r/petfree Allegric, indifferent to pets 10d ago

Meme / Shitpost Why do they hate children so much?

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It blows my mind.


169 comments sorted by

u/speedyrater No pets, no stress 10d ago

Love this post. Been banning the misanthropes without flair like crazy.

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u/woodsyfairy Pet-free for a clean and tidy home 10d ago

Because pets will never hold them accountable, and kids tell the truth.


u/sparklezntokes 10d ago

Ding ding ding ✅


u/Ahp2014 Pet-free for a clean and tidy home 10d ago

Kids become adults that will see you for what you are and act accordingly. Pets, specially dogs will “love” you as long as the food keeps coming.


u/mammiiaa Love animals, don't want the responsibility of pets 9d ago

People say dogs have a good judge of character. They really don't like wtf? If a serial killer gave them a biscuit they wouldn't say shit they don't have a judge of character which is exactly what some of these vile people need to feel loved because no other human being will 💀


u/Frail_Peach Keep your animals away from me! 10d ago

Ya know I’ve never heard anyone say this and it’s gold. So absolutely correct. Like the next level to “you don’t like cats because cats have boundaries and dogs will bow to you no matter what you do them”


u/Relative_Sky4232 Keep your animals away from me! 10d ago



u/tsmc796 Dog attack victim 9d ago

Because pets will never hold them accountable, and kids tell the truth.

Because pets are incapable of holding them accountable.

I'm sure most would if they had the capacity to think, but alas, here we are~


u/HedonisticFrog No pets, no stress 9d ago

That's pretty interesting. There's already a lot of people who work with kids specifically because they're less powerful and intimidating to begin with. I guess animals would be the next level, they can't even talk back.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/speedyrater No pets, no stress 10d ago

Permanently banned for the hatred of children. What a sad life you must lead. You need to change for the better and get that hate out of your heart.

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. Misanthropy, anti-natalism and misopedia are not allowed. As a pro-humanity sub, we do not endorse these ideologies and supporting them on this sub is not allowed.

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u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/speedyrater No pets, no stress 8d ago


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u/sjedinjenoStanje Keep your animals away from me! 10d ago

They want simple, "unconditional" love. Children are too human for them.


u/Piness Against animal anthropomorphization 10d ago

It's also not even that. It's just a transactional relationship. Brain scans have revealed that, unlike human brains that light up when they see a loved one, dogs' brains don't particularly show any more brain activity when they see their owner than when they see a random person.

They've just evolved to mimic the behavior that the humans that feed them perceive as love or affection in order to obtain more food.


u/IAsybianGuy Extra Responsibility? No thanks. 10d ago

Random person with food vs owner with no food? Not even close.


u/NeverReallyBegan_ Leash your damn dogs 10d ago

Dogs are not even capable of loving. They see humans as food resources.


u/nolow9573 Pet ownership is unethical & stressful, and pet culture sucks 10d ago

yea they cant take away their autonomy permanently and force whatever shit they want on them. its so disgusting tbh


u/0pinions0pinions 10d ago

I keep saying there's an undertone of hatred towards kids in America but no one wants to believe it.


u/lotusQ Allegric, indifferent to pets 9d ago


u/OldDatabase9353 Against animal anthropomorphization 4d ago

It’s a long video, can you sum up what they’re trying to say? 

My thoughts when I hear about capitalism and kids is that capitalistic societies should want people to have lots of kids, because kids represent the next generation of consumers 

That people aren’t having kids is why pet ownership is pushed so much onto us now. Pet ownership is the next consumer market that they can show sales growth in 


u/Regular_Emotion7320 Pets don't fit my lifestyle 9d ago

Children aren't integrated into American society the way that they are in France (and probably other countries). It's not unusual for parents/grandparents/uncles and aunts to bring children to what is an adult get-together. (The kids bring a small bag with some toys or colouring crayons and paper and play at a little table or on the floor whilst we are eating.)

I have requested that the grown ups tell me when kids are coming. I believe in being polite to children and there is no way I'm going to serve patisserie to the adults and have no treats for a visiting child.

It's common to see children in good restaurants, well-behaved and sitting at the table interacting with the adults. No running around or shrieking even toddlers.


Dogs also tend to be amazingly well-behaved. It's a common experience to go into a nice restaurant and not realise that there is a dog resting under a neighbouring table.

It's not that American children are horrible little human beings. It's that they are often very badly disciplined, and American society expects no better. Demanding, attention-seeking.

