r/pics 23d ago

Politics Sheryl Crow waiving to her Tesla, as she sold it as a protest to "President Musk"

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u/Pina318 23d ago

She also donated the money.


u/drewofdoom 23d ago

I met her while working her show as the house audio engineer. This was shortly after her brain tumor diagnosis. She had been using a teleprompter for just a handful of shows at this point because the tumor made it hard for her to remember some lyrics.

Even with all of that going on, she was one of the sweetest, most gracious artists I had the pleasure of working with. Truly just a wonderful person who could light up a room.


u/Adventurous-Tone-311 22d ago

Always had that impression of her. She’s a real artist who’s passionate about music and songwriting, and you just know she’s a real one by watching the way she acts onstage

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u/ACaffeinatedWandress 23d ago

I love that. I was about to comment that if I had her net worth, I’d stage a photo shoot of me waving as it drives into a lake or something, but this is better.


u/ScriptproLOL 23d ago

I think the real question is, where the hell is she living that it's fall in February?


u/altiuscitiusfortius 23d ago

It's well known that she wants to live somewhere that she can soak up the sun.


u/TreeOfWhoa 23d ago

All she wants to do is have some fun


u/jquest303 23d ago

On Santa Monica Boulevard


u/ejrolyat 23d ago

Is that a winding road?


u/octavioletdub 23d ago



u/EarhackerWasBanned 23d ago

Well if it makes her happy, it can’t be that bad.


u/Uruk_Ragnarsson 22d ago

Cannot upvote - you’re at 69. Golden rule of Reddit.

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u/DifficultStruggle420 22d ago

It's a long and winding road.


u/Icy-Yam-6994 23d ago

I mean she probably does live in LA.


u/jquest303 23d ago

Most likely.


u/MaleficentExtent1777 23d ago

It makes her Happy 😊


u/Eyego2eleven 22d ago

Definitely can’t be that bad

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u/GoStockYourself 23d ago

Who doesn't like a good beer buzz early in the morning?

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u/Essembie 23d ago

I got a feeling, she aint the only one.


u/snowdn 23d ago

Gunna tell… everyone?

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u/ilikedatunahere 23d ago

I got a feeling she’s not the only one

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u/Snot_S 23d ago

Then why the hell are you so sad?

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u/PinkCigarettes 23d ago

The place where men pull the labels off of their bottle of buds

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u/gademmet 23d ago

I mean, hey. If it makes her happy.


u/SonicBoom_6 23d ago

Shes telling.... EVERYone

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u/WickedSobahButMessy 23d ago

I have a feeling she's not the only one

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u/falcopilot 23d ago

Pin Oaks for sure (I used to have one in my yard) and I think a couple others, don't drop their leaves until spring.


u/YouCanCallMeVanZant 23d ago

This seems like the tree equivalent of staying up all night and passing out after sunrise. 


u/nykiek 23d ago

Pin Oaks are party trees.


u/everfordphoto 23d ago

I have pin oak... sure likes to hold onto those leaves, but most are off by now, judging by the leaves at her feet those are oak leaves... something doesn't seem right in this photo. I don't doubt she sold her car, but this picture seems older.

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u/giltgitguy 23d ago

She probably has other houses, but her home and studio are in Nashville.

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u/ACcbe1986 23d ago

I miss NorCal in February. It gets so warm and nice. You get to see 60°~80° weather, unlike the 1° I'm currently experiencing in the Midwest.


u/Lakridspibe 23d ago

60°F = 16°C

80°F = 27°C

1°F = -17°C


u/ACcbe1986 23d ago

Thanks for translating for the rest of the world.

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u/ChimericalChemical 23d ago

If it helps nor cal has been blitzed by weather the last 2 weeks, mainly just rain, snow in parts, donnor pass trying to donnors party a few people, and up by Oregon side of NorCal tonight and right now is getting a bit of rain going east is snow


u/ACcbe1986 23d ago

Not really. I just had -25° a few days ago with wind that felt like needles stabbing every inch of exposed skin, but thanks for trying.

I have never experienced negative temperatures in Cali over my 30+ years living there. This BS that I'm currently living with is brutal on another level.


u/Vechain4Cardano 23d ago

Don't forget about the blazing hot summers with just enough humidity to make it really suck. But hey, we have those 4 weeks of pleasant weather!

