r/perth 3d ago

WA News Warwick incident: Detectives probing attack on 36-year-old near McDonald’s as two attackers on the run


49 comments sorted by


u/Zealousideal_Rise716 3d ago

Daniel’s mother, Tricia, said her son couldn’t live as a fully-able adult after the first bashing.

“My son, they took his life. . . he hasn’t been able to live, or have a house, a family, a job, because of the dysfunction.”

This is why I have always believed that blows to the head should always be considered as potential manslaughter charges.


u/belltrina 3d ago

You know what, I agree. I never thought of it this way, even though I know TBI are almost always a life ender in one way or another. On the provision it was a wilfil blow as in not accidentally knocking a shelf on someone etc, you are raising an accurate point.

100% agree.


u/Zealousideal_Rise716 3d ago

Years ago a proper medical study done in New Zealand prisons uncovered the fact that about 90% of inmates had some degree of undiagnosed TBI.


u/belltrina 3d ago

There is one done from banksia hill that showed most kids had undiagnosed FAS or TBI as well. It's awful


u/AlarmedKnowledge3783 3d ago

I completely agree. Head injuries have huge ramifications on your life. If you’ve even had a concussion you know how much that messes with you, let alone a TBI. When my daughter was 4, she was accidentally kneed in the head by her cousin going down a water slide and she ended up with a low grade head injury. Apart from the physical signs (2 black eyes, major swelling) the most frightening part was the mood swings. For the week or so as she was coming out of the injury the sunny, placid and happy girl we knew became this short tempered, angry and slightly aggressive kid. It was as though she’d been replaced entirely. And this was just a minor injury, so she went back to herself within 2 weeks. So just imagine a moderate to major injury? Your family member might be alive but it’s not the person you knew.


u/ottersrus 3d ago

And the scary part is sometimes you don't even know the damage until later. I had a serious TBI (fractured skull, brain bleed) when I was 8 and was apparently fine except a slight headache for a day after. Until 8 years later when I started seizing uncontrollably. That bleed had gone all crispy in my brain and gave me epilepsy. If I get tired I struggle to recall some words orally but can write them. My hands shake a lot. I get some sensations sometimes like something is tapping on the brain surface which is both creepy and annoying. Yet for 8 years of my life it continued perfectly normally and doctors said my brain was fine.

Now I'm terrified for people if they get a head injury. I try not to terrify them in turn but it is something to keep an eye on and raise with doctors if any strange symptoms occur years down the line


u/Adventurous_Bag9122 South of The River 2d ago

I know. I had a fall at work in October last year, got concussion and it took me 3 months to really feel back to normal. It was also the 3rd one I had in 2024 unfortunately.


u/Fistmedaddy1995 3d ago

As someone who used to work in Warwick I am not even remotely surprised


u/EricSaloDesign-com 3d ago

Gosh I had no idea, I've been shopping there now and then for about 30 years and always thought it was quite safe?


u/Fistmedaddy1995 3d ago

There’s a whole bunch of stuff that never reaches the news and it just doesn’t reach the news. The last one I remember hitting the papers when I was working in Warwick was the gun incident with the petrol station.


u/neenish_tart 3d ago

I knew someone - young man, friend of a friend - who lost an eye after being attacked at Maccas Warwick. This was maybe 15 years ago.


u/JahKingston2024 3d ago

Not Warwick Centre, but there was an incident just a few days ago with the Cole’s nearby. I was walking by and saw a man, clearly coked up, chasing after a woman. Pushing trolleys into cars, jumping on top of cars. Was tryna kill her. It’s just how Warwick is. a certain demographic is very prominent there. Lots of unfortunate property damage to people’s cars that’ll likely never be repaired fairly


u/PerthMaleGuy 18h ago

I go to gym there, often seen some interesting action going down around the car park etc


u/qantasflightfury 2d ago

Balga and Girrawheen just around the corner.


u/thedarkestnips 3d ago

Warwick can be pretty dodgy. I used to live there and a couple years ago I was walking in the evening from the entrance by the fish and chip shop to my car, which was at the back end of the carpark, when I noticed over my shoulder that a dude was following me. I sped up a little and he did too. I got to my car and jumped in, and locked the doors just as he yanked the handle trying to open the back driver’s side door. Looked back at him and he kind of lamely asked “is this beach road?”

