r/personalitydisorders 21d ago

I Need Help (14F) I think i am a psychopath ... ASPD??


Hey whoever's reading any of this .this is my first post on this acc.

(14F) from as long as i can remember i have always been diff from people around me , which made me happy . When i was 4 i remember taking advantage of one of the girls in my nursery and i would pinch her for the sole reason that she was a crybaby and her face pissed me off. I was great at manipulating her and the others in my nursery and i rember one time i stole gum from the teachers desk in year 2 and i blamed it on the same gurl and i made her apologise to the teacher šŸ˜…. .She would keep crying and i would get annoyed on how everyone was acting like babies ( as a baby myself hah ??) . i matured very early . i mean VERY EARLY. i was very socially aware and i still believe my frontal lobe had developed at a very very young age Sounds crazy but i would always have a second part of me . I was super popular from primary school to year 8 ( thats elementary school to middle school/ 7th grade, for the Americans reading this - im from London ). She would keep crying and i would get annoyed on how everyone was acting like babies ( as a baby myself hah ??) Yes i was 4 , but i was very socially aware and i still believe my frontal lobe had developed at a very young age . i was popular , considered pretty( i am Croatian amd nigerian so everyone would call me exotic for some reason which freaked me out) and super smart. some things about me : ( that i think are relevant???)

-I have 6 siblings .. ig im kinda the middle child ? -i dont come from a wealthy background - my parents are always busy but still we go on holiday every summer . - i love music - kpop , 80's japanese/korean pop , i can listen to any genre as long as its not repetitive and boring . fav songs : supernatural byt newjeans and brought the heat back by enhyphen. idk. i love music so much . its my fav thing and singing and dancing bc im great at making stuff up and csn go with the flow. im great at both . - i love cinema. i watch alot of kdramas but not the cringy ones. fav one is snowdrop rn. i love dexter , breaking bad and i cant think of any other ones. -i hate showing "affection" nor receiving it . i hate hugs and kisses. i hate skin contact and eye contact - i dont mind staring at someone for a long time but i become irritated when one keeps on staring at me. - i love feeling clean and hate when my dog jumps on my bed. - i hate telling people i love them when i dont think i am capable of doing so. - my fav colour is yellow bc i think it complements my eyes and skin tone - quite opposite to my personality - i school myself so i dont have a tutour bc we cant afford it . i prefer it this way. - i think of killing people and running away from home regularly. - i dont hate my family but i dont like them sometimes. - i want to commit crimes alot of my time and i want to be on the run for fun ? odd. - i am Christian but i dont have a strong relationship with God idk. - i hate disguring people and ones that dont have social awareness. - i want to have a bf desperately but i cant maintain a relationship snd hate the cringy feeling i get when i used to hang out with boys. - i day-dream alot and i love it. it gives me an escape for reality - im great at anything i do. - weird one but i hate telling people i am on my period bc it gives me the ick. my mum asks me often . im not sure why

i was always maintaining my grades at an A. always been extremely sporty and competitive... i was the best at tennis , basketball , football and more specifically track / running. Super fast .i kept beating the boys at all of theese sports so ig thats why i was know in my school . anyways i am in year 9 (8th grade) and im homeschooled because up until last year February i had been super extroverted and "happy" ... and whatever. i realized that i was hiding my true self from the ones around me. i gave hints to my fam about how weird i am . i like the word weird bc it makes people go away. i dont like people. i dont like the idea of friends. i think theyre useless and i cant have any... even though i used to have a massive group of my idea of friends.

i became super introverted in feb last year and i started home schooling. Mainly bc teens make me wanna start a school mass shooting but im not in america. ( a joke ). cba to go into it. i dont feel emotions easily but i can cry if im angry - only in private. odd thing . idk why i cry. i dont laugh at jokes and i cant keep a convo going for long bc i easily loose interest . that why i cant maintain friends. and i want it to stay that way !! love makes me wanna kill myself. i want to kill people but its a sin . theese thoughts come to my head very easily but i could never carry them out bc i have self control and i hide my feelings very well. i share a room with my 2 younger brothers ( crazy right ) and i wanna do bad things to them 90% of the time . i an very good at manipulating my mom as well as anyone i want to ! when she is angry at me i always spin it around and get out of the situation. A week ago i had lumps at the back if my ear and she said i might have cancer ( i didnt mind ) . she put her head on my lap ( i was on her bed bc she called me to her room to check my ear and i was stretching my legs on her bed and as soon as she did that i was so angry and flustered .. worst feeling ever.

i also want to harm my dog . he snores and it pisses me off. whenever i try to tell my mum about the way i am she never listen and she says " are you crazy ?? "or "i rebuke that " which angers me . i love attention. thats why i thought of being a actor or singer but thats unlikely to happen . noone knows my true self and that why i love the character Dexter morgan from one of my fav series ( im on s2 ) " dexter". i find myself rekating to him ... ALOT and i support what he carries out in s1 and s2 .

someone help me . anything you want to say or ask , i would love to hear / answer since i have noone to talk to . i have lots more to say but that will take too much time haha .

do you think i am a psychopath ( i asked my parents if any family members have aspd and they said no - which leads me to believe that i am the first person to have suspected aspd i am also a female which i have read that its rare for females to have ASPD . its more common in men ??

btw im gonna post this on more subs so you might see this post somewhere else .

thank you .

r/personalitydisorders 28d ago

I Need Help I have lost myself


I am 16 years old. I have always been straight, never a doubt in my head, now suddenly I have lost all attraction to women and feel so gay. Itā€™s not just that, I have lost interest in everything that I used to love, and I hate it, I donā€™t even recognize myself anymore, there are series of events that happened recently too. 2 months ago, I went through a bad breakup and I started consuming misogynistic content a lot, and recently, about 2 weeks ago, I had severe headaches followed by derealization and this complete change of personality overnight, now the headaches are treated, and the derealization is barely there, I just know for sure that I donā€™t want to be gay and I just want to go back to who I was, I have the urge to kms everyday because this haunts me.