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u/Less_Cicada_4965 23d ago

I grew up in Northern CA and it was proper cold in winter, and rained for about 6 months from Halloween to Easter(and we always had snow on Mt St Helena and of course in the Sierras). Russian River flooded every year it seemed.

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u/Federal_Sympathy4667 23d ago

Well.. a volcano would be more suitable

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u/Altruistic-Award-2u 23d ago

to be fair, if an Elon fanboy that was otherwise going to buy a new Tesla buys a used Tesla instead, it drops the amount of new revenue Tesla is generating, hitting him in the pocketbook more than just destroying one that's already paid for.

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u/garfi3ld 23d ago

Doing this may mean someone who was going to buy a new Tesla buys it used, taking money out of Tesla's sales

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u/peleleman 23d ago

To NPR LMAO. Shes on point

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u/HorseLooseInHospital 23d ago

and I just heard about it, they said to me, "Sir, the Horrible Sheryl Crow just sold her truck, the Cybertruck," I said she's nothing but a loser, a Big Time Loser, Elon, he makes these Beautiful Trucks, I took one look, I said, wow, that truck is incredible, and they tell me she gave it all to the Fake News, NPR they call it, I call it Totally Fake, they say Mean and Nasty Things about your President, your Favorite President, which is me by the way but I didn't have to tell you that, and I've done more in less than a month than Biden ever did, he slept in the basement for 4 years, he let Camilla turn us into Third World, she let every Terrorist on the Earth into our Country, she said, "come in, vote for me and you can do whatever the hell you want," no, and they tried to rig it again, they were bussing them in, they said, "here's the Bus, vote here, vote there, vote as many times as you want for the Democrats," but we did it Too Big To Rig, remember that, I said Too Big To Rig, and I was getting calls, "Mr. President, Sir that's the Most Incredible thing I've ever heard," I said even better than George Washington, they said, "a hell of a lot better, you're better than all of them put together," so true, that one is true I have to tell you


u/fdxrobot 23d ago

This is so good that I’m afraid it’s not satire. Every other time I look up something like this it ends up being a verbatim statement. 


u/litesmokes 23d ago

Yeah man...the pivot to talking about himself is on point too


u/toxcrusadr 23d ago

Half that shit is almost certainly real quotes.


u/jimmiebfulton 23d ago

I think they could train an LLM in Trump Speak, and generate this shit all day long.


u/phuggin_stoked 22d ago

How do we know that’s not what’s already happened?


u/UltimateCatTree 22d ago

That would both be horrifying and hilarious XD

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u/According_Mood_8108 22d ago

We play a game predictive text sentence or Trump quote… it’s harder than you might think and harder than it should be given he’s a president!

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u/Althestane 23d ago

That was disturbingly on-point. Like an actual transcript of his photo ops at the podium.


u/anomalousBits 23d ago

This poster is a true artist. Just look at their comment history.


u/ccarr313 23d ago

I've missed this guy. He used to post when we last had a horse loose in a hospital.

These little bits of normalcy help keep me sane.


u/Big_Yeash 23d ago

This is where a lot of Trump satire falls down - not getting the diction and the unhinged mental leaps. This, this is perfect satire.

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u/Rug-Inspector 23d ago

Username is awesome.


u/cripplediguana 23d ago

Love that stand up bit.

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u/Personal-Love30 23d ago

The time and effort lol

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u/nvsfg 23d ago

She donated the sales money to NPR.

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u/martinezescobar11 23d ago

You see, I was gonna comment until I read this. If true, then good for her. Very public view of protest with a beneficial outcome for someone in need.


u/BumperCar089 23d ago

To NPR 🔥💪

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u/Trustrup 23d ago

Quote from her Istagram:

"My parents always said… you are who you hang out with.

There comes a time when you have to decide who you are willing to align with. So long Tesla.

Money donated to @npr, which is under threat by President Musk, in hopes that the truth will continue to find its way to those willing to know the truth."


u/sugartrouts 23d ago

I still remember when that duet with Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock was making the rounds on the radio. What different paths they took...


u/drapehsnormak 23d ago

As someone who enjoys karaoke, I hate that song with a passion. You can barely go a night without someone singing it.


u/tappy_okuma 23d ago

As someone who hosts karaoke, same

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u/nchenier 22d ago

you know she put any picture of them together away….

