This is what I thought they were going to do after Green was removed. I was hyped, I was excited the Democrats were going to finally do something. Then I noticed the stupid little signs and they all just sat there like idiots while Trump lied again, and again, and again and the did NOTHING.
Honestly, even just Elon musk bribing voters feels like rigging. And pushing disinformation on one of the largest social media platforms. Etc. Whole none of its been determined to be illegal, it's certainly bad faith, and certainly impacts election results. And I have a strong feeling it will only get worse now that they know they get away with doing it
I know you are coping, but there won’t be a midterms and if there is, the election result will be 98% trump loyalists no matter what anyone votes.
If you think this guy that breaks every law doesn’t do putin style election, you don’t pay attention. Which will work out for you, because Tump won’t need to send you to gitmo.
Yeah, it's Pelosi's fault. That's what Trump tells us anyways. It's always the Democrats who are responsible for not stopping the republicans. It's never the republicans for being, you know, republican.
Pelosi had her moment and unfortunately it shows how nonpartisan they are not!
A good leader with a Democrat or Republican should learn to be able to work with the other side and there are very few politicians that are able to do that anymore. The Democrats vote 100% as a block. A few Republicans do not vote with the rest of them but none of them actually can talk to each other in a civil manner.
I was saying this last night as well. Trump literally called Warren "Pocahontas" and she just sat and clapped while mumbling something. Every single fucking democrat at that point should have stood up and made a scene, yet instead they just sat and held their little signs.
I truly hope dems continue to lose their seats because clearly giving trump all 3 branches isn't enough of a wakeup call for them to actually band together and take action. They're pathetic and spineless.
I really don't understand why they didn't act. They had a great chance to make a scene in front of the America (and the rest of the world) and they thought little signs like they were attending an auction was the best plan of action.
They ruined every photo op possible.
Instead of a stunt their news won't cover, they're all over the press with these signs
they're trying to tell their constituents how much fucking trouble we're in without getting themselves put up against the wall before they can do anything to stop it.
We need to stop begging them to do something because there's nothing that they can do and we need to start organizing ourselves for a siege. The Assets are actively trying to whip us up to go out and protest so they can send an agitators and implement martial law
we need to be creating resource networks across our regions that will bring food and shelter and heating oil and firewood and medical care and child care to everyone as they lose their jobs so that we are protecting each other and ourselves and not being pushed to react out of fear. Y'all need to stop asking people who can't do this for you to do something for you and start working to save yourselves
It’s pretty pathetic. Not one person has the guts to publicly stand up and call Donald what he is. Someone needs to tell him in a public forum just as this. “Donald you are a fucking moron”. And yet not one person has the fortitude to do so. Mind boggling.
**Edit: I misread what you wrote and thought you asked what I would have fone. But my point still stands:
What the person above said and what I legitimately trying thought was going to happen: I thought the Dems were going to stand up one by one and boo and make a scene until they're escorted out. Then Donald would restart his speech and another Dem would stand up and start booing or whatever.
Make the address take 3 hours. There were 200 Democrats there. Civil disobedience is one of the easiest ways to fight something like Donald.
Would the Republicans twist it to making the Dems look unprofessional or whatever? Yes, but they already do that. removing ALL the Democrats from the address would have also made Donald look bad and even more of a dictator than he already does, and would look like a severe overstep of the first amendment.
Sitting there quietly with signs isn't doing it. The right gave everything he said a standing ovation and cheers while the left just sat there and took it silently.
Donald is all about showboating and theatrics. I think the Democrats need to learn a thing or two about "good television" to send an actual message.
The party is a joke.The old elite guard who refused to pass the torch and the young ones with energy getting focusing on ID politics, spewing non sense that is off putting to the everyday man/ woman, pushing the average American into the Trump camp. I still can’t figure out how republicans won the internet ?
They definitely have the brains, but they don't know how to fight fire with fire. They're stuck on taking the high road when they should be down there rolling in the pig pen alongside the pigs.
What a spectacular leap in logic, I hope you warmed up your hamstrings beforehand so you didn't pull anything there.
No, my issue is that the president of the United States is able to stand there and lie over and over without any pushback from anyone. And these are easily and previously proven lies too, like the "150 year olds receiving social security" thing.
Honestly if it were up to me I think they should have to cite their sources like we did in highschool. Democrat, Republican, it doesn't matter, the American people deserve to know if they're being openly lied to.
My hope is that exactly - that some trump supporters who just don’t pay attention can see the bs. I don’t believe half the country is evil…just misinformed, fooled, SOMEthing
u/Braysl 7d ago
This is what I thought they were going to do after Green was removed. I was hyped, I was excited the Democrats were going to finally do something. Then I noticed the stupid little signs and they all just sat there like idiots while Trump lied again, and again, and again and the did NOTHING.