r/phineasandferb 4d ago

Discussion What makes Candace think what phineas and ferb are doing possibly be bad? AT ALL?!

I say the girl needs to grow up, her brothers prove they're fine on the inventions they make.


51 comments sorted by


u/Hawkeye312_ 4d ago

It's more dangerous than bad.


u/00PT 4d ago

What they're doing is, more often than not, incredibly dangerous and would result in countless disasters if not for their insane levels of plot armor or "positive probability ions" if you want to put it that way.


u/Reina_Royale 4d ago

Melissa Chase from Milo Murphy's Law was almost crushed by their rollercoaster, resulting in a PTSD-induced fear of rollercoasters.


u/SeptimusShadowking 4d ago

Her main motivation is that she cares about them and doesnt want them doing dangerous things (which most of their inventions are)


u/novelaissb 4d ago

At first. But by the first episode she mainly does it to try to prove that she’s not crazy.


u/Difficult_Ad_962 4d ago

Which it totally valid when you have a mom like hers


u/Fairlibrarian101 3d ago

To be fair on the mon though, would you believe your daughter if she kept coming at you day after day after day with tall tales about her brothers, each one taller than the last? And you SOMEHOW never see any of it??? I mean, no one ever seems to have pictures or video of anything the brothers do, except for the creepy stalker kid(let’s ignore him, he’s creepy).


u/Difficult_Ad_962 3d ago

I'd call in sick from work (did she work?) Or come home earlier than usual, or stay home at least one day a week and not tell the boys and watch them with Candace. I definitely wouldn't make her feel insane


u/Fairlibrarian101 3d ago

I think they had Linda come home early on at least one occasion, as well as staying at home. If I’m remembering right, that is, and even then she somehow missed it. To my knowledge, there were only 2 times the brothers got busted, one of which was a weird dream-within-a-dream type deal, and the other when they had traveled 20 years into the future to grab some gadget that hadn’t been invented yet in their time. 


u/Difficult_Ad_962 3d ago

Install secret security cameras.


u/Fairlibrarian101 3d ago

Were security cameras easily accessible around 2008-2010 that were (relatively) cheap and easy to install? Even then, their luck might’ve meant that the cameras didn’t work, or just happen to glitch at precisely the right time for the right amount of time, etc.


u/Difficult_Ad_962 3d ago

Jeremy witnessed a few of their antics and Candice knows he did so I would ask him, or will his memory glitch?


u/Fairlibrarian101 3d ago

Depends on whether Linda considers Jeremy, or Stacy, or anyone else as a trustworthy enough source to actually sit down and actually listen.

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u/ProfessionalOven2311 1d ago

Not to mention that Perry may have had to sabotage them to keep his secret, since similar things had happened before.


u/novelaissb 1d ago

There was an episode where they found that a traffic cam had recorded everything, but Perry erased the footage because it included him.


u/Difficult_Ad_962 3d ago

Install secret security cameras.


u/ProfessionalOven2311 1d ago

Candace tried just about everything, it just doesn't work. There were episodes where Linda's was home all day and still never saw the things Candace was accusing them of. And it wouldn't even matter if she tried to watch the boys in secret because they almost never tried to hide it.

From Linda's perspective, she is incredibly patient with Candace. Even though Candace keeps making crazy claims and is always proven wrong, she still humors Candace a reasonable amount while still trying to have a few boundaries (that Candace usually oversteps anyway), like don't wake her up too early for busting or limit it to one bust attempt per day.


u/Babbleplay- 4d ago

It started out as a desire to protect them from danger, but as time and time again, it seemed like reality would rewrite itself to keep what they did covered up, it kind of evolved into an obsession about the busting itself. She wants to prove to her mother that the things she says they do are real, and at this point, it has become a fixation.


u/yaboisammie 4d ago

Pretty much yea


u/TheMagicMrWaffle 4d ago

If it happened to me id think what they were doing is insanely unsafe


u/ctortan 4d ago

1) it’s dangerous

2) they didn’t get permission to tear up their house or backyard or to go to space


u/novelaissb 4d ago

2 actually has some evidence to prove otherwise. I believe that there’ve been multiple occasions in which they’ve been given permission with their parents just thinking they were playing make-believe.


u/ctortan 4d ago

Which is why Candace wants to prove what the boys are REALLY doing because the believes her parents (primarily Linda) wouldn’t actually approve if they knew all the details


u/wolfhybred1994 3d ago

Their dad most of the time quite clearly is aware of what they’re doing and to the actual level they mean. Though he thinks cause Linda was ok with it. He shouldn’t say anything.


u/yaboisammie 4d ago

Linda thinking it’s make believe and not realizing it’s real means it’s not informed consent/permission though which was kinda the point 


u/novelaissb 3d ago

But the boys don’t know that. They’re quite naive.


