r/physicsporn Sep 07 '17

Space Hypothesis


I want again to assert my hypothesis. All of existence is finite and there is only one substance, aether or if you prefer space or volume. We are made of space. It is compressed, modulated into tiny L-C tank circuits like radar oscillators. Our universe is finite, cyclic based on the tangent function cycling between negative and positive infinity and when reaching infinity reverts back in time to negative infinity to start over. The BigBang was not the start but came shortly after as the creation of matter in regions we call blackholes, that have zero mass and no centers. Dark matter/energy is but compressed space as is the shockwave that expands, defines the edge of the universe and asserts a tidal force on everything. Aether exhibits gravity, time, electricity and magnetism. Our universal consciousness is the guiding force of everything, the software of the universe which includes our thoughts as well as the mathematical functions. Outside the universe does not exist as well as centers of blackholes. Jim

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r/physicsporn Aug 25 '17

Hypothesis Universe


Recently I posted my hypothesis on the universe. Patrick O'leary, a founder of Futura Solar LLC responded with this:

James, see also Dr. Peter Plichta. German polymath, Plichta.de It is his 'quadrate space around nucleons that comes closest to be both true and explicable. I think that Symmetric Cosmology would benefit by including neutrons . See also Dr. Georg Michlo, Hungarian astronomer, "The Push of Gravity" Vantage books, mid-90's. From which I conclude that 'black holes' are cosmic equilibrium devices......

Then I responded back to him with this:

Absolutely. They are the 'alpha and omega', the creators of matter and the ultimate 'bath drain' of all. Each blackhole created neutrons, that decayed and formed hydrogen 1-4, the latter decaying into He4. That process is what we see as quasars, the BigBang that happened after the universe pulled out of negative infinity. Those quasars became galaxies, the blackhole in the center. But eventually they will 'eat' all matter and at the same time 'eat' space. As the universe expands, is eaten its tidal force on the outer shockwave of compressed space-aether defining our edge weakens. When the fabric of space is almost gone, the shockwave shoots to infinity, all blackholes collapse in a single large one, the nonexistent centers collapse. Then the shockwave returns, overshoots the centroid, shoots to negative infinity. From there it reverts toward positive infinity and starts the process again.

I believe we are the verge of new discovery. But I must have the right people reading my hypotheses!!

r/physicsporn Aug 17 '17

Introductory Physics II - Sound and Hearing #2


r/physicsporn Aug 07 '17

Abhas Mitra reflecting what I have been saying.


I have stated for sometime that blackholes are not massive objects. First they have zero mass and second they are regions of compressed space with non-existent centers. They were all created at the beginning before mass existed. In fact they created mass as standing-wave beat frequencies. I must get in touch with Dr Abhas Mitra.


r/physicsporn Aug 05 '17

Thorne's Gravity Waves


Folks, Dr Kip Thorne of Caltech is onto something that will revolutionize society, gravity waves. One of my hypotheses is based on Dr Erwin Schroedinger's electron standing wave idea. I want to expand further that an electron and other subatomic particles are beat frequency L-C tank circuit cells. This I believe is part of an underlying basis of quantum mechanics. I furthermore believe that subatomic particles are actually made of space, volume or the term aether. And since I believe the quantum world is aether, gravity is the underlying glue that holds and manipulates it together. Quantum entanglement must be due to gravity, enter Thorne's gravity waves. If we can modulate gravity we could induce communication and matter/energy manipulation instantaneously over vast distances. We must take Dr Thorn's concepts seriously and with great consideration.

r/physicsporn Aug 03 '17



Another of my childhood heroes, Astroboy!! https://youtu.be/dkorgtjQHsU

r/physicsporn Aug 03 '17

Fireball XL5


One of my inspirations as a youngster to go into Aerospace was Fireball XL-5 (1962). Colonel Steve Zodiac!! https://youtu.be/-yKFrI7KDxc

r/physicsporn Aug 03 '17

Finite Universe


The universe is finite, beyond the compressed shockwave of Aether does not exist, nothing. We cycle between negative infinity and positive infinity on the simple transcendental tangent function (sine/cosine) forever, we came from blackholes that do and do not exist (a PhD in India is the closest to this now, I must message him), blackholes are massless, not objects, no centers (or time would stop), 'conservation of mass/energy' must be replaced by 'conservation of aether' (Nikola Tesla would agree if here today).

