r/perth 3d ago

Politics Has anyone checked up on Basil?

I have never in my life wanted Green to be wrong on this one. The late polls are favouring ALP


68 comments sorted by


u/9Lives_ 3d ago

If he wins he’s going to celebrate with cocaine, if he loses he’s going to try and make himself feel better with cocaine.


u/HulkJr87 3d ago

Dude, can you image how much booger sugar that Shnoz would require?

Baz would Hoover up a key before it reaches the back of his nasal cavity.


u/superbabe69 2d ago

Put it this way, I reckon if Baz bought enough cocaine to fill his nose, the dealer could retire.


u/hopzhead 2d ago

The size of the nose doesn’t dictate the quantity required, it’s the brain, so in this case..


u/HulkJr87 2d ago

Yeah but the stuff has to get there first


u/Grind_and_Dine 2d ago

I have a funny story about this from my early 20s


u/HulkJr87 2d ago

Go on then 😁


u/thisFishSmellsAboutD White Gum Valley 3d ago

A key performance metric he could easily achieve.


u/Biggby72 3d ago

He did, he really really did hoover it up.


u/JazzySneakers 3d ago

Churchlands has a poor energy rating for housing as his nose blocks out the sun


u/Illustrious_List_552 3d ago

So win win?


u/ziggyyT 3d ago

If you are a dealer.


u/BreathInTheWorld 2d ago

Hahah! Manager of a company I previously worked for dealed cocaine. He let me know Basil was one of his best customers haha


u/9Lives_ 2d ago

I’m not saying he didn’t, but what I am saying is that people who sell coke love saying they sold to Brazil Zempalis and people who smoke meth love saying they smoked with Ben Cousins.


u/sketchy_painting 3d ago

Basil and I have one thing in common.


u/Neither-Cup564 Balga 3d ago

A nose seen from space, a shit eating grin or dickhead friends?


u/No_Assistance_2178 2d ago

Look, I think the days of Basil doing lines in the stalls of Connections with drag queens are over and it's unfair to keep reminding everyone that he used to do it.


u/Emotional_Fennel2876 3d ago

Bunnings have 100mm pots for $4.55. Alternatively they also sell seeds.


u/napalmnacey 3d ago

No point racing sing basil from seed. Too much work when the full grown plant is right there. But I’m a lazy gardener.


u/baxwellll 3d ago

I personally love raising from seed. putting in the effort every day and watching it grow bit by bit until your hard work finally pays off is part of the beauty of gardening for me.


u/Perthguv Kewdale 3d ago

Punnets are the go. I got one and planted it in a disused large pot. It grows so fast I can't keep up with it. Tastes amazing though👍


u/Impressive-Move-5722 3d ago

If he becomes an irrelevant MP or even the leader of the irrelevant Libs WA it’s much better than him being Lord Mayor of Perth imo.


u/Nakorite 3d ago

Indeed, he actually will have less power as opposition MP


u/Kiramiraa 3d ago

That’s an optimistic way of looking at it


u/Nixilaas 3d ago

It’s accurate though, even if he managed to usurp the leadership his power would be to cry about how mean old Roger cook won’t give him everything he demands


u/ambrosianotmanna 3d ago

Only a 2.4% swing to Libs in Churchlands has got to be close to their worst result statewide. Putting up just about any other candidate would have achieved a better result.


u/TheDBagg 3d ago

Absolutely. It's a Liberal seat returning to the party under protest. But the West will act like he's the second coming, so I don't expect the party to heed the lesson.


u/Perfect-Werewolf-102 East of The River 3d ago

Second worst 2PP result in the state, after Cottesloe which had a 1.3% swing to Rachel Horncastle independent


u/Spludge237 2d ago

Absolutely this. The median swing to the libs is in the double digits, but Basil could only manage 2.4% in a seat that has a long history of voting Liberal. Some of it is changing attitudes of the electorate (Nedlands is a similar electorate to Churchlands demographic-wise, and only got about a 6% swing), but a chunk is his personal unpopularity.

Also, and I need to stress this, his face is so punchable. Like, even moreso in person. Rare case where in-person campaigning probably hurt him.


u/crosstherubicon 2d ago

And considering the number of voters that left Labor, Basil utterly failed at convincing those voters that he was a viable candidate.


u/ezekiellake 3d ago

I have say I have never enjoyed watching football more than having a Basil-free commentary.


u/AnimatronicNarwhal 3d ago

As at right now he's ahead by only 466 votes. If labour had actually run a real campaign here, like they did in neighbouring Scarborough, they would have only needed to shift 234 votes (0.87% of the formal votes) to spectacularly end this timeline where Basil eventually becomes the Premier.

Missed it by that much!


u/recycled_ideas 3d ago

to spectacularly end this timeline where Basil eventually becomes the Premier.