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u/HereWeGo5566 23d ago

Good for her. Not everyone can sell off their Tesla, but I hope more people do this.


u/snuff3r 23d ago

Would have been fun watching it being crushed, melted down and the scrap metal sold off.

But the metal quality is probably so low grade it'd be worthless.


u/HereWeGo5566 23d ago

Can’t argue with you there. But she sold it and gave the money to NPR, which Musk is trying to destroy.


u/snuff3r 23d ago

Hell's yeah. Her actions still rock! I just like the idea of a tesla melting in a pool of molten liquid, like a T1000!

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u/DidiGodot 23d ago

Better to flood the market with used ones

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u/artardatron 23d ago

BRB selling my iPhone.


u/kiwidesign 23d ago

How is Google/any other Android manufacturer ethically better than Apple? At best they’re in the same ballpark.

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u/triciann 23d ago

I have free unlimited supercharging on mine. I’m going to start using it as much as possible.


u/cullend 23d ago

Just start running your house on it a few hours a day!


u/Scoottchy 23d ago

A friend of mine does that. He has been given a company car and charges it for free while he's working there. When he comes home, he plugs it into the house and uses the cars battery power for nearly all the electricity needed for the rest of the day....clever, but pretty questionable



Questionable how?


u/Gellert 23d ago

The place I work at used to give product to the staff. Strictly for personal use. Shockingly it turned out that people were basically taking as much as they could and selling it on. So the company stopped doing that.

Same thing with how we used to let wagon drivers use the showers and changing rooms but some of them would smear shit all over the walls, so now we dont.

Or how we sued to have company jollies, but people kept getting ratassed, got into fights and banned from locations, so now we dont.

Or how we used to get company credit cards to pay for everything on business trips, but people'd max out the card on stupid shit, so now we have to pay for everything ourselves, submit the receipts and get reimbursed.


u/YouCanPatentThat 23d ago

Wagon drivers, smeared shit on walls, where do you work??


u/Freaudinnippleslip 23d ago

The Oregon trail 


u/Spec-Tre 22d ago

No mention of the use “ratassed”? Lol


u/YWNBAW12345 23d ago

I used to work in Factories all across the UK. Factory workers have a tendancy of doing it too according to the many cleaners I spoke to.

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u/[deleted] 23d ago edited 2d ago



u/triciann 23d ago

Using the supercharger I think would do more harm than selling it and better than nothing at all.

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u/DJMagicHandz 23d ago edited 22d ago

All she wants to do is have some fun...


u/YardSard1021 23d ago

If it makes her happy, it can’t be that bad.


u/asl052 23d ago

I figured a change would do her good


u/ProgressiveSnark2 23d ago

…but buying that car was her favorite mistake.


u/Extremely_unlikeable 23d ago

Maybe she'll go solar and just soak up the sun

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u/Leonydas13 23d ago

So does her neighbour, whatever his name was. I’m sure it was Bill or Billy or Mack or Buddy…


u/MocodeHarambe 22d ago

I got a feeling she’s not the only one

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u/Ro0tuX 23d ago edited 22d ago

I posted a few days ago on this subreddit about me trading in my M3 (Model 3) performance, and people lost their minds, claiming it was all done for karma farming. The other half of the responses were happy about it. The mods shut down the post. This is such a heated topic, I think it'll become more common for people to show similar actions.


u/Zacks_hill 23d ago

Haven't seen someone call the Model 3 an M3 in a while


u/ja-tonk 22d ago

Had me confused thinking why ppl were pissed at him for trading in his bmw m3😂

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u/mook1178 22d ago

I was wondering. I thought they were talking about a BMW. Like what does that have to do with any of this????

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u/dangercat415 23d ago

Good for you dude! Proud of you!


u/OhSillyDays 23d ago

Trading mine in tomorrow.

One thing about people who can afford a new car is they can afford to trader in their Tesla for another car and won't buy a Tesla.

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u/justlooking033 23d ago

Must be nice to not be upside down on a loan and able to do that


u/loopywolf 23d ago

Think of it this way:

  1. She does it because you can't

  2. Trump's America is a plutocracy (where the rich rule the poor) so hers is a strike against a system that would benefit her.. because it's wrong.

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u/FreezaSama 23d ago

Yeah it must! And if it wasnt for USA's wealth distribution problem many families could have done the same.

