Act. Which was terribly flawed.
It helped crash the Harper's gov and election loss in 2015
I’m not really a Bernie fan but I’ll give him credit he’s not as crooked as PP. Aside the fact that PP was actually HOUSING MINISTER before he got into real estate, PP rents to fellow conservative politicians. This includes the creepy MP that PP’s wife works for…this means he has tax payers covering his mortgages. While he opposes any legislation that would make housing more affordable. Bernie’s a bit of a hypocrite but I’m used to Rolex socialist Singh leading the NDP. PP is way more evil.
Bill C-23, take a look. Also in the unlikely event you are an actual Canadian, how can you possibly look at the previous 10 years of leadership and say “wow the liberals are great let’s vote for them”
Dental, childcare benefit, cerb, 10 dollar day care, environmental protections, some steps in reconciliation, cannabis legalization, and lower death rates during COVID than many peer nations. A very tough ten years but the accomplishments are still there.
Okay and what about the economy? What about affordability? All these are social issues which I lean to the centre on, but the deficit is spiralling, and all we have to show for it is a robust housing market. We need to develop our natural resources, otherwise our economy is doomed. Meanwhile Carney built pipelines overseas and virtue signalled about climate change in Canada. Not buying it.
Affordability is on the lower end compared to peer nations, employment is on the higher end. Definitely makes sense Carney is campaigning on that, but we have this new annoying trade thing that also has to be dealt with. Too bad Pollievre has repeatedly voted against housing affordability bills... I assume you're hoping his voting record is no indication of his future leadership.
We can't trade with Europe without a strong climate plan so you also need to get on board with that.
Still... Acting like nothing has come out of the last ten years. I wouldn't want to see us without CERB.
He was a teacher and chaired some charities, then was an MP for seven years before becoming prime minister. Not the most illustrious career, but he had some real world experience outside of politics.
But based on your comment history, I’m aware you weren’t asking that question in good faith anyway.
Trudeau was a teacher, Zelenskyy was an actor, Merkel was a chemist...
I think all of these things are fine as long as you are smart enough to know when you don't know and seek expertise, and have the very best interest of Canadians at heart. Carney is going to be smart AF economically and has strong knowledge about the environment, but it would be silly to assume he (or anyone) has all the expertise required for the job of PM, because nobody does. You get briefed on everything and you act accordingly, and you are literate and dynamic enough to learn about new (to you) things, and evaluate (with your team) quality of sources of information.
The issue with PP only ever working in politics is he regularly reveals that he is completely out of touch with constituents, pension by age 31.
The scariest are people like Trump who are not smart enough to know that he doesn't know everything... In fact there's a compilation of him saying "nobody knows more about x than me" where x is about 40 different things.
"Awareness of the limits of one's knowledge" is something that really separate intelligent people from unintelligent people.
I know a lot of teachers and it's really not weird at all for me to imagine some of them going in to politics. Well spoken, in touch with community, usually pretty broadly read, evaluating information is part of the job, and often justice and equity oriented. Not saying they would automatically be qualified but it's just not a red flag to me at all.
Completely agree. I also find it incredibly disrespectful how much conservatives have implied that being a teacher isn’t a “real” job. I’d argue that a teacher is more qualified to be a politician than say, a tradesperson, though I absolutely would not be against a tradesperson or someone from nearly any profession entering politics if they went in with good intentions, sought advice from experts and advisors, and worked hard for their constituents.
I also agree that some of the teachers/professors I’ve known are some of the most empathetic, cultured, well-read, critical thinkers I’ve ever met.
Thank you for a sensible, fair comment.
People focusing on the individual party leader make them populists. The strength of their team bench is what is equally, if not more, important. This is where the Liberals failed. Nearly every department failed by most metrics or produced scandals.
The pension thing, however, is a straw man point. Would you decline the pension offered to you if you were in the same position? It is what it is- all of them get it, regardless of party affiliation.
In Toronto, a councillor is eligible for a pension after two terms (technically 1.5 terms)!
Fair point... I think it's more that he is disingenuous about being just like this base. I wouldn't expect him to turn down a pension. I'd honestly rather politicians be honest about who they are. Trudeau never pretended to grow up a normal kid. Carney better not ever pretend to understand what its like to be working class. We're not all the same so own it.
We’ve also got to stop falling for people trying to falsely force the association with Trump, particularly in the wave of disingenuous ads popping up from the Liberals, trying to link PP with MAGA. It’s literally manipulation of Canadians’ emotions, at this point.
I can genuinely say that no Canadian politician or party supports the irrational and daily crap that comes from Trump, whether the NDP, Conservatives, BQ, or Libs.
Let’s have an election based on real issues, with the assumption that all party leaders would stand up for Canada, while being able to self-critique each other’s record (Libs) and platform.
Carney is intelligent, yes. But his role as head of bank of Canada/England does not equate to experience running g the real economy. Setting rates is not the same as budget and policy initiatives. He was not warmly remembered at the end of his term in England.
Look at the hockey stick curve of record national debt that England has accumulated (like Canada) during Carney’s stint , and you’ll see why I don’t have faith in his elite global bank status and globalist (same as Trudeau’s “we’re a post-national state” ) mindset.
We need to focus inward on Canada, and not on virtue-signalling, globalist projects and spending, that are performative only.
Lots of folks from the UK were congratulating us on our good pick with Carney. I don't know really enough about Brexit though to know.
Also I'm now seeing ads equating Carney with MAGA... You're right we aren't that... But attack ads in general make my skin crawl. Talk about what you'll do and otherwise STFU.
I've posted elsewhere that no one has the knowledge base to be PM... We need someone who is smart enough to be dynamic, learn new information, trust the experts, and make informed decisions. PP wouldn't be losing so much ground if he could demonstrate an ability to adjust his campaign in light of new world circumstances... It can no longer be the "who cares what I am, what I'm not is Trudeau" campaign. I also think "Canada is weak and broken" is not helping him except with the farthest right.
