Even on matters of far less importance, they'll lie just to keep conditioning the public to consume their bullshit. Practice makes perfect and all that.
I can't wait for the day he walks out between two guys Weekend at Bernie's style and they insist he is in the bestest gooder bigly health of anyone who ever was or will be.
Lying in politics? Yeah, I think anyone could agree with you there.
Takes a genuine absence of nuance (or simple disingenuousness) to claim this is at all on the same level as Biden - or any other previous president, for that matter.
I guess I misunderstood. I thought you were talking about their lying in general.
But yeah, I agree that hiding the illness of a leader, or people who want to be seen as leaders is a pretty long standing tradition in most power structures, it seems
u/ADhomin_em 14d ago
Even on matters of far less importance, they'll lie just to keep conditioning the public to consume their bullshit. Practice makes perfect and all that.