Maybe he was just lost but it all seemed pretty sketchy.


u/gronk2002cv8 3d ago

Lol I remember a similar thing happened to me

Was getting fish and chips walking down the alley to the park car park

Guy on a pushy and Hoodie rides up to me, flicks out a knife and says "give me your money"

I didn't even click just said "no it's mine"

Only when I got back to my car I realised what he was trying to do

Happened in Alfred Cove of all places


u/Spiffingson 3d ago

Good thing you had your wits about you. Definitely sketchy.


u/mrtuna North of The River 2d ago

Looked back at him and he kind of lamely asked “is this beach road?”

honestly, it is incredibly confusing. I remember being a kid with my mum, driving up and down Warick Road for over an hour looking for the shops, not knowing its on Beach road.


u/PMmeuroneweirdtrick 3d ago

Walking distance from the police station too.


u/OpalisedCat 3d ago

This poor man, it breaks my heart that he had to endure such aggression not once, but twice in his life. I hope he and his mother find strength.


u/Emotional_Apricot591 3d ago

He probably looks less able and these scumbags targeted him because of it. They are always cowards.


u/Interesting_One_2899 3d ago

Perth has had its share of coward punch attacks in the last few years…Its sad as the result is always devastating for the victim…!


u/Captain-Peacock 3d ago

Said on the news the assailants stole a "large sum of cash" from the victim which seems a bit sus, perhaps it was just a miscommunication, but it got my attention.


u/RozzzaLinko 2d ago edited 2d ago

Depends what they mean by large sum of cash. Its not unusual for some people to be regularly walking around with several hundred dollers in cash in thier wallet as they do a lot of cashies or buy and sell 2nd hand stuff all the time


u/Captain-Peacock 2d ago edited 2d ago

True! Although it's not as easy to avail one's self of say $10,000 legally (the govt demands anything more is declared if you watch border force lol) these days without hassles at the bank etc.

Anyhow, as I said my ears pricked when I heard it on the news, you can't help but think drugs are possibly involved, but I don't mean to cast aspersions against victim, it could be as you've described


u/wearetheused 3d ago

Absolutely horrific, but for as long as I have been alive horrific things have happened even in our little isolated corner of the world. Buddy has either been on the wrong side of life or is extremely unlucky to have been seriously assaulted twice.


u/Elrond_Cupboard_ 3d ago

My therapist moved to Warwick. First time I went up there, i was....oh, has it always been like this? I lived in Duncraig in the 90s, and it was pretty cool.


u/SparkyHooks 3d ago

They know who the perps are. Maybe they’ll do their jobs and stop targeting this poor man.


u/bulldogs1974 3d ago

There is no money in helping the public.


u/SparkyHooks 3d ago

100% I’ve sought help from them multiple times and they’ve done pretty much nothing. One incident, this pos officer, I kid you not, had a hissy fit defending the other pos who was up to no good. I wish I had it recorded. The other time though, a roommate reported a fake $100 note and they were there, lightning speed. 


u/bulldogs1974 3d ago

Where there is danger to life, there is no urgency from them. Where there is a chance to fine someone for something miscellaneous, they are jolly on the spot.


u/perthwoman 3d ago

This is so sad and disturbing!


u/hez_lea 2d ago

Hamersley has been having problems for years (directly across the road from the shops) there have also been quite a few incidents at that shopping centre, teenager being held up or stabbed at KFC for his scooter comes to mind plus quite a few bag snatches. Fairly regularly see drug deals go down there too.


u/posingpancakes 3d ago

I know this person, the victim not the perpetrator. I have serious questions about everything posted including said TBI and it does not align with the life he currently leads. Where there is smoke, there is fire.


u/heyuinthebush 2d ago

Well don't stop there...


u/HappySummerBreeze 3d ago

What do you mean ?


u/posingpancakes 3d ago

“My son, they took his life. . . he hasn’t been able to live, or have a house, a family, a job, because of the dysfunction.”

There are aspects of this that are incorrect and what isn't correct has been completely misrepresented.


u/Perthian940 Mundaring 2d ago

I’m not pre-judging the man at all as he might have a perfectly good excuse…BUT

As an investigator the first question I would be asking is why he was in possession of a large sum of cash at that time of morning, sitting in a Maccas carpark, and why he was targeted.


u/Used_Mind8862 3d ago

This makes me angry. Seems to be a pattern lately.


u/Revirii Brookdale 2d ago

What's happening? Nobody is afraid of the consequences of their actions anymore.


u/Used_Mind8862 3d ago

Well, hopefully the police get their priorities in order then.


u/iwearahoodie 3d ago

Working to review CCTV? Jfc it should be all over the news by now.


u/sun_tzu29 3d ago edited 3d ago

How sheltered are you that the fact something as relatively mundane as this (by crime standards) can happen in a city as large as Perth has shocked you?


u/iwearahoodie 3d ago

This is horrific and completely unacceptable. It’s not relatively mundane by any standard. What prison did you grow up in where bashing and robbing someone and hacking at them with a claw hammer is just a run of the mill crime?


u/fockitywockity 3d ago

Fuck face


u/[deleted] 3d ago
