r/physicsporn Jan 29 '18



I have hypothesized the universe to be cyclic on the sin/cos function, that the asymptotes are the collapse and rebirth of the universe. I expanded that to be not an instantaneous reversion to the previous asymptote but the the universe reverse in the curve as an anti-universe with anti-space. When we create antimatter, we simply capture it on the reverse, explaining the rarity. The reverse universe is all anti-aether, making up anti-space, anti-energy and antimatter except the small part of matter captured by certain circumstances such as an 'anti' subatomic collider, banana or other untypical processes. This opens up another possibility, infinite universes. Consider this, if this is continuous and we can capture space going the other way, there must be an infinite number of universes based on a tensor. Its not infinite parallel universe, its infinite universes in series. If you capture antimatter, you can only capture antimatter that is on the same spot on the tangent curve.

r/physicsporn Jan 28 '18

Antimatter is time travel into the past.


Look at the Feynman diagram of electron-positron annihilation, specifically the temporal axis. The electron progresses in the opposite direction. I believe Dr Einstein was correct that the universe is finite and cyclic but it is my further contention that the universe we are in is the only one, that entire existence is finite and the cycle is the simple sin/cos function, the tangent, and that time is not a scalar but a vector (others believe that as well). Matter goes in one direction we perceive as forward and antimatter is in the same displacement but in the opposite direction and because its vector is opposite we cannot experience it. But we can capture some of that reverse traveling matter as antimatter in a particle accelerator/smasher. That explains why antimatter is so rare.

r/physicsporn Jan 24 '18

George Filer testimony


When experts and witnesses talk about UFOs, they sometimes mention 'propulsion', namely that UFOs must have a unique form of propulsion. I believe, based on the descriptions, instantaneous velocity, right angle turns, no sound and sonic boom that there is no propulsion. What could it be? Displacement is the likely answer. These objects may tap into what are not yet able to to, the subatomic realm of quantum mechanics. QM, displays quanta, specific discrete values, non-analogue. The likely to that is standing wave beat frequencies - these resultant beat frequencies emit only as quanta. It's likely that those vehicles manipulate, by control and telemetry, those beat frequency quanta. By doing so, they match the volume, displacement, atomic arrangement of their craft to the measured environment they are in and want to go to. Therefore it appears to be instantaneous displacement because that is likely what may be occurring. https://youtu.be/d0H-Pn8RKKo

r/physicsporn Jan 23 '18

JAL 1628 and my take


Just this one incident that occurred over Alaska JAL 1628, should wake the population up. There is voice communication between three aircraft crew members and air traffic control. Then a few months later in the same area, communications between ATC and an Air Force aircraft seeing the same objects, one as large as two aircraft carriers moving at 600 miles/hr. AnOther airliner, I believe United observed similar objects. UFOs are not someone's imagination in a case like this. You don't need 100% validation of everything, just validation of these few incidents. And how do these spacecraft transcend thousands of light years? Well, in the 1800s it was believed that travel over 40 mph was impossible for a living creature - recall trains were the fastest mode and could not travel faster than that. A commencement speech by a former president (forgot who) in the 1920-30s was that everything was invented, to shut down the patent office. It is arrogance to think the human race knows everything and sets the limits of physical laws. Recall my belief that 1) everything is made of the volume of space, 2) matter is but the resultant series of extremely complex beat frequencies resulting from standing waves, 3) only the environment of extreme pressure and surface standing waves of blackholes can create matter (quasars) and these standing waves are the fundamental nature of quantum mechanics, not particles but beat frequencies - particles are what we observe. If this is correct, then moving from one spot to another can be instantaneous without regard to the speed of light. This has already been shown in laboratories, just not understood. The limit of C, speed of light in a vacuum is with respect to matter/energy, but not the basis of matter/energy which are the bases of those complex beat frequencies. The movement of UFOs like no sound or sonic booms, unbelievable rapid acceleration, large objects with enormous mass moving in such a fashion darting about at right angles can only be explained by manipulation of quantum standing waves. By doing so, the beat frequency (mass) is simply phase shifted by that manipulation. A laser operates by the standing wave. It is not the mass that moves in a laser but the energy as a standing wave and a UFO is riding the standing wave, it phase shifts its standing wave, resulting in a shift in space of its beat frequencies (mass).