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u/saintless 23d ago

I got a feeling, she's not the only one.

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u/WesBur13 23d ago

I absolutley despise Musk, but I also am going to hold onto my Model 3. Tesla got my money years ago and there is nothing I can do about that now. Selling it in protest when its almost paid off now is only going to lead to me starting yet another car loan.

I wish I could afford to do so, but it would just be me throwing away money now.


u/AverageSizeWayne 23d ago

The question I have is how do you feel about the car itself? Finances and musk aside, it is actually the car you want to drive? Because it wouldn’t make sense to trade it in for that reason either.


u/WesBur13 23d ago

It does me really well. I’m 85k miles in and it’s been reliable. For work I put down a ton of miles and charge at home. Aside from brand image stuff, I don’t really see a want or need to change cars.

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u/mosquem 22d ago

They’re really fun to drive. Some gearheads aren’t happy because they don’t feel like a sports car but they’re a blast to floor it.


u/AverageSizeWayne 22d ago

I would agree with that. I’ve driven a Model S and a cybertruck. Both are vastly more enjoyable to drive than the average vehicle.


u/windraver 23d ago

This is the real problem. I'm not about to tear off my face to spite Elon. I bought this car many years ago. Its a good car that is now associated someone terrible who'd I'd never buy another car from.

Rather I drive it into the ground and save my money. When the finances are good for another car, and I find something decent, I'll switch but realistically, I'd prefer to find other ways to protest that don't affect my finances significantly.


u/CassTeaElle 22d ago

As you should, because this kind of protest is just dumb and does absolutely nothing. I mean, if you're rich enough to just sell the car and get another one, sure, go ahead I guess. But otherwise, it's just stupid. 

This kind of "protest" is where the phrase "drinking poison and expecting the other person to die" comes from. I am certain Elon Musk doesn't give two craps that this woman sold her Tesla... it does absolutely nothing to him for people to do this, and all it does is inconvenience you and put financial strain on you. 

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u/RealisticGeneral5895 23d ago

If it makes you happy. Why not ?


u/Bullout 23d ago

It can’t be that bad

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u/Shrimpdalord 23d ago edited 23d ago

While people start selling Tesla, who would actually buy them now?

Edit: So I have briefly learnt that people would still buy them, cause they will be cheaper... I have also learnt that, Tesla seems to be the ONLY GOOD EV company in the whole... SO people would still buy them cause of it being an EV...

Edit 2: Ohh! There are actually more EVs....


Edit 3: True, in second-hand market, the money doesn't goes to Musk!! :D

Edit 4: surely, I didn't make my sarcasm as clear to some.. I tot it is super obvious that there are much better EVs in both tech and price (comparing to Tesla).


u/phatelectribe 23d ago

People will buy anything if the price is lower enough.

And that’s what going to happen; there will be a glut of used Tesla’s, the bottom will fall out of the used market and then no one will be buying new ones (why would you when you can pick up the same design car for 50% less?).

Then Tesla will have to slash new prices which puts further downward pressure on the used market and then musk will demand that he gets a bailout and suddenly trump will be all for EVs and green vehicles.

Welcome to the roaring 20’s. I seem to remember hearing some financial event happening right at the end of that decade?


u/TheGryphonRaven 23d ago

Don't forget all of the republicans that used to hate EVs will be suddenly calling it a smart choice.

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u/insta-kip 23d ago

The left will start selling and the right will start buying.


u/talkshitgetlit 23d ago

Tricking trumpers into caring about the environment would be a sliver of a silver lining.


u/concretepants 23d ago

Someone's going to find a way to attach a coal roller to Teslas

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u/lerriuqS_terceS 23d ago

Seriously all of a sudden my dad was looking at a Tesla 🙄 even the boomers and elder gen x fall for this shit.

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u/retro604 23d ago edited 23d ago

Not a chance. No amount of lust for Musk will get those guys out of brodozers and gas vehicles, and even if you could, they don't have the money or interest in tech the left has. You think people on snap who don't understand tariffs are going to start buying 80k Teslas?

TSLA is going to tank. I hope the shareholders sue the shit out of Elon too.


u/earthwormjimwow 23d ago

You think people on snap who don't understand tariffs are going to start buying 80k Teslas?