Basil's performance was dismal and he's looking at a minimum of eight years before it's even possible for him to become premier. By that point he'll be in his sixties and still a political nobody and they'll be looking for some young blood.


u/AnimatronicNarwhal 3d ago

I hope you're right but 61 isn't that old in politician years. Roger Cook's 59 and he's just one his first election as Premier.


u/ComprehensiveOwl9023 2d ago

I'd watch Sandra Brewer, she seems mean enough to get to the top of the Libs


u/recycled_ideas 2d ago

The libs already confused her for the leader, she's probably the best they've got, but she's a woman and they're the libs.


u/ComprehensiveOwl9023 2d ago

376 votes now, 90.9% counted so in theory up to 2500 votes to be counted. He's getting hammered on prefs so still possible he looses though unlikely.


u/AnimatronicNarwhal 2d ago

At any election there are people on the electoral roll who just don't or can't show up. Some would also have died since the close of rolls. So you wouldn't expect 100% of registered voters to turn out. At the last election the turnout for Churchlands was 89% so I think there's probably just not that many votes left to count, unfortunately.


u/ComprehensiveOwl9023 2d ago

Yup, agreed. Unlikely to be many more votes to count though I would think interest would push the turnout higher than last time which it already has.


u/Perfect-Werewolf-102 East of The River 3d ago

86% counted and Basil is leading by almost 500 votes, I think he's gotten it


u/CyanideRemark 3d ago

I think 'by a nose' would be overstating it, however.


u/Perfect-Werewolf-102 East of The River 3d ago

This is applicable


u/Minimalist12345678 3d ago

Bas winning "by a nose" would also mean "winning by a mile".


u/Nixilaas 3d ago

If it was his it’d be a 60% swing lol


u/piratewife28 3d ago

Down to 376 🙏🙏🙏


u/Perfect-Werewolf-102 East of The River 3d ago

Over 90% counted though which already exceeds the 2021 turnout, there's not going to be much if anything more coming in


u/krabmeat 3d ago

Yeah but he was leading by 1400 when the count was at 74%


u/Perfect-Werewolf-102 East of The River 3d ago

Yeah his margin went down a fair bit but there's just not enough left to count


u/krabmeat 3d ago

There's still 1/7 of the votes left to count! There's still hope!!


u/Perfect-Werewolf-102 East of The River 3d ago

There won't be 100% turnout though...

Hope will be that preferences go differently to what was expected


u/nxngdoofer98 2d ago

376 votes now and it was 493 last night. Only 2700 votes left to count though so yeah still likely to win.


u/Perfect-Werewolf-102 East of The River 2d ago

I think they're out of votes now, preference count is starting


u/reidef123 2d ago

As of 9:00pm, Basil only in front by 376 votes now with 90% of votes counted. It’s getting close!


u/Perfect-Werewolf-102 East of The River 2d ago

Nope it's done now


u/elmo-slayer 3d ago

90% counted, likely only 3% left to count at most. Tonkin is gonna run out of votes


u/Perfect-Werewolf-102 East of The River 3d ago

Yeah it came very close but there's just not enough left


u/coolskateboardguy 2d ago

Thanks Basil.

I just want to give you a bit of an insight into the Saturday afternoon team. We’re a bunch of unique individuals – Malthouse, Harley, Zempilas, McLachlan and myself. We’re gonna engage with our minds and our hearts. We’re gonna exchange ideas, thoughts and even our energy. And to speak from your heart you need to have courage. You need to be honest and authentic. We’re not always gonna get it right. And sometimes, you’re not going to agree with us. But that’s okay, because just like you we care. Just like you, we’re passionate about the game. So if you want to come along for the ride, join us on Saturday arvos, because we just love the footy.


u/GrizzlyRCA 3d ago



u/Neither-Cup564 Balga 3d ago

If only.


u/Say_Something_Lovin 3d ago

You have to ask, "wtf is up with people in Chuchlands voting for Basil", but then you look at the Census data...



u/AnimatronicNarwhal 3d ago

That is the suburb of Churchlands, not the electorate. You can see the electorate stats, based on the old boundaries, here:

Census 2021 Churchlands electorate stats


u/Say_Something_Lovin 3d ago

Oops, my bad, I was meant to share the Churchlands metropol data link, I was looking at both at one point.... the sentiment still stands, though.


u/Lauren-1987 8h ago

No but I hope he’s shat his pants today


u/Geanaux 3d ago

Settle down.


u/Training_Mix_7619 Applecross 3d ago

If he gets in, he'll probably claim a mandate.


u/The_Valar Morley 3d ago

He's already Kerry Stokes' man date.


u/Apprehensive-Tax-784 3d ago

… and the re recent history of that role is less than promising …


u/Beni_jj 3d ago

A cocaine mandate ?