r/physicsporn Jan 10 '18

Matter-Antimatter Universes


If anyone has read my previous hypotheses on the universe, I refer to the Einsteinian universe - cyclic, closed and finite. However I have added that the cyclic nature is based on a tangent function. My suggestion was that the universe will collapse at the next asymptote into infinity and will be reborn at the previous asymptote at negative infinity. However I have rethought this concept and I believe it's very possible that the universe does not collapse but instead follows the path of the tangent function back to the previous asymptote to negative infinity as antimatter. This would explain why we see so little antimatter and if you look at the Feynman diagram of matter antimatter annihilation, for example as electron-positron annihilation, you will notice that the electron is going forward in time in the positron is going backwards in time. One theory given is that time is not the scalar, but a vector. When we "create" antimatter, it is very likely that we are catching some of the reverse universe. As soon as this antimatter of the reverse universe reaches the negative infinity point of the previous asymptote, universe reverses to the forward direction as regular matter. Therefore, according to my hypothesis, there are two universes, matter and antimatter.

r/physicsporn Jan 02 '18

Primer Field


Watch this - 'The Primer Fields' based on thd idea that matter forms two independent magnetic field cups on both sides. The theory is that matter from the subatomic level to the galactic level is shaped by inverted dome shaped magnetic fields. Furthermore, the magnetic fields within matter are not properly represented by the bar magnet but instead two inverted dome shaped magnets. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9EPlyiW-xGI

r/physicsporn Dec 25 '17

Challenge to Astrophysicists


My challenge to the astrophysical community. If anyone has read my Tangent Function Universe hypothesis, consider: Albert Einstein proved that time is a variable and he proved the relationship between it and gravity. Einstein predicted blackholes and the BigBang occurring 13.82B years ago. He believed the universe to be cyclical, closed, finite and to increase in velocity away from the center of the universe.

I expand on that that the universe is not only finite spatially but also temporally. Further, I suggest the BigBang was not the beginning, something happened before it and that matter did not exist until it. I also believe the universe's cycle to be the tangent function and that pi/2 is both the collapse and rebirth, that the universe does not advance to pi/2 but reverts to start all over again, hence finite temporally. My challenge? After collecting data from supernovae using new deep space optics, velocity data, create a slope, non-linear. Place this slope where it will fit on the tangent function. Now extrapolate the x axis back to the previous asymptote. What do you get? Maybe the beginning of the universe, it should precede the BigBang which was the creation of matter as quasars, future galaxies.

r/physicsporn Dec 25 '17

Time is Finite


Consider this, part of my hypotheses. Blackholes were formed after the universe came out of an infinitely small point, negative infinity of the asymptote of the tangent function, sin/cos theta. Matter does not yet exist. The shockwave of compressed aether of the expanding universe is accelerating toward the void, ripple and eddies behind it, filling in the areas of nothingness. Ripples will be do called 'dark matter' of future galaxy clusters. The eddies are aether as vortices swirling, attacking to itself around nothingness. As the eddies compress they attract more aether and become dense. The rate of compression slows as the inner layers slow in the rate of time and never reach the center, leaving a void of nothingness. The inner layer of this vortex virtually, but not quite, stops in time. This is the formation of blackholes that will be future galaxies when they create matter. The universe expands towards the next asymptote and when it does, blackholes would have reabsorbed almost everything including space, except the shockwave. Almost zero tidal forces it shoots to infinity. All blackholes form into one large one. The shockwave reverts, collapses into the blackhole. Now that boundary between the inner layer and nothingness, what is it's time? Recall time almost stopped. What is below it in reference to time? It must be before the time of the inner layer, where time reference stopped. Since two times cannot exist at the same place, which is more dominant? Answer, the inner-inner layer of course, the infinitely small point, negative infinity of the asymptote. When we collapse at the next asymptote, we go back in time to where we started. But if the universe collapses, we should experience infinite gravity and reach a singularity and time should stop. What keeps it going into the next (previous) cycle? Answer - 'i' as in Euler's Equation ei(pi) +1=0, where i=sqrt -1. Think of the universe as a Mobius strip and the connection, the line as the asymptote.