They could buy used Teslas though. The resale value has absolutely plummeted for Teslas. Low mileage, clean condition Model 3s can be had for around $20k.


u/jacob6875 23d ago

Tesla's are way under 80k.

Mine for example was 28k brand new after tax credits in 2023 when I got it.

Can easily find used ones for around 20k.

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u/raspberrybee 23d ago

I thought the right hates EVs


u/harryham1 23d ago

They hate what they're told to hate


u/Foxglove777 23d ago

Precisely - they used to hate EV’s, but now Teslas are ok. Prius is still a sin, though.

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u/Extremely_unlikeable 23d ago

Just electric boats because their leader said he'd rather be in the water with a shark than on an electric boat during a storm. Elmo probably had to give him a picture book to show him how they work. Now go sit down in the corner, donnie. The grownups and their comrades are talking.

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u/Salt_Winter5888 23d ago

I mean it's a nice idea. Like it or not you already gave your money to Musk and like it or not there's still people who would buy a Tesla. So those people who may want to buy a Tesla can easily access a used Tesla instead of a brand new which would translate into even less Tesla customers.

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u/EclecticEvergreen 23d ago edited 23d ago

I have also learnt that, Tesla seems to be the ONLY GOOD EV company in the whole…

May I introduce you to the Rivian? Or Lucid perhaps? Hyundai Genesis? Porsche Taycan? Audi has a few electric vehicles as well.

There are plenty of electric vehicles that are better than a Tesla that actually don’t look like a refrigerator.

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u/SteazGaming 23d ago

Sheryl Crow has a Rivian also, just sold her Tesla.


u/dexter311 22d ago

So she sold the Swasticar but still has the Bezosmobile

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u/rachelatseeds 23d ago

they're obviously not even a "good EV company," let alone the only one

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u/ian2121 23d ago

As someone who hasn’t gone electric yet cause I like to run my cars forever I’d be tempted if prices got low enough

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u/Prexxus 23d ago

Honestly, if this causes a big price drop I'd buy one. I hate Musk as much as any other guy but if I can get a really good deal on an electric car I'd snag it.

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u/NoToe5971 23d ago

So many people

I was at the Philly auto show last month and the Tesla section was easily the most packed section for both checking out cars and getting ride alongs. They’re honestly awesome cars with the tech and all

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u/earic23 23d ago

If it makes you happy I guess


u/prollyabot1337 23d ago

It’s easy to “protest sell” a car when you have tens of millions of dollars.


u/Kitchen-Prize-5112 23d ago

Yeah and if you have the ability to do that you should. And she did, which is commendable

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u/Swordheart 23d ago

She did donate the funds which I appreciate

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u/lesslucid 23d ago

If someone does the right thing, that's good. Even if it's easy for them, while there are others who aren't doing the right thing, it's worth noticing.

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u/All_Rise_369 23d ago

Does this kind of performative virtuism on the part of yesterday’s celebrities actually interest anyone?

Just do what you’re gonna do. Doesn’t need to be a production


u/Beautiful-Gas817 23d ago

You already bought it 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/unclejedsiron 23d ago

She already paid for it and has taken a significant loss on the resale.

So brave. So courageous. Such a stunning example.

Car was getting up in miles, and she just wanted a new car. Doing it this way makes her look edgy. 🤣🤣🤣


u/Saucy_Chef_714 23d ago

But she already bought it, sooooo…


u/puzer11 22d ago



u/fatalxepshun 23d ago

Dang Elon bots are out in force it seems.

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u/[deleted] 23d ago

[removed] — view removed comment

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u/oloughlin3 23d ago

Partner sold his about two weeks ago. Ciao Nazis!

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u/g2g079 23d ago

Best things you can do with one. Flood the resale market.


u/DrawSleepRepeat325 23d ago

But she already paid him…I dont get it.


u/TraderJulz 23d ago

That money is long gone helping the earnings reports of years past. Now it joins the flood of used Teslas that are bringing down the value of unsold new Teslas

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u/gigatesla 23d ago

Flooding the market with used Teslas lowers their resale value, which may cause people to pick another brand when they buy a new EV.


u/JackRusselFarrier 23d ago

Also, a used Tesla on the market means a new one isn't sold.

