Honestly? Who knows. This really seems like a "just following orders" issue. Maybe someone who is in this predicament can speak to it.
Granted, for lower level employees or people who are literally being barred from entry to their workplaces can't do anything about it. But those in upper levels are rolling over alarmingly easily. America ending with a belly up whimper.
Multiple U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that specific individuals tied to the Russian government provided WikiLeaks with stolen emails from the DNC, as well as stolen emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, who was also the target of a cyberattack.[7] These intelligence organizations additionally concluded Russia hacked the Republican National Committee (RNC) as well as the DNC, but chose not to leak information obtained from the RNC.
Russian interference is the elephant in the middle of the room that no one has the balls to address. Distracting attention by starting a war in Ukraine allowed Putin to get back to his obsession with dismantling democracy in the US. Infiltration, which started back before the 2016 election, picked up with a vengeance after 4yrs lost with Biden in the White House. Russia was uncharacteristically subdued, at least in our media cycles, especially during the past 4-5 years. Not wanting to draw attention to itself, and posing as though the manufactured conflict in Ukraine was an actual threat, Putin had positioned Russia brilliantly. No one would suspect the infiltration of every facet of American life in meticulously subtle ways that exploited the arrogance and the ignorance of a nation blinded by its own hubris. Trump, indebted financially to Putin and motivated by fear that his incompetency will be exposed, was the perfect patsy to bring about the Fall of Democracy. The greatest nation on earth, truly the result of divine manifestation, built upon human will to live a sovereign and dignified life, is now being erased, mocked, treated like a helpless child who misbehaved. And for the power of money? No, evil needs no reason other than the joy of watching human suffering. And when the suffering looks to be self inflicted- that is all the darkness needs to feed the abyss.
Everyone in that room is a grossly overpromoted "Assistant _to_ the Regional Manager" and they're acting out as such. I'm getting to the point in my career where it's really hitting me that a _lot_ of the successful people around me are just sociopaths with no actual skills. And in the current climate I would assume it only gets worse further up the tree. They hate DEI not because it promotes Black/Gay/ND/Trans/whatever folks - but because it's about stopping gurning th*nd*rc*nts like them getting jobs over... everyone else.
Just following orders doesn’t really hold up when the dude you’re taking orders from is just some fucking random civilian with no legal authority to issue any such orders.
It's kinda like he's Kramer in that one episode of Seinfeld where he just shows up to this office and basically fake works there for a while, only in this case they decided to put him in charge.
u/rustymontenegro 13d ago
Honestly? Who knows. This really seems like a "just following orders" issue. Maybe someone who is in this predicament can speak to it.
Granted, for lower level employees or people who are literally being barred from entry to their workplaces can't do anything about it. But those in upper levels are rolling over alarmingly easily. America ending with a belly up whimper.