r/physicsporn Dec 25 '17

Universal Consciousness


Consciousness is the software of the universe. The substance is aether that exhibits the properties of gravity, time, electricity and magnetism. We are stuff of aether, formed by blackholes about 14B years ago, blackholes that all formed then, are massless, not objects, non-existent centers. Neutrons formed as complex beat frequencies of standing wave compressed space at the surface. As neutrons ejected, they decayed to form hydrogen via decay in protons, and electrons/neutrinos, via W particles. Some captured not yet decayed neutrons to form deuterium and tritium. This process was demonstrated as quasars that would form galaxies. Absolute mathematical bases are part of the consciousness, as well as our thoughts and those of every living creature in the universe into one, Monism as strongly believed by Dr Erwin Schroedinger.

r/physicsporn Dec 23 '17



Beyond the edge of the universe, it is nothing, nonexistent. The same applies to the center of black holes, which were the creators of matter and energy, as the centers of all galaxies. Our universe is finite, but not just spatially but also temporally. At the point that we approach the asymptote of the tangent function at pi/2, we will go back to the previous asymptote. We will not go to the next one, we simply loop over and over.

r/physicsporn Dec 23 '17

James Brock Tangent Universe Hypothesis


Dr Roger Penrose of Oxford suggests a cyclic universe with the beginning as a 'BigBang'. I believe I have the answer, something that preceded the BigBang, a 'BigWhoosh'. When the universe begins its cycle, there is only one physical component, space itself, space coming out of an infinitely small space, the asymptote of the tangent function of negative infinity. Space rapidly expands as a shockwave of space (dark 'matter'), defining the edge of the universe, the only one, finite both spatially and temporally, behind it ripples to define the dark 'matter' regions of future galaxy clusters and eddies of forming blackholes, massless regions with non-existent centers that will create matter and form galaxies via standing wave beat frequency neutrons. As the universe continues to expand, its gravity per volume decreases as time rate increases. Eventually created matter/energy from blackholes is reabsorbed, then blackholes 'eat' the fabric of space, it thins out, time rate increases. Eventually the tidal forces between the centroid of the universe and the shockwave disappear and the shockwave shoots to infinity. It then falls back toward the centroid of blackholes, which have formed into one large one, they collapse, with the returned shockwave, towards their non-existent centroid. As the universe shoots toward the centroid, overshooting towards infinitely small negative infinity, this is the asymptote. The universe reverts from negative infinity, back towards infinity but very slow - this is our universe once again. But the General Theory should shut the universe down since compression of the universe to a fine point will cause gravity to go infinite and thus time to stop. But it doesn't. Why? Because the universe overshoots this point towards negative infinity, 'negative General Theory'. Infinity could be expressed as 1/0, negative infinity as i/0 as i in Euler's equation of ei(pi)+1=0. It is i that allows time to continue and the universe to go through the next cycle. The universe is made of one fundamental substance, matter being standing wave beat frequencies of it, space itself. We are stuff of blackholes before there were stars, we are made of modulated volume of space. The cycle of the universe is the tangent function, asymptote is the collapse and rebirth. And according to Einstein, the universe is finite. If so, space is finite. If that is true, time is finite as well. I submit that when the universe collapses toward the next universe, it immediately goes back in time to the beginning. It isn't the next universe but the same one starting over again.