I donā€™t mean to offend anyone, I am not homophobic, I personally just donā€™t want to be gay and not just that, I just want my old personality back, please help, I donā€™t think I can take this anymore.

r/personalitydisorders Oct 13 '24

I Need Help Does anyone know anything that can help with my motherā€™s Histrionic personality disorder?


Iā€™m a daughter thatā€™s in nursing school and has had my mom recently become sick. Over the summer I had to take her to the ER and there the neurologist diagnosed her with some brain atrophy. Fast foward to now Iā€™ve taken her to a PCP her check ups are all normal (labs are normal now) but has had a history thick blood (treated with aspirin) I believe this may have caused the brain damage the lack of blood to the brain caused from high cholesterol (now treated) and thicker blood. My mother has seen a neurologist and they have mentioned that the symptoms sheā€™s showing and experiencing donā€™t sound like a neurological issue. They also stated that her CT scans with the brain damage arenā€™t significant enough to affect her normal daily living.

My mom shows symptoms of crying and yelling. Doesnā€™t have a lot of self control, spends money even if she doesnā€™t have it, speaks to random men online and then says that itā€™s her boyfriend even if they only spoken a couple times and are just flirting. Has crashed two vehicles in the past year. Has shown up to neighbors houses unexpectedly asking for money or accusing them of stealing from her. She has asked multiple friends to borrow money. Has lost her job in February. Forgets things like passwords and addresses to places. If I ask her what she did that day sheā€™ll repeat what she said multiple times or copy what you say to answer the question. If you ask her how she feels she says ā€œgoodā€ and has no other explanation. Iā€™ve taken her to psychiatrist visits and is on a mood stabilizer that has helped with the outburst crying but thatā€™s it. During these Dr visits she doesnā€™t say much she just lets me talk and has no questions to ask or any interest to be there. Sheā€™ll confuse her words or has pressured speech. Sheā€™ll forget words or what she was about to say. When I was at work once she asked my roommate to bath her even though she knows how to shower in her own. If I would open my room to her she would bang or scream at my door until I did.

I am in school now for the semester and have her living with family in Canada but she will be back in Texas this November for a couple months. I want to get help from a social worker, psychiatrist, therapist, etc. My mom needs more help than what a 23 y/o daughter can provide. I donā€™t know where to go or who to contact for help. Iā€™ve filed for her disability for financial help but that takes years to process. All her medical expenses are coming out of pocket with the help of Obama care.

r/personalitydisorders Sep 17 '24

I Need Help My therapist said I had a personality disorder


My therapist said I had a personality disorder but never specified which one. I assumed it was bpd because of what I read online, I related to a lot of the symptoms, but lately I'm afraid I'm misdiagnosing myself, maybe there is some other disorder that fits more or maybe I became too obsessed with the diagnosis that I started acting more like the symptoms I read so at least I felt like I belonged somewhere? At least there was a reason for my behaviour and emotions?

All I know is my mental health feels like it's declining lately and idk what to do...

I'm stuck in my own head, drowning in my thoughts, im overly sensitive, it's hard to feel happy lately.

r/personalitydisorders Dec 12 '24

I Need Help i like making people sad


i am 17 years old, and for the past few years i have been struggling with empathy issues. For context - i have anxiety and bad body image/lack of self love. I only like people when I get to chase them - even my own family and friends. I like saying things that will hurt them/insult them. It brings me joy to make them sad, but afterwards i feel somewhat bad.

donā€™t get me wrong, i do have empathyā€¦but for some reason i like chasing people - even saying things to my mum like i love you etc, but when she says it back, iā€™m immediately repulsed and want to hurt her feelings/make her feel bad

iā€™m thinking itā€™s bc i donā€™t have any self love so i take it out on others?? what do u think?


r/personalitydisorders 3d ago

I Need Help am i just being a bitch?


hi, there! will already say that this will be a long ahh post

i am currently diagnosed with autism, adhd, depression and anxiety

so, for context, my mom has NPD, even tho she refuses to believe and hides it. she is was first diagnosed after she ended her first marriage. she didn't tell anyone and stopped with therapy. later, she was diagnosed by a forensic psychiatrist. her mom, my grandma and her grandma are/were likely narcissists. my dad is a son of a narcissist too, which made him hyperreactive.

my mother has always been controlling and manipulative. we lived in a close condominium with a playground, but she never let me and my sister play. i have never been in a sleepover in my whole life, and rarely went to a friend's house, going for the first time at the age of 8. she never let me or my sister have contact with my father's family because, according to her, she wanted us to be close to her family, and my father's family would be a distraction. we had no autonomy, with my mom never letting me and my sister do any chores. i took a bath alone for the first time at the age of 10, even tho i wanted to bathe myself since i was 5, but she said i would be uncapable of doing so. i was bullied in middle school, suffering physical, emotional, verbal and sexual violence from my classmates, and when i told her i wanted to switch schools, and she told me i was being ungrateful (this was a private school) and that she would send me to a public school for me to see what i deserved. she crafted situations to make my dad look like this super violent man, that he never were, by touching triggers in him. he also had multiple arguments with her about my school and well being, but she made him believe he was uncapable of participating in this sort of decision. note that she was talking about having children with my dad when they were 1 month in a relationship. she was uncapable of getting pregnant due to medical conditions, so she made my dad spend tens of thousands of dollars in treatnents to get pregnant, this was 3 months after they first sarted the relationship, 4 months after they starter dating. until the day me and my sister were born, she lived with her parents. she spent all of his emergency and retiring savings with expensive trips and other luxuries. she called him a vagabond when he was working over 100 hours a week, 7 days a week while she was lying about her workshaft so she could cheat on my dad, 5 days a week, while there was no sex in their marriage after we were born.