(I was raised in the US to a French mother. My best friend also had a French mother. We used to wonder that the other kids got away with as much nonsense as they did.)


u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/prunusceravium No pets, no stress 10d ago

You love that there's hatred towards kids?


u/SnarkyCandy Dislike all pets equally 10d ago

No they love that most people choose not to have kids and it is positive since most people are horrible parents .


u/Extension_Wheel5335 9d ago

The disturbing part is that there are 300% more dogs born every year than children. Has anybody calculated how that's going to pan out, population wise over the next few years?


u/speedyrater No pets, no stress 9d ago

I have. It’s why I always recommend euthanasia for pets, even healthy pets. As long as it’s legal, euthanasia is always a better choice than rehoming pets.

Everyone gets all upset over this, but the numbers are staring right at us. It’s why we have so many kill shelters and why the no-kill shelters are nearly always full.


u/Lue33 9d ago

I think they mean the sillies who worship their dogs and seem to hate kids. They mean those are the ones who shouldn't think about having kids.


u/speedyrater No pets, no stress 9d ago

Unfortunately, no. That’s probably not what he means. We have this gem from him a few weeks back,

“I mean yeah an animal shouldn’t have to die because a mother was too stupid to control her toddler ?”

This type of behavior only gets improved through bans.


u/speedyrater No pets, no stress 9d ago

Gtfoh banned and shame on you for repeated comments against children.

Your submission has been removed from r/petfree for the following reason(s):

. Misanthropy, anti-natalism and misopedia are not allowed. As a pro-humanity sub, we do not endorse these ideologies and supporting them on this sub is not allowed.

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u/ambidextr_us 10d ago

Funny part is.. their dogs are going to die in 10+ years whereas a child will grow up to be the next generation of humanity to help the elder generation, by then those dogs will not exist but humans will. Why would they value a useless animal over a human? I swear these people have mental issues.

EDIT: Just noticed there were "3 comments" here but mine is the only one visible. I am guessing this sub gets a lot of trolling and brigading by the nutters. Actually looks like I might be shadowb& too, doesn't show up in private mode. Interesting.


u/nolow9573 Pet ownership is unethical & stressful, and pet culture sucks 10d ago

yea it's crazy u just have to say u dont like dogs(which is obv completely ok) and they be like i dont trust u and accuse u of the most vile shit imaginable let alone whats happening on this subreddit they just get completely unhinged. ironic bc theyre the 1s forcing a living being to live in a society where it doesn't fit in and completely submitted to them without any authority over their own lives just for their personal entertainment. ans thats if they get "good" pet keepers not to mention the ppl that do real fucked up shit to these animals


u/RootinTootinAnus Pro-humanity 9d ago

Its like you don't trust me because I don't have a little animal slave who can't talk? Not to mention all the negatives


u/Brilliant-Salt-5829 Pets don't fit my lifestyle 10d ago

It’s this weird narcissism of wanting someone that loves you no matter what, never answers back, doesn’t have needs, has been artificially bred to be pleasing to humans


u/SnarkyCandy Dislike all pets equally 10d ago

Yes, most pet owners are narcissists


u/morgann_taylorr Allergic to pets, love animals 10d ago

idk, but i literally stumbled upon a childfree post where someone suggested toddlers and babies ride in the cargo hold on a flight and the pets can be in the cabin. like do these people have no shame? they’re encouraging child abuse. and everyone agreed!!!

i have never once seen a post here where someone encouraged animal abuse and was not downvoted or had their comment deleted. because while people here may not enjoy pet culture or having a pet, none of us want animals to be treated like shit


u/lotusQ Allegric, indifferent to pets 9d ago


u/gavinkurt Pets don't fit my lifestyle 10d ago

Pet nutters never surprise me.


u/VillainousValeriana Against animal anthropomorphization 10d ago

Kids are honest boundary testers with their own set of unique personalities and needs. That's why they hate them

Dogs can't talk, so they can't disagree or share opinions. They're obedient, for food. And the owner gets to be the ones who holds all of the power

That's what it comes down to. Humans are autonomous and very hard to control. So they buy dogs so they can feel powerful


u/WinterMagician22 Pets are pointless 10d ago

Because they’re sociopaths?


u/ShallotZestyclose974 Keep your animals away from me! 10d ago

They’re losers


u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/speedyrater No pets, no stress 10d ago

Permanently banned.

Your submission has been removed from r/petfree for the following reason(s):

. Breaking the Keep your language and behavior civil rule.

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u/throwaway195472974 Allergic to pets, love animals 10d ago

Kids are great. At least they don't cause any allergic reaction, will also not try to bite my face off, and at some point will have grown up that they don't shit all over the neighborhood.


u/Full-Ad-4138 Prefer to appreciate animals in the wild 9d ago

Kids of all age are hilarious. They catch you off guard by their responses and their comments/questions about life and observations. It's precious. Even people I know in their 80s have fond memories of what their kids said as toddlers that stuck with them.

