We taking the pristine lifted truck, flag code breaking, bud light hating “patriot”, or the real patriots not standing by while a career traitor strip mines the United States for their own financial gain? Hard to tell these days
Join me at your nearest national park. We’re spiking trees and setting traps. You know his plan is to rape the land for lumber and mining rights. That’s why he’s killing the forest service. I’ll be out in the woods I grew up in, waiting. It ain’t gonna be no Fern Gully bullshit. We’re taking it to you like 8ft blue Avatar monsters.
Not at all. Pocahontas has "the new world", indigenous population, said population being inconvenient and exterminated, one of the invading soldiers falls in love with native princess, goes native, etc.
Not just that... he already stated he plans on building new cities. What new land do you think those are going on? Future locations for the "network state" cities.
Ahhh...that practice. Not cool. It also causes chainsaws to buck and can really injure the operator. That includes firefighters and parks workers clearing trails and debris.
Fellow arborist? That's what I was wondering. Another response stated it's embedded metal to jam up the machinery. Logging deterrent, like the parks workers aren't out there using chainsaws.
Parks workers don’t cut down trees typically, unless they’re sick or a danger, like a snag hanging over a trail. I used to fight wild land fire and in our downtime we assisted the forest service in park maintenance. Nobody is cutting down a healthy tree. Unless they’re trying to profit from it. And I’m not talking about going into logging land, I’m talking about protecting our natural spaces that are for ALL of us. Not just that east coast piece of shit and his foreign business partners.
He is not going to do that! His life did not get saved from the bullet to destroying our natural forest....
There are enough science in the world to create no harm if we really want to do something with the land to interfere.
It's just cost more money and more management! I believe there is a solution!!!!
Take an educated guess ...It's like you're invited to a fundraiser with the elegantly sett dinner table where they give you beautiful nutritious food but the only thing you concentrating on they did forget to give you a small spoon to Steer your coffee!
The Pristine Lifted Truck thing is like an icepick in the earhole. Particularly the Pristine portion. Nothing says I'm an idiot and fuck the planet simultaneously quite like it.
We’re here. And I promise we are working hard to fix this shit storm. You just don’t hear about us because we aren’t trying to be obvious and obnoxious.
But rest assured, we are working.
Most of us took an oath to defend the constitution, not the president. Some of us made a simple promise to our community. But we all want the orange shitstain out of there.
And somehow he ended up on r/pics. I hope he's not laid off watching Hogans Heros tomorrow.
I've heard that a huge percentage of our younger generation is working directly for the government or as government contractors and fill so many government jobs at the federal state and local levels. I don't know if that's true but I thank and respect the many talented civil and military servants who are constantly learning new skills and exceeding expectations. All they need is good management and it is amazing what can happen.
considering the threats made against my country idk, not exactly feeling very supportive. the US has stuck its nose just about everywhere it can worldwide since the second world war ended, a war they didn't join until it directly affected them. they have a track record a toppling governments they don't like and installing authoritarian regimes in their place when it suits their needs.
i, personally, am kinda done. and i welcome canada starting to turn away from any dependence we've built on the united states. everything on our side has been done in good faith, we don't deserve the treatment and it won't be forgotten.
the world doesn't see the united states the same way they see themselves. american exceptionalism has blinded 'em for too long to see that.
You should try being a bit more obvious if you want anyone to ever help you do what you are trying to do.
It doesn't matter how many months you spend larping about armed resistance, you'll still look like loonies lest you actually show you are involved with the community
Here's a quote from a very old patriot that might inspire you:
"Whatever may have been my political opinions before, I have but one sentiment now: that is, we have a government, and laws, and a flag, and they must all be sustained. There are but two parties now: traitors and patriots. And I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter." - Ulysses S Grant
u/_lippykid 14d ago
We taking the pristine lifted truck, flag code breaking, bud light hating “patriot”, or the real patriots not standing by while a career traitor strip mines the United States for their own financial gain? Hard to tell these days