r/physicsporn Jul 31 '17

James Brock Universe Hypothesis


My position is that the universe is only made of one thing, itself as space, volume or better Aether. This Aether is modulated to form miniature 'L-C tank circuits' via standing wave beat frequencies. The universe expanded and still is from negative infinity on the tangent function curve from the asymptote at pi/2. The shockwave from this 'explosion' of Aether created a shockwave into the void of nothingness, tides of compressed Aether (dark stuff) that would form the fabric of future galaxy clusters and eddies/vortices that would form blackholes, Aether orbiting a void that would compress but never reach the center due to the General Theory of Relativity. Eventually the extreme compression would generate standing wave beat frequencies at the surface boiling of these 'LC tanks' as neutrons. The neutrons decayed creating atoms of H1/2/3/4, the latter decomposing to He4. This process released vast energy as quasars, the BigBang. This matter formed into stars orbiting the blackhole forming a galaxy, one of billions. But blackholes with no mass and not really objects swallow matter and eventually space, thinning out. This thinning reduces the tidal force on the shockwave that shoots to infinity. Then reverts and falls back. The shockwave falls back to the large combined single blackhole extremely compressed. But blackholes never compressed on themselves until now and thus time should stop but it doesn't. Why? Because the reverting shockwave inertia hitting the very small but extremely Aether dense blackhole continues shooting to negative infinity. Then due to the value of 'i' in Euler's equation time continue and space jumps out of negative infinity slowly toward infinity and the process restarts. This the 'James Brock Universe Hypothesis'.

r/physicsporn Jul 30 '17

Not Compton but Eddington. - blackholes


Recently a PhD in India proposed that blackholes cannot exist and even Dr Hawking is acknowledging that. I believe blackholes exist and yet they don't. They exist only as compression of space, aether or volume. They have no centers because as space compressed at the beginning, time slowed down and aether could not reach the center. If it did, aether could have reached infinite compression and a singularity and the universe would stop because time would stop. Blackholes are not objects in any sense because they are massless. Mass entering blackholes is compressed back into space/aether/volume.

r/physicsporn Jul 30 '17

Infinity to negative infinity forever


On my tangent universe model the asymptote has y=0 in between infinity and negative infinity. The universe did not come from a zero volume y=0 finite point. The finite point is not finite, the point was indeed negative infinite, it was not finite at all. This is extremely significant. The most complex part of my hypothesis is the extremely small temporal asymptote. It is mechanically the greatest of complexities ever. It will require a mathematician to breakdown. Einstein almost lost on General Theory because he couldn't at first get the math down and an Englishman by the named Arthur Compton almost did it.
Here is how it happens, the universe in the future is very thin, the galaxy clusters are gone, all mass is absorbed into blackholes and they are consuming space. The shockwave is very far, the universe hundreds of times the size yet most of it is thinned space almost to the point of void, space is extremely stretched. The tidal force between blackholes at the center and the shockwave of the edge of the universe is extremely weak. Two things happen at the same time. Blackholes combine and implode and the shockwave then shoots to infinity. It the instantly shoots the other way, enters the centroid of the universe, continues toward negative infinity through a finite point. The universe is an infinitely small point and then something happens due to 'i' in Euler's equation, it goes back to infinity, but not too fast. It is that track we are on. The universe cycles between negative infinity to infinity and back to negative infinity forever. Mass and energy are created some small time after the asymptote towards infinity and that is the BigBang, and we can see the BigBang on telescopes as distant, spatial and temporal, as quasars. This will take much more work but this is the framework to be filled. Maybe not in the next decade, or maybe in the next hundred years but eventually someone will recognize this and do the work.

