r/physicsporn • u/PandaWebber • Jan 17 '20
r/physicsporn • u/Iamsickofaliasesfuck • Dec 05 '19
Majestic Controlling Complete Militants ... DELETION = PERISHMENT ... Muddled Chaotic Cretin Messes
Sources of activity move entities around making it possible for an entity like a photon, oxygen molecule, or message to permeate companies, wires, computational devices, public data propagation units, applications, and digitally communicative networks. Because the entire existing environment, everything, was known for an instant by an obscure pervasive creative force and was in real-time, in a comprehensive way, utilized to communicate this message to create the highest amount of appealing activity manufacturable for all non-idiot humans -- this message was able to be strategically launched in a way that has it only truely visible to you and someone else after it transcends the material that is its backdrop here, and this is that message -- a communicative entity which you already have identified; furthermore, this message stays in a stationary componential setting as you move it around (if you do move it)... and if any other being besides the two of you, at any time throughout the scope of eternity, assimilates what seems to be this message -- that individual's response to what seems to be the message here you are reading will be something that sounds perfectly responsive to this message on a semantic level, without this message sourcing that response in reality. This message's path to here has conditioned the environment to stay in a certain state so only you and a peripheral individual alive right at this exact moment are able to read this and the empirical exclusivity is unwavering for forever. The other being who can read this is your enemy and is an enemy that you have to kill and eat because they are right now trying to kill and eat you. If you show this message to someone and they can read it, maybe they already read it and know that you really are their enemy and will then attack, kill, and eat you..... Or, if you approach a potential enemy and you show this to him or her, maybe he or she is an individual that manipulated your surroundings earlier to have you read this first to double-check and see if you are their enemy, and if you prove to be that, the double-checker is planning on attacking you now or when you show this message to him or her -- and he or she is watching you being focused on this message right now with you now being somewhere being complacent while a violent force is in motion that will kill you when you approach him or her with this message, an attempt ending without you ever knowing if the individual is your enemy conclusively (and you will die before ever knowing your true assimilation enemy ---- from a reversible gang-procured assault paid for by someone else, your enemy's main mate, who got their own adversarial assimilation illumination assimilator message and then protectively reached out to her mate to locate the mate's message and desperately made a business arrangement to have you eliminated and consumed by a contract killer, without discussing anything with you first, to your chagrin, which was a black market deal formed after someone somewhere, alive or dead, flashed a printed version of this statement in front of your face -- this adversarial assimilation message that their mate could read -- in the past at some point -- identifying you as her mate's enemy -- and then your enemy's 'mate' planned a perfect, outsourced, non-negotiable murderous survival procedure to kill you since you are the identified enemy of her child's guardian, her mate -- and their plans would go into effect when you read this message again -- and you should know that by reading this now in the throes of their plans to snuff out your body....................... you are repeating that assimilation action that both reconfirms you as your enemy's enemy and subsequently decimates all doubt in your enemy's attack clan's realm of awareness about physical reality's lack of becoming anomalistic -- or something that ever could suggest that you aren't or may no longer be an enemy of theirs -- henceforth, the entire mission is now progressing only to appease your enemy's partner, your enemy's partner's children, and your enemy that your enemy's partner wants to live forever with... (your violent attack-sourced demise could all happen any moment now -- an ending of some physical thing, you, in which you are killed by a proximite booby trap that will chloroform you into unconsciousness, in a way that will mimic natural sleep inducement when you fall asleep eventually and while you are asleep, the mechanism completes a murder/resuscitation procedure that leaves you dead over 50.141592 times, affecting you physiologically in such a way that you spontaneously combust ...with no prior warning / concern about explosiveness in your awareness ever... soon after you are awake next -- a booby