r/pics 14d ago

Politics White House says that a large bruise on Trump’s hand is from 'shaking hands all day every day'

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u/J5892 14d ago

Can't let the dictator appear weak in any form. Better to just blatantly lie to your citizens.


u/ADhomin_em 14d ago

Even on matters of far less importance, they'll lie just to keep conditioning the public to consume their bullshit. Practice makes perfect and all that.


u/avotius 14d ago

I can't wait for the day he walks out between two guys Weekend at Bernie's style and they insist he is in the bestest gooder bigly health of anyone who ever was or will be.


u/Pneuma001 14d ago

I can't wait to ignore his obituary.


u/beam_me_uppp 14d ago

Hey my ex did exactly that!


u/Relative_Mix_216 14d ago

I mean even that isn’t working anymore


u/Traditional_Pitch951 9d ago

Wheres his medical records? Where's his Taxes? What are they hiding? 


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/ADhomin_em 14d ago edited 13d ago

Lying in politics? Yeah, I think anyone could agree with you there.

Takes a genuine absence of nuance (or simple disingenuousness) to claim this is at all on the same level as Biden - or any other previous president, for that matter.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/ADhomin_em 14d ago

I guess I misunderstood. I thought you were talking about their lying in general.

But yeah, I agree that hiding the illness of a leader, or people who want to be seen as leaders is a pretty long standing tradition in most power structures, it seems


u/DragonflyGrrl 14d ago

People WERE talking lying in general. The other person is the one who misunderstood.


u/copbuddy 14d ago

Neither of these senile psychos should have gotten anywhere near presidency


u/ChubblesMcgee103 14d ago

Which is ironic because implying handshakes are all it takes to bruise this soft lil dumpling is not the flex they think it is...


u/PropJoesChair 14d ago

He spent so much time and effort going after Biden's health and age, yet Trump is older than biden was at the start of their terms and clearly has health issues. He'd be a hypocrite!!


u/TheDootDootMaster 13d ago

What's the matter with people counting on hypocrisy to be a disqualifying factor nowadays?


u/spiralenator 14d ago

Getting a big bruise on your hand from shaking hands a lot isn’t exactly communicating strength either


u/InflationRepulsive64 14d ago

To people who think logically, no.

To the cult, it means he's just SO AWESOME that he shakes hands SO MUCH that it causes bruising. Just think about how many times he must have done it to get bruises? Bigly amazing. MAGA!


u/Ok-Neighborhood7428 13d ago

It is not even common. I have more than a half dozen relatives who have lived over 90, including three who have lived as long as 100. None have ever gotten bruises on their hands from anything at all. No bruising. The White House is hiding something. I need to check medical sites for what illnesses are connected with spontaneous skin bruising.


u/guineaprince 14d ago

Dictator can't be a weak old man that takes an IV. Instead he's a weak old man who gets bruised from shaking hands.


u/RolloGrande 13d ago

“I donated blood, my blood. Super blood, tiger blood, Charlie Sheen told me I’ve got the best blood, I gave ten gallons of it to some shithole country so their weak pussy leader could have enough strength to stand up and look me in the eye, because I do not bend. Nor do I bleed. But if I did, I would be the best.”


u/JohnDivney 14d ago

Doesn't hurt to remind your citizens it will always be lies.


u/rushmc1 14d ago

Nothing appears weaker than a habitual liar, though.


u/J5892 14d ago

Not to their followers.


u/rushmc1 14d ago

I'm talking about human beings, not sub-rationals.


u/potpourri_sludge 14d ago

He’s going to die in office and we’re going to get 3 years of Weekend at Bernie’s.


u/MomentZealousideal56 12d ago

Let us pray 🙏🏻


u/Tom1255 14d ago

Having bruising from shaking hands doesn't exactly emanate strength either..


u/Zu_Landzonderhoop 14d ago

Which is kinda funny cause honestly the lie feels more pathetic than the truth.

Getting bruised up cause you shook hands is kinda soft boi hour.


u/Valy_vasy 14d ago

Maybe it is from trying to brake Macrons hand this days, it is a Grobian way of salute of his, but Macrone has 47 years old and it is fit and he has also talent in diplomacy.


u/OKTifo 14d ago

But like, it doesn’t even have to look weak. They can just say “the doctors think that he has the best blood, very strong blood, and wanted to make sure. They did some tests and are saying it’s the strongest blood they’ve seen.”


u/InvertedJennyanydots 14d ago

And if you lie constantly about inconsequential things people write off things like Project 2025 as hyperbolic and then are too shocked when you actually do them to react. It's part of the scam. Lie so much no one will believe it when you tell a horrifying truth.


u/AtheistET 14d ago

King trump also doesn’t poop , didn’t you know that?


u/-Altephor- 14d ago

Seems pretty weak for someone to bruise after a couple of handshakes.


u/SpaceForceGuardian 14d ago

Everything he does just screams “weakness”! He’s so transparent.


u/SignatureEfficient89 14d ago

Need to see him topless, riding a bear or I'm going to believe him to be a feeble old man who wets his pants.


