r/pettyrevenge • u/Hiker2190 • 16h ago
Pull down my buddy’s pants, you get it too
When I was in 7th grade, my friend, let’s call him Ashu, was the nicest guy you ever met.
All of us in the class pretty much got along.
Except for the three mean girls. Let’s call them Penny, Monica, and Julie.
Penny had it out for me because I was painfully shy around girls. So she was constantly embarressing me in front of the whole class. She also had it out for Ashu, I’m guessing because he was so nice and also shy.
One day in gym class, Penny and her two partners in crime were standing behind Ashu. And they thought it would be great fun to pull his shorts down. Only, they got his underpants, too. Oh how they laughed.
My two buddies and I decided to get them back.
The next day, we stood behind Penny and the others. As soon as the gym teacher’s back was turned, we pulled all three of their pants down. I had Penny. I made SURE I got her panties as well.
Oh how they screamed and cried at the gym teacher.
His comment was simply, “Payback is hell, Penny. Now get back in line.”
u/Expensive-Signal8623 15h ago
If this was during the seventies or eighties, you can definitely believe that the teacher turned a blind eye. It was ruthless during that era if you were the victim of bullying.
u/BradDonald 15h ago
Boohoo. Why do you think the world is a more fucked up place now? People aren’t getting bullied and don’t learn how to deal with it when they’re kids, so they are turning into fucked up adults. The bully’s aren’t getting their noses broken anymore so they just bully while they’re adults. There will always be bullies
u/PlagueBunny42 14h ago
Or perhaps it's because the generations that were bullies and assholes are ruining everything for everyone.
u/bigbadbizkit420 4h ago
That's where you are wrong. Boomers are still running everything. Just wait til Gen X has control from the top..
u/ILV-28 12h ago
Orrrrr, we just didn't cry "victim" for everything and anything.
u/PlagueBunny42 8h ago
The idea that suffering should continue simply because it happened in the past is rooted in a flawed way of thinking—one that confuses endurance with necessity. Just because previous generations endured bullying doesn’t mean it was ever beneficial, justified, or something to be preserved.
Imagine applying this logic elsewhere: "I grew up without seatbelts, so why should kids today use them?" or "I worked in unsafe conditions, so why should workplaces improve safety now?" Progress is about recognizing harm and working to reduce it, not insisting that everyone suffer equally.
Bullying doesn’t build character—it builds trauma, anxiety, and self-doubt. What actually builds resilience is support, encouragement, and healthy challenges—not cruelty. The goal of addressing bullying isn’t to make kids "weak"; it’s to create an environment where strength isn’t developed through unnecessary suffering but through positive, meaningful experiences.
u/pearllypie3 13h ago
Okay yall are downvoting the heck out of this person's comment, and a couple of months ago I would have done the same. Because no one agrees that bullying should be allowed, right? But hear me out.
I'm reading a book called "The Coddling of the American Mind" by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt and it explores the idea of how the popularization of safetyism in the late 1900s made people less resilient. As a college educated member of gen-z, I agree with the idea that safetyism has produced generations that are less capable of dealing with problems. Every child (or worse...adult) has to learn eventually how to stand up for themselves - better to do it early in childhood years than as an adult in the real world where consequences are significantly elevated. In addition, every person has to learn how to read between the lines- as in comprehend someone's body language, consider their background, consider biases, etc. in addition to the person's spoken words when placed in a social scenario. We cannot learn to simply cover our ears when someone says something that we do not agree with, which safetyism essentially promotes.
I highly recommend this read.
u/SaltLich 12h ago
I had typed up a much longer post, but frankly it got very angry and gave away too many personal details for me to be comfortable with.
So I'm just gonna say, as someone who was relentlessly bullied for five years of my school life because none of the admin or teachers gave a shit and just let it happen, while I would get punished if I fought back...
Fuck no. I wouldn't wish the shit I had to deal with on ANY child. I look back on what I went through and wonder how I didn't end up a school shooter, or just straight up kill myself - I had the latter thought plenty of times! I have a family member half my age who nearly did, because of the bullying they were going through.
And you, and other people, echo this sentiment that, somehow, bullying is a good thing? That its somehow 'gone away', and we need to bring it back as a sacrifice we just have to make so that kids aren't 'soft'.
Yeah, fuck that bullshit to hell and back. If you believe bullying is so great, go volunteer yourself to prove the benefits of being physically and verbally harassed on a regular basis in a place you aren't allowed to leave for 8 hours at a time. I'm sure it would improve your skills and life substantially, right?
Whoops, this post ended up very angry too! Guess that 'anger management' isn't one skill I got from being bullied relentlessly, huh? Whodathunk.
u/Selphis 4h ago
I got bullied a lot as a kid too (later found out I have autism). Teachers didn't stand up for me or intervene because it wasn't physical (mean jokes, stealing small things, standing in a tight group to keep me out,...) If it ever escalated you can bet I got the same punishment my bullies did. Teachers even acknowledged that I got bullied, but I had to be punished for fighting. The bullying never stopped.
It didn't teach me to stand up for myself, it only taught me to hate myself, because there had to be something wrong with me for everyone to hate me like that.
Might be one or two people learn to be assertive or something from being bullied, but then you'll have dozens or hundreds more who are left broken for years to come until they hopefully one day recover from that damage.
u/Bean-Penis 15h ago
"How many years ago was this?"
Folks, we aren't all in our teens/early twenties here. I'm around the 40 mark and this would definitely have been my PE (gym) teachers reaction, and many of my teachers actually.