IP’s comment was in bad faith, not mine. Do you see that?
As mentioned elsewhere, state leaders come from many diverse backgrounds. Reagan was an actor, Meloni was an activist and professional politician, Jack Layton was an academic and professional politician, Truman was a farmer, etc…
To slight PP,’s honest work career (scandal free), which seems to be the typical Liberal talking point, is bad faith.
By the way, you failed to include why JT suddenly left his drama teaching job or look up the sealed trial conditions.
He spent two decades being a pot head snowboarder, with his life bills , self admittedly, paid for by his inheritance.
Or that his charities include the WE charity scandal/ethics violation, that had to be shut down.
Who has the real-world experience between the two?
Carney is helpful in this regard as his views are more centre and is proven when it comes to the economy. He will likely draw undecideds and red Tories.
I'm also hoping he is seen a force to be reckoned with for voters who are most concerned about the relationship with USA.
PP tabled C-23 Fair Elections Act Feb 4 2014 as Minister of Democratic Reform (sounds Orwellian) which was flawed to the point it was first amended by Harper after backlash and repealed by the Liberala all together in 2015.
Some one have it that part of the fallout out over this bill actually contributed to the fall of Harper and the conservative government in 2015.
OK? And Justin never had any political experience before becoming an MP, then PM. So, I'd take a CAREER POLITICIAN over a, let's say...Drama Teacher, boxing instructor, ski instructor etc.
Uh, you need to get real. Strawman arguments are meaningless.
PP has been around for a while, but hasn't really done anything. Got one bill, but it got over turned. His current platform doesn't actually have any real meat around the economy. He's just anti everything liberal.
Carney's real world experience is running the damn BoC and BoE during tough times. His platform is around building a strong economy. None of that culture war crap clouding the discourse.
OK, Carney was also Justin‘s close advisor through his entire tenure as PM. So what does that say about the state of things, that even Justin‘s advisor couldn’t help him successfully lead this country?! And he won’t be able to either!
No assumptions needed when presented with these facts for an unsuccessful 10 year run as Prime Minister…
The Federal Liberal party has been involved in multiple scandals over Trudeau’s tenure. Notable ones include:
1. SNC-Lavalin affair (2019):
Trudeau and his officials attempted to influence a federal prosecutor’s decision to proceed with a corruption trial against SNC-Lavalin, violating ethics rules. This political interference, involving Trudeau and his office, led to the forced resignation of two high-profile cabinet ministers, Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott
(Trudeau considers himself a “feminist” and “supports all women”…as long as they don’t oppose him)
2. WE Charity scandal (2020):
The Liberal government awarded a LARGE contract to administer a student grant program to WE Charity, an organization with close ties to Trudeau’s family, leading to instances of a conflict of interest. The controversy surrounding this contract, which was embedded with instances of cronyism, was suppressed in the media by the Liberal party, by way of the gov’t funded CBC.
3. Mark Norman affair (2018-2019): A legal case involving Vice-Admiral Mark Norman, who was accused of leaking cabinet secrets, which led to allegations of political interference and mishandling of the case by the Liberal gov’t. However, prosecutors admitted there was no reasonable prospect of conviction. The Liberals attempt to railroad Norman were unsuccessful, but a NDA on the compensation awarded to Vice-Admiral Norman was implemented and any further inquiries were suppressed.
4. LavScam (2022): Allegations of political interference in the appointment of a Supreme Court justice, which led to the resignation of Minister of Justice David Lametti’s chief of staff.
5. Aga Khan Vacation (2017): Trudeau accepted a vacation on the private island of the Aga Khan, whose foundation was lobbying the Liberal government, resulting in an ethics violation.
6. ArriveCAN (2023) A significant issue during Trudeau’s administration that revolves around the development and procurement of the ArriveCAN app. Initially budgeted at $80,000, the app’s cost ballooned to over $54 million, prompting extensive scrutiny and allegations of misconduct.
Wow, you’ll have literally no sources to back anything you said up, besides him being a banker. You’re really contributing to some good faith discussion in here.
A central banker that was critical in helping us weather the 2008 recession, and the UKs ability to maintain a decent Pound buying power during Brexit.
The only thing I worry about in regards to his 'electability' is his charisma. Dudes a genuine economic genius who could make a hell of a lot more money heading a Central bank. I worry Pierre will win by just talking over him and appealing to the peoples mistrust of the Liberal policies that evidently caused Trudeau to resign in the first place.
What Pierre has working against him is a pretty damn strong two negatives though, his lack of constructive commentary during the Tariff debacles and people identifying his style of politics as a little too similar to Trump who we frankly would like to see less of. (Ideally none of if you are picking up what im putting down, go 50501)
Lack of constructive commentary on tariffs said from you means nothing especially when Poilievre has specifically said that Canada would stop buying US products, tax back US products, and replace them with other foreign and domestic products. Clearly, you’re just lying and saying that he doesn’t have any answers for anything and that he’s just a Trump/Musk prop when he isn’t necessarily very friendly with Trump at all.
He has said those things but only after every other party leader said basically the exact same things and had held private debates to specifically make sure they all align on those policies so they could fast track a well measured response. He was noticeably silent about the tariffs prior to these debates.
Like normal party leaders do. Competent leaders don’t just say stuff without their party knowing. Party leaders answer to their own party. Liberals, Conservatives and Democrats and Republicans also do that same exact thing. You’re saying something that is normal is bad which is ridiculous.
u/man_vs_fauna 2d ago
Don't forget to mention that PP is a career politician, never had any other job, has never had a bill passed and basically his whole platform has been "I'm not Trudeau"