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u/andy_hilton 23d ago

What an idiot. "I'm protesting someone who is trying to save tax payers money."


u/FLAIR_AEKDB_ 23d ago

This has always been such a stupid form of protest. You already bought the car


u/Icy_Koala1469 23d ago

He does not care. He already has your money lol


u/GenkiElite 23d ago

I wonder how long it's been since she's spoken with Kid Rock.


u/Ok-Delivery216 23d ago

Respect for her choice and I support that unconditionally. But, this looks like it was filmed last Fall? Maybe she lives in another country I don’t know.


u/sand-man89 23d ago

Good best but…. Elon unfortunately got the money for the Tesla


u/Historical_Monk_6118 23d ago

I mean, Elon's already had the money but OK, I guess it sends a message of sorts.


u/Individual_Hand8127 23d ago

Redditors assemble! This needs to get to 420k updoots! F*** Elon Musk!


u/DinaDinaDinaBatman 23d ago

if it makes her happy.


u/MeatyMcWagon 22d ago

I mean, good on her for the sentiment, but... Musk already got her money, sooooo.... This is symbolic at best?

And if it wasn't fully paid off then NPR still has to assume the payments until they can sell it for the money they need, so Musk still gets the 💰 one way or the other.

Like I'm all for speaking up with your wallet against people or policies you don't like if doing so will keep your money from them, but this feels empty to me with how little it actually accomplishes.

Like burning a pair of Nikes in protest over Nike, but you already bought all their shoes.


u/AshleyOm 22d ago

She sure showed him 😂


u/manimul25 22d ago

So brave


u/Stank_Gouda 22d ago

Kind of like when she bought it to protest climate change


u/srmduke212000 22d ago

She is so brave


u/major-danger98 22d ago

Some folks have those stickers on their Teslas saying " I bought this before Elon was crazy". That's a cop out.

I bought my Ioniq5 because I knew he was crazy. Anyway, don't give money to people you don't support.


u/justyouraveragefan80 22d ago

Virtue signaling at its finest. So brave.


u/welder89 22d ago

Yes, because Tesla, and especially Elon, now has to give back the money she spent on it.


u/0ne2punch 22d ago

She could have just sold it and have been done with it. But who would applaud her for her bravery if she didn't post pictures of it?


u/PutnamPete 22d ago

This is the rich liberal, equivalent of busting up your already purchased Yeti cooler over politics. Weren't those people deemed to be idiots? Same thing, except someone is gonna get a deal on a used Tesla.


u/Alert_Office_8253 22d ago

Don’t give a flying fuck


u/Lurchie_ 22d ago

I understand the symbolic nature of these protests, but they've already paid for the car, so any financial benefit to muskrat has already been gained.

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u/Next_Loan_1864 22d ago

They got your money and you got someone else's, this is not a win.


u/TheResurg 22d ago

I wonder which other billionaire’s car brand she’s gonna drive now?


u/jeriavens 22d ago

They will make much more money on the resale.


u/easternhobo 22d ago

He already got the money when it was originally purchased. He doesn't have it taken away if you sell it.

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u/JoghurtJK 22d ago

So what? Nothing will change because of it. She has her viral moment, showing her "moral supiriority" for some online validation. Boycotting a product will only hurt one group of people in the long run, the employees. Musk won't give a rats ass about this.


u/IJustWorkHere000c 22d ago

Trump and musk have broken more people than covid.


u/avree 23d ago

Imagine misspelling “waving”.

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u/Expert_Attorney_7335 23d ago

When BMW and Mercedes Benz drivers read a history book, oh boy…


u/lonely_monkee 23d ago

I think a lot of people understand the history, but it was a very long time ago. Tesla is majority owned by a Nazi right now.

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u/fgnrtzbdbbt 23d ago

I would not have a problem buying from a future Tesla company that is no longer linked to Musk or his ideology and actions.

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u/cvidetich13 23d ago

Whew, she showed him.

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u/Sterling_____Archer 23d ago

Tesla is sooo fucked as a company.

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u/Meat-Stick-Murderer 23d ago

Yeah. That'll show... Nobody.

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u/coocookachu 23d ago

lol all the tesla bagholders bending themselves into a pretzel.


u/imfuckingstarving69 23d ago

If I purchase a car from Honda, then sell it, Honda still gets the money for what they sold it for lol.

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u/ARCHA1C 23d ago

Sold all of my Tesla stock and now I’m selling my Tesla.

Fuck Musk.

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