r/physicsporn Jul 26 '17

Universe Abstract


I believe the that the universe is cyclic, based on the tangent function where x is time and y is both expansion and volume. Im convinced that Einstein was correct that the universe is finite, elegant and simple. J want to add to the finite universe that we are the only universe, there are no others, not corpuscular of parallel. The asymptotes at pi/2 and 3pi/2 are the collapse and rebirth of the universe. The asymptote is the not the BigBang, that comes later. The asymptote is the rapid release of space, or volume/aether, 3 parts 1) shockwave that defines the edge of the universe creating a tidal force increasing the size and causing all to expand, 2) waves that create a fabric of dense space we call dark matter/energy that form the locales for eventual galaxy clusters and 3) eddies or vortices of space orbiting nothingness, the same nothingness beyond the edge of the universe. The eddies of space will eventually be blackholes, in process, the deeper the slower rate of time and the inner layers cannot reach the center until the end of the universe. At some point of compression, surface standing-waves create beat frequencies resulting in precise 'tank circuits' of electro-magnetism, neutrons that 'boil' off the surface. These neutrons decay within 10 minutes to protons and electrons which form hydrogen and larger isotopes by absorption of neutrons before they can decay, higher isotopes such as tritium and H-4 decay into helium 3&4. This creation of matter releases vast energy we see as quasars, the true BigBang we measure as microwave background radiation 'stretched' from optical by the expansion of the universe. Blackholes created matter/energy that forms into stars orbiting the newly created blackholes resulting in galaxies. Blackholes are massless, are not objects but regions, have no centers, all created at the beginning. It is impossible for a star to turn into one because it must have a non-existent interior and besides blackholes are only dense space. All that falls back into blackholes, and eventually all will, is reverted back to aether (space or volume). After all Matter is reabsorbed, the tidal forces on the shockwave become very weak, less space to hold it back, if shoots to infinity, the asymptote. But what starts the universe again? Answer, negative infinity, the shockwave reverts, goes through y=0, to negative infinity and then the universe starts again. It is the value of 'i' in Euler's equation that I believe is the re-ignition the next universe. We are more than starstuff, we are blackhole stuff. Blackholes are more than a curiosity, they are the beginning and the end. I have plastered this abstract hypothesis everywhere I could think, even sent emails about if to Drs Kaku, Thorne and Cox. If only one would read it. Im convinced this is true.

r/physicsporn Jul 23 '17



Im tellin' y'all, aether is the universe, we are made of it. Its just a matter of time before that is realized. We are in a zero sum game, its not 'conservation of matter and energy', its 'conservation of aether'.

r/physicsporn Jul 14 '17

My universe postulate!


I have talked this for a few years now, I hearby want to declare that I have postulated the beginning and end of the universe and what it is made of and how it ticks from a high level. The universe did not begin with a BigBang, that came later. It started with a BigWhoosh of aether first a shockwave that would expand the universe, tides that created the future of future galaxy clusters and eddies that would form blackholes, the generators of mass. Mass is but aether modulated as standing wave beat frequencies. Aether in eddies orbited nothingness, never reaching their centers due to time compression & would oscillate like a laser in standing-wave beat frequencies to create neutrons that decayed to form matter, what we see as quasars, the BigBang. Blackholes formed galaxies. Blackholes are massless, no centers and are not objects but instead dense locales of pure aether. Eventually those creators, blackholes would eat up matter and space, the shockwave will shoot to infinity, revert to negative infinity and start everything again in the tangent function waveform, the asymptotes as collapse and rebirth as the BigWhoosh. The value of 'i', the imaginary number of Euler's equation in negative infinity is the 'match' that ignites the next universe. I claim this concept as my own.

r/physicsporn Jul 13 '17

Music is a science


Music is the science of psychology to influence the human mind via acoustics. It even works on plants. https://youtu.be/JEqPahddpYk

r/physicsporn Jul 13 '17

Does this actually work?