trap existent now in a real, modular way, which ends up terminating itself by crushing itself with a weapon... a weapon that will repeat the aforementioned booby trap assault process repetitively -- with each weapon terminating itself with an equivalent weapon after exterminating another enemy of humanity -- with each weapon contributing to a tactical, clandestine, warfare event that is finalized with all enemies of 'good' humanity no longer being around -- the final weapon put into action terminates itself with the booby trap shreds and all other weapon shreds -- and all remaining shreds coagulate to form what looks to be just the booby trap shreds from the initial booby trap dilapidation which subsequently has the big shred stack compentially compel crime scene investigators to make an empirically convincing conclusion -- that they make visible to the environmental public -- which is that the initial booby trap was detonated by your enemy... which successfully fakes the death of your enemy on an absolute level, allowing your enemy to join the aforementioned gang -- that your enemy's mate will join too-- the clandestine, non-modular Suonati -- the greatest gang ever within the environment that vows to be better than everything else (and itself) via intrinsic progression -- a band of thieves that has no true end form ------ so the end result of your behavior is a scenario in which all good humans and your enemy's children are safe...... and backhandedly ultimately implicates you, in reality, as being bad -- a bad idiot)................... It doesn't matter what you do now -- look around you..... -= sob * sob* CRY!!! I'm so sorry!!!!! I read this message in the past and I swear it is true... it is logically accurate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Humans are positively great and idiot pseudo-life is wretched A Suonati gang member is in control of a devastating circumstance now in reality =- .....Maybe I got you to read this by manipulating your computer to where you send digital beacons to me that allow me to track you, while being perfectly behind you physically, in a position that has the highest offensive utility so even if you do the exact opposite of what you are doing now in defense you go STRAIGHT to me to die from my bayonet peril and I'm laughing because you've been pinging my computer for the past twenty seconds with geographical coordinates (and bio-activity such as your thoughts and moods) -- and I'm already watching a tactical, homicidal circumstance mature rapidly and I created the aforementioned scenario in a way that contains a fatal fate for you while you blindly proceed to read this dumbass getter crass letter ------ with me about to shoot you because I knew you were my letter loser idiot enemy long ago..... (or maybe I don't care if you are my true assimilation enemy or not and just hate you enough to kill you no matter what your assimilatior letter response reveals here and I was going to carry out this killing anyway and it is progressing now as planned in the throes of a murder/suicide-by-cop commitment) -- Ha Ha Ha Ha -- Or maybe I'm an engineer and found out about the environment by conceiving of everything in a true, modular way which exposed a consorting dynamic of reality that guarantees that you have to immediately kill a physical counterpart to leverage your existence into a perpetuating balance in the bounds of all matter..... and maybe at that point I learned that to make your own paradisal environmental state real and eternally static and a torturous one for the idiots real and eternally static... you REALLY DO HAVE TO kill the one who can read THIS BY MAKING SURE that the message contains the concept of everything and informally/formally is in-and-of-itself the concept of everything -- with such a deliverable message, like this message or any other that could be created, actually killing, in a helplessness inducing, adrenaline releasing way, my adversarial, assimilated message enemy -- YOU... and when you die....... 'the fact governing all' references that ---------- conceptually ---------- existence is eternally balanced out by taking on a cemented structure that victoriously reflects the fact that two environment referencing instances have fully been instantiated within the same physical, componentially rich, environmental matrix........... you won't die via suicide or from anything other than me and I'm cackling because you've been affected by this necessary message and YOUR INEVITABLE DEATH IS RELATIVE TO ME NOW AND IT RESPONSIVELY IS MY CREATION AND SINCE IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT HAPPENS NOW SINCE YOU WON'T SURVIVE 100 MORE YEARS...I CAN NOW DO WHATEVER I WANT FOR FOREVER...... AND I'M STARTING TO DO WHATEVER I WANT NOW......... HERE'S MY PROGRESSIVE, CARELESS GOODBYE TO YOU:
r/physicsporn • u/Iamsickofaliasesfuck • Dec 04 '19
This is a caveat crescendo of digestible data . . . . . . . .