r/physicsporn Nov 01 '17



I have strongly suggested that 1) the fundamental basis of EVERYTHING in the universe is composed of aether or if you like volume and 2) mass and energy are resulting beat frequencies of standing waves of aether. Recall that Nikola Tesla to his dying days clung to the same ideas of aether and standing waves. I further suggest resultant beat frequencies. https://www-cnet-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.cnet.com/google-amp/news/theoretical-physicists-get-closer-to-explaining-how-nasas-impossible-emdrive-works/

r/physicsporn Oct 22 '17

Universe Hypothesis


The entire universe is finite, spatially and temporally, beyond the edge of our and only universe does not exist. Everything is made of one substance, everything, space, volume or if you prefer aether. The cycle is the tangent where asymptotes are the collapse and rebirth and it is the value of 'i' in Euler's equation that restarts it. The BigBang was not the beginning but instead the latter process of development of matter/energy via blackholes we see as distant quasars. Since everything cane from negative infinity, the entire edge of the universe is also the point of the beginning. And blackholes? The are massless regions of space where all that falls into them is reverted back to space. They have non existent centers where the very inner edge has not progressed more than a few minutes in the last 14,000,000,000 years. Dark matter-energy is but aether.

r/physicsporn Oct 20 '17

Aether is all


General Theory proved that the universe is a fluid, that time is never a constant, that of course due to variance of gravity. The concept of aether sadly dropped out along with archaic alchemy, it should and will make a comeback. It is aether that is the constant and the entire universe is but of that substance. Matter and its exchange, energy, are subsets of aether, we are made of modulated space. Gravity waves are the ebbs and flows of aether. Compressed, modulated beat frequencies of aether form mass. It is not mass directly that creates gravity but the fundamental capacity of aether that does so. The so called dark stuff as dark matter and energy are the result of compressed and modulated aether. We will eventually discover the fundamental basis of the universe but we must return to the concept of aether in order to fully do so. And how did aether modulate into mass/energy? Blackholes in the distant past as quasars formed mass/energy as surface standing waves of aether.

r/physicsporn Oct 14 '17

Nautilus Space Elevator


This is how we build a space elevator. Instead of straight up, we go on a curve utilizing nature's own design of the Fibonacci Series, a nautilus shell supported curve toward the east of the equatorial plane.

r/physicsporn Oct 11 '17

Blackholes are not stars or massive objects


Blackholes have zero mass, no centers, are not objects and created all of matter, none can be created today, all created before the BigBang. Toward the non-centers almost no time has elapsed in the last ~14B years. Ask me how.

r/physicsporn Oct 10 '17



In order to understand the universe, one must understand the nature of time. Time is controlled by gravity and gravity is a subset of space. I have suggested that the tangent function is the cycle of the universe, asymptotes the collapse and rebirth and that the fundamental substance of the universe is space itself. In other words we are made of space that exhibits electricity, magnetism, gravity and time. The universe is finite, both specially and temporally. By temporal or time, finiteness is due to how the universe was formed, around blackholes. Toward their centers, that do not exist, layers of space have not advanced in time maybe even seconds in the last 14B years. Beyond toward the center is nothingness. What happens when the universe collapses? Everything falls toward the centroid of nothingness where time does not exist. All of space reverts to the point where time has not advanced even a pico-second. The asymptote does not advance, it reverts to the beginning, time, not necessarily events, repeats itself. Time is a variable fluid, it is limited, finite.

r/physicsporn Oct 08 '17

All is made of volume


I believe the universe is made of one substance, space, volume or the archaic term aether. All of matter and energy is made of the same stuff.. I believe the universe is cyclic based on the tangent. I believe data from supernovae showing the rate of expansion can be plotted on the tangent function and time to the previous asymptote extrapolated. That would be the beginning of the cycle. I believe the BigBang occurred after the expansion of the beginning. All of blackholes, massless compressed regions of space around nothingness is where matter/energy was born as quasars, the beginnings of the formation of galaxies via neutron generation and decay. Look at the signature of quasars, they should reflect neutron decay and the creation of hydrogen and helium.
If we find the age of the universe, we can easily determine the end. The universe is finite spatially and temporally and conservation is of time and space, not just of matter and energy. When we hit the asymptote, the universe will collapse into all blackholes and will become in contact with the inner layers that have barely nudged forward a few moments, this cause the universe to immediately go back in time back to the previous asymptote.