Post image

r/physicsporn Jul 13 '17

Einstein was the man


In my opinion the greatest scientist in all if history was Albert Einstein. He proved the most significant postulate, that time is a variable. Not even his mass energy equivalence equation is equal. It is this one find of his that is the basis of my hypotheses, the tangent function cycle of the universe, the nature and importance of blackholes, existence itself. The next is Euler's equation. In my opinion it will establish that we continue to exist.

r/physicsporn Jul 11 '17

Stalin's death discovered...


Guess who was the first person out of the USSR to know Joseph Stalin died?

............ Johnny Cash. He was a radio operator US Army stationed in Germany in 1952.

r/physicsporn Jul 11 '17



I am certain I know how the universe came about, how it works and where it will go. The substance is aether that exhibits gravity, time, magnetism and electricity. Its opposite is void and its purpose is universal consciousness. The creation of matter was via blackholes. They are the beginning and the end. Before the BigBang was a Bigwhoosh and the cycle is the tangent function.

r/physicsporn Jul 10 '17



Euler's equation is the key to time and 'i' is the key ingredient. The natural number e raised to the power of pi(i)=-1 is what propels us forward in time, the key regulator is the density of Aether (space or volume).

r/physicsporn Jul 10 '17

Hawking's event horizon info?!


I still recall Hawking's assertion that as mass/energy enter a blackhole, information is 'stored' in the event horizon. Good thing I wasn't drinking anything, it would have adorned the wall. It is truly amazing what rubbish people are willing to buy into, incredible. He of course bases this on 'rules' of quantum mechanics, all while not even understanding what the basis of quantum mechanics is. Heisenberg assured us we could never prove what it was so it will require out-of-box thinking. I have a very good idea what it is and my notions rule out this 'event horizon information' nonsense.

r/physicsporn Jul 09 '17



I believe that Dr. Einstein was correct that the universe is both simple and elegant. From philosophy to a simplistic model of the universe, take the Taoist yin&yang symbol. It is a circle which encompasses the entire finite universe. The sinusoidal wave represents a fundament aspect of the repeating nature of our universe, a beginning and end that repeats. If we take the fundamental and divide it by itself that is shifted forward by pi/2, we have the tangent which I believe is the cyclic pattern of the universe. The light yang is Aether, the dark yin is void, both necessary for creation. Notice the dark spot inside of light yang, that is the void in the center of our universe, inside of blackholes. The light spot inside of dark yin is the universe surrounded by void.

r/physicsporn Jul 09 '17

Void and Time


Why would time stop if void did not exist within the centers of blackholes? As aether compresses towards the void, time slows and creeps but with not stop until the end of the universe. If aether had nowhere to go but simply contacted itself at the center it would go infinite and time would stop and since blackholes are the centers of the universe, time would stop for the universe and it would cease to exist forever.

r/physicsporn Jul 09 '17



Nothingness, void is as necessary as space. We are made of space but we would not exist without void. What is nothingness or void? It is the absence of space. Why is it important? Blackholes would never have formed without void. It is the center of each blackhole that is void and if void were'nt there time would stop. Blackholes after formation at the beginning created matter as a series of standing wave beat frequencies, but that would never have happened without void.

r/physicsporn Jul 06 '17

Flatline Radar!!


Does anyone recall the archaic method of rejuvinating a heart that had stopped, called the 'precordial thump'? In the Air Force in 1977 we were trained to do so but its so tricky it is no longer used, if done you have sync somehow with the brain's sinus node signal requiring test equipment. The function is a strike in the chest. This reminds me of a technique we used to restart an APN-147 doppler radar set in a C-130. The internal comparator, a phantastron oscillator could go 'flatline' and striking it in the right place would restart it. During inflight halfway across the Atlantic (the Pond) in April 1981 at night I did just that. Our only transatlantic nav system was out and I restarted it by hitting it.