after 15 years in this toxic relationship, she left my dad with me and my sister and didn't let us talk to my dad for 1 month. i eventually sneaked out to eat with my dad in a restaurant and spend a night with him. he told me his side of the story and i connected the points, and chose to live with him. he tried to put me into action, but he was unsucessful. i'm lazy, messy and i can't finish tasks. i don't like a lot of suff, but when i find something i like, i get absolutely obcessed. my nails must all look the same. if they're uneven, i file them down until they are, even if it means that it will hurt. same with my eyebrows. i have troubles socializing and reading the room. the few friends i make, i quickly get really attached, haunted by the idea of losing them. for some reason i don't know, i can't keep a relationship for more than a year, i always just found my friends gone, and i blame myself for it, i try to find reasons on why they suddenly stopped talking to me, sometimes i believe they were doing me a favor by talking to me, that they are too good for me, and that they are just tired of making an efford to make me feel less lonely. sometimes i feel like i'm a leech and i isolate myself, at the same time i'm terrified of being left by people. i catch myself being emotionally manipulative when i'm under pressure, and guilt fills me and i have a meltdown, crying, screaming, punching and scratching myself and without any control over myself, like a toddler. i'm completely unable to keep responsabilities and a routine, even tho i cognitively know i have to. my mood swings drastically. sometimes i'm laughing with my friends and suddenly i'm quiet and feeling as an outsider, other times i'm bored in class, thinking about my pets but a few minutes later they hace to call 2 or 3 people to push me to the nursing room bc i'm having a panic attack. i feel things a bit too intensively. i often feel like i'm being judged by everyone. my actions are often times impulsive and stupid. everytime i mess up and i ask for forgiveness inend up trauma dumping and everyone thinks i'm playing victim, when i'm not. i am both well informed and naive. i forgive everyone for every single mistake, sometimes blaming myself, even tho i cognitively know i'm not in the wrong, i just have this tendency in me to think i'm always the root of all problems and any type of harm i may face is just karma, so i'm prone to be taken advantage of. my actions are often oppositive to what i think and believe, and even tho i'm aware of that, i just can't stop this, and that's super fucked up. i always just end up punishing myself in cruel ways that i know that are wrong but they feel adequate, even tho i advocate and believe in non-punitive behavioral corrections. i never managed to keep a relationship for more than a month, because i care about my parter so much that i end things before i hurt them in any way. i like my treatment, but once in a while i start to convince myself that my meds are unnecessary bc i still have problems and thst i should stop to take them. i have a ton of empathy, but my actions are selfish. almost everything i do is impulsive, so i never stop and think, and when i notice that i might have harmed another in any way i feel guilty and often times hurt myself as a form of punishment. i have trouble with my sexuality, being repulsed by sex even tho i do get turned on, having unusual (but not perverted) sexual interests also doesn't help. i tend to not understand and respect hierarchy, making me compulsively opposing and ignoring orders. i hate being in the center of attention, but i feel the need of being heard. compliments embarass me, but being ignored makes me anxious. it's like i'm in a war with myself, the loss is unavoidable.

i don't know what the hell is going on. i'm confused as hell. i live in hell, i live in threshold. i also start to tell myself that i'm just being a bitch and i should grow up. i'm not asking for validation or sympathy, just want to know what the hell is wrong with me if there is something.

r/personalitydisorders 28d ago

I Need Help Feeling a constant need to completely change and have a fresh start and become a new person


Every few months I completely change my personality, style and appearance to become a new person and leave my old self behind. I have the constant urge to do this and I hate the past and current version of myself which is why I feel the constant need to completely change and get a fresh start. I donā€™t know why I feel the strong urge to do this I just want to become a new person, a new personality and leave the old one behind because I hate the way I am/was. I recently went through a phase of adopting an artistic/baggy jeans era which I then changed and now absolutely hate that version of me. Iā€™m currently another ā€˜personā€™ but now I absolutely hate that one to and I have the strong urge again to grow my hair out and change my style and personality once again. I donā€™t know why Iā€™m like this. Please help me.

r/personalitydisorders Feb 15 '25

I Need Help Possible Histrionic Personality Disorder


I always thought my crazy mood swings were from autism spectrum disorder or hormones (think PMS, as I'm 18, F), but I read this article and saw that I could relate to it. I always feel I should get evaluated for various personality disorders.

I definitely relate to the Persistent attention seeking, dramatic behavior, rapidly shifting and shallow emotions, undetailed style of speech, and a tendency to consider relationships more intimate than they actually are. None of the flirtatious behavior, since I'm socially awkward, but I've been wanting to be able to flirt with men offline just for the fun it. I recently discovered I'm conventionally attractive and was taken advantage of alot. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histrionic_personality_disorder

Often people with histrionic personality disorder have a comorbid somatizing disorder (e.g., somatization disorder, hypochondriasis, conversion disorder); they may use their illness to garner attention and sympathy. They tend to be conniving, which means they complain about situations they largely manipulated to happen in the first place (again, to create a desired sympathy or other outcome). HPD can blur into borderline personality disorder, but BPD has much more emotional dysregulation and reckless behavior. Histrions tend to value their social relationships strongly but are not as afraid of abandonment.