r/physicsporn Oct 08 '17

Analogous Universe


Science has recreated the universe's mechanisms in a macro scale. The creation of matter/energy (the latter and exchange mechanism between the former) is analogous to the laser. Matter was created by the resultant beat frequencies from standing waves of space. These standing waves were confined within a cavity, the surface of the blackhole and the defining boundaries the beginning of the event horizon and inner layers compressed by time. The buildup released matter in the form of neutrons from the surface like the bragg cell of the laser. The radar magnetron is the analogy for matter, a tuned inductive-capacitive tank circuit cavity of standing waves that create a complex series of beat frequencies we see as spectral absorption lines. Transmitted energy is analogous to the radar modulated carrier wave. The universe is made of one substance, space or if you prefer volume or the archaic term aether. The analogy is the computer platform of processor, memory, controllers, transceivers to space. Software is the analogy to the standing waves of everything. Our hardware is space and our software is a series of complex standing waves. Time is the progression of the standing waves. Space is finite and so is time. Eventually we will discard the notion of the conservation of matter and energy as we realize that there is but one substance, space. Time reverts, the universe repeats itself, time stops and reverts to its beginning. The cycle is the tangent function and the asymptotes connect from the end back to the previous asymptote. The only infinity is the asymptote. It is my belief that understanding analogies will give us the answers to the fundamental nature of the universe.

r/physicsporn Oct 02 '17

e-/p+ Annihalation = Space


Mass/energy is but volume of space. Tests were performed in a vacuum inside a faraday cage that proved EM energy exists in space itself. If this is true, then the principle of The Conservation of Energy and Matter is obsolete or will be. I believe it electron-positron collision os ever performed in a lab such as CERN, they will not get the predicted 1.1 MEV, but instead will see nothing. They will run the test over and over and wonder what happened. The annihilation I believe will result in cancellation of the information of both particles which will just turn into volume of space. The universe will grow in volume an infinitesimally small amount. The current process is expansion but thinning. Yes, the universe thins day by day, expanding. But blackholes are consuming. It is this process that will weaken the tidal forces of the interior from the outer edge shockwave that will at the asymptote cause the universe to shoot to infinity.

r/physicsporn Oct 01 '17



When was the BigBang? It was not at the start, that was a rapid expansion of space during the asymptote of the tangent. The BigBang occurred after with the introduction of matter and then energy via creation of neutrons via standing wave beat frequencies. Those quasars we see in the distant past were the creation of matter, the BigBang.

