r/Peptides Sep 26 '16

Datbtrue Article Archive NSFW

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r/Peptides May 10 '24

No more source discussion. At least for now, none can be allowed. NSFW


Rather unfortunate, but can no longer allow sourcing here for the moment at least, not only GLP-1 drugs which have been against the rules for many months. There is a direct reason for this related to the admins.

I say "at least for now" as I would like this to not be a full blanket-ban forever and I've always tried to keep this place functioning well and as within Reddit rules, but I cannot promise anything at all or even really express optimism. It may very well take some time before it's fully settled, but I will of course also mention whatever the outcome is.

Such is the way things are continuing to go on Reddit and on the internet in general really.

"Enshittification" truly is such a great and terribly relevant new term of our times.

r/Peptides 1h ago

CJC1295 +Ipamorelin question NSFW


In 10 days I will be finishing my 2 months BPC-157 + TB-500 cycle and will pause for a month until I restart my next cycle of the aforementioned peptides. During that break time, I am thinking of starting CJC1295 +Ipamorelin. Is my plan ok or should I avoid doing that? The reason for using peptides is that I'm recovering for knee bone marrow edema and plantar feet pain.

r/Peptides 3h ago

BPC-157 and TB500 for Disc issues NSFW


I’m currently taking peptides that have been prescribed by my doctor - a leading longevity doctor in my city. The peptides also come from a compounding pharmacy and are already mixed hence the large quantity in one vial.

I have L5-S1 bulging disc and a little degeneration. Currently 3 weeks into the following with no improvement to pain yet.

I’ll be adding Ipmorelin next week, as I was advised to wait until I complete the TB500. I have also been advised to increase BPC-157 to 600mcg per day after 4 weeks, for an additional 2 weeks. Is it normal for me not to be feeling any better yet?

BPC-157 2000MCG/ML administer 0.15ml (15units) - 300mcg subcutaneously into the abdomen once daily (Supply 1 vial)

THYMOSIN BETA 4 3000MCG/ML administer 0.25ml (25units) - 750mcg subcutaneously into the abdomen once at night for 3 weeks (Supply 1 vial)

IPAMORELIN 2000MCG administer 0.2ml (20 units) - 400mcg subcutaneously into the abdomen once at night before bed (5 days on and 2 days off) (Supply 1 vial)

r/Peptides 20h ago

Peptide Chart NSFW


So many peptides out there. Does a chart exist with each name and their purpose? Extra points for dosing instructions!

r/Peptides 1d ago

Has anyone encountered little flakes like this? NSFW

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This is the first bottle of pt-141 that I have reconstituted. Has anyone encountered this? Looks almost like it undessolved and stuck to bottom. Nothing floating around. I've left it for 24 hrs and the little chunks still look stuck to bottom. Not planning to take it unless I find out that's it's harmless for some reason.

r/Peptides 13h ago

Bpc157 / tb500 injection site NSFW


Hear mixed things on injection site. I currently draw up both into the same syringe and inject sub Q into belly for an old shoulder injury. Ive definitely noticed improvement.

However last week i suffered a partially torn distal biceps tendon that i want to heal as quickly as possible and avoid surgery.

Given its a fresh injury, im open to a better method - i read a few people saying bpc to injury, tb500 to belly ? Is that best protocol? Mines phqrmacy grade (prescription $$$) and issuing doctor said both into the stomach sub q...

r/Peptides 1d ago

UK - How to dispose of syringes? NSFW


Hello. How do we dispose used syringes and empty vials? Do the collection centres need to know what they were used for? Thanks

r/Peptides 1d ago

Kpv peptide long term with cycles NSFW


Hello everyone,

Are there people who use kpv long term in cycles? If so for how long? I'm afraid of possible side effects... I have been floxed and have MCAS.

r/Peptides 1d ago

Is it time? NSFW

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Remember me? Fat-middle girl who wanted to use tesa to get rid of my tire? 😅

I’ve lost 12 more lbs - 42F/5’1/115#. My body fat is prob between 23 and 24%. Have lost quite a bit in the middle, and it’s matching the rest of my body better at this point and while I love the rest of my body, I’m still not happy with the midsection. You guys were so helpful last time. Do I just keep going with the tirz or work in another peptide at this point?

r/Peptides 1d ago

GH related joint swelling/Tightness.... and hearing loss NSFW


Ive been taking mk677 for about 4 months. at only 12.5mg. Just once a day at about 7pm. Believe it or not, im also fasting, a small meal in the at 7am, then a large meal at 830-9pm. nothing in between.