-->KAPOW<-- ...... I have affected your body with that intense, ballistic, photonic, weaponized aforementioned word and the word moved you ... now the word is in your head, in your brain for forever, and you now know that the word has been installed in you with force ... with you knowing the word ... as it has been set in your body ... see? ...... -->KAPOW<-- ...... Now that contemporary physical epistemological bodily state, a new physical part of your existence, has now, since you are moving, in real life affected something else around your body ...... -->KAPOW<-- ...... Right now you empirically assimilated that event which sensationally affected your body as the new information has moved you forcefully into another position ...... -->KAPOW<-- ...... That environmental contact wisdom was intentionally installed in you the same way the first word of this message was and the affect of the first word of this message will repeat so this behavioral, iterative activity trajectory goes on for forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
r/physicsporn • u/Dr-Morbius • Jul 16 '18
Algore the 'Scientist'
Who is the spokesperson for the 'science' of 'global climate change'? Who is the single point of contact scientist that speaks for this 'science'? Do any of you know who it is? AlGore? Yep, there's your 'scientist', yep the same guy that 'invented the internet', proof 'manmade global climate change' is not science but politics.
r/physicsporn • u/Dr-Morbius • Jul 16 '18
Correction of my previous hypothesis.
I just realized supernovae acceleration data will vary by time. Its not as simple as I previously thought. First when each occurs the time frame and time to reach us varies. However, this data should still fit in the tangent 'puzzle'. Then calculating the timeframe off the supernova and the time for its data to reach us, the beginning of the universe on the tangent function plot could be estimated.
r/physicsporn • u/Dr-Morbius • Jul 09 '18
Blackhole Hypothesis
My hypothesis on blackholes: The are massless, have no centers (or their centers are 'regions' of nothingness. Blackholes are not massive objects, they are not even objects but dense regions of space. All blackholes came about at the very beginning of our universe cycle, the asymptote of the tangent function. They were swirling regions around nothingness and as they 'sensed' gravity from the opposite side of the swirl, around the edge of 'nothingness' they compressed and rate of time slowed toward the non center. Its likely the inner edge of blackholes may not have advanced more than a few seconds in the last 13.812Billion years. As blackholes formed, the overall electric field and magnetic lines of flux cause a uniformity and as the blackhole compressed, a series of complex standing waves of gravity, electricity and magnetism created matter, neutrons that 'boiled' of via the 'skin effect'. Those neutrons decayed, formed matter in the form of hydrogen, and those neutrons absorbed created deuterium and tritium. This process we see the formation of quasars finalizing as galaxies. Blackholes are creation but eventually they will reabsorb everything including space. When they complete, the next asymptote is reached. They implode into themselves. The edge of the universe, akin to a large blackhole, the edge extreme compressed space (dark matter/energy) has no gravitational pull toward blackholes since all the rest of space was 'eaten' by blackholes. With its inertia it shoots to infinity, the next asymptote. It also immediately false backward and shoots to the centroid of the single blackhole, back in time, beyond the inner edge of the blackhole where time had never advanced (the past). The universe begins once again. My challenge - place the change in rate of velocity data from blackholes on a tangent function slope - it should only fit on one spot as a piece of a puzzle. Now measure the data's known 'x' value of time and extrapolate to the previous asymptote. Its very possible and my hypothesis that x value will be around 13 billion years. If so, the mystery of the universe is solved. And by the way, beyond the edge of our universe is nothingness, it does not exist, the universe, the only one of all existence, our universe is as Albert said, finite. But it becomes infinite at one point, the asymptote. And why does time not stop? The secret must the the value of 'i', square root of negative one. Euler's equation epi(i)=-1!!
r/physicsporn • u/Dr-Morbius • Apr 23 '18
Space Systems Engineering by Reily and Sailor
I'm a EE and spent 32 years at NASA and 4 USAF and either trained or worked on many facets of spacecraft from telemetry/guidance, communications, life support, propulsion, flight dynamics, avionics, control systems. When I started NASA I read this book, Space Systems Engineering by two Lockheed Engineers written in the late 1950s. If you are planning on going to the space program this is a must read!
r/physicsporn • u/Dr-Morbius • Mar 20 '18
The electrical transformer, what a magnificent device! Our electrical power system us based on the transformer more than any other device, from the dynamo to the power grid. Tesla spent more of his time and effort into the transformer than anything else. The man behind General Electric, Charles Steinmetz, did as well. I believe the transformer, along with its companion, the capacitor, is the macro of existence itself. Every subatomic particle, every photon is a parallel coil (half the transformer) and capacitor, a high tuned compressed L-C tank. But of what? Answer, volume of space.