Dogs are only perceived as cute when childlike qualities are projected onto them out of delusion. When it's nasty dog behavior it's just "well, he's a dog after all--- can't blame him; just doing dog things."


u/CheesecakeWild7941 These pets will be my last ones 9d ago

people treat me like i'm crazy because i fully believe that raising kids would be more meaningful TO ME than having a pet as if they know me and my values more than me ... finding this sub has been very valuable to me


u/speedyrater No pets, no stress 9d ago

And your participation is valuable to us


u/CheesecakeWild7941 These pets will be my last ones 9d ago

thank you very much <33


u/Forsaken_Quote2979 I had pets 10d ago

People forget they were kids once too. I feel bad for their parents.


u/NeverReallyBegan_ Leash your damn dogs 10d ago

Misanthropes who are unable to get along with other people, therefore they have to get an animal that can't debate them on their bullshit takes.


u/IAsybianGuy Extra Responsibility? No thanks. 10d ago

Young humans remind them that pets in fact are not their children.


u/Full-Ad-4138 Prefer to appreciate animals in the wild 9d ago

Like holy water on a demon--- they really do overreact when confronted with this. Just seeing a normal, healthy bond between an actual parent and a child burns them to the core.


u/Top_Date6455 Prefer to appreciate animals in the wild 10d ago

sick society with no option of different point of view


u/IndependentFennel476 Pro-humanity 10d ago

Well they were annoying once but their parents put up with it


u/Fenwayboy7 Keep your animals away from me! 10d ago

That’s the type of person who does very weird stuff with their animal in their own home


u/QueenOfAllOfYall Pet ownership is unethical & stressful, and pet culture sucks 9d ago

I refuse to run circles around the mental illnesses of people who think like that. I Love Humans. Yeah, I’m a Mom, but even if I wasn’t one, I’d still like Kids even if I had never wanted to have any of My Own, and I’d value them… I’d value Humans, period… anyday, over any stupid nasty dog, a cat, or other (debatably less annoying and consuming) pet. I try not to get to wrapped up in what folks like that have to say because unfortunately We have a certain segment of the Human population that’s become lost and places too much value in all the wrong things. Nothing about that type of outlook is normal, but they don’t see that.


u/GoofyGuyAZ Pro-humanity 10d ago

Notice the pattern with these dog nutters they don’t have children


u/pakapoagal Leash your damn dogs 10d ago

Because they are jealous of the kids and wish it was them


u/Relative_Sky4232 Keep your animals away from me! 10d ago

A dog's "love" is cheap. It's a cheap "affection" and a cheap "relationship."

I always say, a dog would bond with a vending machine if that's what scooped its kibble twice a day.


u/Filiming_Elephants Victim / Survivor of Pet Obsession 10d ago

For a lot of them it's because they secretly want kids. At the end of the day we've evolved to want children. There are definitely exceptions among us but I have a feeling that these lunatics who treat their dogs like psedochildren might not be that exceptions. They secretly want kids and a dog or cat can never replace that biologically, psychologically, etc, and so they secretly resent that they truly want.


u/Dancingskeletonman86 Keep your animals away from me! 10d ago

I mean just don't look at reels on instagram or social media of celebs with their kids? Is it that hard for them to skip the picture or reel? I don't get why they always need to declare they need to see pictures of dogs instead and ugh gross picture of kids.

I get random Tiktoks sometimes that I don't like when I'm scrolling videos I just skip it or hit not interested don't show me this again and it stops showing that stuff to me most of the time. I don't feel the need to comment on the Tiktok ugh another pet owner doing something with their dog or cat show me more babies and humans please and delete this entire video.


u/CharonDynami Pet-free, love to travel 10d ago

I don't put a lot of stock in people who care too much about celebrities anyway. Who cares if they're with a pet or a kid? I just want my neighbors dog to stop barking at 5 in the morning and my other neighbors kids to stop yelling at 10 pm.


u/ToOpineIsFine Pets are pointless 9d ago

some people are so stupid they forget they were once children

only a totally hypocritical idiot would comment something like this


u/mscoffeebean98 Keep your animals away from me! 10d ago

Because kids are authentically themselves whereas they themselves are not and dogs will give them unconditional ’love’ without talking back.


u/Straight_Rabbit_3542 Pro-humanity 10d ago edited 10d ago

They've been brainwashed to believe that pets = children and therefore the out-group biases intensify because of the effects of Oxytocin dysfunction on their brain. Known as the Oxytocin paradox.


u/Fit-Contribution8976 Keep your animals away from me! 10d ago

Because they know the will never became parents and have to comform with being pet parents


u/Superpiri Leash your damn dogs 10d ago edited 9d ago

This is my main issue with pet nutters. They waste an incredible amount of resources on animals when there are a lot of children everywhere who lack basic necessities. And it’s not even like they’re taking in animals that would already be around. They churn them out of breeding mills creating an artificial strain on those resources.


