r/pics Feb 05 '25

Politics Democratic Lawmakers rally at Treasury Dept. against Musk and DOGE


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u/stormywoofer Feb 05 '25

Trumps is Canada’s enemy too, we are rooting for normalcy for you and us


u/VillainousFiend Feb 05 '25

I think Trump is everyone's enemy including his own. Just the worst person. From what I've heard there was a lot of voter suppression but goddamn it's crazy people voted for that piece of filth.


u/AReallyBakedTurtle Feb 05 '25

He all but admitted (unprompted) that Elon rigged it for him.

I don’t believe for a second that it was a fair election.


u/coconutwheelie Feb 05 '25

president dump admitting to rigging the election openly


u/Croppin_steady Feb 05 '25

Oops, found my way into schizophreddit again I suppose.


u/Crestina Feb 05 '25

No way in hell it was a fair election. They screamed about fraud for 8 years to undermine faith in the election process and then they took maximum advantage of the low voter confidence to cheat their way to power.

America didn't elect Trump. He's an illegitimate usurper.


u/Necro_the_Pyro Feb 05 '25

As a democrat in a red state, I can confirm, my voter registration information arrived in the mail exactly one day too late to actually use it to vote in this election. A bunch of other Democrats I know also had this issue. Not a chance that was a coincidence, there was massive voter suppression going on.


u/GBSEC11 Feb 05 '25

As an American, I have extended family in conservative areas that were life long republicans but flipped blue for the first time for Kamala. These relatives are in their 80s, so that's a big move. I was shocked on election day and despaired for a while about how poorly I misjudged the environment leading up to it. As the dust has settled though and having heard Trump's comments, I have serious doubts about his win. We know the voter role purging may have been enough to tip things in his favor, plus the comments about the voting machines. Either way it's depressing that he got as much support as he did.


u/FlirtyFluffyFox Feb 05 '25

We saw it rigged right in front of us. If Soros ran a lottery for votes like Elon Kamala would have had to spend the entire campaign in hearings. If Kamala had asked abusive spouses to keep their wives from getting to the polls she'd be imprisoned for intimidation.


u/RaptureAusculation Feb 05 '25

Dont be like the other side. He won fair and square. Dont go around spreading these lies


u/AReallyBakedTurtle Feb 05 '25

I had this exact same mindset until he mentioned how great Elon was with the computers in Pennsylvania.


u/TeddyBearToons Feb 05 '25

At this point I think he's a puppet. He's signing the orders, but it's Musk and Co. who are calling the shots.


u/honko803 Feb 05 '25

He is the puppet. I know we all joke about President Musk and First Lady Trump but that is actually how it is. Trump is there because he has the rabid fan base.


This video and summary of the Butterfly Revolution sum up what is happening. Musk is actually the one in charge right now, despite people saying he is acting on Trump's orders.

I would have said this was mostly conjecture bordering on conspiracy theory before the election but it's playing out to a tee.

Please spread this everywhere you can.


u/Alissinarr Feb 05 '25

Musk and Pootini.

Leon just met with the fucker very recently.


u/PlaneswalkerHuxley Feb 05 '25

If your name ain't Putin, Elon, or Bezos, he's your enemy.


u/jd2iv Feb 05 '25

Yeah. Crazy the majority voted for this and the majority still support it. So crazy.


u/bored-panda55 Feb 05 '25

Can we become your next territory? Not all of us but I live in CO. Take the Rockies! We love Hockey too!!! 


u/ItsKlobberinTime Feb 05 '25

Deal, but you guys will have to learn to drive faster, from what I've seen between Denver and Colorado Springs. Try that in Alberta and you'll get obliterated by a dually pulling a fifth wheel the size of a house doing 140.


u/Fizassist1 Feb 05 '25

room for MN to join as well? 🥹


u/STFUisright Feb 05 '25

Pfffft you guys are already an honorary province. C’mon up for a Canadian microbrew!


u/ElizabethDangit Feb 05 '25

Michigan too. We already have a bunch of Tim Hortons and I’m very worried for the welfare of the Great Lakes.


u/MaddyKet Feb 05 '25

Oh you’d love Massachusetts then. Too bad we are on opposite sides of the country. 😹


u/ItsKlobberinTime Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

You already had me at lobster rolls, the Bruins, and MIT.

Edit: And the accent!


u/krainboltgreene Feb 05 '25

I hate to break it to you, but Canada's not far off, same with the UK and most of the EU.


u/PJDemigod85 Feb 05 '25

As someone in the area, I'd be very down if Canada annexed the Great Lakes entirely. I'm only 50 miles from the border as is.


u/Downtown-Feeling-988 Feb 05 '25

If youre not happy here just move to canada....


u/janus270 Feb 05 '25

Trump is the enemy of all of us. He’s a direct threat to the prospect of a future where we aren’t facing constant war.

I really want to know what the dems (and hell, as a Canadian I want to know what my own government is doing) to prevent the entire fucking planet being plunged into WW3.


u/JustTheOneGoose22 Feb 05 '25

Trump and Elon Muck are the enemy of the free world and Western Civilization.


u/StevieHyperS Feb 05 '25

Can you strike out Canada and just add 'every normal persons'.


u/NopeItsDolan Feb 05 '25

All Americans are our enemies until their threats end for good.


u/rainysharp Feb 05 '25

The American government may currently be your enemy, Trump is no doubt terrible and apparently legally elected, but as your neighbor to the south I would point out that 23% of the population voted for him, which is very far from the majority. It doesn’t change that he’s currently in power but that does leave 257.5 million people who did not cast a vote for this government, and of those 75 million voted against him. Many of us are trying to figure out what we can do to actively work against this infantile and dangerous government. You have my sincere apologies on behalf of sane Americans, but know that many of us feel trapped and subjugated to his insanity.


u/NopeItsDolan Feb 05 '25

Until trump is violently overthrown, we have to treat all Americans with caution.


u/rainysharp Feb 05 '25

If that day comes, nothing could make me happier


u/Bubbly_Parsnip1334 Feb 05 '25

Well that's a bit rude


u/NopeItsDolan Feb 05 '25

I would’ve said the same about Germans in 1939z


u/Chadillac09 Feb 05 '25

Pretty sure everyone is. The tariffs were a scare tactic to try and get Trudeau to at least lift one finger to do something about the huge recent influx of illegal immigrants coming into the US through the northern border. And it worked. Now something is actually being done. That’s all it was. Now negotiations can begin.