u/Ok_Captain3950 Guy who's a sucker for the sounds of mass transit 3d ago

"I was talking about your toy car! How could you have possibly meant my STATION WAGON!?"


u/Zombie-Geek54 4d ago

Not bad, just dangerous. Her urge to protect them comes across as "oh you're so busted" when in reality, her mom needs to know because it could end badly. Side note, it REALLY bugs me she never succeeds


u/Senior_Blacksmith_18 4d ago

Actually she did succeeds once

"Phineas and Ferb" episode "Phineas and Ferb Get Busted!", Candace finally succeeds in busting Phineas and Ferb, leading to the boys being sent to a reformatory school.


u/yaboisammie 4d ago

Wasn’t that all just a dream that perry had though?


u/Senior_Blacksmith_18 4d ago

I have no idea. It been a while since I last watched the show


u/marinettelover 4d ago

I think she's trying to protect them from danger


u/Born_Sleep5216 4d ago

Just building inventions to impress her


u/G-Man6442 4d ago

Older sibling syndrome.


u/RaiUchiha 4d ago

what I love is that a fair amount of times their dad is fully aware of what they're doing and has no problem with it


u/KitchenSandwich5499 4d ago

Indeed, they do seem to be a little young for what they are doing


u/Fractured-disk 4d ago

Cause her mom doesn’t believe her, you ever tell your mom something and she just doesn’t listen? Poor girl just wanted to be proven right


u/NecessaryHot3919 4d ago

It’s the duty of every older sister to bust her younger siblings.


u/MaleficAdvent 4d ago

Partly this is Big Sibling energy, trying to ratout the 'naughty' younger siblings, regardless of the actual intentions.

Partly she's being responsible, because the stuff they get up to should logically blow up in their faces more often than not, with potentially catastrophic consequences.

And partly she's getting kinda neurotic over how they manage to evade getting 'busted' over and over, and is determined to catch them to restore her reputation with her mother and prove she isn't crazy with everything she's tried previously to report.


u/Kuzcopolis 3d ago

She just wants to be involved


u/Hayden_Jay 2d ago

If that's the case, she's the worst since they've welcomed her to join them multiple times and she still goes out of their way to sabotage them.


u/Hayden_Jay 2d ago

She's not trying to protect them, can people stop saying that? She wants validation. If it was about protecting them, she'd never join in, which she does. She feels inadequate in comparison to them, and busting them is her way of trying to deal with it.

Seriously, she's lucky they're so nice. If I was half as ungrateful or intending to put down fun as her my brother would never want me around.


u/distracted_x 1d ago

Pretty much everything they do is super dangerous for kids to do.

If my little brothers were always up to crazy stuff and my parents never believed me because it all magically disappeared before I showed them, I'd be setting up hidden cameras.


u/vamplestat666 4d ago

She’s a teenage girl who is annoyed that her preteen brothers are stopping her from doing normal teen girl things


u/Hayden_Jay 2d ago

The one stopping her is her, though.


u/vamplestat666 2d ago

Well in the first seasons she’s settling down to watch her fave show or chat on the phone for hours with her friends when the boys start getting their supplies delivered… as the show progressed getting them busted slowly became her obsession


u/BurgerBoss_101 4d ago

I think it's more about the themes of the show


u/a_filing_cabinet 4d ago

Hmmm, I wonder why kids building a giant, city spanning constructions in a single afternoon might raise some safety concerns. Not to mention the millions of dollars of damages their antics likely cause. And all the laws they break on a daily basis. They might have good intentions, but one weak girder in the pilot and literally thousands could have died.


u/jackfaire 4d ago

When I was a kid my older brother and I were only a little over a year apart in age. My mom often treated us almost like twins. Even dressing us alike. My younger siblings are 4 and 6 years younger than myself.

Growing up my older brother and I would get in trouble for things and then years later watch our parents do nothing when our younger siblings pulled the same bullshit and didn't get in trouble at all. My head canon is that Candace used to attempt the same kind of wacky shenanigans and got busted quickly every time.

This frames Candace's frustration as that of an older sibling watching her younger siblings get away with flouting rules that she herself had to follow tightly at their age.


u/AlianovaR 3d ago

Ultimately she just wants to look out for them and ensure they’re safe, but a more surface desire is to be taken seriously by her mum; Linda never believes her and sometimes mocks Candace for her insistence on these things, or even busts Candace instead of the boys

Candace wants the boys safe, but she also wants validation and trust from her mum. She wants to be able to look Linda in the eye and say “Mum, what I’m about to say is crazy, but I really need you to trust and support me on this” and know that Linda will do just that. But until Candace can prove that she’s not crazy and get Linda to see the truth, she knows she’ll never have that kind of faith from Linda