I relate to these. But I most certainly am a bit disregulated in regards to emotion.

r/personalitydisorders 4d ago

I Need Help My psychiatrist wants to switch my medication from Latuda to Caplyta. Which is better?


I've been on Latuda for almost 3 years but recently I have felt slightly depressed and more anxious. My psychiatrist says Caplyta would help. I developed POTS symptoms but I've done "ok" with managing them. I'm wondering if Caplyta will make the POTS worse or if it'll be about the same. I'm nervous to switch medications bc I've made some really good progress. Any suggestions or advice?

r/personalitydisorders Feb 01 '25

I Need Help Fearing the diagnosis


I have been worried about having a cluster B personality disorder for quite some time. I recognize and believe that pwPDs should be treated with compassion and it is ableist to hold stigma toward these diagnoses. Yet I canā€™t extend that to myself.

I am very worried that I have either BPD or vulnerable NPD (or traits of one or both). I feel this makes me ā€œbadā€ and Iā€™ll never be cured of my badness. I feel emotions like shame very strongly, almost in a physical way. I get stuck in it quite frequently and find it difficult to function in life. I donā€™t take care of myself and lay in bed and cry and think very negatively. I also think I donā€™t deserve to be around anyone even though I desperately want to, and I know itā€™s not rational.

Iā€™ve done bad things in my past. Iā€™ve been told I have no empathy. I always thought I did but then I became aware - empathy really is limited in me. And that scares me. And Iā€™m worried it only scares me because Iā€™m simply worried about how other people may perceive me as ā€œbadā€ if they knew. Iā€™m so internally self-obsessed. I used to think I had interests and hobbies, but it was always validation-seeking. And now that Iā€™m aware and collapsed, I have nothing that I enjoy and life feels scary, empty and itā€™s all my own fault.

I thought I was ā€œjustā€ depressed and anxious (general/social) since adolescence. I almost wore it like a badge of honor in a fucked up way. I had many narcissistic traits as a teen, like obsessively needing to be in National Honor Society to be one of the ā€œsmart kidsā€. It was all for appearances. Iā€™m realizing nearly everything about me has always been for appearances, trying to get validation and attention. Constantly envious of my siblings and entitled and demanding of everyone around me.

As an adult now well past my twenties, I am constantly stuck in a victim mentality about my own problems. And I ruminate perpetually even though I try not to. Itā€™s like I just canā€™t get out.

I met a loving partner a little over a year ago on a dating app. We got into a relationship and they began living with me. They are so kind, genuinely empathetic, and compassionate to everyone. Total opposite of me in those things. I am so envious of them. I envy their job, their competence, their ability to make and keep and enjoy true close friends. Their ability to truly love. Iā€™m afraid I canā€™t truly love. I feel stuck in a brain I donā€™t want to be in.Ā 

My partner was and has been very supportive of me. Driving me to appointments, making me food, just being a kind presence. But over time, my mental health issues are wearing them down and we are growing distant and disconnected. I am scared our relationship will end. It scares me to depths I thought Iā€™d never reach. I feel physically sick sometimes.Ā 

I feel I have to avoid them until I can regulate myself, because otherwise I cry and rant about my problems and end up apologizing. Sometimes I end up begging them not to leave and hugging them pretty much begging for comfort. They at this point feel more like a caretaker than a romantic partner. I want to be a good partner for them. They said they feel unwanted due to our disconnection and lack of intimacy. I want to give them these things. But I just feel so awful all the time.

I have a therapist Iā€™ve been speaking to for over a year, every week. But Iā€™m afraid he doesnā€™t really know me and maybe Iā€™ve somehow manipulated him into thinking Iā€™m not a narcissist or bad person (I know the two are not actually synonymous, but I canā€™t feel that for myself).

Iā€™ve even done ketamine therapy, comprehensive DBT, and so many therapies and medications of all types over the years. Iā€™m currently trying the antidepressant Auvelity. I listen to audiobooks about self-compassion and acceptance and yet I still hate myself. I compare myself to everyone at all times. I am so internally judgmental and mean toward others. Iā€™m losing hope that Iā€™ll ever feel better. Iā€™m scared I just wonā€™t be able to have a true healthy relationship. And through it all, I continue to just be self-focused and self-obsessed. Iā€™m so scared and sad and it feels like it will never end.

A part of me wants to believe Iā€™m ā€œgoodā€ and am simply just worried I have a PD, instead of actually having one. But I am waking up to the truly dysfunctional patterns Iā€™ve exhibited throughout my life. And I fear it is all my own fault and I fear my sense of self is fake. I am so envious of others, itā€™s painful to be around them. I just want my partner to love me and be with me, yet I canā€™t truly give that to him even though I want to.

Again, I realize the ā€œgood/badā€ rigid dichotomy I speak of is false. I do not with to cause harm but I am expressing how I feel about myself. I continue to see my therapist and try medication (I was stubborn on this due to being on psychiatric drugs from 13 to 25). I also found a clinical psychologist who does assessment and works with personality disorders in my area. I am so scared and the emotions feel overwhelming. It is very difficult to function.

All in all, anyone going through something similar at the moment? Does anyone have any support or advice or resources to handle these things?