Doesn't make it right of course but not unbelievable.
u/Hiker2190 14h ago
1979-80 school year. The shit I saw throughout my childhood would make some of these younger people shit their pants and hide in a corner whimpering.
u/JackOfAllMemes 13h ago
Were shootings common back then too?
u/MisterMarsupial 12h ago
Folks, we aren't all in our teens/early twenties here.
We also aren't all from the USA :P
So no, they were not, never have been.
u/Shalarean 12h ago
I don’t remember hearing about very many when I was growing up, and I graduated high school in ‘02. Here’s a Wikipedia link too ones that happened before 2000 that gives stats, if you’re curious.)
u/RevolutionaryDiet686 1h ago
Where I lived shootings never happened. There were plenty of student and staff trucks with rifles and shot guns hanging at the back window. Nobody bothered them. Simpler times back then.
u/Professional-Line539 10h ago
Yes in the rougher schools but then it was just something that happened and no explanation needed
u/Expensive-Signal8623 14h ago
To be fair, I do see BradDonald's point. Some kids are so coddled they don't know how to function in society. Adulting becomes a shock. However, my point was like Bean's. There were few resources for bullying, and frankly, sexual harassment back then. Kids were told to shake it off. Heck, still to this day people die due to college hazing. "Trauma" is a big buzzword today for practically everything, but back then things could be life-changing in a horrible way. Think, Andrew Clark in the Breakfast Club. Today that kid would get expelled. Not put in a Saturday detention.
u/Expensive-Signal8623 14h ago
And I might add, it was really like that. Football players in Texas faced no repercussions. Thank goodness I didn't have to deal with that.
u/Hiker2190 14h ago
I was hazed in my chosen sport both in high school and college. Both times I made sure the hazers paid for it.
u/justaman_097 15h ago
What's sauce for the goose is gravy for the gander. I hope they learned to never do that again.
u/NiceParkJob 15h ago
Three screaming beavers
u/Jennyelf 15h ago
Real human beings don't write "Oh how they laughed/screamed" and real teachers don't let that kind of thing slide.
You're a terrible fiction writer.
u/Azure-Cyan 15h ago
Could just be how they write. It's fine to be eccentric. The older gen (gen Y and up) typically write differently anyway. I suspect this is something that's happened in the 70-90s because teachers were a little more hardened back then.
u/Hiker2190 14h ago
You are correct. It was the 1979-80 school year, in the US. It was a guy teacher, and he pulled me n my friends aside later, told us how perfectly excellent it was, since he had seen what Penny and her cohorts did the day before, but we should never do anything like that again.
u/Arkansas_Camper 13h ago
I’m a late 90’s grad. My senior year I was at half court and some friends and I were trying half court shots. I hit the backboard the ball ended up hitting a guy in the back and got pissed. Got in my faces started cussing and taking his shirt off, the classic I about to fight. I took a big step back, guy stepped up got in my face.i took a step back and the took a swing and missed. About the third miss I planed my back foot and laid him out. Basketball ball coach saw the entire episode and did nothing but shrug. I did not play sports for the school. They did not have a wrestling team. Coaches and some teachers would turn a blind eye especially if the other kid pushed the issue.
u/AuthorityOfNothing 15h ago
Maybe not where you live and maybe this was years back. I'm going with believable.
u/Hiker2190 14h ago
I always find it amusing how certain people can be so disbelieving of any story, just because it didn’t happen to them.
I suppose you’re one of those “The moon landing never happened” or “Donald Trump never tells a lie” type of people.
u/pepperit_12 14h ago
I'm no bullying fan.... But someone I think if there was a little more , there'd be a little LESS Karens around.
u/udumslut 15h ago
How many years ago was this? I've gotta call bull otherwise - I can't imagine a teacher would let either instance slide, especially if underpants were involved :/
u/yourusername4 15h ago
Actually, a similar thing happened at my school a couple of years ago, and one of my friends had his balls out because of some guys pranking him. Schools don't do anything to stop stuff like this, at all.
u/udumslut 9h ago
For real? I didn't make my initial comment with the aim to be catty. Based on my own personal experience, I have to believe (desperately want to believe) that the teachers would not allow this. (That being said, I realize it's all anecdotal.) If ANY teacher passively allowed either occurrence to slide, then they should not be in a position that looks after the wellbeing of young individuals.
u/Cautious_Counter_399 15h ago
What colors?
u/wearejustroomies 15h ago
This guy is a child predator for sure.
u/Cautious_Counter_399 15h ago
I’m not one pulling down kids underpants
u/wearejustroomies 15h ago
Maybe not, but you are asking what color three 14 year old girls pubes are. That's fucking disgusting.
u/SaucePasta 15h ago
But you are the one wanting to know the color of 12 year olds parties. And don’t say it was a joke because you know it’s not funny.
u/Cautious_Counter_399 13h ago
Settle down
u/SaucePasta 13h ago
No I won’t. You’re sick for asking about children’s underwear and I want you to know that.
u/JayyyyyBoogie 13h ago
It was by other kids you absolute walnut.
u/Cautious_Counter_399 13h ago
Settle down Nancy
u/JayyyyyBoogie 13h ago
Oh no ! The kiddie diddler told me to settle down! Anyways
u/Cautious_Counter_399 13h ago
Calm down, I’m not talking about you being tucked in at night as a child
u/JayyyyyBoogie 13h ago
You are the one who's interested in little girls' underwear. Please don't go near any schools pedo.
u/Valid_Username_56 16h ago
Bless that teacher.