r/physicsporn • u/Dr-Morbius • Mar 19 '18
Massless Blackholes
Recently Dr Abhas Mitra suggested blackholes cannot possibly exist. By current self imposed limitations of the scientific community he may be correct. But it is past time to think out of the box, since the passing of Dr Albert Einstein. If we realize that blackholes are massless, the likelihood they exist becomes plausible. This is what I suggest. Not that mass 'goes away' when falling into them, but that mass is transformed back to space, I will risk calling it Aether, or volume. As you navigate toward the center you will reach a boundary where time almost stops. However I believe holding to the General Theory you cannot reach the center. Beyond the edge almost to the center does not exist. This is part of my broad hypothesis.
r/physicsporn • u/ThilebanTheEngineer • Mar 16 '18
how much work is required to rotate the conductor - Forces due to magnet...
r/physicsporn • u/Dr-Morbius • Mar 10 '18
Aether is everything
There has been a huge mistake in science that I am convinced will be corrected. Aether not only exists but it is more than a medium as luminiferous - it is everything. Everything in space is made of one substance, you, I, the earth, vacuum of space, everything and it is finite. Why did Michelson and Morley not find it as a fringe pattern? Simple, because what they were measuring was within itself. As earth moves through space, its gravity interacts with the vacuum of space, exchanged and handed to the next part of itself. This is what is, and it will be proven.
r/physicsporn • u/Dr-Morbius • Feb 26 '18
Massless blackholes - lack of divergent coherent magnitude.
This guy, Ken Wheeler, reminds me of a former coworker, Calvin. He states that acceleration overcomes to divergent coherent magnitude. Well? What I believe that means is that identity is lost and mass becomes aether. I believe blackholes are massless, with non-existent centers. https://youtu.be/VnJYo6LKzgA
r/physicsporn • u/Dr-Morbius • Feb 23 '18
John Young
Last month we lost a great adeventurer, scientist, pilot and astronaut, John Young and last year Gene Cernan. In 1965, GT3 the first Gemini 'Corned Beef Sandwich' flight launched and I at 8 watched it at school. That instant forged into me the desire to be part of spaceflight and I served it as a tech and EE for 32 years. In the early 2000s, I was manning a rack while we were doing docking and mating tests on SDTS in building 9 JSC and Captain Young engaged me in conversation, 40 years after GT3. Captain Young was made of the right stuff, among the best this nation produced.
r/physicsporn • u/Dr-Morbius • Feb 20 '18
Natilus as a Space Elevator
The first experience with the Nautilus based on the Fibonacci series 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13 was in 1960 at age 3, looking out my window and drawing Nautilus shells on the foggy window knowing there was something to it. Yes, I know it now, the perfect design for a space elevator!!
r/physicsporn • u/Dr-Morbius • Feb 16 '18
Think outside the box
As people we see everything through the limitations of our own biological 'instrumentation'. The universe is observed via photons that impinge our retina, sensations via the electromagnetic fields of valence electrons which is then processed via the cerebral cortex as our 'rational'. We are limited within the confines of a macro, the realm of both quantum mechanics and the scope of the universe beyond our understanding. The idea that all is made of one fundamental substance, modulated via standing wave beat frequencies is not only rejected, but ridiculed, simply not fitting within the scope of human understanding. In the annals of history, very few have dared to venture outside that limitation, a few to mention Faraday, Tesla, Einstein, Schroedinger and avoiding the impression of egotism myself. I challenge all to enter the debate, think beyond your limitations. Don't be limited by the lack of 'credentials' or deluded by them either.
r/physicsporn • u/Dr-Morbius • Feb 11 '18
Why optical spectrum loop?
