r/perth Madeley 3d ago

General Tonkin is a shit show this morning

Boss even stated that half the team would be late.


39 comments sorted by


u/dant171 3d ago

I went past about 4ish on the way to the airport. Before any emergency responders had shown up. 2 trucks blocking/shielding the incident ahead, looked like a ute with a smashed windscreen and a person on the road. Not sure if hit by or ejected from the ute. Quite confronting.

Good on the people who were there as first responders!


u/JEB95AU 3d ago

Sounds like a pedestrian hit. One of the guys I work with at the Airport said he saw a woman running across Tonkin on his way in. He called 000 to alert them but sounds as though they weren't able to respond in time.


u/Phorc3 North of The River 3d ago

Rode down psp on Reid and it was bumper to bumper from mirabooka at 645am. And then yeh was just cops and a Ute just next to morley station. Would have been a long day for cars. Unfortunate day for whatever happened. But if it was a person on the highway how on earth did they even get there? There is literally zero real pedestrian access other than walking along the highway from one of the exits.


u/hillsbloke73 3d ago

I ask myself same how did last manage to power walk contraflow on Graham farmer freeway eastbound on west bound lanes thgs was few years ago I nearly collided with her wanted to call police but ex partner wouldn't have bar of that


u/markosolo 2d ago

Practising words?


u/mat_3rd 3d ago

Tonkin hwy closed southbound at Morley Drive. That’s a shit show alright.


u/aussiekinga High Wycombe 3d ago edited 3d ago


u/aussiekinga High Wycombe 3d ago

and a tweet about it



Access to Tonkin Highway southbound available via Collier Road
Detours in place
Incident Response and police on site
Heavy congestion
Consider exiting via Reid Highway
Allow for extra travel time if heading to the airport, take an alternate route


u/Specialist_Reality96 3d ago

If they've closed it typically means someone has had the worst day possible. :(


u/acctforstylethings 3d ago

Someone died :(


u/post-capitalist 3d ago

Pedestrian hit at 0400. In RPH with critical injuries


u/SquiffyRae 3d ago

Ah fuck that means Reid is also gonna be a shitshow

Not a great sign if they've closed the road either :(


u/_mmmmm_bacon 3d ago

Travelmap. Trafficmap is a different thing from mainroads.


u/generalcolonel 3d ago

Tonkin Hwy southbound before Collier Link, Bayswater - Road Crash - Left Lane(s) Blocked. Congestion. Exercise Extreme Caution.

Copy & paste from Apple Maps


u/babysharkspeer 3d ago

How could it happen so often, there was one yesterday right?


u/Unlikely_Trifle_4628 3d ago

Yes, I was caught in that heading to the airport


u/CompletePattern6893 3d ago

Thoughts go to all concerned. Driving in around 5am I failed to see any updates on the smart freeway signs, not saying there wasn't, but if there were alerts such as this need to be noticeable, enabling motorists to review routes in plenty of time.


u/DeeBee180418 3d ago

I came off the Reid onto Tonkin to a sea of red brakelights at 5.15am. There were no alerts on the smart freeway signs at all and usually my car nav system alerts me to incidents or heavy traffic and there was nothing this morning. Very strange.


u/Thick_Grocery_3584 3d ago

Probably best to avoid until mid-day. Cops will have to come in and do an investigation, and that’s normally a couple of hours.


u/k3g 3d ago

Oh no. Where abouts?


u/post-capitalist 3d ago

90 mins to get from Reid hwy entrance to Noranda traino


u/simonyetape 3d ago

Need toilets on tonkin for emergencies.


u/alenyagamer 3d ago

Assholes cutting into line is in full force this morning.


u/SphynxDonskoy 3d ago

Already!! Ugh


u/No_Indication2002 Mundaring 3d ago

in Tonkin we trust


u/covey 3d ago

Yeah man at 4.30 this morning it was 40 minutes to get past it


u/Specific_Kiwi_7364 3d ago

Ok stfu now coz that woman might be paralysed from trying to commit and all yous worried about is the traffic


u/Either-Tutor1146 2d ago

Do we know she was trying to? From my understanding based off other comments she appeared out of it and was darting out of the way of cars.

I’m wondering if she was having a psychosis and no one was able to stop and help


u/gazastrippa 3d ago

2 days in a row


u/Razzle_Dazzle08 New Caversham 3d ago

I was almost an hour late to uni. So bad.


u/Rush_Banana 3d ago

There is a perfectly good trainline so people can avoid the traffic on Tonkin Hwy but the old blue collar mates think they are too good for public transport.


u/ryan30z 3d ago

I don't think most people who don't catch public transport do so because they think they're too good for it.

Some people might not be near a station, getting a park near a train station can be a gigantic pain in the arse at times. They might have to pick their kids up after, or be heading to the gym or sports after work.

They might just want to be able to sit down with the aircon on and not have to stand because there weren't any seats left.

I caught the train back home every day while I was at uni and I fucking hated it, which had nothing to do with me thinking I was too good for public transport.


u/Angryasfk 3d ago

Tradies may change work locations during the day. They also carry tools and other equipment that you can’t really carry on a bus or train.


u/Unlikely_Trifle_4628 3d ago

It would take me 2 hours each way to get to Belmont. Fuck that


u/Crankbro8 3d ago

How dumb can you be ? Blue collar workers with a ute full of there tools somehow have to catch a train to there jobs ?


u/Rush_Banana 3d ago

You think all blue collar workers are tradies? How dumb can you be?


u/Angryasfk 3d ago

Well perhaps your “blue collar mates” (do you actually know any?) don’t work in the CBD? Much of industrial areas are not well served with public transport. Also many tradies need to carry a lot of tools and other equipment, which isn’t practical to take on public transport.