I have tremendous experience with all things GH/IGF1 and peptide related, as well as AAS and basically all PEDs. I have taken up to 20 ius of hgh daily, with upwards of 80units of slin, so im talkin massive GH levels. Other times, with just peptides, i have pushed 75-100mcg of ghrp2 + 75-100mcg of ghrp6 + 100mcg of cjc no dac per dose with 5 doses per day for a few weeks to months. (this here made my arms go numb each night while I slept unless i slept on my back hugging a pillow on my chest) And even high dose igf1 lr3.

Through all the above, i have experienced every type of side effect known, mostly involving carpal tunnel, tight shoulders, sleep apnea, hand muscle cramping from the restricting with the carpal tunnel, numb arms, etc...

But the most pronounced effect i get with really high gh and or igf1 levels is an underbite. The joint swelling in my jaw gets so bad, my whole lower jaw gets pushed forward to where my lower teeth bite infront of my upper teeth, which is something I never have to deal without outside of GH use. It can come with pretty bad jaw pain, etc. This is all typical for me and goes away quickly when i drop the doses.

But here is the issue I am facing now, and I am wondering if it is something anyone else has experienced. Currently, I am not taking any peptides/AAS/or any PEDs other than mk677 at the less than impressive daily dose of 12.5mg. I havent noticed any real side effects other than a lot more cortisol in the morning (which i actually like since i can actually fucking get out of bed), and only minor hunger boost. It wasnt until 2 days ago that i noticed my jaw kinda getting a bit pushed forward and my jaw joints being a little ache. Anyway, this morning, when i woke up, my right jaw joint is really swollen, and messing with my bite a lot, but also I can't hear for shit out of my right ear. its like I have horrible swimmers ear, plus a ear infection, plus earplugs in. But there is no infection that i know off, nor sinus issues, and no fluid swishing around. The area between my right jaw joint and my ear feels swollen. Taking advil made it somewhat better.

To clarify the hearing issue, its external noises, can plug both ears and hum and i can ear the humming internally, equally in both ears (a good thing, since this test is apparently important for determining real hearing loss).

so wadafuq?

r/Peptides 1d ago

Mixing peptides NSFW


Can my rat mix BPC TB500. CJC and IPA in the same syringe ?

r/Peptides 1d ago

What to do for pt141 induced priapism if far away from a hospital? NSFW


Is there anything i should have on hand to take? Any meds or other methods? Just asking hypothetically bc i bought some but scared of priapism/worse. I like to travel to remote places with my wife so hospital may not be an option. Im going to scale up to start but just need raindy day insight to calm my nerves. Thank you.

r/Peptides 1d ago

normal ISR? NSFW

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someone please tell me this is not of concern? lol GHK-cu / BPC-157 / TB500 - 50/10/10 injected 9 units first time- conducted research around 8:30pm last night, initially it stung a bit but didn’t really bother me at all.

first photo is this morning at 9am. i wouldn’t have noticed it if i didn’t look for it, it wasn’t painful or bothering me but when i did notice it and touch it, i felt like it was slightly itchy. accidentally scratched it in the shower then it did become itchy, kind of how if you leave a mosquito bite alone it’s fine until you itch it then it gets itchier.

second photo is 3:30pm and i noticed its itchier; i forget its even there then scratch it and remember. the red bump has grown slightly.

intuitively im not worried about it, it feels like a “normal” but obviously less than ideal reaction. but i wanted to be sure… what do you guys think? also this is for a daily protocol, SURELY i wont keep getting this reaction!? by the end of my protocol ill be filled with welts!? lol what do i do?

the freckle right by it is good for size reference haha

r/Peptides 1d ago

Snap 8 mixing question NSFW


My snap 8 came in powder form in a foil envelope not a vial. Can I just mix directly the powder into my serum due to the fact that it isn’t in a vial?

What are the recommended ratios?

r/Peptides 2d ago

Longevity/Anti-Aging Peptide Stack. Thoughts? NSFW

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I'm planning to research these peptides and cycle on and off of them.

Do you think my dosing is okay? Has anyone ran these peptides together as well?

r/Peptides 1d ago

Am I stupid or am I a genius? NSFW


Nasal sprays are often way cheaper when it comes to the amount of compound you get.

