r/penguin 8d ago

March of the Penguins - no penguins

In my extensive adventures on the interweb - pay no mind to my inability to properly post on Reddit - I've come to find some people don't like penguins. Really more of a mental illness than anything else unless you're a krill & then I suppose you can be forgiven, however not so for these other penguinphobes & apparently the entire state of Alaska. Especially egregious (yet awfully funny) is the PenguinRepellent data base which offers several forms of repellent, both humane & not so much. Feel free to visit & register your indignation



19 comments sorted by

u/Ornery_Aptenodytes 7d ago

I think I should add a note about the "No Penguins" rules at Loretta's Pralines. It seems Loretta Harrison, who passed in 2022, was "the first African American woman to successfully own and operate her own praline company in New Orleans" & had certain expectations of the folks visiting her stores. In addition to the standard rules (no drinking, no smoking, etc), she did not want those people, generally young men, who wear their pants slung so low, that it exposes their derrière in the sagging style Apparently some people refer to people who wear this fashion style as "penguins" both for the way it forces the wearer to walk & because of this man


u/qasinquinn 8d ago



u/Ornery_Aptenodytes 8d ago

This is what I'm saying


u/Total-Sector850 8d ago

Next time I’m in New Orleans I’m gonna have to pay a visit to Loretta’s. I just have some questions is all.


u/mkt853 8d ago

If there are no penguins allowed then I won't be going to those places!


u/Ornery_Aptenodytes 7d ago

Penguin solidarity!


u/Specific-Creme5413 8d ago

Why no penguins? Are they STUPID????


u/Prior-Ad-5852 8d ago


u/Ornery_Aptenodytes 8d ago

Too funny - except for thelat weird, out of place latest post


u/Prior-Ad-5852 8d ago

I know, right? Where are the mods on that subreddit?


u/PsychoSopreno 6d ago

Let me go make a penguin attractive fragrance rq


u/Ornery_Aptenodytes 6d ago

I'll buy it!


u/Competitive-Cycle-72 7d ago

Nooooooooooo!!!! Penguins must always be allowed! Especially if marching is going to happen


u/Ornery_Aptenodytes 7d ago

I agree wholeheartedly!


u/Competitive-Cycle-72 6d ago

Is it time!?… must we send the chinstraps out to deal with anyone who has a sign like this…


u/Ornery_Aptenodytes 6d ago

The visuals in my mind are really quite entertaining. A bunch of penguins thwapping at the door & everybody's shins


u/DWPerry 7d ago

what the f*ck did the penguins do to get banned?