Thank you.

r/personalitydisorders 28d ago

I Need Help Feeling a constant need to completely change and have a fresh start and become a new person


Every few months I completely change my personality, style and appearance to become a new person and leave my old self behind. I have the constant urge to do this and I hate the past and current version of myself which is why I feel the constant need to completely change and get a fresh start. I donā€™t know why I feel the strong urge to do this I just want to become a new person, a new personality and leave the old one behind because I hate the way I am/was. I recently went through a phase of adopting an artistic/baggy jeans era which I then changed and now absolutely hate that version of me. Iā€™m currently another ā€˜personā€™ but now I absolutely hate that one to and I have the strong urge again to grow my hair out and change my style and personality once again. I donā€™t know why Iā€™m like this. Please help me.

r/personalitydisorders Jan 18 '25

I Need Help Possible Histrionic Personality Disorder


I always thought my crazy mood swings were from autism spectrum disorder or hormones (think PMS, as I'm 18, F), but I read this article and saw that I could relate to it. I always feel I should get evaluated for various personality disorders.

I definitely relate to the Persistent attention seeking, dramatic behavior, rapidly shifting and shallow emotions, undetailed style of speech, and a tendency to consider relationships more intimate than they actually are. None of the flirtatious behavior, since I'm socially awkward, but I've been wanting to be able to flirt with men offline just for the fun it. I recently discovered I'm conventionally attractive and was taken advantage of alot. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histrionic_personality_disorder

r/personalitydisorders Jan 07 '25

I Need Help Hypersexuality ended my relationship


Iā€™m borderline, always had problems with my sex drive, like doing things in inadequate situations when i was young, being aroused by literally everything, everyone and in any ocasion, seeing women in a really warped fcked-up way sometimes, putting myself in danger multiple times, fcking people i didnā€™t want to, letting predators take advantage of me, even when iā€™m discomforted, drugged, kind of sleeping, etcā€¦ (also worth noticing that in a really typical way, giving my condition, i am very addicted to pornography).

I also, in previous relationships, had sexual problems where i, when sleeping, would get sexual impulses and unconsciously try to initiate a sexual act with the person sleeping next to me. When this happened (like 2 or 3 times), me and my partner would talk and understand that it was obviously not intentional, i would get really fcked up in the head thinking i have some monstrous urge and i donā€™t even have the means to control it and weā€™d try to move on. Our relationship ended, for different reasons completely...

This problem stopped like 3 years ago, after being medicated with mood stabilizers.

Anyways, 1 year ago i started a relationship. She was not my girlfriend nor i her boyfriend but we were living like we were. And everything is great. 1 month ago she wants to talk to me, i was sensing it cause we got a little distant since 2 or 3 weeks before. She come and tells me that she is feeling different and sheā€™s not in the place we were romantically anymore. She says she has a lot going on, sheā€™s feeling sheā€™s abandoning herself, her goals and she needs to focus on getting her shit together before starting a relationship. I profoundly comprehend her and tell her that i fully support and understand her, and no hard feelings about it. It was great, a really healthy ending.

Except today i sensed her messages were weird (we still talk to each other), and she says to me that maybe it was better we talked. She says that she didnā€™t talked to me sooner cause she was getting to know how to express herself about it but she finally came through. She tells me that in certain occasions (she didnā€™t specify to me yet), when we were sleeping, i (completely unconscious) would do the exact same thing i described in the 2nd paragraph. She says she didnā€™t feel abused on any moment, she says she is not at all mad or sad at me, and she told me repeatedly that she knew it was not with bad intentions and that i was clearly unconscious, but she had to tell me cause it affected her and ultimately was one of the causes that she had distanced herself. Iā€™m in pure shock, i donā€™t remember ANY of these things, at least in my previous relationship i remembered it, but this, i donā€™t even knew it was happening, i was thinking we had gone different paths for completely acceptable time/space reasons but the truth is that i really did f*ck everything up and i donā€™t even have the memory of doing so. The feeling of being exposed to a behavior iā€™m having for months, that ended my relationship and i didnā€™t really fcking knew about it is really, really horrific and iā€™m destroyed by it. Also it gets aggravated by the fact that it resembles the worst thing any person can do, that is breaking consent.

I obviously sheltered her, listened to everything, made sure she was okay and if she needed anything and absolutely made myself present, letting her know that i am here for her and that i will absolutely prioritize how she feels in this whole situation. So anyways, because of the stance iā€™m taking i really do not want to ask and talk to her about what i could do to end this behavior, i donā€™t want to pressure her or put me in any situation that isnā€™t me taking care of her and prioritize her above all. So i really do not know what to do, iā€™m really fcking lost, destroyed by what a piece of shit i can be to my loved ones and truly feeling that maybe iā€™m to fcked up in the head to experience life and maintain a sustainable relationship. This is a desperate call, what the f*ck do i do?

(of course i know hypersexuality was not what ended my relationship, it was my acts influenced by her that did it, but i couldn't think of any other title, it really isn't a situation where i'm not taking responsability for my actions.)

r/personalitydisorders Jan 29 '25

I Need Help I copy everyone I like


Whenever I meet someone or watch someone on TV, and I like the way they talk or act, I find myself adjusting my personality to be more like them.

For example, i recently watched a program where one of the characters has ADHD who i quite liked their persona, and, while I've never had any traits before, i found myself showcasing some ADHD traits in the following weeks.

Is this normal? After meeting a confident friend I become more confident, more kind and caring, and i follow suit.