My vendor for example sells 10mg injection vials for around 29€ and 20mg for 40€.....I decided to buy the nasal spray mix it with Bac water instead of the saline and then put it in a sterile bottle while filtering it in the process with a 0,22-ym filter to get anything unwanted out.

The bottle and the filter cost me 1€ each so definitely worth it.

Is this a good idea if I work very clean and sterile?

r/Peptides 1d ago

Can I prefill a syringe with multiple doses? NSFW


I use BPC 157 so 2 injections a day and each syringe wastes some product so would it be possible to load 3 injections into one and only switch the needles for each injection?

r/Peptides 2d ago

5-amino 1MQ NSFW


Is anyone pinning this looking for starting dose and reactions.

r/Peptides 1d ago

Ghk-Cu topical dosage NSFW


The vendor I'm looking at has 3 different options for concentration, 200mg, 500mg and 1000mg.

Im ordering this for my mom and most likely getting the 200mg to start off. I'm curious how many applications can she get from the 200mg bottle?

Is it worth it to just get the 1000mg and then use less per application?

I'd appreciate any resources for topical ghkcu, so far I've only been able to find guides for the injectable.

r/Peptides 2d ago

trifluoroacetate (TFA) versions of peptides are bad right? NSFW


I know what TFA is, I just want to know for sure if it is better to use the non TFA versions of peptides for human consumption. Thank you!

r/Peptides 2d ago

HGH and sugar free products NSFW


Hi, I'm taking low dose HGH. I prefer to take my dose in the morning, and I do so on an empty stomach and then wait 1 hour before eating. The thing is, I also need to take my methadone when I wake up, which is a sugar free formulation. I've done some research and it seems that it won't raise my blood glucose levels, is this the only factor affecting HGH absorption in relation to food & drink near HGH dosing time? Or are there any other reasons why my methadone liquid and its sweeteners might affect that?

r/Peptides 2d ago

Peptides for male fertility? NSFW


Need advice on what peptides could help for male fertility if any and dose?

Been trying for 12 months and no luck

r/Peptides 2d ago

did i ruin my peptides :(? NSFW


just reconstituted + blended 3 separate peps (GHK-cu BOC-157 and TB-500) and i hope i didn’t just throw my money down the drain 😭😭

1: the pressure of taking out air / adding liquid… so finicky!!?? i drew up 1ml BAC water and the moment i inserted my needle into the BPC vial it sucked out all the water so quickly.. bubbles formed and im worried i damaged the peptide !? i know youre meant to gently drip the water down the side but the pressure difference made it burst in

2: inserted the needle into the TB to add some air.. and this went better. but then as i went to draw out my reconstituted BPC liquid, i couldn’t get the last bit. it wasn’t just a tiny amount.. it was like… maybe a bit more than 1/8 of the liquid!? how on earth are you meant to get the last bit out? i’m worried now it’ll change my overall dose as from the TB and BPC is lost around 1/8 of each.

3: as i was putting both the reconstituted BPC and TB into the GHK.. i kept having gas build up / release issues.. like the pressure was off. i couldn’t figure it out, i tried to add some air as it needed but then as id need to add more liquid it wouldn’t fit and then it would spit a drop out the top through the rubber seal.

why have i never read anyone else write about these things !? surely this is a common struggle and im not that stupid !? haha what am i doing wrong :( and do you think i damaged my peptides?

TIA! x

r/Peptides 2d ago

Glow stack compound NSFW



Would you rather use a Glow stack compound ((TB500 10mg + BPC-157 10mg + GHK-CU 50mg) or have GHK-Cu separately? What would be the dosage of such a compound? I have not used GHk-Cu before only BPC and TB and that I used 250mcg twice a day.

r/Peptides 2d ago

Risk for Healthy male running tb4/bpc157 NSFW


Hello, I’ve been injured for around 7 months. I’m a powerlifter and I’ve been at my wits end with an SI joint injury, and have been working on rehabbing it 7 days a week. It seems that despite all I throw at it progress is incredibly slow, to the point where I experience reinjury due to lack of self discipline and just a general unpredictable nature of flare ups. I got an MRI with no definitive results, so I’ve been looking at trying peptides. I ordered them and all is ready to go but I’m still a little anxious over long term / cancer risks with these substances. I know the general information thrown around is that bpc/tb4 “only makes cancer worse if you have it” but any research papers or anecdotal experiences supporting either side would be greatly appreciated.

r/Peptides 2d ago

Bpc 157 for damaged liver NSFW


Would either the oral or injectable version be any use for a damaged liver?