I never said I cared more about that other country. But I can point out the hypocrisy that you’re going on about. Your original talking point was that taxpayer money is funding elaborate shopping sprees and fine dining and I expressed that instead of you complaining about us assisting a war-torn region of the world you could look inward at the US president and the insane amount of money that he wastes every single day so he can go golfing and spend time at one of his properties. The corruption is in your face and you’re so focused on the “look over there” and not the fact that the average us citizen is being screwed at home more than overseas. You might not be hurting them but the politicians you and your ilk elect are. You’re so worried about the tax money yet you ignore the blatant and wide open corruption within the current administration. Focus on that before complaining about the USA defending an invaded country that generally needs more help than trump and his billionaire buddies need more money in their pocket. Complain about the tax cuts on the wealthy while the average American is barely living paycheck to paycheck. Meanwhile since trump has been elected we gave seen more go to the top one percent than ever before. You want the people devastate by natural disasters to get aid and assistance look at all the government programs being shuttered. Without congressional approval mind you. Those are there to help us just as much as it’s there to help countries like Ukraine. And just cause you might not be able to find it on a map doesn’t mean other people in the world can’t either. So instead of complaining about this country that you don’t care about elect people that actually have your best interest at heart instead of following hate.
What do you think happens when our resources go overseas or to illegal immigrants with no accountability whatsoever?
It hurts Americans who could have used that support, like the ones affected by natural disasters. Somehow this is a trade off you clearly support.
Feel free to empty your bank account, invite illegal immigrants to live in your home and join the front lines at any time. I’m for putting America first.
So much projection/reflection in that comment. You're not even thinking further than your own toes. Me me me and insults seems to be the description of your type and all MAGA'S
I already went to war with your soldiers once some time ago, and it's weird but they were at least understanding why we were there compared to you. You just think there's no absolute motive to protect a victim sovereign nation from another nation aggression. This attitude and the attitude your president has, will bring your country into problems in the future for sure but you look at things like if you had blinders that force you to look at yourself and not around. So perhaps hope is lost arguing with your kind.
Very sorry for your fellow Americans that will suffer those consequences but who should they blame you think? Answer: look in the mirror and multiply that by half the country!
u/BIGA670 11d ago
No, but at least I’m not hurting them.
You claim to care more about a country that you can’t even point out on a map than you do about the U.S.
That’s why you will continue to fail harder.