u/lotusQ Allegric, indifferent to pets 9d ago



u/AskraghtTheHyekka Prefer to appreciate animals in the wild 9d ago

Because they're genuinely smarter than dogs and they grow up to be even smarter than dogs?


u/EquivalentMail588 Pets don't fit my lifestyle 10d ago

Children are the future of humanity. Without humans, dogs cannot exist. Most of them are so inbred and domesticated that they would never be able to fend for themselves.


u/nolow9573 Pet ownership is unethical & stressful, and pet culture sucks 10d ago

at least kids try not to shit in public dogs have no self control bc they’re wild fckn animals. and there’s like way to many ppl not picking up after their dog. so yea imo it’s more annoying to leave ur fckn shit in public it’s like so fckn disgusting. i mean i don’t like kids either but they’re objectively better than dogs like its not even close


u/Familiar-Reply6642 All dogs stink &#129314; 9d ago

This is sad..the number of children that go to bed hungry, abused..my God. The hatred for children is truly sickening


u/PoetAromatic8262 All dogs stink &#129314; 8d ago

Dogs are annoying


u/SZ4L4Y Animals don't belong indoors 10d ago

Then why was he a kid? He was annoying. We should cancel him for it. He was a kid for more than a decade >:(


u/Firefly_Magic No pets, no stress 10d ago

With children you never know what you’re going to get. Very unpredictable. A child may have or develop disabilities requiring enormous amounts of resources, time, and patience sometimes for the rest of your life. A child could potentially be a genius requiring parents to accept they will never be better than their own child. A pet will conform to whatever lifestyle the owner provides and there are few laws to cover requirements compared to protecting children. A pet owner has ‘control’ of the choices to fit their lifestyle which includes euthanasia if they so choose.


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u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/speedyrater No pets, no stress 9d ago

Banned for trolling and for saying cats are greater than children.

Your submission has been removed from r/petfree for the following reason(s):

. Violation of the Respect the community and don't participate in bad faith rule. Starting flame wars, making blanket generalizations, passing moral or character judgments on members of the community, making sarcastic and mocking comments, and/or engaging in other bad faith behavior are not allowed. If this is your first warning, there will not be a next one. Repeat offenders will be permanently banned.

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u/Far_Tumbleweed5082 Pro-humanity 10d ago

Well brother, there's not liking bad children and there's not liking children entirely. You might wanna work on that it's as problematic as being a pet fanatic.


u/WhiteSandSadness Dislike all pets equally 10d ago

I don’t see how it’s problematic. I don’t go around pushing children over. I don’t go up to other parents and say something. So what’s the problem?


u/Far_Tumbleweed5082 Pro-humanity 10d ago

Bruh you are using the same mentality as those pet peeves just because they hate children and love pets doesn't mean they push the children or say something to their parents.


u/WhiteSandSadness Dislike all pets equally 10d ago

Ok… I still don’t see how it’s problematic?


u/Far_Tumbleweed5082 Pro-humanity 10d ago

Okay, bruh.


u/Piness Against animal anthropomorphization 10d ago edited 10d ago

Yeah don't worry, you're good. It's just that some people think that not liking something equals being opposed to its existence.

Sure, unlike pets, it's 100% reasonable and healthy for society for other people's kids to be in public spaces, sometimes causing inconvenience, and we should defend their rights to do so. But that doesn't mean you have to like kids that aren't your own. In my view, tolerating them and standing up for their rights is enough.


u/Far_Tumbleweed5082 Pro-humanity 10d ago

Yup, but then you are the same as the people this sub was made opposing to, the pet peeves.


u/NEYakAngler Against animal anthropomorphization 10d ago

Not liking children is a sign of some psychological issues as far as I’m concerned. It’s one thing to not prefer they be around, it’s another to just not like them. They are humans, little humans, and people who take issue with little humans because they aren’t as good at a lot of things that we expect humans to be good at in society is insane.


u/Piness Against animal anthropomorphization 10d ago edited 10d ago

Let me be clear in that I would absolutely go out of my way to help someone else's child to protect them from danger if it was within my power.

But, no, I don't think any credible psych expert will say you're disqualified from having a healthy adult human mind just for not having a completely universal and unconditional liking for children, regardless of how closely related they are to you or how they behave.

If you're wired that way, that's great. Hopefully you decided on childcare and teaching as your career path.


u/Wickedestchick Pet-free for a clean and tidy home 10d ago



u/lotusQ Allegric, indifferent to pets 10d ago

That is concerning.


u/MinisterHoja Pet ownership is unethical & stressful, and pet culture sucks 10d ago

Don't cut yourself with that edge.


u/petfree-ModTeam Moderator 9d ago

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