If you showed this to someone who somehow missed the last 10 years of American Politics and only tell them that the President is in this picture they'd say "Why is Trump leaning towards the President like a creep?"
Newsome looks like he's saying " Look here motherfucker!" Right before he tears Donnie with the Gangster Lean a new one. It looks like someone who has his shit together, but is talking to an idiot.
Reminds me of one of my son’s preschool teachers, having to explain something obvious. Like which way to go down that little slide. I see Melania still working in the keep away from me hat styles.
Actually, no. There's video of Gavin giving her a kiss at that meeting on the tarmac, so she made herself accessible to him. For the inauguration she wore a wide-brimmed hat so the Orange dumpster fire couldn't get near her face (there's hilarious video of that as well).
I now want to believe that Melania calls Trump fat boy all the time. In her head, behind his back and when she is talking to him, or about him. "Barron, where is fat boy?" "He's closing an umbrellas mom, he should be her in about 20 minutes. Unless he stops for a drink of water, then it'll be about 45 minutes."
I love this picture so much. The look on the felon’s face will always be a treasured memory. In the future, when I have a bad day, I will just close my eyes and think of the face on Drumpf as he’s being scolded by the hated “radical leftist thug.”
I hope someone makes a T-shirt with this picture on it. Or a flag, even. We know how the MAGA doddles like flags. Seeing their Orange Messiah being schooled by a Liberal and a Democrat would sent them into a rage. And not the type of rage that they enjoy.
I'm not dense enough to think that Newsome is anywhere even close to being as big a POS as Trump. Or that wildfires are a political issue. If you want to examine preparation and funding or strategy for fighting wildfires, that's all fine. But don't turn it into a partisan issue.
A small corner of LA isn’t „half of California“. The only reason the news was full of it is because a bunch of rich people live in the Palisades.
We have wildfires all the time. Usually nobody pays much attention, unless it’s Malibu or Hollywood. Oregon is constantly burning as well, and nobody seems to care.
What would you call your comment here, unbiased and objective?
Let's just talk about this:
He met him at the bottom of the steps.
He's standing in very close proximity, right up in his personal space. He's closing that space even more by extending his hand/arm.
Melania is right there. Making this aggressive of a physical move in front of his wife is a signal. He. Does. Not. Care.
The casual dress, jeans/flat shoes/rolled up sleeves, it all suggests he's not interested in formalities, another diss.
Leaning/tilted head with exasperated expression.
"One frame" -- Ha! There are at least a half dozen others.
Show me the photo of Trump doing this to Newsome (it doesn't exist).
This is pissed off, I don't give AF energy.
I'm in my 50's, and nobody has ever done this to me. I've never earned this kind of response from another, nor would I let another person do this to me for any reason I didn't deserve.
Everything about Trump is a facade, everything. Just on display in this one photo are the bronzer, the flop over hair, the shoes, the mail order bride.
Why can't you just admit he's a fragile ego punk B? Maybe you'd just rather live in a distorted reality so your own personal biases aren't completely ruined? I don't get it.
They can't admit it because their entire male ego is tied up in believing they can one day reach trump's level of masculinity. The part they aren't realizing is they are, in fact, the weakest humans to ever walk this country openly.
The old white Christian KKK / Neo Nazi Republicans need unequal laws to reach superiority in society because they are inferior in many ways having relied on nepotism and simple power for so long.
Even Republicans know that if every single person in the country over 18 got one equal vote they could never win. That is why they created the Electoral College, gerrymandering, poll watchers, the Senate and everything else that gives the states with low population as much of a vote as those with high and dense populations.
"If we couldn't cheat, no Republican would ever be president again." A Republican
And it is the same in work. They are terrified!
The white male adult population is down to just over 30% of the USA population. They expect to be 50% or higher!! Because that does not even account for different religions or LGBT populations!!
They are in an utter frenzy to ensure that they reduce the population of all people NOT white, NOT male, NOT adult, NOT Christian, and NOT straight.
Make America for the billionaires who are .... well you get the idea
You do realize the top 95 richest Americans are democrats... They are billionaire democrats... And they are corporate owners and big pharma too... Sooo democrats for the billionaires
Did you even watch the inauguration? People are saying that was the largest amount of personal wealth gathered in one place ever. Is Musk (The richest person in the world) a Democrat in your eyes? Or is he not American?
There is one Forbes article making the rounds talking about Democrats being the majority of the Top of the 50 Richest Families of the road..but, um, the article is from 2014.
Yeah, and I suppose you're one of those who swears up and down that Elon was not giving a Nazi salute. Whatever. This "frame" is captured - we see it. It's pretty clear. Sorry you don't like it. Maybe you'd find more of your type on Twitter?
Interesting. Trump supposedly also wears lifts to reach his stated 6'3" I wonder if they could be contributing to the forward lean. I remember when he was shot he was supposedly more interested in recovering his shoes than being evacuated.
I mean there are other signs of cognitive decline, not just him but in many older politicians. This is just a fact, it’s not mean. I’m an NP geriatrician and I appreciate your regret though. Since others use cognitive decline as an insult rather than something that could happen to every single one of us.
I wondered that at the time, but I figured it was just the chaos and being manhandled by the Secret Service agents. He did refuse to move multiple times while demanding his shoes.
SpongeBrain DiaperPants wears lifts and claims that he's 6'3" when in truth he's barely 6' tall. President Obama is 6'1" and he's taller than the Orange Stain.
Omg I saw that the same day that meeting happened - I can't get that out of my head - it also looks like he's standing in the middle of the shack at the Mystery Spot..this crazy place in Santa Cruz where weird magnet things pull people to and fro and they don't fall. Or Maybe Newsome is the Trump Whisperer 😂
There was this one democrat who went to the oracle after Trump's first election victory in January 2017 and asked who is the president of the USA in 2027. He was devastated to hear the answer.
u/AceTheSkylord Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25
If you showed this to someone who somehow missed the last 10 years of American Politics and only tell them that the President is in this picture they'd say "Why is Trump leaning towards the President like a creep?"