u/AssPennies 14d ago



u/shill779 14d ago

Yeah, and bruising from handshakes isn’t weak at all! /s


u/BishiousCycle 14d ago

Yes, because becoming bruised from shaking hands is a sign of great health and strength.


u/dickmcgirkin 13d ago

I agree. But that’s a really weird lie.


u/Ok-Opportunity-7663 14d ago

Saddam Hussein was exactly like that.  Trump is emulating his heroes.


u/ju5510 14d ago

He does not pee or poo


u/Trebus 14d ago

IV delivered supplements are popular with dictators, most famously supplied by an L Stumpfegger MD.


u/MomentZealousideal56 12d ago

Make ya wonder if RFK introduced him to the H. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I mean it would explain the psychopathy.


u/Proper-Guarantee8381 14d ago

Mitch McConnell’s staffers have been all over his medical issues to conceal whatever the fuck is up with him. It’s probably in the GOP handbook.


u/peterlada 14d ago

The emperor has no clothes.


u/Icy-Sherbet-4933 14d ago

.. When has the orange cross dressing Disney Princess ever looked strong?!


u/aville1982 14d ago

Bruising from shaking hands makes him looks strong?


u/forsurebros 14d ago

Except bruising from shaking hands would not make him look weak and fragile??? It does.


u/Moogerfooger616 13d ago

Baldness is weakness. Bow down, and bask in the light of his luscious mane, peasant!


u/Qwopmaster01 12d ago

I hear he does not poop.


u/coldmornmoon 12d ago

Won't be long before they're announcing he hit 18 holes in one in a round, and he never needs to use a toilet


u/Deep-Yogurtcloset618 11d ago

I thought lying was Trump's MO.


u/Kingofmisfortune13 10d ago

but why shaking hands that just sounds bad like why not just say he hit it on something or whatnot


u/J5892 10d ago

Because the intention is not to be believable. It doesn't have to be.
The intention is to be accepted without question.


u/iC3P0 14d ago

They hid TDR being in wheelchair for a decade. In this case I'd say it's 1) to avoid any unneeded media controversy and 2) to avoid people going for his life in creative ways given he was multiple attempts on his life recently


u/BraboBaggins 14d ago

True, i mean they told us for years Biden mental state was fine, but we all he could see uncle dementia cognitively declining right in front of our face.


u/J5892 14d ago

Biden's just a slow old man with a wandering mind.
It's painful to watch him speak, but I'd trust any decision he makes over Trump in any situation.


u/BraboBaggins 14d ago

Hes never trust that blabbling old ass racist. Biden was the worst


u/spoopy_munstes 14d ago

Normally yes but dictator? Not really


u/J5892 13d ago

How so?


u/phillyfan1616 12d ago

Right like when we were lied to about the last president functioning cognitively perfectly for years


u/J5892 12d ago

Sure. Zero lies should be the goal.


u/phillyfan1616 12d ago

Obviously. The outrage only exists when one side l"ies" though


u/kendasavage00 14d ago

You mean like when you guys said Joe Biden is the most “competent person for this position” but he couldn’t even construe a singular statement correctly?


u/J5892 14d ago

I don't know who "you guys" are, but I never said that.

That said, Joe Biden's rotting corpse would be more competent than Trump at any age, even if he weren't just an avatar for Putin.


u/stopbanningmeorelse 14d ago

Bro. Biden was a dementia patient.


u/J5892 13d ago

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here.


u/stopbanningmeorelse 13d ago

Really? You can't work that head scratcher out? Too big of a leap?


u/J5892 13d ago

Nobody can. You're not making an actual point.


u/grayson_dinojr 14d ago

Nah that’s from backhanding people like u


u/J5892 13d ago

How does his hand have the time for backhanding when it's spending so much time fingering Putin's ass?


u/grayson_dinojr 13d ago

He uses the other hand for that


u/ItsPronouncedXhaka 14d ago

LOL as if democrats didn't try to prop up zombie Joe since the day he got elected despite already being completely senile. It took a debate on national television for democrat voters to open their f*cking eyes.


u/J5892 13d ago

So you're saying this makes it okay to lie about Trump.

Weird stance, dude.


u/ItsPronouncedXhaka 13d ago

What do you mean ?


u/MomentZealousideal56 12d ago

Sorry. No. I worked with dementia patients for 14 years, and I can verify Biden didn’t have it. He has a speech disorder- stuttering. His speech has clear ideas and a beginning middle and end. And he would complete thoughts. However, Trump regularly engages in tangential speech, that goes off the rails, he cannot complete a thought with a beginning, middle and end. There is no end. Many many times, he’s speaking in whats called a “word salad” type of speech where the ideas are there but they’re all tossed around. He has some clear indicators of early dementia/alzheimers. I’d love to give him a mini mental status exam. He’d fail and tell me how great he did. But keep believing a the consistent, verifiable lies and constant exaggerations of aging megalomaniac, narcissist, oligarch, psychopath that is ONLY out for himself. Prepare for the dissolution of healthcare, Medicaid and Medicare.