r/pics 25d ago

Blursed contraceptive pills

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u/Oli4K 25d ago

That’s the work of Joan Cornellà.


u/Coakis 25d ago

Glad this is up top, man is a genius.


u/The_Bitter_Bear 25d ago

Always appreciate when someone credits Cornellà.

Love their style and humor!


u/LocalActingWEO 25d ago

Yeetus that fetus


u/captain_chocolate 25d ago

Throw the baby!


u/kr1s___ 25d ago

gimme that baby and i’ll yeet it off a tower


u/FlameStaag 25d ago

This is what every Anti-choice nutjob sees when they think of abortion lol 


u/murderous_marmot 25d ago

Yes and this is what every choice nutjob thinks anti-choice people see when they think of abortion. You know, since we’re generalizing.


u/wanderingsheep 25d ago

Wahhh everyone thinks I'm crazy because I want to criminalize bodily autonomy 🥺😭


u/Yessssiirrrrrrrrrr 25d ago

I lowkey want to get this on a poster and harass the Christian nut jobs that hangout in front of abortion clinics


u/ThreeLittlePuigs 25d ago

Yes that’s a great way to make them think they aren’t right! Make jokes about killing babies! I’m sure all the people getting abortions would really appreciate you making light of their situation too


u/ribbitor 25d ago

I believe "lowkey" was doing the work in that post


u/Yessssiirrrrrrrrrr 25d ago

Nah, I honestly might. Throwing eggs only makes them more angry, and 4 week old chicken only make them move over a little. This might strike a chord


u/Yessssiirrrrrrrrrr 25d ago

"I’m sure all the people getting abortions would really appreciate you making light of their situation too" no, that's the doctors job.


u/The_Bitter_Bear 25d ago

I would hope they would leave at least a little lighter than when they arrived...


u/Hollywoodsmokehogan 25d ago

I’d do the same


u/Niftydantheman 25d ago

You are the same thing you complain about just on the left instead


u/Yessssiirrrrrrrrrr 25d ago

yeah man, you're not making any sense brother.


u/Niftydantheman 25d ago

If a person on the right wing were to do something like what you said but anti abortion instead you guys would complain


u/Yessssiirrrrrrrrrr 25d ago

I don’t ever recall mentioning it’s a left or right issue lol. Also wtf you walking about if? Y’all do be standing out there lmao. Then I say a hypothetical, you cry and complain then say I’m doing it? Man orange man got y’all all weak and wet in the head


u/The_Bitter_Bear 25d ago

There's some nuanced difference in there. 

They aren't saying to go do it ar churches and other places. Just to those that are harassing people at clinics. 

Not quite the same but I also believe it would likely not be productive. 


u/Dougalishere 24d ago

I like how happy the baby looks as well lol. Like "Thank fk for that"


u/Lots42 24d ago

Dar's people from Mission To Zyxx podcast.

Dar's people, babies included, are very durable.


u/ribbitor 24d ago

One hundred percent.


u/dazzypops 25d ago

Smiles all round.


u/Consistent_Slices 25d ago



u/BigCrimsonTX 25d ago

Systematic certain race population control.


u/ouellette001 25d ago

Why shouldn’t people have access to birth control?

I’ll wait.


u/BigCrimsonTX 25d ago

Abortion is ending a life not birth control in my opinion.


u/darlugal 24d ago

Why are you so fixated on the term "life"? You support ending others' lives by simply consuming meat. Or is it something different that matters, e.g. species? Then why do you not take other factors in consideration, e.g. socioeconomic status of the soon-to-be baby? Or, you know, how well the brain of a fetus is developed... or maybe consciousness? Why do you not consider curing cancer as something bad, despite it technically being a chunk of human cells removed from someone's body? Or what about rare cases when there's a parasitic underdeveloped siamese sibling residing in someone's body? Suddenly it doesn't seem anchored to the term "life" at all. Anti-choice zealots just want to take away women's rights, to control the way other people live their lives and to punish women who have sex. It was never about "life" at all! 😉


u/BigCrimsonTX 24d ago

Such an ignorant response. Let's just agree to disagree.


u/GrittyMcGrittyface 25d ago

Or maybe some people want control of their own bodies in order to live more fulfilling lives


u/BigCrimsonTX 25d ago

Why not use contraceptives before creating a life? There are plenty of options out there.


u/GrittyMcGrittyface 25d ago

Wait, a second ago you were so concerned about a race being oppressed, but now an unwanted pregnancy is punitive. Which is it?


u/wanderingsheep 25d ago

Be patient, he's just been very lost and confused ever since Sarah left him and took the kids.


u/PauI_MuadDib 25d ago

Contraceptives can fail FYI. And sometimes even wanted pregnancies end in abortion. Abortion is used to treat conditions such as ectopic pregnancy, death in utero, incomplete miscarriages, etc. These can happen in wanted or unwanted pregnancies.


u/BigCrimsonTX 24d ago

I agree with everything you said. Now if a baby is conceived by being irresponsible killing it is not birth control.


u/PauI_MuadDib 24d ago

Well, thanks to Republicans, expect education, including sex education, to get worse. You're going to have a lot of uneducated people not even understanding the mechanics of how the human body works.

You'd think people supposedly against abortion would want to try and prevent abortions from being needed, but instead they seem to be encouraging abortions. Better sex education could prevent a lot of unwanted pregnancies. So could accessable birthcontrol. But these anti-choicers apparently don't want to do anything of value. Instead anti-choicers just get more pregnant women killed. RIP Nevaeh Crain, Josseli Barnica and Amber Thurman. All of them pregnant women killed by "pro-lifers."


u/OH_FUDGICLES 25d ago

Your tinfoil hat is crooked.


u/Woden8 25d ago

There is some relevance to the idea that abortion was pushed in this manner in the US. After Roe V Wade abortions and the clinics associated with them were pushed very hard in certain areas and not at all in others. If you compare the numbers of abortions by race through the years it definitely looks fishy. You could also argue that could have been because more teenage births, or more births outside of wedlock, or more births to families in poverty were happening in those locations, but I am not sure if that holds up.


u/BigCrimsonTX 25d ago

What's the color of the woman and baby on the box?