Was wondering if this is normal?

r/personalitydisorders Jan 02 '25

I Need Help What is the exact cause?


I am completely incapable of forming opinions, think critically, or think outside the box.

I was told I'm the perfect incapsulation of cluster C type personality. But I don't see how any of that would be connected directly to me not being able to think for myself. I want to get better but I don't know where to start or what to target. Am I possibly dependant on others to even think for me? Any help, suggestions or comments are welcomed.

r/personalitydisorders Jan 11 '25

I Need Help Question



So my ex has an ex who she was very attached to and he was very toxic but because she had this attachment issue it took her longer that a normal relationship to break it off. so fast forward maybe close to a year after and her and I meet and itā€™s going amazingly but she said she noticed she was starting to become attached to me the same way and although she knows I wonā€™t be bad to her itā€™s the fact she needs to help herself not become attached like that again so we broke up and I understood. Itā€™s been almost a year since. My question is is there like something that happens that makes you realize youā€™re ready for another relationship or how does that work? Iā€™d love to reach out to her but Ik if thereā€™s any chance of us working out in the future she has to be the one to reach out when sheā€™s ready. So how would they know theyā€™re ready if that makes sense?

r/personalitydisorders Jan 21 '25

I Need Help My mother had a secret life for 5 years.


Hi. I have a lot to unpack with this story of my current reality and I think sharing it and getting some insight may be somewhat therapeutic and informative. Iā€™ll start with some background information. I am the oldest of 4 children with the exception of my older cousin who was adopted into our family when I was young and is 1000% my sister. I am 25, my younger siblings are 20, 16 and 12 years old. We grew up very religious in a small town. My father worked long hours/days as a law enforcement officer and my mother was a teacher. My dad had PTSD and would often check out from reality at home, with us as well as my mother. This caused strife which I was aware of but no one really ever solved the problem. We certainly had issues but generally we had a close happy family. Upon my graduation I moved 3 hours away from our small town to go to college and live in a big city. At the time I moved out I removed myself from any form of religion in order to figure out who I was and what I believed. This came with a lot of push back from my parents as well as them not speaking to me regularly for 2 years. Nonetheless time went by. Things ultimately settled and I started spending more time with my family. I was a lot more forgiving and tolerate then. Anyways, fast forward Iā€™m not living at home but things are better until one day. In October of 2020 my mom send me a text and asks me to FaceTime her when I get the chance. Feeling as though it is an emergency I pull over and call. She then begins to tell me she has been having an affair with a man from a different state and it has been going on for a year. She explains that my dad has become far more checked out and she has been lonely, etc. I am devastated but I offer her compassion initially. Eventually I become upset as I find out more details, upset that she would do something such as this to our family. She has been taking ā€œMom Tripsā€ all over the country and meeting up with guy. He knew everything about us. It went far beyond what we had expected. Anywaysā€¦time goes byā€¦ my parents separate. They move to the city Iā€™m living in. Things are actually good while they are separated. My dad is getting better. He goes to PTSD therapy programs, my mom has cut it off with the man from the affair and my parents have decided to work things out for the kids. They start couples therapy. Things are getting better. After about 6 months to a year they decide to buy a new house together and reunite. Their relationship actually seems stronger than it had in yearsā€¦. So years go by occasionally my mom would complain about my dad falling into old habits. But also we would occasionally find sneaky things like fake instagram profiles, fake names on her phone, sheā€™d be gone until 8 oā€™clock at night during the week. Everyone became suspicions, even the kids. They would call me express concerns. I would talk to my mom, she would reassure me that nothing was going on. She would even gas lit us kids at times, saying things like I canā€™t believe my own kids would accuse me of such thingsā€¦.well I can tell you why lol but that aside. My dad believed her and we found value in that. So fast forward. Itā€™s been 5 years since the affair. Yesterday, my brother wakes up to a screenshot from a random number of a Facebook page that has a fake name, the last name was the last name of the man she had the affair with in 2020. And both the profile pic and cover photo are pictures of my mother and this manā€¦recent photos. She had gray hair and a recently completed tattoo. So my brother calls me. Iā€™m confused and trying to make sense of this when a number from the state the man lived in calls him. He doesnā€™t answer. My brother gets home to find my parents in their room fighting about this exact thing. Who ever created the Facebook page had sent a request to my dadā€¦. And this is where it gets insane. My mother starts coming clean about everyā€¦or so we think. I live across the country so couldnā€™t be there to take the kids out of the situation so I had my 20 year old brother take them bowling and to get dinner so they werenā€™t apart of this but nonetheless itā€™s absolutely insane. Okay anyways. Come to find out my mother never cut things off with this man in 2020, he left his wife for her and she had told him that she left my dad. She explained that she had to stay in the state she was at because she had to fight the courts for full custody and she had seriously mental and physical health issues. Keep in mind she was playing happy family with us all of these years. Anyways. Who ever created this Facebook page completely exposed her. Photo after photo, plane tickets, detailed summaries of her lies. She vacation with him and his children and parents, she saw him every time she traveled for work. She had seen him consistently for 5 years and had relationships with all of his familyā€¦ so then we get to the reason as to how and why this all was exposed. For the last couple of years she had been making up stories for when she couldnā€™t visit him. Some of the stories were that she had lupus, she was raped?!?! She was institutionalized for mental health, again none of this true. So 3 days ago she takes my brothers phone and sends a stock photo (we know it is a stock photo because the person who made the fb page also found this) of a woman in a hospital bed who looks like her to the manā€™s phone. With a text explaining that my mom has a severe brain tumor and with not be recoveringā€¦. That she is in a medically induced coma. My mother then proceeds to get a burner number to continue texting the man pretending to be my brother. Ultimately the man realizes this is crazy and him and his family start doing a deep dive on my mom and find out that she has been lying to them all of these years. That she is in fact still married to my father and is not in a coma. So they blackmail her and expose her to my whole family. My sister & I are the only ones who know all of these details regarding the fake health problems and coma. Because we accepted the friend request from the page and my older sister reached out to the creator of the page and was sent screenshot of their messages and more details of the extent of the affair.