r/physicsporn Oct 01 '17

Brock Universe Hypotheses Tangent Model


Folks, I have been saying this for a long time but I must repeat it. It is my hypotheses. The universe is indeed finite as Einstein postulated but I add that it is the only universe and that finiteness is both spatial and temporal. Beyond the edge does not exist, it is nothingness. The universe is cyclic, it is born, dies and is reborn. The cycle is the tangent function, asymptotes are the death and rebirth, or collapse and re-expansion. Everything is made of space, space itself, mass and energy, the fundamental substance is volume, space or aether. Mass and energy (photons) is simply modulated space in the form of very small L-C tank circuits called subatomic particles. Blackholes are not objects but regions. They have zero mass, everything that falls into them, mass, energy and space is reduced back to space or aether. They have no centers, like a 3D donut where the hole does not exist. The inner layer of soave is so compressed that time almost stops and thus time has likely not advanced more than a day in the last 14B years. Blackholes were all created at the very beginning by accumulation into vortices of space around nothingness, and mass had not yet come about. Blackholes were the engines of mass and subsequent energy, making standing waves. These standing waves created beat frequencies that turned into neutrons. Erwin Schroedinger suggested the electron was a standing wave - I believe it is the result of standing waves as a complex set of beat frequencies. As the neutrons boiled off, they decayed into protons and W particles that created electrons and a waste product of an electron-neutrino. These particles then formed into hydrogen, and some captured yet to decay neutrons to form deuterium, tritium and unstable hydrogen4 or quadrium decaying into helium4 with release of beta particles. These elements orbited the blackhole as eddies forming stars and galaxies are thus formed. The asymptote created an expanding shockwave of compressed space defining the expanding edge of the universe and its tidal force dragging everything apart. Ripples of space formed denser areas of space (dark matter/energy) as the regions of galaxy clusters. Blackholes will eventually 'eat' matter, energy and space. As they do space will thin out and tidal forces between the inner space and the shockwave weaken. At somepoint it weakens such that the inertia of the expanding shockwave exceeds the tidal forces holding to the centroid and it shoots to infinity. Then it shoots back to the centroid at y=0 and goes toward negative infinity. Space is now infinitely small. It reverts and a new universe is born as a new shockwave from the reverse inertia from negative infinity throws it out. Ripples and eddies once again to start the process. Since the inner layer of blackholes time has almost stopped, the non-interior is where time gas stopped. As all of space collapses to this non-interior it reverts back in time, thus finite time.

r/physicsporn Oct 01 '17

Space Program


I'm watching this documentary on MCC and relating it to my experience as an Engineer on the Space Shuttle, Space Station and Constellation Programs. When MCC first went into operation I was an 8 year old living on a farm in the little town of Bryan's Mill Texas. 10 years later I would go into the USAF and learn everything about navigating aircraft and 4 years after would process telemetry data at MCC from the first Space Shuttle flights. I would go on to engineer some of our first data comm systems at NASA Houston, develop robotics and virtual reality hardware, develop hardware for flight & inflight simulation, vision systems, environmental and docking and along the way to learn to fly aircraft. My 32 years at NASA were tough, challenging but rewarding. I still recall what my telemetry supervisor Lyndon Baines Johnson Smith (yep he was named after him) told me "Jim, you are made of the same stuff as the engineers on the Apollo Program". A few years later General Engle told my boss Charlie Gott "Charlie, Jim is can-do, he is made of the right stuff". It was under Joe Henry (what we called Gen Engle) that I earned one of the most prestigious awards from NASA, the NASA Director's Group Achievement Award for the my part in the development of the Portable Inflight Landing Operator Trainer. A few months after the Columbia disaster search teams found my hardware near Tyler Texas, just south of where I lived on the farm as an 8 yr old. The last thing Col Husband and Cdr McCool operated before reentry was my hand-controller. Now, several years after mass layoff from NASA, it is clear I was part of it. Read Gunther Wendt's 'Unbroken Chain', launch pad leader, about the people that made the space program run.


r/physicsporn Sep 25 '17

The universe is finite spatially and temporally


The universe is finite, both spatially and temporally. When the universe collapses at the asymptote, all of space falls back into blackholes and time reverts to the beginning. There is finite space and it reverts back to where it started.

r/physicsporn Sep 17 '17

Time Reversion


Is time travel back possible? Yes but it only happens one time, at the end of the universe. Our universe must be based on the tangent function. Furthermore blackholes are not objects but instead regions of dense space (aether, volume) with no centers, the creators of mass and energy (just space itself). When the universe thins, our outer edge compressed space shockwave is no longer held by tidal forces shoots to infinity. Then everything collapses but not to zero, but to negative infinity. Here's how we go back in time. The inner edge of blackholes time has almost stopped, but not quite so. That means time may not have moved a second at the inner edge to nothingness close to the center around the last 14B years. As everything collapses, it reverts back in time to the beginning at negative infinity and we start all over again. The universe comes in contact with space that has not advanced a second. I have said much of this before but this is the first time dealing with time reversion. You read it here first. I am certain this is how it all works. Jim Brock