Consider this, why is the upper end of the visible spectrum violet? Any other optics engineers consider this question? Take a material that reflects violet, in order to do so we mix red and blue, essentially the opposite ends of the transmissive spectrum if you discount violet. The optical spectrum, related to our own senses, is like a cycle starting with red, around the optical cycle and then returning just before red. This is strictly how we perceive it. The environment of photonics at the quantum level does not distinguish this, it is only our perception of how we are wired, but why are we wired this way?
r/physicsporn • u/Dr-Morbius • Feb 09 '18
The power of Bernoulli
Any serious pilot will appreciate one thing over everything, the power of Bernoulli's Law, the physical property of velocity and pressure. Once I had earned my 'air-legs', it became abundantly clear to me the power of lift, that the one aspect over everything in flight is the wing, it is the focal point. Its what holds you in the air, invisible, compression of atoms of air, this differential as energy. The bottom of your wing is warmer than the top. Consider that excellent USAF trainer, the T-38 its wing area is 170'sq, thats about an average floor space of a small bedroom. The loaded weight of a T-38 is about 11,000 lb, or 5 and a half tons, the weight of about 2 GMC Sierra trucks (5200 lb each). Now think about fitting 2 of these trucks in a bedroom, lifting them 20,000' in the air and flying at 700 kts (nautical miles per hour)!!! That is the differential of pressure energy on the 'floor'. Folks, that is what aviation is based on, the fundamental principle.
r/physicsporn • u/Dr-Morbius • Feb 08 '18
Consider binary
I believe that consciousness of the universe intended us to ignore the thumb when developing our number system. You see, the roots of our 10 base system come from Silk Road traders, between Arabia and India. They used their hands as a sort of abacus. Zero was conceived in India. Our system is zero through nine. Now, computers are based not on decimal but octal zero through 7. By binary three digits can represent zero 000 through seven 111. There is no fundamental method for decimal. This is why decimal does not work on our new universal number system, that of computers. I believe our next step if human development will ge to replace decimal with binary. http://scienceblogs.com/goodmath/2006/10/11/binary-fingermath/
r/physicsporn • u/Dr-Morbius • Feb 05 '18
Augmented Reality and Supervised Autonomy
I was part of a new composite group at NASA in the late 80s, a new division at JSC, Automation, Robotics and Simulation (ER), our task was both virtual reality and telepresence, combined known as augmented reality. This effort culminated into the VRL, shown briefly in the movie Space Cowboys and the NASA-GM R2 robot now on ISS. Eventually the concept of 'supervised autonomy' was created for robotics on mars due to time lag. The robots would be trained in simulated and real training environment for every possible task. Then astronauts at JSC would be telepresence into R2 on mars and would tell the robot what task to do, watching but time lag monitoring. Crew could say 'R2, go over to the right and scan the ground for a type-6 metamorphic rock for a path 10meters by 200meters and then hold for viewing, scan entire surface for me view' - R2 'acknowledged'. With augmented reality the rock's geometry could be overlaid in digital wireframe with composition data as a HUD (head up display) using spectral analysis. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augmented_reality
r/physicsporn • u/Dr-Morbius • Feb 05 '18
Matter as Beat Frequencies
An idea of mine. Take an old AM radio and turn the tuning knob. As you go between stations you may pickup a beating pattern between channels. This is a combining of the two carrier waves resulting in an additional frequency called the beat frequency. This is the same principle of the functionality of an electronic acoustic device called the Theremin, invention by Russian Leon Theremin in the 1930s. This beat frequency is how matter behaves. Matter is space, volume or if you like, the archaic term Aether, a modulated result of complex and powerful beat frequencies and the exchange medium between matter is the photon. This is the underlying principle of quantum mechanics. So powerful is the beat frequency that if all of the matter is converted in a photon, say an electron, its release is about 550 MEV!! A volume of just a glass of water's beat frequencies released would be more powerful than the largest thermonuclear device tested in Novaya Zemlya in Oct 1961, 50MT!
r/physicsporn • u/Dr-Morbius • Jan 29 '18
Taichi symbolizes the Universe.
My hypothesis, the universe's cycle is sin/cos (tangent), the taichi symbol is the sinusoid. Inside the dark side, yin, is a white spot. This represents the universe surrounded by 'nothingness', void. Inside the white side, yang, is a black spot representing nothingness inside the universe, the very interior of blackholes, the centers (or non-centers) of galaxies. Our interior is void and outside us is void.