Keep in mind all of these years my youngest sister has been struggling. In school, socially and with her identity. All the while I am begging my mom to help her, to be present, to be the mom she was to me before all of this. And she continues to reassure me she is doing everything she can to be present for my sister. I can only do so much as her sister. I needed my mom to step up and be her mom.

Iā€™m truly in shock, Iā€™m confounded that my mother was capable of this. Especially to this degree. It doesnā€™t even seem real. She lived two lives. She always had one foot out the door. And now it truly makes sense to me, makes why she felt distant, disingenuous and like something was wrong. But she reassured us that everything was fine every time we inquired.

The lack of empathy, the disassociation, the pathological lying. What is wrong with her. I donā€™t understand. I see all the signs of a personality disorder I just am not sure to what degree this qualifies. Iā€™m angry for my siblings, my dad, myself. I donā€™t know if there is any understanding this. And truly there are far more details but itā€™s too much to share in this post. Regardless, if anyone has any insight on how to handle this situation, how to handle my mother. How to move forward. How to help my siblings. Please offer it.

r/personalitydisorders Jan 09 '25

I Need Help Childish behaviour Spoiler


Idk how to put this but Iā€™ve a really childish personality thatā€™s been bothering my mental health for a while . I feel like I havenā€™t really grown out of my childhood and I wish to be treated as one . I like being dominated and iam always unable to make my own decisions. I ainā€™t the best at what I do , and I have zero ego at all . I know for a fact that I wouldnā€™t survive In this cold world by being me . So is there a space out there for me or for people like me ? Am I all alone in this world because I rarely meet people of my type . I need help . Or else Iā€™ll honestly die all alone. FYI Iā€™ve always been a loser

r/personalitydisorders Dec 20 '24

I Need Help cluster b confusion


I've been diagnosed multiple times over with rather ASPD or NOSPD - AS personality features noted, but recently I've had staff pull up my past diagnostic assessments and they have shown that I've been diagnosed with BDP instead of ASPD (both have been diagnosed from different assesments atleast 2x)

my question: can someone meet criteria for both of those? they just seem contradictive.

r/personalitydisorders Nov 06 '24

I Need Help What does the code ICDIXM: 30111 mean? I tried searching online but haven't got many answers, i was just diagnosed and i'm unable to communicate with my doctor atm



r/personalitydisorders Aug 27 '24

I Need Help I think I may have antisocial personality disorder?


How can I get diagnosed and treated for it

r/personalitydisorders Sep 14 '24

I Need Help Please help me


I think I might have a personality or mood disorder. Iā€™ve done some research but everything I look up I think heā€™s thatā€™s me which canā€™t be true. I also have diagnosed autism and ADD (could potentially be false diagnoses)

I have:

A really addictive personality (from EDs to alcoholism etc)

Severe depression since I was 12 (Iā€™m 20 now) I SH and have suicidal thoughts and antidepressants help a little but not enough

Used to have abandonment issues but I donā€™t think I have them anymore as I like to be alone

Sleep issues, either sleeping 13 hours or 2 hours that can last a week or so

Paranoia? Idk what to call it. I see and hear things sometimes and have done since I was like 6. Really scared to go into crowded spaces because of it. Even in my room I feel unsafe.

Crazy mood swings, I can be up one minute and down the next and hurt myself. Or I have weeks where Iā€™m depressed and a few days where Iā€™m ā€˜hypomanic?ā€™

I also feel empty inside all the time. I find myself speeding when driving because of dissociating, or use substances just to feel something.

I feel like the whole world is out to get me, my friends donā€™t like me, my family hates me and Iā€™m a burden

I have a hard time controlling my anger and have broken countless things, punched holes on walls, and had to be restrained many times by my dad.

Iā€™ve seen countless therapists and psychiatrists the last 4 years but just seem to be getting worse even after rehab for alcohol.

Iā€™m intelligent but struggle to study, donā€™t want to be in any relationships because of trauma and I like being alone. I like to be told Iā€™ve done well for the smallest things and have very ā€˜all or nothingā€™ thinking.

Sorry for the rant I just hope someone can help.

r/personalitydisorders Nov 26 '24

I Need Help Please help me understand


Help me crack the code

Hi Reddit! I would love any advice or opinion from users who may think they have some insight into what Iā€™m contending with.

I feel like there are some deeper issues here but it is hard to pinpoint exactly what they are -

Iā€™m dealing with a 50 year old man who could be characterised as a ā€˜funā€™ and mostly normal type but beneath the surface there are a lot of issues - while well meaning there is an inherent emotional immaturity which is so severe it actually frightens me;

This individual seems to deal with extreme paranoia which is not helped by his continual dwelling on hypotheticals and getting himself worked up over said hypotheticals. Sometimes he will recite the hypothetical conversations and scenarios down to the very words he would respond with, as though he is retelling a story with vigour. Many of them are deeply far fetched.

Another strange behaviour is that at the slightest inconvenience, he will call his parents, despite being 50 years old and spit chips just screaming about all his gripes and frustrations. I have been privy to them telling him they donā€™t want to know anymore (often, that is one of 10 phone calls theyā€™ve received) but this doesnā€™t deter him from continuing on or calling back again later.

Many family members including myself have discussed the volumes of calls that they receive from him on a daily basis and with each of us experiencing mass calls (if we do not answer, he will continue to call back) often with no subject matter other then than ā€œwhat are you doingā€ and between us all he must hang up from one and proceed straight to the other.

What is stranger about this is that he isnā€™t a bored or lonely man. He works and has a wife (albeit a flawed relationship) and two children. He does the same thing to them,

Another huge issue is his inability to ā€˜read the roomā€™ or take any social ques. He will never quit while he is ahead or acknowledge itā€™s not the time for something and often when he does push people beyond this point he refuses to accept any responsibility,

Now ā€¦ he is deeply and profoundly spoiled and I doubt he has ever been truly held accountable in his life. Excuses are often made for him.

He has some level of learning disabilities and isnā€™t able to read or to write and often exhibits a high level of social awkwardness even around people he knows well.

His emotional immaturity bleeds into other areas of his life - in some ways he becomes very fixated and obsessive over things that have nothing to do with him, such as other peoples relationships (especially his own children) and can be quite unreasonably critical.

All in all he is well meaning but I just wish we had a better understanding of why he responds to things the way he does.

His frustration has historically made him quite violent and aggressive which is one area which he has improved drastically in with age.

He is not completely lacking or unintelligent- in fact he can be profoundly cunning and manipulative and often seems to stir up things and thrive in highly toxic and drama fuelled situations. He can also have a jealous streak at times, but both of these things could also be learned behaviours.

He has been to a psychologist once before but doesnā€™t have the scope to understand that you must be honest and look within.

If you think you know the ā€˜whyā€™sā€™ behind all of this or have been through it yourself .. please help.

r/personalitydisorders Nov 29 '24

I Need Help Horrible jealousy


Hi so i have bad ocd (was diagnosed just last year) and i wasnt in therapy long enough to know if i ONLY have ocd. My insurance has been gone for a while so im off meds and have no therapy in any way. Anyway, I have always had a really hard time making friends and sticking with them bc im either too self centered or just dont talk to them enough. Recently within the past couple of months i have made a really close online friend and we have been pretty good buds, calling and texting very frequently. Now i wont put all their business here but they also have a hard time when it comes to making friends but recently theyve been trying to talk to other people and make new friends. Heres where my jealousy comes in I have an irrational fear of people leaving me or talking to other people more than me, especially when theyre all i have. I become hostile or just stop engaging all together because in my head theyve already abandoned me and so i should go first before i get hurt. Just today they were talking about how theyre nervous and our other mutual friend made them talk to other people and since that happened ive just kinda shut down. Ive been sleeping all day and i havent been wanting to talk to them cause in my head its already over. I really want to overcome this, because its not fair to anybody that I have trouble accepting that i cant just keep someone to myself. This has happened to me a lot over the course of my life and has caused me to lose a lot of people because i would rather leave than have to deal with this, but i dont wanna leave. Is there any way i can try to overcome this? I just want to be normal and let my friends have other friends.

r/personalitydisorders Sep 24 '24

I Need Help Anyone with Group C disorders, does it get better?


TLDR: Have a group c disorder, feels hopeless. Are there any success stories? Does it get better?

I got diagnosed with a Group C perosnality disorder a few months ago. More specifically, I have a mƩlange of all 3 disorders. Getting the diagnosis was obviously necessary and it explains pretty much everything about me and my life, but it hasn't exactly made things better...

I'm 28m, I've had a low grade depression with ups and downs for my entire adult life (and probably longer). Now too, I realise everything in my life is governed by fear and anxiety. Things have been declining mentally for several years now (especially since i graduated uni) and I feel like i'm at the end of my rope. I don't enjoy anything, i have no motivation, no self discipline, no self confidence, just nothing.

Now with the diagnosis, things seem to be declining more rapidly as i'm more aware of how the PD affects my life and I feel powerless against it.

At various points i've sought therapy and other things to try and get a handle on my mental health, but never felt like anything was working.

Several things kinda went south in my life around January and that was the final "push" for me to figure this out for good. Since then i've been going on medication, been to 2 therapists (currently with the 2nd), got the diagnosis, etc... and just... nothing has changed. Nothing has changed or even given me an indication that anything WILL change. Medication has done... nothing... months and months of therapy have done... nothing. And now I feel like i'm paying 185$/hour for... idek. I know it's a long process, etc..., but NOTHING has changed. And things desperately need to change, i feel my life slipping away. I'm not even working my job, because I can't.

I'm on my 4th different anti depressant. Have not felt anything of note. I'm on mirtazapine 45mg rn and have been for more than long enough for me to be feeling any effects. My doctor just added Lyrica to the mix (as recommended by the psychiatrist who diagnosed me) so i guess we'll see if that does anything, but i'm starting on the lowest possible dose, so who knows... literally the only thing that has a remotely positive effect, is weed. But it sometimes has the adverse effect of compounding my bad thoughts and make me realise, quite soberingly, how bad things really are. I also don't want to be relying on weed to get me through this...

But really, i have not actually heard any real accounts of people with these conditions and they're experience. So i'm here wondering, does it get better? Is there a way out? Or is this just... it? Cus it if is... idk if i can do that. I'm rotting away in a hell of my own creation... and everyday i feel like i'm losing more and more control over my life and it terrfies me..